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CONOCE MI PERÚ Cuando la empresa Protur Perú aposto por la publicación “conoce mi Perú” fue pensando en el propio compatriota peruano a conocer su país y luego invitar al Australiano, al europeo al asiático al africano y al norteamericano. El Perú alberga en su seno una diversidad natural y una riqueza histórica y cultural únicas en el mundo. Todo ese grupo de atractivos, ha sido aprovechado al máximo, para potenciar la llamada industria sin humo, convirtiendo al Perú en destino de miles de turistas extranjeros y nacionales. El Perú ha sido bendecido con un rico pasado y un vibrante presente, siendo uno de los destinos de viaje más populares de América del Sur. Si Ud. Empieza a hacer un viaje por este país va a encontrar miles de zonas arqueológicas que van desde tierras de los primeros cazadores de hace 10 000 años hasta las inmensas murallas de piedra del Cusco de los incas del siglo XVI. Aunque los incas, son sin lugar a dudas la cultura más conocida del Perú. Sin embargo, son las culturas precedentes las llamadas Pre-Incas, como Chavín, Paracas, Nazca, Moche y Wari. Las que sentaron las bases para el desarrollo del imperio incaico. Las cerámicas de las culturas Nazca y Moche, son quizás la herencia artística más conocida del Perú, y, es que estos ceramistas hicieron una serie de magníficos trabajos en arcilla, embellecido con difíciles diseños y una variedad rica de colores, algunos dibujando seres míticos y otros con diseños de la vida diaria. En el campo de la textilería, los tejedores peruanos desarrollaron una serie de técnicas, que van desde hilados de fino algodón hasta tapices tejidos de alpaca. En el campo de la metalurgia, lo antiguos, llegaron a dominar una tecnología singular y se evidencia en los descubrimientos de las ofrendas funerarias de las tumbas Moche de Sipán en el departamento de Lambayeque, al norte del Perú, las riquezas que se hallaron de oro, plata y cobre dan testimonio de que hubo un dominio tecnológico y sofisticado en sus trabajos. Cuando nos ubicamos alrededor del siglo XV después de Cristo aparece en la escena la cultura inca, tiene como su centro el valle de Cuzco para construir y extender su imperio. Cuando llegaron a su máxima expansión, alrededor de 1500 d.c., el imperio alcanzó el territorio de 6 países, actuales, conectado por un largo sistema de caminos de 23000 km. La corta vida del imperio incaico llego a su fin con la llegada de los españoles en 1532 E.C. es triste aceptar que gran parte de la antigua tecnología y de la estructura social que hicieron posible este gran imperio, han ido despareciendo a través de los siglos. Sin embrago, otros, como la tradición de tejidos se han hecho fuerte. La empresa Protur Perú inversiones turísticas, hoy empieza un nuevo reto como equipo deseamos que esta publicación llegue a las manos de todas las personas que quieren conocer el Perú con todas sus riquezas sabemos que iniciar algo no es fácil, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo tendremos que hacer algunos ajustes, luego vendrán los tiempos de madurez y expansión. Les digo que Protur Perú ya está trabajando distintos productos y servicios que serán lanzados próximamente, tenemos un compromiso con ustedes deseamos alguna vez ser reconocidos por organizaciones del mundo por la seriedad que todos nosotros hemos puesto al publicar el libro “CONOCE MI PERÚ”. Tenemos que expresar nuestro agradecimiento a las instituciones que han creído en este proyecto y nos han proporcionado su auspicio institucional. Específicamente estas organizaciones son: Gobierno regional Cusco Municipalidad provincial Cusco INC Cusco Gobierno regional de Arequipa Ministerio de Industria y Turismo Arequipa

MEET MY PERÚ!! When Protur Perú had decided to publish “MEET MY PERU” Magazine, we were thinking about our people and invite them to know Perú and then invite to people from all over the world Australian ,African ,American ,Asian , and European. Perú has been sheltering such as wonderful natural diversity and amazing history and cultures that are unique in the world. All that attractive groups had been fully exploited to enhance the so called smokeless industry turning to Perú a fantastic destination for thousands of foreign and national tourists. Perú has been blessed with a brilliant past and a vibrant present being it one of the most fascinating and popular travel destinations in South America. If you are thinking about to take a trip to this country you will find thousands of archaeological places; lands of the earliest hunters since 10, 000 years ago to the enormous stone walls of the Incas from Cusco in the XVI century. Although, Incas are undoubtedly the most known culture of Perú However, those previous cultures which are called Pre-Incas like Chavin, Paracas, Nazca, Moche and Wari laid the basis for development of the Inca empire. Nazca and Moche Culture’s ceramics are perhaps the artistic heritage most known of Perú, and these potters had made many of fine works in clay embellished with difficult designs and a beautiful variety of color. Someone drawing mythical creatures and other designs of everyday life but in the area of the textile, Peruvian weavers developed a series of technical skills which are fine cotton yarns and tapestries woven alpaca then in the area of the metallurgy , the ancient inhabitants became to handle a unique technology and it is evident on findings about some funerary offerings in Moche de Sipa’s tombs in Lambayeque in northern Perú and finally the wealth of gold, silver, copper that were found and now testify there were technological mastery and sophisticated people at their work. When we take back to the fifteenth century after Christ, appears on the scene the Inca culture but it has as its capital Cusco Valley to build and to expand out their empire. Once they had expanded out good enough their kingdom at about 1500’s A.C. The Inca Empire had extended their territory to get like six countries’ lands and all of these were connected by a long road system about to 23000 kilometers. The short life of the Inca Empire ended when Spanish settlers arrived at their territories to conquer them in 1532. And finally, it is sad to say that much of the old technology and the social structure that made possible this great empire have been disappearing over the centuries. However, others like the tradition of tissues have been strong. The company PROTUR PERU tourism investment, today takes a new challenge as a team, we really want that this publication may reach to all those who want to know Perú and its wealth natural resources; and we know that to begin a new project is not an easy work but mean all of these stuff goes on, we are going to have to do some settings and then will come growing and maturity times. PROTUR-PERU, is working on it now to offer such a great service and over different products that will be released soon, we definitely have a compromise with you, our clients, and actually we would once wish to be recognized as the best hosts and organizers of the world, for the seriousness that we have put on it to publish the magazine “MEET MY PERU”. We want to thank to all the private institutions that have believed on this project and have given us their institutional sponsorship. *Specifically, these organizations: * Regional Government of Cusco *Provincial Municipality of Cusco *Cusco INC *Regional Government of Arequipa *Ministry of Industry and tourism of Arequipa


Iperu is a free service that will provide: *Information about destinations and tourist attraction and services nationwide. *assistance and guidance for the solution of some unforeseen with travel services contracted. WHERE AND HOW COULD YOU APPLY ASSISTANCE? In any of our 20 branches Iperu services (see page 203 窶電irectory) Personal attention on our telephone number, Email, postal box and fax. Contact us at: 24hours from Monday to Sunday: Tel/fax: (01) 574-8000. Email:

WHEN DO WE ASSIST? *WHEN THE TRAVEL AGENCIES. -Do not provide detailed information about services that you will contract (confirmation dates, penalties if desist to provide it). -No partially or fully satisfied with the services included in the package tour. -Offer reconfirmation your flight reservations and they do not do it. -Do not book accommodation contracted. -Tourist guide who do not speak any foreign language, or do not give the information quite clearly.

*WHEN THE TRANSPORTATION.. - Make many stops along the way to pick up passengers. -Provide buses that do not have security services or the characteristic of the service. -Allow passengers to travel on foot in the bus. -Do not require identification from the passengers before they get in the bus.

*WHEN AIRLINES.. -Delay, cancel, overbook, or reschedule flights without previous information to the passengers or not provide lodging or food. -Do not report the imposed restrictions of the airlines tickets without previous information to the passengers. -Do not inform to the passengers must declare valuables things they carry in their luggage. -Deliver the luggage out of time and in poor conditions or when they are lost. -Do not deliver a report to the passenger when the flight is delayed or lose luggage (This luggage must be submitted in the customs area) so that passengers can claim them.

More Information about Iperu , visit us at: www.peru. Info/iperu

HOW HANDLES AND RESOLVES A CLAIM? Iperu receives the claim of the tourist and then transfer to the service operator who proposes to the tourist some solutions to their problems or communicates some deal to resolve the problems. 1rst Case: If the tourist operator, do not accept your claim either proposes some solution. -Iperu dates to the tourist and the tourist operator in a conciliation court to have a fair agreement. -If there were a fair agreement then redact a document where specifies all about. -If there were not an agreement, tourist can denounce through consumer protection commission (INDECOPI), likewise IPERU can communicate through an official document in order to solute the situation. IMPORTANT If the tourist must come back his/her country and cannot be at the conciliation court, IPERU is going to continue processing the claim via E-amil and could follow by teleconference all about it. The absence on the conciliation court does not mean that the case be filed. nd

2 Case: If the operator accepts the claim and proposes a solution. -To the tourist will be reported and if he/she accepts the proposal of the claim, it will be filed. -If the tourist does not accept the proposal, IPERU will date the tourist and the operator to a conciliation talk and proceed as in the first case. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE LEGAL PROCEDURE OF IPERU VISIT US AT: WWW.PERU.COM.INFO/IPERU

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRAVELLERS *If you contract tourist services. -Ask your Receipt because it is the only document that will allow you to make a claim. -In some places charge an additional percentage to use your credit card, so get some previous information before you make transactions. -Read carefully the conditions of the contract (Air ticket, voucher, etc)in order to know its limitations and restrictions. Do not accept changes in its terms, unless you have been informed that this may be changed. -Do not use informal services because if there were a problem, we cannot help you to solute your inconvenient with them. The formal transportation must have a sticker from SETAME, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants must have license.

*ROAD TRAVEL. -Always carry your driver’s license, a copy of your passport and if the vehicle is leased (The lease of the vehicle). -Respect Speed limits. -Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs because it is punishable by law. -If the traffic officer signs you “stop”, you must do so provided he /she wears a uniform and has an identification (last name is at their chest), under no circumstance may enter the vehicle. -Note your personal identification card and the car’s documents cannot be retained and under no circumstances give money. -In case of accident or collision, call a traffic officer. If the vehicle is rented, also call to the Company representative.

IPERU OFFICES: LIMA: Jorge Basadre #610- San Isidro Telephone ( 01) 421 -1627. Tel/Fax: ( 01) 421-1227, Schedule: From Monday to Friday 8:30 to 18:00

Stay there and do not move out. -Do not stop if strangers make you sings on the road. -Do not park in dark places or leave objects to the view of passers.

IF YOU VISIT NATURAL OR ARCHAEOLOGICAL PLACES *T o visit some reserved areas you will require authorization by the state and instructions from the National institute of Natural Resources (INRENA) for more information visit us at: *When you go hiking, use water bottles, and avoid using plastic bottles. But also, try to walk all in a single file (One after another). *Do not take radio or other noisy devices that alter the natural environment of the area. *Take care of plants and animals and observe them to a safe distance, do not feed them or interfere in their activities. *Leave of the camp, do in some authorized places, or in areas with little vegetation, with water nearby and are sheltered from wind, rain and animals. *Do not light fire and if you do it, take dry twigs and isolate the fire by an outline of stones around the fire which must be off before leaving the camp. *keep safe the natural landscape and do not throw junk. (Leave no trace) *Respect our museums and ornaments that you visit and follow their regular indications. *Shop local crafts and products to support the economy of the place and pay the right price. Remember you cannot buy elaborated products made by plants and animals endangered. Visit us at:




La Gastronomía del Perú es de las más diversas del mundo, como lo demuestra el hecho que, es uno de los países con mayor número de platos típicos (491), y según varios entendidos alcanza un nivel equivalente al de la comida francesa, china e hindú. En la comida peruana se encuentran al menos 5.000 años de historia preinca, inca, colonial y republicana. Se consideran casi tres siglos de aporte culinario español, (influenciado inicialmente por 762 años de presencia musulmana en la Península Ibérica), las costumbres gastronómicas traídas por esclavos situados entonces en la citada península, aquellos provenientes de la costa atlántica africana y también la fuerte influencia de los usos y costumbres culinarios de los chefs franceses que huyeron de la revolución en su país para radicarse, en buen número en Lima la capital del Perú. • Igualmente trascendental es la influencia de los chinos-cantoneses, japoneses, italianos desde el siglo XIX y otros europeos (emigrados al Perú entre los siglos XIX y XX). • Las artes culinarias peruanas están en constante evolución y esto, sumado a la variedad de platos tradicionales, hace imposible establecer una lista completa de sus platos representativos. Cabe mencionar que a lo largo de la costa peruana existen más de dos mil quinientos diferentes tipos de sopas, asimismo existen más de 250 postres tradicionales. La gran variedad de la gastronomía peruana se sustenta en tres fuentes: 1. La particularidad de la geografía del Perú. 2. La mezcla de razas y de culturas 3. La adaptación de culturas milenarias a la cocina moderna.

The cuisine of Perú is among the most diverse in the world, as it is evidenced in its many typical plates; actually there are around 491 plates and according to several experts, Peruvian food reaches at an equivalent level to the French, Chinese, and Hindu food. There are more than 5,000 years of history in there and in many periods like Pre-Inca, Inca, colonial, and republican where had been developing to the present that is recognized as one of the most delicious food in the world. It almost has three generations of spanish culinary contribution (initially influenced by 762 years of Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula) then The gastronomic customs brought by African slaves from The Atlantic Coast who settled in that peninsula and the strong influence of the culinary habits and customs of French Chefs who ran away from the revolution in their country to settle in Perú specifically in Lima. At the same time, Peru has received chinese, japanese, and italian cuisine influences since the nineteenth century and other European who emigrated to Perú since the nineteenth and twentieth century. Peruvian cuisine is constantly evolving and also summed up to the variety of typical plates, make it impossible to establish a complete list of representative dishes but it is noteworthy that along the peruvian coast there are over 2500 different kinds of Soups and there are also more than 250 traditional desserts. The wide variety of the Peruvian Cuisine is based on three sources:

La cocina ha sido el punto de encuentro de diversas culturas; gracias a la inclinación por el mestizaje que ha caracterizado la historia del Perú. La cocina clásica peruana suele ser atractiva por su colorido y a veces por su matiz picante por el ají, siendo éste un ingrediente principal. Sin embargo, algunos ajíes no son picantes y solo sirven para darle color a la presentación de los platos típicos o para darles mayor gusto. El arroz es un alimento que acompaña muchos platos de la gastronomía de este país popularizado principalmente a partir del siglo XIX con la influencia Chinocantonesa.

1. 2. 3.

The particularity of the geography of Perú. The mixture of races and cultures. The adaptation of the ancient cultures to the modern cuisine.

. . . . . . . . MAIN CHARACTERISTICS The kitchen has been the meeting point of many cultures, through their preference for the mixture that characterized the Peruvian traditions. The classic Peruvian cuisine is often attractive for its colorful and sometimes by its spicy nuance ingredients, like pepper which is the main element to prepare our plates. However, some peppers are not spicy and they are just to color the food in many presentations of the dishes or make them tasty, but Rice is one of the most important elements to accompany to our many typical plates too, and but it was spread since the nineteenth century by the Chinese cuisine.

INGREDIENTES PRINCIPALES La inmensa variedad de ingredientes que existe en tierras peruanas (tanto nativas como las que llegaron de otras latitudes) permitió la evolución de una culinaria diversa, donde coexisten, sin oponerse, fuertes tradiciones regionales y una permanente reinvención de platos. Perú es considerado como el centro genético más grande del mundo y muchos ingredientes de origen ancestral son utilizados en su cocina: por ejemplo: LA PAPA, la raíz de todas las variedades del mundo es de origen peruano. Actualmente se cultivan cuatro mil variedades de ella en este país. El Centro Mundial de investigaciones y conservación genética de la papa (CIP) tiene su sede en el Perú. La papa: fue introducida primero en España y luego en Inglaterra a fines del siglo XVI y se convertiría en el principal alimento de muchos pueblos. En el resto de Europa sirvió como alimento para animales hasta que el farmacéutico Antoine Parmentier, cuyos destacados invitados a sus banquetes degustaron platos hechos con papa, se convencieron que este tubérculo podía servir a la alimentación humana. Todavía se discute la popularización de la papa iniciada por Parmentier en el resto de Europa Camote, 2.016 variedades y se produce en el Perú el 65 por ciento del total mundial. Ají, Originario de México y del Perú, difundido a todo el mundo principalmente por los navegantes españoles y portugueses, debido a su valor vitamínico que los protegía del escorbuto. A la fecha algunas de sus variedades como el capstcum baccatum, (ají amarillo) y el capsicum pubescens (rocoto) se cultivan casi únicamente en el Perú. Tomate, Las investigaciones más recientes parecen indicar que el origen del tomate estuvo en el actual territorio del Perú y, en todo caso, sería una planta de domesticación paralela en México (de donde tomó el nombre) y en el Perú. Frutos, 650 especies originarias del territorio peruano. Plátano o banano, gran número de especies introducidas de África Chirimoya, que es de origen peruano, es una fruta de cáscara verde con una pulpa blanca jug osa, de aroma peculiar y sabor dulce. El doctor Fernando Cabieses Molina, connotado estudioso de la alimentación y de la medicina en el antiguo Perú, además de experto en nutrición sentencia: "Es una fruta reina y no necesita acompañantes ni vestiduras para triunfar en cualquier mesa... El que la prueba no la deja." Lúcuma es también con la chirimoya, quizá una de las frutas extraordinarias del Perú, tiene un sabor y aroma muy intensos y ha sido desde tiempos antiguos componente de numerosos dulces y helados. Achiote, semilla de un fruto original del Perú y Mesoamérica, tiene un tinte color rojizo que se usa como saborizante de comidas y como tintura natural de cosméticos en todo el mundo. Pescado, dos mil especies de pescados, marinos y de ríos (primer lugar en el mundo). • El tarwi (o «chochos»), vegetal muy alto en proteínas. • El maíz (35 eco tipos), compartiendo el origen con toda América Central, llegó a Europa primitivamente como suplemento para la alimentación del ganado y luego de diversas formas y modos se hizo indispensable en las mesas del mundo, • Muchos otros productos alimenticios, como ajíes, cucurbitáceas, condimentos, varios tubérculos y granos andinos. • En sus intercambios con los continentes africano y asiático, fueron importados diversos productos como el plátano y el limón. • Existe mucho otros cultivos ancestrales de creciente popularidad y uso vanguardista (por ejemplo en la nutrición de astronautas), como es el caso de la quinua la kañiwa, y la kiwicha. Asimismo se puede encontrar en

el Perú comestibles nativos de la selva como el saúco, camu camu (contiene altos niveles de vitamina C) o el yacón (muy recomendado para los diabéticos) y la uña de gato (muy conocida por sus propiedades curativas del cáncer).

. . . . . . . MAIN INGREDIENTS There are many ingredients we can use for the preparation of different typical plates (such as indigenous ingredients and those what came from elsewhere). Definitely these have allowed the evolution of a diversity of plates and they are all coexisting, without opposing, with strong regional traditions, and the permanent reinvention in their preparation in fact, Peru is considered as one of the largest genetic centers of the world and many ancestral ingredients that are used on our food. For Example: *LA PAPA (POTATO): The root of all these varieties of potatoes of the world. At the moment, there are four thousand varieties of potatoes that are cultivated in this country. The World Center of Research and conservation genetics of potato (CIP), has its Operation Center in Perú. The first potato was introduced in Spain and then in England in the late sixteenth century and it would become the main food in many countries and finally it was food for animals but the chemist Mr. Antoine Parmentier proved that it could be used to prepare many plates and until this time, there are discussions about the real popularization of the potato initiated by Parmertier in the rest of Europe. *There are 2016 varieties of sweet potatoes in Perú and produce the 65 percent in the world. *The pepper, native product from Mexico and Perú was widespread throughout the world by Spanish and Portuguese, because of its vitamin value which protected them against scurvy. At this time, some of their varieties like Capstum baccatum (yellow pepper), and Capsicum pubescens (hot pepper) are only cultivated in Perú. *Tomato, lastest investigations say that the origin of the tomato was originally grown in Perú and in Mexico. *There are 2016 varieties of sweet potatoes in Perú and produce the 65 percent in the world. *The pepper, native product from Mexico and Perú was widespread throughout the world by Spanish and Portuguese, because of its vitamin value

which protected them against scurvy. At this time, some of their varieties like Capstum baccatum (yellow pepper), and Capsicum pubescens (hot pepper) are only cultivated in Perú. *Tomato, lastest investigations say that the origin of the tomato was originally grown in Perú and in Mexico. *Fruit, There are 650 varieties of fruit in Perú. -Banana, there is a large number of species which were introduced from Africa to Perú. -“Chirimoya”, which is from Peruvian origin and it is a green-skinned fruit with juicy white pulp, delicious sweet flavor. Dr. Fernando Cabieses Molina, prestigious scholar of food and ancient Peruvian medicine says, “It is a fruit queen and doesn’t need companions or garments to succeed in any table if somebody tastes it are not able to leave it”. -“Lúcuma, is also an extraordinary fruit and it has a very strong flavor. -“Achiote”, seed fruit from Perú and MesoAmerica and has a reddish color but it is used to give flavor to the food and actuall y it is also used as natural tincture for cosmetics. -fish, there are more than 2000 species of fish (first place in the world). -“Tarwi”(o “ Chochos”)vegetable with many proteins. -Corn, (35 Eco-Types) it came from Europe primarily as a supplement for livestock feed but it turned to be necessary in the kitchen. -Many other foods like peppers, cucurbits, condiments, several Andean tubers and grains. -In their trade between African and Asian were imported many products as bananas and lemons. -There are many ancient crops of growing popularity and vanguard use (For example in the astronauts’ nutrition), that is the case of “Kañiwa” and “Kiwicha”,and “Quinua. Likewise, you can find that in the jungle, there are many native foods such as “El Sauco”, Camu Camu, (It contains high levels of vitamin C) and Yacon (highly recommended for diabetics) as well as “La Uña de Gato” well known for its healing properties against cancer.

EL CEVICHE PERUANO Uno de los orgullos de la gastronomía peruana y latinoamericana es el cebiche reconocido a nivel mundial por su sabor y peculiar presentación, ha puesto al Perú en la lista de los destinos gastronómicos por excelencia. Tanto su etimología como su origen han sido causantes de controversia entre los países que preparan este plato, sin embargo su historia está ligada a la historia prehispánica peruana. Este manjar, es sin duda muestra de una fusión de culturas a través de los años, y es, en su más pura presentación, muestra del sabor de la cocina peruano que invita a propios y extraños a deleitarse, no solo con el mismo cebiche, sino con la refrescante y desafiante leche de tigre.

. . . . . PERUVIAN CEVICHE One of the prides of the Peruvian and Latin American cuisine is “El Ceviche”, because it has a delicious flavor and definitely it has put on the list of the gastronomic destinations. As well as both its etymology and its origin have occasioned a serious controversy between the countries prepare this plate, although ceviche’s history is linked to the Pre-Hispanic History of Perú. This delicacy is undoubtedly a sample of a fusion of cultures through the years. But also you can refresh with the “Leche de Tigre” which is ceviche’s juice.

HISTORIA Este fabuloso plato que es representante digno de la cultura peruana en el ámbito mundial tiene sus orígenes en culturas ancestrales en la costa del Perú, se le atañe a la cultura Chimú, quienes ejercían la pesca como medio de vida. La historia dice que los chimúes realizaban su ardua jornada en botes de totora internándose dentro del Océano Pacifico por largas horas y hasta días. Para satisfacer su hambre consumían su fresca presa, agregándole sal, posteriormente con la llegada de los españoles aportaron el limón y con esta empezaría la costumbre de consumir pescado crudo. El cebiche también ha sido conocido como el SUSCHI LATINO, en comparación con el plato tradicional japonés hecho a base de pescado crudo. El ceviche ha sido identificado como el plato peruano por excelencia porque además de su sabor, sus ingredientes reflejan una identidad: el pescado simboliza la grandeza de los mares; el limón, la fuerza de la sangre; la cebolla, la melancolía; el ají, la picardía; el maíz, la riqueza de la tierra y el camote, la hospitalidad.

. . . . . HISTORY This excellent dish is worthy representative of the Peruvian culture at the global level has its origins on Chimu culture. “Chimus” used to go fishing and usually they stayed on the sea during many days , and that’s why , they used to have fish to survive but , when the Spanish settler came to Peru , they brought lemon and salt and “Chimus” used them to feed that was all started until this time , with some new ingredients on it, Ceviche is our best plate and now it has been having for many tourists and they have good comments about it.

DEPARTAMENTO DE AREQUIPA Arequipa es la segunda ciudad más grande del Perú, el departamento tiene una extensión de 63,500 Km2, con decenas de nevados y un centenar de conos volcánicos que están a 3,900 y 6,400 mts de altitud, fue fundada en 1540 y es una de las ciudades más atractivas del país, está llena de Iglesias y Mansiones Coloniales, entre las que destaca el Monasterio de Santa Catalina, Convento restaurado y abierto al público después de haber permanecido por 400 años cerrado. Se le conoce como la ciudad blanca porque su construcción en gran parte. Esta hecho con sillar (piedra de las canteras de lava volcánica), Ud. desde la Plaza de Armas puede observar y tener un panorama de 3 volcanes al frente, el Misti, el Chachani y el Pichu pichu. El centro histórico de Arequipa ha sido declarado en el año 2000 por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad. Algo que Ud. como visitante debe conocer de la ciudad de Arequipa aparte de sus lugares atractivos, es, que tiene una variada oferta turística, que abarca todos los niveles de hospedaje, desde el más sencillo hasta lo superior, aparte la cocina Arequipeña es una gran tradición, junto con sus picanterías, la ciudad tienen excelentes restaurantes. Para degustar platos típicos como el rocoto relleno, el Chupe de Camarones, la Ocopa, la malaya frita, el solterito y no olvidarnos el famoso Adobo. No hay duda que Arequipa tienen una gran potencial turístico: historia, áreas naturales, andinismo y canotaje.

. . . . . AREQUIPA “THE WHITE CITY” Arequipa is the second largest city in Perú, it has an area about to 63,500km2, with some tens of snow and hundred of volcanic cones, these are between 3,900 and 6,400 meters above sea level. Arequipa was founded in 1540 , and it is

one of the most beautiful cities in Perú.The City has many colonial churches and mansions which are dispersed around the downtown and in the countryside too. Santa Catalina Monastery is the most known in Arequipa. This convent was restored and reopened to the visitors after it had been closed during 400 years. Arequipa is known as “La Ciudad Blanca” (The white city) because most of its construction was built by “sillar”, “Sillar” is a white volcanic stone when it was already dried in the years, currently turned as a solid block which is similar as the bricks.

If you stand on the Main Square (la plaza de armas), you can see the three volcanoes from this place, a wonderful scene, “El Misti” is the most beautiful and impressive Volcano and it is between “Chachani”, which is on the left and “Pichu-Pichu” on the right. The historic center of Arequipa has been declared by UNESCO as “Cultural Heritage of Humanity” and this is something you must know before you would decide to come to our city. We have some diverse tourist offers, these start from all levels of accommodation we have the cheapest and the most comfortable. Beside of we offer the most delicious typical plates like” Rocoto Relleno”, “el chupe de camarones”, ”la ocopa Arequipeña”,” la Malaya frita”,” el solterito” and of course “el Adobo”. There is no doubt that Arequipa has a fantastic tourist potential, history, contrysides, climbing and canoeing.


Fue edificado el año 1621, pero un incendio (1844) y dos terremotos obligaron a que sea reconstruida a fines del siglo 19 en un estilo Renacentista, con una gran fachada que mira hacia la Plaza Mayor flanqueada por 2 arcos de triunfo en su interior. Esta decorado con una gran lámpara de bronce sevillano y un pulpito de madera tallado en Francia en los talleres del Artista Rigot. Hay un órgano traído de Bélgica y es uno de los más grandes de Sudamérica.


Ubicado en el barrio tradicional de la Antiquilla este convenio fue fundado en 1648 por la orden Religiosa Franciscana y conserva una valiosa Biblioteca de unos 25,000 libros de los siglos XVI al XVIII tiene una galería de cuadros de la Escuela Cusqueña y un Museo Amazónico donde exhibe objetos de todo el trabajo misionero que realizaron en la Selva durante aquel tiempo


Es el más importante e impresionante monumento religioso del Perú, es un lugar único, es parecido a una pequeña ciudad, fue construido en 1580 en un área de 20,426 m2 está constituido por claustros, las paredes están adornadas por murales, calles estrechas con nombres españoles, un impresionante templo y una pequeña galería de cuadros. Abrió sus puertas al público en 1970 hermosamente restaurado el convento es una joya de la Arquitectura de la Época Colonial.


Muchos sismos hicieron daño a esta Iglesia para finalmente tener hoy un lugar reconstruido donde todavía se conserva su estilo sobrio además de tener una Biblioteca Colonial y pinturas valiosas. En la puerta lateral se conserva la imagen de la Virgen de las Mercedes esculpida en sillar, así como la imagen esculpida en madera de la Virgen de Nuestra Señora del Consuelo.

. . . . . ATTRACTIVE PLACES: THE CATHEDRAL It was built in 1621, but a wildfire burnt it up in 1844 and also two strong earthquakes destroyed some of its structures then to be rebuilt in the th late 19 century ; it has a renaissance style with a large facade that shows by itself towards The Main Square (Plaza de Armas)and it flanked by two triumphal arches inside. It is decorated by a big bronze lamp and a pulpit which is made by carved wood in France in the Rigot artist’s worshops. There is also a big musical organ which was brought from Belgium and actually it is considered as one of the biggest instruments in South America.

“RECOLETA” CONVENT It is located is one of the most famous and traditional neighborhoods “Antiquilla”. This convent was founded in 1648 by Franciscan religious order and it keeps an invaluable library which has about to 25,000 books of the sixteeth and eighteenth centuries, then it also has a gallery of paintings from “Cusqueña” school and a Amazon museum where exhibits some old tools and objects which served to the missionaries who had worked in the jungle.

SANTA CATALINA MONASTE It is the most important and impressive religious monument in Perú. This is an especial place because it looks like a small city and it was built in 1580 and has an area about to 20,426m2. Santa Catalina Monastery was designed by cloisters, the walls are adorned with murals and narrow streets named by Spanish names, then there is an impressive temple and a small picture gallery which were opened to the visitors in 1970, it was beautifully restored and it is an architectural jewel of the Colonial era indeed.

”LA MERCED” CHURCH Many earthquakes were damaged this church and finally it had to be restored and hopefully it still has kept its cool style in addition to have colonial library and valuable paintings. At the side door, there is a Virgin`s imagine which is called “Virgen de las Mercedes”, and it is sculpted of “sillar”(Volcanic Stone). As well as there is a Virgin´s imagine (“Virgen de nuestra Señora del Consuelo”), which is of carved wood.

. . . . . CASONAS Y MUSEOS CASA DEL MORAL: Una casa original del siglo XVIII con una hermosa portada tallada en sillar, adornado con cabezas de puma, de cuyas bocas salen culebras sus salones son lujosos están adornados con arte español y muebles de ese tiempo, un viejo árbol de mora, da el nombre a la Casona Colonial. CASA GOYENECHE: Ubicado en la 3ra cuadra de la calle La Merced, actual sede de la sucursal del banco Central de Reserva, su característica principal, tener amplios patios, puertas y ventanas coloniales y como adorno principal existe una pileta de piedra negra en medio del patio.

MANSIÓN DEL FUNDADOR: Se ubica a una distancia de 6.5 Km. de la Ciudad de Arequipa pertenece al distrito de Sachaca fue construido por el fundador del Arequipa Don Manuel Garci de Carbajal en la parte final del siglo XVI; Más adelante por el deterioro en su Arquitectura fue restaurada por la familia García Calderón, tiene una bella Iglesia y Ud. puede tener una hermosa vista de la Campiña.

. . . . . MANSIONS AND MUSEUMS MORAL HOUSE: This is an old mansion from the eighteenth century with a beautiful porch around the main door which is carved of “sillar” and it is adorned with pumas’ heads and from their snouts come snakes, then there are luxury rooms that are adorned with colonial furniture and some arts and finally an old mulberry tree (Moral) gives the name to the Colonial house. GOYENECHE HOUSE: It is located at the third block, on “La Merced” street, current location of the central national bank, its main characteristics are to have large colonial backyards, doors and windows and as a main attraction is its fountain which is made of black stone and it is in the middle of the main yard. FOUNDER’S MANSION: It is located at about to 6.5 kilometers from Arequipa city, this Mansion is in “Sachaca” District, and it was built by Arequipa’s Founder (Don Manuel Garcia Carbajal) in the late sixteenth century after that it was restored because it had damages in its structure and it was supported by Garcia Calderon Family. Founder’s Mansion has a beautiful church and you can see it from the countryside which gives an impressive sight.

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• Ubicada aproximadamente a unos 160 Km. •al • Norte de Arequipa para llegar a este lugar que es • una de las mayores atracciones de la ciudad de • Arequipa, contrate un tour por medio de una • Agencia o tomar un bus urbano a Chivay desde • Arequipa. • Es interesante saber que el nombre “Collca” • deriva de las famosas Collcas o depósitos de granos que utilizaron los habitantes de esta zona desde los tiempos Pre – Incas, habían muchas de ellas y aun algunas pueden ser visitados como la Collca Pumunuta, ubicada en una cueva a gran altura. En este Valle hay imponentes volcanes nevados como el Coropuna, el Solinano, el Huallahualca y el Ampato, en este ultimo nevado se descubrieron en el año 1995, tres momias en un buen estado de conservación una de ellas llamada la Dama de Ampato, también conocida como la Momia Juanita, Ud. puede verlo visitando el Museo Santuarios Andinos de la Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa. • • El Cañón de Colca, es uno de los cañon es más profun dos de nuestr o planeta alcanza unos 3,400 mts de profundidad en su punto máximo – Ud. al visitar encontrará naturaleza, cultura y aventura al mismo tiempo, tiene una geografía que alberga la cadena volcánica más larga del Planeta, su naturaleza lo convierte en una zona que sirve como hábitat de la vicuña y el cóndor – los 16 poblados fundados durante el Virreynato con sus templos monumentales, son el lugar de habitación actual de los descendientes Collaguas y Cabanas, razas que poblaron el valle antes que llegarán los Incas.

Este paisaje cultural rico y diverso, cuya huella mestiza se ve en toda la Región, además de poseer un vasto legado de ritos, tradiciones y creencias que lo diferencian de otros pueblos andinos. Por toda esta descripción lo animamos a visitarlo será una experiencia inolvidable.

. . . . . COLCA VALLEY It is located at about 160 kilometers north of Arequipa to get this place what it is one of the best attractions of the city, you must accord a tour through a travel agency or to take a bus to “Chivay” Town from Arequipa. It is interesting to know that the word “Colca” comes from the native word “Collcas”(or “Grain Deposits”),that were used by people who came from this area since Pre-Incas periods. However, there were a lot of grain deposits (“Collcas”) and there are still some of them which can be visited until today so as “Collca Pumunuta” that is located in a cave at high altitude. This Valley has impressive snow-capped volcanoes like “el Coropuna”, “El solinano”, “El Huallahualca”, “El Ampato”, In 1995 was discovered three mummies in good state of preservation, one of them called “La Dama de Ampato”and also known as “Juanita” mummy. You can visit her in Andean Sanctuaries Museum at the Santa Maria Catholic University. The Colca Canyon is one of the deepest Canyon in all over the world, it reaches a depth of 3,400 meters. You can visit the Colca Canyon and enjoy its nature and its people and talking about its nature, it has such as wonderful geography that includes one of the largest volcano chains of the world. This area is a refuge for wild animals like “Condor” and “Vicuña” there are at about 16 small towns which were founded during viceroyalty period and each of them had a monumental temple but now these villages are houses for descendants of “Collaguas and Cabanas”.People who lived in there before “The Incas” came to conquer them. This amazing culture with many different and the worthiest wisdom which served as a guide to imitate to the new generations because they left a mixed impression that we can see in all the region in addition to have a lot of sacred rites,traditions and beliefs that are alike to the other andean people. You can visit these and other more attractive places because you will not be sorry.

Adobo Arequipeño

Rocoto Relleno

Chupe de Camarones


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CHUPE DE CAMARONES: sopa preparada en

base a camarones con leche, huevos y orégano. ROCOTO RELLENO: se desvena bien, el rocoto y hervir unas dos veces para sacar lo picante, luego se rellana con un guiso de carne picada, queso, aceitunas, pasas y leche, se sirve con un pastel de papas. SOLTERO DE QUESO: se prepara una ensalada de queso fresco habas verdes cocidas, cebolla picada en rodajas, aceitunas y rocoto. ADOBO AREQUIPEÑO: se prepara con carne de chancho se adoba con chicha especial y cebolla cocida, mejor si fuese en olla de barro. OCOPA AREQUIPEÑA: papas cocidas cortadas en rodajas, bañadas con salsa de queso fresco, habas, cebolla, aceitunas y rocoto. ESCRIBANO: ensalada de papas, rocoto vinagre, aceite tomate y perejil. PEBRE: sopa hecha en base de carne de cordero, res, chalona o cecina de carnero.

Soltero de Queso

“AREQUIPEÑA” TYPICAL FOOD CHUPE DE CAMARONES (SHRIMP SOUP): It is prepared with shrimps, milk, eggs, and oregano. ROCOTO RELLENO: It is prepared with hot pepper and then these are boiled two times two in order to get a rid the spicy stuff, after that the peppers are filled up with ground beef stew, cheese, olives, dried graves and milk. It is accompanied to the potato cake which would be also a tasty combination. SOLTERO DE QUESO: It is a delicious Salad which contains fresh cheese, cooked lima beans, sliced onions, olives and hot pepper. ADOBO: It is prepared with pork meat, “chicha”(Especial beverage prepared from corn) and cooked onions , and it is known that if this delicious plate were prepared in a clay pot we would get a better flavor. OCOPA AREQUIPEÑA: It is prepared with cooked potatoes and cut into rounds and smothered in cheese sauce, beans, onions, olives, and hot peppers. EL ESCRIBANO: It is a simple plate which is prepared with cooked potatoes, hot peppers, vinegar, tomato, parsley and salt. PEBRE: It is a soup prepared with lamb meat, beef, and”Chalona” (dried meat).


1 de mayo : fiesta de la virgen de Chapi.- lo celebran muy solemnemente, la provincia de Arequipa, los distritos de Miraflores, Cayma y la provincia de Islay se realiza la tradicional peregrinación al santuario de Chapi, que está a una distancia de unos 90 km. De la ciudad de Arequipa. Se acostumbra prometer a la virgen peregrinar durante tres años consecutivos.

10 al 18 agosto: aniversario de la ciudad de Arequipa.- para esta celebración se realiza la feria internacional de Arequipa ubicada en el Cerro Juli, además exhibiciones artesanales en el fundo el fierro, el festival de danzas – festidanzas y la competencia internacional de acenso al Misti. El día central el 15 de agosto, se realiza el corso de la amistad, un desfile lleno de colorido por las avenidas principales de Arequipa. Se unen a este acontecimiento, competencias de peleas de gallo actividades deportivos, quema de fuegos artificiales, pelea de toros, presentación de artistas del extranjero, etc.

1 y 2 de noviembre.- fiesta del día de todos los santos.- fiesta costumbrista donde se exhibe y vende el pan dulce llamado Guaguas.

8 de noviembre aniversario de la provincia de Camaná

8 de diciembre: fiesta de la inmaculada concepción.- celebración costumbrista con la participación de danzarines típicos.

. . . . . AREQUIPA’S FESTIVITIES MAY 01.-Feast of the “Chapi Virgin”, it is celebrated in honor to her imagine and because her godly miracles. “Chapi” virgin has a temple which is in the southeast part of the city, taking account there is a big catholic religious congregation in her temple because “Chapi” is really worshiped for many peruvian and foreign tourists but especially for “Arequipeños”( people who are from Arequipa) who love and follow her in fact as fervent believers, that’s why she is also called as “The Patron Saint of the Arequipa city”. TH TH.AUGUST 10 to 18 AREQUIPA’S ANNIVERSARY”, For this especial festivity, there is an international fair which is one of the most important events in Arequipa, because there are some special concerts to celebrate Arequipa’s anniversary. Famous singers and musical bands perform on a big stage which is called “Cerro Juli”. No matter where people are coming from this event grant a fantastic moment to joyfully enjoy and to share such a great time drinking the most famous Arequipa’s beer and it is called “Arequipeña”. But also there are many other activities for example there are some craft exhibitions are about to downtown, one of them is displayed in “Fundo de Fierro” market and a folk dances competition in Arequipa’s coliseum, th then an international climbing competition. The main Celebration day is on august 15 , on that day, many people who partake in the main parade displaying in dance groups, musical bands and in colorful floats such as amazing event that you cannot wait to live it. On the other side, Arequipa is also well known for its “bullfightings” and “cockfightings” which are traditional in Arequipa actually there are some especial coliseums to join to this fascinating and spectacular show. nd NOVEMBER 1rst to 2 All Saints’ day festivity.- Traditional festivity where people exhibit and sell sweet bread called “Guaguas”. TH NOVEMBER 8 Camaná Province Anniversary TH DICEMBER 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception.- It is a Folkloric celebration where colorful dances are displayed on the streets or coliseums..

DEPARTAMENTO DE PUNO UBICACIÓN: Se encuentra en la parte sur del Perú, abarcando la meseta de Titicaca. Limita por el norte con Madre de Dios, por el sur con Tacna, por el este con Bolivia, y por el oeste con Cusco, Arequipa, y Moquegua. • SUPERFICIE: 72,382 km2. • CAPITAL: Es la cuidad de Puno que esta a orillas del Titicaca, sobre los 3,827m.s.n.m. • CLIMA: Posee un clima frio y semiseco con una temperatura promedio anual de 9 grados C. Pero en época de invierno baja hasta los 3 grados C. El departamento de Puno cuya capital también es Puno, es famosa por ser considerada la capital folklórica del Perú, es una ciudad que presenta una topografía accidentada como la mayoría de sus ciudades que la rodean. Está ubicada a orillas del Lago Titicaca y sobre los 3,827 m.s.n.m., el clima en la región andina es frío y seco con temperaturas que fluctúan entre los 5 y 13 grados centígrados, con una estación lluviosa que dura 4 meses, tiene su sector selva, llamada Sandia que el clima presenta temperaturas de 15 a 22 grados centígrados. Puno y el paisaje que lo rodea fue la cuna de la cultura Aymara y el lugar del nacimiento de los fundadores del Imperio Incaico. Puno se extiende a orillas del lago Titicaca, el lago navegable más alto del mundo, y de cuyas aguas según la leyenda salieron Manco Capac y Mama Ocllo y se dirigieron rumbo a Cusco y fundaron la capital del Imperio Incaico. Puno lo invita a Ud. para hacer lo posible por asistir al menos a uno de sus innumerables festivales folklóricos dentro del Calendario de Festividades. La fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria que se celebra en los meses de Febrero de cada año, es un hermoso espectáculo del folklore tradicional. •

. . . . . PUNO LOCATION: It is located in southern part of Peru having a flat land (Titicaca), It has limits in the north Madre de Dios City, in the south Tacna, in the east Bolivia, in the west Cusco city, Arequipa and Moquegua. AREA: 72,382 km2 CAPITAL: PUNO city, which i son the shores of Titicaca lake at 3,827 a.s.l. WEATHER: It has cold and non-dry and with an annual average temperatura of 90 degrees but on Winter it gets down to 3 degrees.

Its capital is Puno but it is also called flocklore capital of Peru because its many impressive farm dances and it has a rugged territory like in its many provinces too. Puno is located at the banks of the lake Titicaca and about to 3,827m.a.s.l. and the weather conditions are cold and dry and temperature is between 5 and 13 centigrades but rainy season that lasts 4 months a year. There is a jungle region that belongs to Puno which definitely gives it wonderful scenery, this region is called Sandia because its climate has tempetures about to 15 and 22 centigrades. Puno is extended through the long shoreline of the lake titicaca from where many histories and legends have been written like “Manco Capac and Mama ocllo legend” and a place where many Incas founders were born. Puno city invites you to come to enjoy from a such as wonderful trip through these beautiful places and to celebrate with us folklore festivals and Candelaria Virgin whose are celebrated on February from each year.


construcción al siglo XVII, edificado por un arquitecto o maestro de obras peruano, Simón de Asto. En esta construcción se unen el barroco español y elementos andinos que dan al edificio carácter mestizo, en su interior existe un hermoso altar en pan de oro, así como pinturas de la escuela cusqueña. MUSEO DREYER.- Se exhibe una colección de cerámica, orfebrería, tejidos, esculturas líticas, pre incas e incas, también cuenta con una colección numismática, está situado en la calle Conde de Lemos. CERRÓ HUAJSAPATA: Está ubicada a 4 cuadras de la Plaza de Armas y cuenta con un mirador natural que permite ver la ciudad y su impresionante Lago Titicaca, en la parte alta se encuentra un monumento a Manco Capac.






Famosas islas flotantes, casas construidas encima de capas de totora, sobre el Lago Titicaca, vivienda de los uros, indígenas que todavía moran como lo hicieron sus ancestros hace miles de años. En este lugar todavía se mantiene la tradición de la pesca artesanal especialmente del suche, y la caza de aves silvestres, los hombres demuestran su destreza al conducir sus balsas de totora, mientras que las mujeres son expertas tejedoras. ISLA DE TAQUILE: En esta isla existe una notable comunidad donde el quechua, idioma de los incas, se mantiene vivo gracias a los isleños. Lo atractivo de sus habitantes es la técnica en la artesanía que han conservado durante siglos.

ISLA ESTEVES: Este lugar alberga

importantes vestigios arqueológicos de las culturas Tiahuanaco, Colla y Pucara. Muchos siglos más tarde, durante la lucha por la independencia, sirvió de prisión a los españoles; en verano es atractivo el paisaje por los arbustos, flores silvestres y totorales.


Área natural protegida y creada en 1987 con el principal objetivo de preservar los recursos naturales vinculados al ecosistema del Lago Titicaca. En la reserva se han registrado decenas de especies de aves, peces y anfibios, las aves son las más numerosas, se han distinguido 60 especies, en los que sobresalen, las guallatas, las gaviotas, keles, chullumpis y lequele ques, y entre las plantas acuáticas resalta la totora.


la ciudad de Puno, se ubica a las orillas de la laguna de Umayo, famoso por las chullpas, torreones circulares de piedra levantados para albergar los restos de las principales autoridades de los antiguos pobladores del Collao. Algunos alcanzan hasta los 12 mts. De altura, teniendo un detalle curioso, que el diámetro de la base es menor a la parte superior – no olvide de visitar a poca distancia del Complejo Arqueológico, el museo de sitio, donde se conservan diversas piezas de la cultura Colla, Tiahuanaco e Inca.

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TOURIST ATTRACTION: PUNO CATHEDRAL: Its construction was built in the seventeenth century by peruvian architect Simon Asto, this mixed building joined by Spanish Baroque and andean elements which gives to the building a mestizo style. Inside the building there is a beautiful pulpit made by gold leaf so as some paintings from cusqueña art school.

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DREYER MUSEUM: In there, it usually exhibits ceramics exhibitions, wove clothes, stone sculptures, (pre-incas and incas ages) but also there is uncountable numismatics collection and it is located in Conde de lemos street. HUACSPTA HILL: It is located at about four blocks from “La Plaza de Armas” and has a natural viewpoint that allows to see the entire city and the impressive lake Titicaca finally at the top of the hill, there is a Manco Capac’s Statue. UROS FLOATING ISLANDS: There are some houses that were built over many lays of “Totora” and this place is housing for Uros people which speak “Aymara” their native language , but they preserve their primitive traditions to fish and to hunt birds like wild ducks. Uros men are really skillful to sail its rafts made by “Totora” mean women are excellent weavers. TAQUILE ISLAND: It is a place for the remarkable Uros people who speak “Quechua” their native language and Incas’ Language too but also they are excellent artesans.

ESTEVES ISLAND: This place has archaeological vestiges fromTiahuanaco, Colla, Pucara cultures. Many years later, during a independence war, this island was used as a prision for spanish soldiers, in summer , it is very attractive to see its shruberries, wild flowers and “totorales”. TITICACA NATIONAL RESERVED: This is a natural reserved area protected and created since 1987 and the main objective is to preserve its natural resources linked by the ecosystem of the lake Titicaca. At the place, we can see more than 10

species of birds, fish, and amphibians. Birds are the most and they are different in 60 species where shine out “Guallatas”, “Gulls”, “reles”, “Chullumpis”, and “Lequeleques” and the most known plant is “totora”. SILLUSTANI ARCHAEOLOGICAL RUINS: It is located to the north part of Puno city and it is around the Lake Umayo known by its “chullpas”, circular stone towers that stacked up and a place where Collao’s authorities were buried. The towers measure 12meters high but it has a strange formation, because these are wider at the top than at the bottom. There is a archaeological museum where there are different objects of Collao’s culture, Tiahuanaco and Inca.


PUNO: TYPICAL CUISINE: CANCACHO.- It is a roasted sheep’s beef or alpaca’s beef macerated in oil, pepper, condiments, and then put it in the oven and finally it is also served with potatoes which are put in the oven. PESQUE DE QUINA.- It is prepared with mashed “Quinua” that is flavored in milk and cheese to have a delicious mass.

CHAIRO.- It is prepared with some different pieces of meat like chiken, beef, and sheep’s meat but on it are potatoes, lima beans, pumkin, coliflower, dry potatoes, wheat, and dry meat. THINPU DE CARACHA.- It is a typical plate from the region and it is prepared with fresh fish caught out from lake Titicaca , this fish is called “Caracha” which measures between 10 and 15centimeters , but it has many proteins that’s why it is really looked for fishermen.

CANCACHO.- Es un asado de carne de

cordero tierno o alpaca bebe macerado en aceite y ají y condimentos y puesto al horno, se sirve con papas de igual modo horneados. Pesque de Quinua.- es un puré de quinua que se sazona con leche y queso. CHAIRO.- se prepara en base a diversas combinaciones de trozos de carne, res, pollo y carnero, papas habas, zapallo, col, chuño, trigo y chalona de cordero. THIMPU DE CARACHA.- Es un plato típico de la zona del lago que se prepara en base a un pescado típico del lago Titicaca que mide de 10 a 15 cm t llamado caracha, muy buscado por su alto Contenido de fosforo. LAHUA DE CHUÑO NEGRO.- se prepara en base a chuño negro molido, hasta convertirla en una especie de mazamorra combinada con carne de cordero fresco y papas

LAHAIA DE CHUÑO NEGRO.- It is prepared with ground black dry potato, but it is stired until it turn to a mash mass mixed with beef, and potatoes.


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20 de Enero.- Fiesta al Santo Patrono San Sebastián en la provincia de Juliaca. 2 al 11 de febrero.- Virgen de la Candelaria.Fiesta a la Virgen de la Candelaria que lo Identifica a la Región del Altiplano, abarca a la isla de Taquile y otras poblaciones puneñas. 3 de Mayo.- Fiesta de las Cruces Puno: y otras localidades de la provincia, como pucará. 29 de junio. Festividades de danzas autóctonas en tinajani y Ayaviri. Fiesta de San Pedro y San Pablo en Ichu, Acora. 24 al 26 de Julio.- La isla Taquile, se llena de fiesta con la procesión de Santiago Apóstol 24 de setiembre.- En Juliaca, Puno y Chucuito se celebra la fiesta de la Virgen de las mercedes. El último domingo del mes, se realiza la escenificación del Capac Ccolla en las Chullpas de sillustani 3 – 9 de Noviembre.- Semana de la fiesta Jubilar de Puno uno de los episodios centrales, es la escenificación de la salida de Manco Capac y Mama Ocllo de las espumas del Lago Titicaca, hacia las Islas Esteves, el día cuatro es el Aniversario de la fundación española de la ciudad de Puno.


January 20 San Sebastian festivity in Juliaca’s province. nd th February 2 - 11 Candelaria Virgin festivity” It is the most famous and important event in this region and actually it s celebrated in regions like Taquile island and other Puno’s provinces. rd May 3 “Carnes Festivity” in Puno and in other provinces like Pucara. June 21rst Native dances festival in Tinatani and Ayaviri. Saint Peter and Saint Paul Festivities in Ichu and Acora. th th July 24 and 26 At Taquile Island, Apostle Santiago Procession and Festivity. th September 24 In Juliaca de las Mercedes, Last Sunday of the month, Capac Coclla’s staging in Chullpas de Sillustani. rd th November 3 -9 The week’s celebration of Puno one of the main staging , the fifth day, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo’s leaving from lake Titicaca’s spumes toward Esteves islands , the fourth day, The spanish foundation anniversary of Puno city.


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UBICACIÓN: El departamento de Lambayeque está ubicado en el norte del Perú. Sus pisos ecológicos corresponden exclusivamente a la costa peruana. Colinda por el norte con Piura, por el este con Cajamarca, por el sur con La Libertad, y por el oeste con el Océano Pacifico. SUPERFICIE: 14,231.30 km2 CAPITAL: Chiclayo. DIVISION POLITICA: Los nombres de las tres provincias de Lambayeque coinciden con los de sus ciudades capitales. Ellas son Chiclayo, Ferreñafe y Lambayeque. ACTIVIDADES PRODUCTIVAS: Destaca la agricultura, especialmente los cultivos de caña de azúcar y arroz. También existe ganadería vacuna. CLIMA: La temperatura promedio es de 22,6 grados c. Alcanza un máximo de 32,6 y un mínimo de 12.4 grados C. Chiclayo es la capital del departamento de Lambayeque, es una de las ciudades más grandes del Perú, y un punto de encuentro para la gente de la costa, la sierra y la selva norte. Está situada a unos pocos kilómetros del mar y su dinamismo es notable gracias a su intensa actividad comercial, y su diversificada oferta turística que atrae a muchos visitantes cada año, deseando explorar o practicar deportes en sus playas, o para hurgar en su pasado. También conocida como la ciudad de la amistad por la cualidad amable de su gente, Chiclayo está ubicado en una región que dio lugar a importantes culturas PreHispánicas, tales como la Mochica y la Lambayeque, cuyos restos encontrados en tiempos y circunstancias diferentes continúan asombrando al mundo. La fundación de Chiclayo no ha sido registrada en la historia española, nació en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI como un pueblo indígena, un lugar donde los comerciantes que cargaban mercancías en el área paraban para descansar. Bautizada como santa María en los valles de Chiclayo. El Monasterio de San Francisco, el primero de su clase construido durante la colonia ha registrado el evento. Actualmente Chiclayo es una concurrida ciudad, su rico pasado se complementa con la vida de una población vigorosa, en constante actividad, gracias a su comercio y oferta turística.

. . . . . LAMBAYEQUE LOCATION: It is located at the north of Peru and its Ecological layers belong to the Peruvian coast but it is next by the north Piura and by the east Cajamarca and in the south “La Libertad” and finally, by the west The pacific ocean. AREA: 14,231,30kmts2. CAPITAL: Chiclayo. POLICY DIVISION: The three names of the provinces are Chiclayo, Ferreñafe, and Lambayeque. PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES: The most important is the agriculture especially Sugar cane crops and rice but also there is a good livestock. WEATHER: Average temperature is 22,6 centigrades and it gets rise to the maximum which is 32,6 centigrades and the minimum 12,4 centigrades. Chiclayo is the capital of Lambayeque and it is one of the largest cities in Peru but there is a meeting point to people who come from the coast, the highland, and the north jungle. And it is located a few kilometers from the sea and it is busy because its active commercial runs good enough and because there are many tourists that rise its economy up so fast. Lambayeque is also known “the Friendship capital” because they are kind people but Chiclayo is a city that gives us some surprises for example, we can see Pre-incas museums in there, we can learn some about Mochica or Lambayeque culture which remains were found out in times and different circumstance but these are following to amaze to the world. Chiclayo’s foundation has been registered at the Spanish arriving time and it was born in the second half of the sixteenth century as an Indian town instead of traders that used to take their merchandise at the place where they stop to take a rest. On the other side, San Francisco monastery was the first in this style and so it was built during the colonial time where the event had registered. At the moment, Chiclayo is a pretty busy city and its wonderful past complements to the vigorous lifestyle of the people that are active to give their best afford to have a good offer for tourist and attention.

LUGARES ATRACTIVOS COMPLEJO ARQUEOLOGICO DE SIPAN A una distancia de 35 kilómetros de Chiclayo, a lo largo de una ruta flanqueada por una extensa plantación de caña de azúcar es el Complejo Arqueológico de Sipan , perteneciente a la cultura Mochica en Huaca Rajada, este grupo monumental está compuesto por dos pirámides de adobe y una plataforma donde el hallazgo arqueológico de las dos famosas tumbas prehispánicas fue hecho en 1987, una la del Señor de Sipan y otra el de su ancestro llamado El Viejo Señor de Sipan, permite apreciar el ritual del entierro de un gobernante Mochica, quien estaba acompañado de un guerrero, un sacerdote, dos mujeres, un niño, un perro, una llama, y un guardián de los pies amputados.

TOURIST ATTRACTION SIPAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL RUINS It is located about 35kilometers from Chiclayo and a long flanked route for an immense vegetation of sugar cane crops in there, there is the Sipan archaeological ruins that belong to Mochica culture in Huaca Rajada. This monumental group that includes two pyramids made by mud and a platform where there are two pre- Hispanic mummies’ tombs that were built in 1987, and one of them is for Lord Sipan and the other is for his ancestor called the old lord Sipan but this allows us to see burial ritual from a mochica governor who was accompanied by a priest, two women, a child, a dog, a llama, and a security guard with the amputees feet. MUSEO ARQUEOLOGICO BRÜNING Uno de los más importantes en la parte norte arqueológica del Perú, el museo Brüning contiene una colección de objetos arqueológicos del etnógrafo y lingüista alemán Enrique Brüning, el edificio fue inaugurado en 1967, y en sus cuatro pisos, se exhibe objetos de oro, plata y cobre pertenecientes a las varias culturas que se desarrollaron en la región hace mas de 4000 años. El cuarto de oro se distingue porque exhibe una de las más importantes colecciones de joyas de oro y plata en América, con trabajos de arte que incluyen piezas encontradas en la tumba del Señor de Sipan.

SICAN El significado de la palabra Sicán es “Casa o Templo de la Luna” en idioma Muchik. Esta cultura es el resultado de la fusión de dos tradiciones culturales. La Moche del norte y la sureña Huari. En este lugar destacan las pirámides de “Las Ventanas” donde se halló el famoso Tumi o cuchillo ceremonial, y la máscara de ojos jalados, ambos de oro.

. . . . . SICAN The meaning of the word Sicán is “House or Temple of the Moon,(Muchik native language). This culture is a mix by the two cultural traditions, the north Moche and the south Huari and in there we can see pyramids that are known as “Las Ventanas” where was found out “Tumi” or “Ceremonial knife” and the mask with the slant eyes both of them made by gold.

. . . . . BRUNING ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM It is one of the most important Archaeological Museum in the northern part of Peru and it has such as amazing archaeological collection of valuable objects which were collected by German Ethnographer and Linguist Enrique Bruning, who has an important collection of gold, silver and copper objects which belong to many cultures that developed in the region 4000 years ago. The golden room is distinguished because it exhibits one of the most important gold and silver jewelry collections in America. The Artwork that includes valuable pieces found which are found out “The lord Sipan’s tomb”.



Este lugar se halla a unos 32 kilómetros de Chiclayo, es un museo atractivo que fue construido usando las técnicas antiguas de las construcciones de la cultura Lambayeque. Además de mostrar vestigios de culturas precolombinas, hay una exhibición que muestra la continuidad de Tucume desde el pasado prehispánico hasta la actual cultura campesina, además es posible participar activamente en el taller de cerámica donde se fabrica, reproduce y recrea piezas arqueológicas y artículos de la cultura local.

Chinguirito: se prepara con el pez guitarra seca y deshilachada, con limón, sal, pimienta y cebolla. Se sirve con yucas, camotes y cancha. Arroz con pato: sabroso plato chiclayano a base de carne, pato cortado en presas, se sirve con arroz albergado, el color verde se debe al culantro que le da el sabor especial, se sirve con tomate y cebolla picada. Causa Ferreñafana: plato típico preparado a base de pescado seco salado, que va acompañado de aceituna, huevo, papa, yuca, camote, lechuga y plátano sancochado, con un aderezo de cebolla y ají amarillo verde. Machacado de membrillo, alfajores y el famoso King Kong de Lambayeque.

. . . . . TUCUME’S SITE MUSEUM –CHICLAYO The museum is located about to 32 kilometer from Chiclayo and it is an attractive museum which was built using ancient building techniques from Lambayeque culture. In addition to have Pre-Columbian vestiges there is an interesting exhibition that show Tucume’s culture development since past pre-hispanic until the present “campesina” culture, besides of it is possible to participate on an active ceramics-workshop where we could make, reproduce, and recreate archaeological pieces and local culture’s objects.

. . . . . LAMBAYEQUE: TYPICAL CUISINE: Chinguirito.- This plate is prepared with fish called(“Guitarra seca”) “dried fish” and frayed to add lemon, salt, pepper, onion and finally it is served with yucca, sweet potatoes and “Cancha” dry corn fried into a pot. Duck Rice.-It is a delicious “chiclayano” plate but The Duck rice can be prepared with duck cut in pieces and it is also served with rice by the way, the green color on its tasty garnish is due to the cilantro an especial green herb that gives to the preparation a nice flavor finally it is served with tomato and chopped onion. Causa Ferrañafana.- A typical plate prepared with a dried salted fish that also has olive oils, egg, potato, yucca, sweet potato, lettuce, cooked bananas, and green or yellow pepper. Mush quince, “alfajores”, and the most famous dessert “king kong”.


14 de marzo: fiesta religiosa del Señor Nazareno cautivo de Monsefú, la imagen sale en procesión por las principales calles recibiendo el saludo de todos los fieles, en esta fecha se realizan, ferias artesanales y exposiciones y venta de platos típicos. 18 de abril: aniversario de la creación política de Chiclayo. 25 de abril: Señor de la Justicia en Ferreñafe, celebración que dura 8 días. 22 al 30 de junio: el festival del limón, en Olmos. Realización de feria agropecuaria, premio al mejor Limón. Folklore, pelea de gallos; caballos de paso. 23 al 31 de julio: feria de exposiciones típicas culturales de Monsefu (fexticum), diferentes manifestaciones tradicionales y artísticas, oportunidad para probar 40 sabores de chicha de jora que se preparan en esta zona. 5 de agosto: fiesta de la cruz de Chalpon, en Motupe. 1 al 15 de diciembre: semana turística de Chiclayo – ferias agropecuarias, concursos nacionales y regionales de ganadería, desfile de caballos de paso.


March 14 “THE CAPTIVE NAZARENE LORD OF MONSEFU” Religious Feast. But its Imagine goes out in a crowded procession to the main streets attended of his many fervent believers that join for their faith to the captive lord. And there are some crafts events, exhibitions, and typical plate festivals. th April 18 Chiclayo’s Anniversary. th April 25 “THE JUSTICE LORD” in Ferreñafe, Celebration that lasts 8 days. nd th June 22 until 30 Lemon Festival, in Olmos Province, Agricultural Fairs, “The best Lemon Award”, Folklore, cockfights, and Step horses. rd July 23 until 31rst Cultural Exhibition Fairs in Monsefu (Fexticum), Traditional Art exhibitions. th August 5 Cross Feast in Chalpon- Motupe. th December 1rst until 15 Tourist week in Chiclayo, Agricultural fairs, livestock National and Regional Competition, Horsing-back Parade.

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