The Success Process System- Your License To Wealth

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Legal Disclaimers Copyright Š 2016 Judith Boucher

All rights reserved. This book and the information contained in it are proprietary in nature. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or sold without the prior written consent of the Author/Publisher. No express or implied guarantees or warranties have been made or are made by the Author/Publisher regarding certain incomes, earnings, profits, and other financial claims. Individual results may vary, in lare part, due to individual circumstances, activity, capability, as well as varying local and global market conditions and other factors. No responsibility or liability is assumed by the Author/Publisher for any injury, damage or financial loss sustained to persons or property from the use of this information, personal or otherwise, either directly or indirectly. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information within, all liability, negligence or otherwise, from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader. All information is generalized, presented for informational purposes only, and presented “as is� without warranty or guarantee of any kind. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the Author/Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Any copyrights not held by the Author/Publisher are owned by their respective copyright holders. All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks being used without permission and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner. Some of the links contained in this publication may be affiliate links and the Author/Publisher may be compensated for recommending those products or services. The Author/Publisher promises to never recommend any products or services that he has not personally used or does not believe in.

Proven Income Blueprint

Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Table of Content Section 1        

Preface About The Author The Magic Number, Will You Have Enough Money To Retire? How Your Socioeconomic Status Affect Your Life The Unbreakable Laws of Money Your Success Rely On The 80/20 Principle The Andrew Carnegie Secret To Riches In Life The Power Of Leverage

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Success In The Information Age: A Paradigm Shift Create Wealth Through Entrepreneurship Traditional Way Of Doing Business Is difficult Opportunity Seekers Versus Real Entrepreneur New Wave Of Entrepreneurship - Lifestyle Entrepreneur -Five most CRITICAL questions…before choosing A Home-Based Business

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Section 3                

The Only Home-Based Business I Recommend About My Online Business Education My Online Business Education - MOBE – The Components MOBE Offers & Promotional Materials Why Is MOBE Business Model So Powerful? How To Promote MOBE Effectively? My Top Tier Business - MTTB Components The 21 Simple Steps – Overview 30 Day Traffic – Overview Why MTTB & With MOBE Is The Internet Most Profitable Opportunity? What People Are Saying Is MOBE License Right Program For You? A Perfect Life Is Yours For The Taking Conclusion My Bonus Do What Ever It Take To Realize Your Full Potential

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Preface This document is written for those of you who wish to acquire Financial Freedom, which will allow you to become your True-Self, expressing your unique nature in all its greatness. Acquiring Financial Freedom should be your life’s priority, your main pursue. Most of you already possess the Freedom of choice. You are free to do whatever you want; you are free to become whoever you wish. You have the liberty to bring into your life whatever you decide. You will bring into your life what you think you deserve according to your personal value, your self-worth. The value you give to yourself is directly proportional to the income you are able to generate. The higher you value yourself, the greater will be your capacity to become wealthy. In today’s economy, the best way to generate enough income to fulfill our needs and acquire Financial Freedom is with the power of leverage which I talked a lot in this document. I called this Book “The Success Process System” because as you read it from the beginning till the end, your mind will gradually process CRUCIAL information regarding success. The System refers to a particular Business model which I like to call “A Turn-key Business or “A Business In Box”. I believe this document will open your mind to the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur in a way you never thought possible. It will walk you through a specific business model and will give you the exact tools and road map you need in order to earn money online. I wished someone would have opened my eyes years ago showing me all the benefits of this type of business; it would have saved me many years of struggling and thousands of dollars. I tip my hat off to all the great Entrepreneurs in this world and in particular, to Matt LIoyd, a faithful and visionary guy whose business is giving the average people the opportunity to acquire Financial Freedom.

The author, Judith Boucher

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Hello, my name is Judith Boucher, I am an online marketer. I am an honest and reliable person. I live according to life principles that are far more valuable to my eyes that a lie to make a quick buck. I believe life is like a mirror, what you do to others, you do it to yourself. So, believe me, I won’t say or do anything to disadvantage you. I want to HELP YOU acquire Wealth and Freedom to fulfill your True Calling. By helping You, I help myself. I have been looking for ways to make money online for almost a decade. Throughout these years, I have gained a pretty good knowledge and have developed valuables skills of the online world. I know every possible ways to earn an income on the internet; I studied most of them and I applied a few. I learned affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, blogging- search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, web design, product creation and Network Marketing. I was not satisfied with the above because it requires too much time and technical skills to succeed. So I started to look for a complete business, I like to call it a “Business In A Box” or if you prefer a “Turn-Key System”. I wanted to find that type of business where I would put few hours a week and harvest a nice income. With my great desire to find that particular business model, I kept looking and finally found it. I didn’t know anything about this business model. It’s exactly the type of home-based business I was looking for, the “Licensing Business Right” model. I want to warn you, there is a lot going on in the world of Internet Marketing. If you are new, and are not following my path, be careful because there is a lot of hype and scams online. This document may have a huge impact on your Wealth and Freedom. I can’t promise you massive riches, but I can promise you’ll learn the easiest and quickest way to make money online with the power of Leverage. I sincerely hope that you will take advantage of my experience and my knowledge to your own benefits. To Your Success! Judith Boucher Your Online Servant Leader

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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The Magic Number, Will You Have Enough MONEY To Retire? Being RESPONSIBLE for our own wellbeing and prosperity is the key to creating and sustaining an abundant lifestyle. Financial success doesn’t happen by chance, it starts with a decision, a decision to make it happen. We all think about retirement, usually more often as we get older. The Big question is: Will you have enough money to retire? Generating an adequate income for retirement remains a major challenge for most people, given the financial conditions created by the global economic downturn. With social security systems set to become less generous, you will need to rely increasingly on your own retirement savings.

Unfortunately, most people spend more time planning their family vacation than they do for retirement!

There Are Some Very Alarming Statistics About People Saving For Retirement

63% of retirees worry that they do not have enough money to live on retirement, and 70% of those people regret not saving more. 61% of Americans surveyed said they are more scared of out-living their retirement than they are of death.


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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Retirement Aspirations Versus Reality

While the most popular aspirations for retirement are travel-related, not everybody will be in a position to achieve all their ambitions. Planning to work hard all your life is a poor plan. For many baby boomers, time, our most important asset, is running out.

Don’t Make The Same Mistakes As Most People? Have A Specific Retirement Goal like The Example Below

“I want to retire at age 62 with $750,000 of investable assets that will yield me approximately $45,000 a year of income including my pension and social security”

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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How Your Social Economic Status (SES) Affect Your Life

Societies Are Structured Like Ladders The Rungs of the Ladder Represent the Resources that Determine Whether People Can Live a Good Life – Prosperous, Healthy, and Secure – or a Life Plagued by Difficulties – Insufficient Income, Poor Health, and Vulnerability. People standing on the top rungs are the best educated, have the most respected jobs, ample savings, and comfortable housing. On the bottom rungs are people who are poorly educated, experience long bouts of unemployment or low wage jobs, have nothing to fall back on in the way of savings, and live in substandard homes. The people in the middle have more resources to rely on than do people at the bottom, but far less than people on the top. In reaching for health, every step up makes a difference. Of all the outcomes determined by your position on the ladder, none is more fundamental than this: it predicts how long you live and how healthy you are during your lifetime. This is a surprising finding because we tend to think of health as something that is fixed by our genetic heritage. But genes are only part of the picture. It turns out that the more advantaged our lives are, the longer we live and the healthier we are from birth to old age. People who grow up on the bottom die younger and are sicker throughout their lifetimes than those who are born to the rungs above them.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Where You Are on the Ladder Matters A LOT The relationship between health and socioeconomic resources (e.g., education, income, occupation) is complicated because each affects the other. The rung we’re on affects our health, and in turn our health affects our ability to reach higher rungs.

Approximately 16% of our Gross Domestic Product was spent on health care in 2006; it is projected to increase to 20% by 2016.

Fact 1 - Social Status Matters for Health, from Birth to Death Family, neighbourhood, school and community environments shape children’s development. Along with the work environments that come later, they continue to influence the way that adulthood and old age unfold. The consequences of living in a positive setting or a negative one are not transitory; they are CUMULATIVE. The longer people remain on the lower rungs of the ladder, the worse their physical health and mental functioning will be later in life.

Fact 2 - Personal Behaviours Matter Exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are all behaviours that reduce the chances a person will die early. Smoking, eating high fat-high calorie food and drinking heavily sends people careening toward a premature demise. How much does personal behaviour matter? The best estimates suggest that 40-50% of early death is attributable to such actions.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Health-Damaging Behaviour Is More Common at the Bottom of the Ladder; Health Promoting Activity Is More Common at the Top.

These behaviours account for some of the association of socioeconomic status and health. The crucial question, however, is why this pattern occurs. Why are those higher on the ladder more likely to refrain from health-damaging behaviours and engage in those that promote health? The answer lies in the environments people inhabit at the different rungs of the ladder. Each step up the ladder provides for more opportunity to engage in health-protecting behaviours and more ways to avoid health-damaging ones. The higher a family’s income, the more they can afford healthy food, find recreational facilities that promote exercise, and avoid being bombarded by fast food outlets and ads that tout alcohol and/or tobacco.

Where Health Behaviours Come From: It’s More than Lack of Will Power The relationship between the ladder and individual behaviour is not a simple question of will-power or moral fortitude. It is not the case that the poor are less able to exercise selfcontrol than the rich. Rather, it is the case that people living at the bottom of the social hierarchy face conditions that tend to induce unhealthy behaviour.

Fact 3 - Stress Matters No life is stress free, however, stress only becomes toxic when it is extreme or prolonged. Those standing higher on the socioeconomic ladder have less exposure to toxic stress and its biological consequences.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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At the bottom of the ladder, demands and threats are omnipresent, and the resources for either avoiding or mitigating their effects are sparse. Running the body at a high level of arousal, with few periods of rest and recuperation, creates an enormous biological strain. Chronic arousal and toxic stress disrupt the body’s normal regulatory mechanisms, particularly the endocrine and immune systems which has multiple consequences: more days of poor health, declining productivity on the job, and diminished capacity to withstand future stresses. As one ascends the ladder, exposure to toxic stress and its consequences diminishes.

More Threats, Fewer Resources Although a common perception is that stress is greater for those at the top of the ladder, particularly the “stressed executive,� the reverse is the case. While top executives and others high on the ladder have many demands, they have commensurately greater resources and more control to meet these challenges. With adequate resources, demands become challenges, not stress. The kind of toxic stress that has adverse consequences on the body increases at progressively lower levels of the ladder. At lower rungs of the ladder stresses of various kinds pile up. Financial strain can cause a panoply of problems within families and their communities. Those living in poorer neighborhoods contend with higher crime rates and greater frustration on the streets.

Note: Data from Harris Poll data collected in 1983. 2003 equivalents developed from Employment Cost Index (ECI) Inflation Calculator, available at:

These problems are considerably less salient in higher income neighbourhoods where there is less exposure to threats to begin with, and where financial and social resources help to buffer residents from the impact of pressures.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Fact 4 - Our Bodies Pay the Price An individual’s position on the ladder has a tremendous impact on biological processes that cause disease and early death. Damaging environments and exposures impair the functioning of critical biological systems, permanently altering the body’s resilience. These impairments in biological control begin early in life and gather force as we age. What begins as high blood pressure, reduced resistance to infection and impaired metabolism accumulate until they surface as serious disease, chronic disability, and premature death, all of which are more common lower on the ladder.

Stress and Unhealthy Behaviour Transform Biological Systems for the Worse The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Socioeconomic Status an Health,


Knowing Is Good But Not Enough Realizing how your socioeconomic status affects your life might be a real eye opener for you. Once you know that being at the button of the latter affects you Health so badly, you want to do something about it. You have to do something about it. Closing your eyes on your situation knowing that you can do something to improve your lifestyle is like rejecting yourself; DENYING your true POWER. People who refuse to take some time to educate themselves and implement some actions towards their self-development are lazy and laziness is a SIN.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Overcoming Your Social Background Our Society is Burdened By Problems That Result From Insufficient Actions. We are losing years of productive labour, enduring catastrophic treatment costs, and paying a HUGE price in the form of family disruption that attends long-term illness. Addressing these problems after they have emerged in the form of serious disease is by far the most expensive and inefficient way to cope with the problem of health disparities. Attending to the Root Causes of These Problems Will Lead Not Only to a Healthier Population, but to Significant Savings that Can Be Put To Better Uses.

Increasing Access To HIGH QUALITY EDUCATION Matters Because the Skills, Knowledge And Credentials That Individuals Acquire In The Process Make It Possible For Them To Move Up To Better Socioeconomic Status, Hence Better Health

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Stop Following The Followers Unfortunately, only about 5 percent of people (top of the ladder) achieve unusual success during their lives. These are the people who earn larger incomes, live in better neighbourhoods – in better homes – have better educations, enjoy more of the good things in life, and make correspondingly larger contributions to their communities. They’re set for life, and they tend to enjoy themselves very much. So when a child is born, the odds are 95 to 5 that he will not be in the top 5 percent. Like most children, he will soon take his environment for granted. He grows up accepting his environment as it is. Without giving it a single thought, his environment becomes a natural part of him. Everything in his environment is a conditioning factor. The speech of his parents, relatives, and neighbours becomes his speech, his beliefs. So our typical young child grows up to mirror his environment. He thinks as the people in his environment think. He takes that life for granted. All the people he loves are in that group. It’s his group. And if he doesn’t come across some unusual motivation along the way, he will become an indistinguishable part of it. He does that because it’s the perfectly natural thing to do.

“Habit Patterns and Ways of Thinking Become Deeply Established, and it Seems Easier and More Comforting to Follow Them Than to Cope With Change, Even When That Change May Represent Freedom, Achievement, and Success. -Earl Nightingale

Their goals (or lack of them) become his goals; a house, a steady job of some kind; a good steady income; a good wife and good kids. He follows the followers.

He operates on minimums all his life. He never gets out of low gear. It isn’t necessary to do so in country; it is so affluent, so vital that people don’t have to shift into second or third gear to meet average requirements. And neither do most of the people throughout the world. And so the story goes on… Source: Inspired By “Lead The Field by Earl Nightingale”

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Education Is The Key To Better Consciousness.

Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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The Unbreakable Laws of Money By Brian Tracy

“One of your major goals in life should be financial independence. You must aim to reach the point where you have enough money so that you never have to worry about money again. The GOOD news is that FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE is easier to achieve today than it has ever been before. We live in the richest country at the richest time in all of human history. We are surrounded by more wealth and affluence than ever before. Your goal should be to participate fully in what many people are starting to refer to as the “Golden Age”of mankind. Money has energy of its own and it is largely attracted to people who treat it well. Money tends to flow toward those people who can use it in the most productive ways to produce valuable goods and services, and who can invest it to create employment and opportunities that benefit others. At the same time, money flows away from those who use it poorly, or who spend it in nonproductive ways. Your job is to acquire as much money as you honestly can and then to use it enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those you care about.”

The Unbreakable Laws of Money 1. The Law of Cause and Effect: Everything happens for a reason; there is a cause for every effect. This is the “Iron Law” of human destiny. This law says that we live in a world governed by law, not chance. It says that everything happens for a reason, whether or not we know what it is. Every effect, success or failure, wealth or poverty, has a specific cause or causes. Every cause or action has an effect or consequence of some kind or another, whether we can see it, or whether we like it or not. This law says that all achievement, wealth, happiness, prosperity and success are the direct and indirect effects or results of specific causes or actions. Proven Income Blueprint

Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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What this means is that, if you can be clear about the effect or result you want, you can probably achieve it. You can study others who have accomplished the same goal, and by doing what they did, you can get the same results. The Law of Cause and Effect applies to money as much as to any other subject. This law says that financial success is an EFFECT. As such, it proceeds from certain, specific causes. When you identify these causes and implement them in your own life and activities, you will get the same effects that hundreds of thousands and even millions of others have gotten. You can acquire whatever amount of money you really want if you will just do what others have done before you to achieve the same results. And if you don’t, you won’t. It is as simple as that.

“Thoughts Are Causes And Conditions Are Effects.” The most important expression of this universal law is that, “Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects.” Put another way, “Thought is creative.” Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. You create your entire world by the way you think. All the people and situations of your life have been created by your own thinking. And when you change your thinking, you change your life, sometimes in seconds! The most important principle of personal or business success is simply this: You become what you think about most of the time. It is not what happens to you but how you think about what happens to you that determine how you feel and react. It is not the world outside of you that dictates your circumstances or conditions. It is the world inside of you that creates the conditions of your life. Specifically, it is the way you think about money and about your financial situation that largely determines your financial conditions today.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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Accurate diagnosis is half the cure. Look at the most important parts of your life - your family, your health, your work, your financial situation, and observe the cause-effect relationships between what you think, say, feel and do and the results you are getting. Be honest with yourself.

2. The Law of Belief: Whatever you truly believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. This law says that you always act in a manner consistent with your beliefs, especially your beliefs about yourself. Your beliefs act like a set of filters that screen out information that is inconsistent with them. You do not necessarily believe what you see but rather you see what you already believe. You reject information that contradicts what you have already decided to believe, whether or not your beliefs, your prejudices, are based on fact or fantasy. This is especially true with regard to money. The best belief that you can develop within yourself is that you are destined to be a big success financially. When you are absolutely convinced that you are a financial success in the making, you will engage in the behaviours that will make it come true.

The worst beliefs you can have are “Self limiting beliefs.� These exist whenever you believe yourself to be limited in some way. The fact is that no one is better than you are and no one is smarter than you are. If someone else is doing better, it is largely because he has developed his natural talents and abilities more than you have. He has learned the laws of cause and effect that apply to his life and finances before you have. But anything anyone else has done, within reason, you can probably do as well. You just need to learn how. What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? If you had NO limitations, if you had all the time, money, talent, skills and contacts you could ever want, what would you want to do or be or have in your life?

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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3. The Law of Expectations: Whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy. You are always acting as a Fortune-Teller in your own life by the way you think and talk about how things are going to turn out. When you confidently expect good things to happen, good things usually happen to you. If you expect something negative to happen, you are usually not disappointed. Wealthy people expect to be rich. Successful people expect to be successful. Happy, popular people expect to be happy and popular. And your expectations are largely under your control.

The Distance Between Who I Am And Who I Want To Be Is Separated Only By Actions And Words‌

Expect the BEST of yourself. Imagine that you have unlimited abilities and that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. Imagine that your future is only limited by your own imagination, and that whatever you have accomplished up to now, it is only a fraction of what you are truly capable of achieving. Imagine that your greatest moments lie ahead and that everything that has happened to you up to now has merely been a preparation for the great things that are yet to come.

4. The Law of Attraction: You are a living MAGNET; you invariably attract into your life the people, situations and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. This is one of the great laws that explains much of success and failure in business and personal life. It says that everything you have in your life you have attracted to yourself because of the way you think. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. When you develop a burning desire for financial success and think about it all the time, you set up a force field of positive emotional energy that attracts people, ideas and opportunities into your life to help you make your goals into realities. Look at your financial life today and see how it harmonizes with your thinking. Take full credit for all the good things in your life. They are there because you have attracted them to yourself. Then, look around you at the things you don’t like and take full responsibility

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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for them, as well. They are there because of you as well, because of some flaw in your own thinking. What is that flaw, and what are you going to do about it? 5. The Law of Correspondence: Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and corresponds with your dominant patterns of thinking. This is an extraordinary principle. This law explains most happiness and unhappiness, most success and failure, most greatness and meanness in life. After years of study in this area, I still stand in awe before this powerful law, like standing and looking out over the vastness of the Grand Canyon. Just think! Your outer world reflects your inner world in every way.

Nothing Can Happen to or for You in the Long Term Until and Unless it Corresponds to Something INSIDE of YOU. Therefore, if you want to change or improve anything in your life, you must begin by changing the INNER aspects of your mind. Sometimes this is called your “Mental Equivalent.� Your greatest responsibility in life is to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you want to experience on the outside. The fact is that you cannot achieve it on the outside until you have first created it on the inside. It is as though your life is a 360-degree mirror. Wherever you look, there you are. Your relationships, for example, always reflect back to you the kind of person you are on the inside. Your attitude, your health and your financial conditions are a reflection of the way you think most of the time. The Law of Correspondence is a foundation principle of virtually all religions and schools of thought. It is really great news. It is the key to personal freedom and happiness. It is the key to great success and fulfillment. There is only one thing in the world that you can control, and that is the way you think. However, when you take complete control over your thinking, you take control over all the other aspects of your life.

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6. The Law of Abundance: We live in an abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who really want it and are willing to obey the laws governing its acquisition. There is plenty of money available to you. There is no real shortage. You can have virtually all you really want and need. We live in a generous universe and we are surrounded on all sides by blessings and opportunities to acquire all we truly desire. Your attitude, of either abundance or scarcity toward money, will have a major impact on whether you become rich or not. The first corollary of the Law of Abundance says that, People become wealthy because they decide to become wealthy. Individuals become wealthy because they believe they have the ability to become wealthy. Because they believe this completely, they act accordingly. They consistently do the things that turn their beliefs into realities. The second corollary of this law says: People are poor because they have not yet decided to become rich. In the book, The Instant Millionaire, by Mark Fisher, the old millionaire asks the boy who has sought his advice about becoming a millionaire, “Why aren’t you rich already?” This is an important question to ask yourself. However you answer this question will reveal a lot about yourself. Your answers will expose your self-limiting beliefs, your doubts, your fears, your excuses, your rationalizations and your justifications. Why aren’t you rich already? Write down all the reasons you can think of. Go over your answers one by one with someone who knows you well and ask them for their opinion. You may be surprised to find that your reasons are mostly excuses that you have fallen in love with. Whatever your reasons or excuses, you can now get rid of them. The world is full of hundreds and thousands of people who have had far more difficulties to overcome than you could ever imagine, and they’ve gone on to be successful anyway. So can you.

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7. The Law of Capital: Your most valuable asset, in terms of cash flow, is your physical and mental capital, your earning ability. You may not even be aware that, unless you are wealthy already, your ability to work is the most valuable asset that you have. By utilizing your earning ability to its fullest, you can bring thousands of dollars each year into your life. By applying your earning ability to the production of valuable goods and services, you can generate sufficient money to pay for all the things that you want in life. The amount of money that you are paid today is a direct measure of the EXTENT to which you have developed your earning ability so far. The first corollary of the Law of Capital says: Your most precious resource is your time. Your time is really all you have to sell. How much time you put in and how much of yourself you put into that time, largely determines your earning ability. Poor time management is one of the major reasons for poor productivity and under achievement in every industry in America. It is the number one problem for both managers and salespeople in every field. The second corollary of the Law of Capital says: Time and money can be either spent or invested. To a certain degree, your time and your money are interchangeable. If you spend them, they are gone forever. You cannot get them back. They become sunk costs in your life. On the other hand, you can invest them, in which case you get a return on them that can go on and on. If you invest your time or money in becoming more knowledgeable and better skilled, you can increase your value. By increasing your ability to get results for yourself and others, you increase your earning ability, your personal cash flow, sometimes for your entire career.

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One of the smartest things that you can do is to invest three percent of your income every month back into yourself on personal and professional development, on becoming better at the most important things you do. There is nothing that will give you a bigger and better “bang” for your buck than reinvesting some of your time and money back into your capability to earn even more. All wealthy and successful people have learned this sooner or later, and all poor and unhappy people are still trying to figure it out. The third corollary of the Law of Capital says: One of the best investments of your time and money is to increase your earning ability. The purpose of corporate strategic planning is to increase “return on equity” or ROE. This requires organizing and reorganizing corporate activities so that the company is earning a higher return on the capital invested in the organization. In your work life, your personal equity is your mental and emotional capital. Your job then is to earn the highest possible return on your human capital, to increase your “return on energy.”

8. The Law of Time Perspective: The most successful people in any society are those who take the longest time period into consideration when making their day-to- day decisions. The higher a person rises in any society, the longer is the time perspective or time horizon of that person. People at the highest social and economic levels make decisions and sacrifices that may not pay off for many years, sometimes not even in their lifetimes. People with long time perspectives are willing to pay the price of success for a long, long time before they achieve it. They think about the consequences of their financial choices and decisions in terms of what they might mean in five, ten, fifteen and even twenty years from now. People at the lowest levels of society have the shortest time perspectives. They focus primarily on immediate gratification and often engage in financial behaviours that are virtually guaranteed to lead to indebtedness, poverty and financial problems in the long term. You begin to move up socially and financially from the day that you begin thinking about what you are doing in terms of the possible long-term consequences of your actions.

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As you begin thinking longer term and organizing your financial life and priorities with your future goals and ambitions in mind, the quality of your decisions improve and your life starts to become better almost immediately. The first corollary of the Law of Time Perspective says: Delayed gratification is the key to financial success. Your ability to practice selfmastery, self-control and selfdenial, to sacrifice in the short term so you can enjoy greater rewards in the long term, is the starting point of developing a long time perspective. This attitude is essential to financial achievement of any kind. The second corollary of this law says: Self-discipline is the most important personal quality for assuring long-term success. Self discipline was defined by Elbert Hubbard many years ago as, “The ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” Your ability to discipline yourself to pay the price of success, in advance, and to continue paying it until you achieve the goal you have set, is the true mark of the winning human being. The third corollary of this law says: Sacrifice in the short-term is the price you pay for security in the long-term. The key word here is “sacrifice.” When you resist the temptation to do things that are fun and easy and instead discipline yourself to do the things that are hard and necessary, you develop in yourself the kind of character that virtually guarantees you a better life in the future. When you continually invest your time and money in improving yourself rather than frittering it away in idle socializing or watching television, you are putting yourself on the side of the angels. You are virtually guaranteeing your future.

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9. The Law of Magnetism: The more money you save and accumulate, the more money you attract into your life. The law of magnetism has been a primary reason for wealth building throughout history. This law explains much of success and failure in every area of life, especially in the financial arena. Money goes where it is loved and respected. The more positive emotions you associate with your money, the more opportunities you will attract to acquire even more. The first corollary of the Law of Magnetism as it applies to money is that: A prosperity consciousness attracts money like iron filings to a magnet. That is why it is so important for you to start accumulating money, no matter what your situation. Put just a few coins into a piggy bank. Begin saving even a small amount of money. That money, magnetized by your emotions of desire and hope, will begin to attract more to you faster than you can imagine.

The second corollary of this law says: It takes money to make money. As you begin accumulating money, you begin to attract more money and more opportunities to earn more money into your life. This is why it is so important that you start, even with a small amount. You’ll be amazed at what starts to happen. Take time every day, every week, and every month to reflect on your financial situation and look for ways to deploy your finances more intelligently. The more time you take to think intelligently about your finances, the better decisions you will make and the more money you will have to think about. And the more you think about your savings and investments, the more of them you will attract into your life.

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10. The Law of the Internet — The Internet is a tool for rapid communication of information of all kinds. The entire technological revolution involving the Internet has a single focus: it is to increase the speed and reliability at which vital information is transmitted between and among interested parties. Every single technological advance or improvement is a way of increasing the speed at which this communication takes place. The first corollary of the Law of the Internet is: The three keys to Internet success are "Faster, Cheaper, and Easier.� Today, as never before, people are in a hurry. At the same time, everyone wants to get what they want at the lowest possible price, as easily as possible and with the greatest convenience. Successful Internet companies are those that offer products and services faster, cheaper and easier than their competitors. All three must exist for an Internet company to survive and thrive. The second corollary of the Law of the Internet is: The value of an Internet company is in direct proportion to the value of the information it provides. The greater the immediate financial or personal impact of the products, services and information an Internet company provides to its customers, the greater is the value of that company. There are many Internet companies that offer information, products and services that are of limited interest and value, and then, only to a small number of potential buyers and sellers.

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The third corollary of the Law of the Internet is: The only real value of information is what people are willing to pay for it. The primary use of the Internet today is to quickly find information on a variety of subjects. For this reason, and because so many Internet sites offer free information, it is extremely hard to sell information on the Internet. In fact, because competition on the Internet is so fierce, companies must give away enormous amounts of information just to get visitors to the site who may be interested in purchasing a product or service. The only thing you get for free services is demand for more free services. *******

“It is a fact that if you want to attain financial freedom. You must be involved in an occupation that is going to allow you to do so. I have got nothing against working for a living, but you must understand that a job is just for surviving, and not for creation of Wealth. If you want to be Wealthy, you must NEVER make working for others a lifelong endeavour.” –Eddy Chain

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Your Success Rely On The 80/20 Principle “Principles are simple but yet powerful models that help us understand how the world works. Principles generate the same result each and every time-no matter where, when, or who uses them. Life is a process of discovering principles-of discovering what works. If you want to make rapid progress, don’t fight against principles-flow with them.” –Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen.

The 80/20 Principle “The 80/20 Principle, like the truth, can make you free. You can work less. At the same time, you can earn more and enjoy more. The only price is that you need to do some serious 80/20 thinking.” ~ Richard Koch from The 80/20 Principle We’ve all been exposed to the 80/20 Principle at some point in our lives: The principle states, quite simply, that 20% of efforts lead to 80% of results. It’s an incredibly powerful concept.

Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything By Brian Tracy The 80/20 Rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and Life Management. It is also called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote about it in 1895. Pareto noticed that people in his society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the "vital few,” the top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the “trivial many,” the bottom 80%. He later discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this Pareto Principle as well. For example, this rule says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales. 20% of your products or services will account for 80% of your profits. 20% of your tasks will account for 80% of the value of what you do, and so on. This means that if you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth as much or more than the other eight items put together.

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Number of Tasks versus Importance of Tasks Here is an interesting discovery. Each of these tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute five or ten times the value as any of the others. Can you guess on which items the average person is most likely to procrastinate? The sad fact is that most people procrastinate on the top ten or twenty percent of items that are the most valuable and important, the “vital few.” They busy themselves instead with the least important 80%, the "trivial many" that contribute very little to results.

Focus on Activities The most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. For this reason, you must adamantly refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done. Before you begin work, always ask yourself, “Is this task in the top 20% of my activities or in the bottom 80%?”

Rule: “Resist the Temptation to Clear up Small Things First.”

The hardest part of any important task is getting started on it in the first place. Once you actually begin work on a valuable task, you seem to be naturally motivated to continue. There is a part of your mind that loves to be busy working on significant tasks that can really make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually.

Motivate Yourself The fact is that the amount of time required to complete an important job is often the same as the time required to do an unimportant job. The difference is that you get a tremendous feeling of pride and satisfaction from the completion of something valuable and significant. Time management is really life management, personal management. It is really taking control over the sequence of events. Time management is control over what you do next. And you are always free to choose the task that you will do next. Your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work. Effective, productive people discipline themselves to start on the most important task that is before them. As a result, they accomplish vastly more than the average person and are much happier as a result. This should be your way of working as well. Proven Income Blueprint

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The Andrew Carnegie Secret To Riches In Life

“In His All Time Bestselling Book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill Mentions In His First Chapter That Throughout The Book He Will Be Referring Many Times To “The Carnegie Secret.” He Said He Would Not Tell You What That Secret Is, But When You Are Ready, It Will Jump Off The Page And Into Your Brain. He Said, “When The Student Is Ready – The Master Will Appear.” The Doors Will Open - The Lights Will Turn Green – The Ideas Will Come - The Money Will Come – The People Will Be There To Help You.” -The Master Mind Alliance Book Excerpts From “The Science Of Success Achievement Course”

Here Are The Carnegie Secret’s Steps That Napoleon Hill Referred To In His Book, Think And Grow Rich? Step #1 Have A Definite Major Purpose. What Is The Most Important Thing You Would Like To Accomplish In Your Lifetime? Try To Define It In One Paragraph, Even If You Have To Keep Rewriting It A Hundred Times Until It Gets As Clear As Possible. It Has To Be The Most Important Thing In Your Life. Mahatma Gandhi’s Definite Major Purpose Was To Win Independence For India From Their British Rulers. He Succeeded. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Was Equality And The End Of Oppression For Black People. Doctor Jonas Salk’s Was To Find The Cure And End For Polio. Thomas Edison’s Was The Incandescent Light Bulb. What Is Yours? If You Don’t Currently Have What You Feel Is A Definite Major Purpose, Then Have A Definite Major Purpose To Find Your Definite Major Purpose. It Has To Be Something You Want So Bad That You Think About It All Of The Time.

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Step #2. Be Willing To Stake Your Entire Existence On Achieving It. Don’t Quit. There Are Many Starters In Life, But Very Few Finishers – When The Going Gets Tough They Quit. A Person With A Definite Major Purpose Never Gives Up No Matter How Long And Tough The Road Is; Instead, They Become More Determined. Jack London Was Rejected Over 600 Times Before He Finally Sold His First Piece Of Writing. Thomas Edison Actually Failed Over 9,999 Times Before He Perfected The Incandescent Light Bulb, And Over 5,000 Times Before He Perfected The World’s First Phonograph Record Player. There Will Be Times When Everything In You Will Tell You To Quit – To Stop Trying, But If You Hang In There, Eventually, You Will – You Must Succeed. Quitters Never Win And Winners Never Quit. Persistence Is The Power To Hold On In Spite Of Everything. It’s The Ability To Face Defeat Repeatedly Without Giving Up—To Push On Even In The Face Of Great Difficulty Or Danger. Persistence Means Taking Pains To Overcome Every Obstacle, To Do All That Is Necessary To Reach Your Goals. You Win, Because You Refuse To Become Discouraged By Your Defeats. Those Who Conquer Are Those Who Endure. Step #3. Keep Intensifying Your Desire. There Are Many “Firemen” In Life That Will Come Along And Try To Put Your Fire Of Desire Out. They Will Give You All Kinds Of Reasons Why Your Idea Or Goal Won’t Work And Tell You To Give It Up, Forget It, Or Tell You, “You Can’t Do It.” You Have To Become An Arsonist. An Arsonist Sets Fires. Every Morning When You Wake Up You Have To Re-Light And ReBuild The Intensity Of Your Fire Of Desire. You Have To Eat It, Sleep It, Walk It, Talk It, And Concentrate On It Until It Becomes A RedHot Flaming, Burning, And Obsessional Desire That Will Eventually Mow Down All Of The Opposition You Will Face Throughout Each Day. If You Don’t, Your Sizzle Of Desire Will Fizzle Down To Nothing. I’m Not Suggesting That You Stop Talking To Or Seeing Your Family And Friends – What I’m Saying Is To Keep Focused Day And Night, Seven Days A Week. This Will Bring Into Play: The Law Of Harmonious Attraction. Your Burning Desire Becomes A Magnet. You Will Attract That Which You Need; The Ideas And Plans, The Money You Need, And The People You Need To Help You. They Will Eventually Gravitate Toward Your Desire.

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Step #4. Have Bulldog Determination And Perseverance That Will Eventually Mow Down All Opposition. Expect Lots Of Problems, Adversities And Discouragement Along The Way. Go Around It – Go Over It – Go Under It – Or Dig A Hole Through It – But Don’t Ever Turn Back. Make Your Definite Major Purpose The Dominating Thought In Your Mind. It Is A Known Fact That People Who Have Had Great Achievement – Formed The Habit Of Making An “Obsession” Of Their Definite Major Purpose. Andrew Carnegie Said To Put All Of Your Eggs In One Basket And Then Watch The Basket. Andrew Carnegie’s Definite Major Purpose, Which He Wrote Down At An Early Age And Kept In His Desk, Was To Earn As Much Money As He Can In Life And Then, In The End, To Set Up The Carnegie Foundation To Give It All Away To Worthy Causes. Even After His Death Long Ago, The Carnegie Foundation Is Still Giving Away Millions Every Year To Help Mankind. Persistence Is The Power To Hold On In Spite Of Everything - To Endure. --It’s The Ability To Face Defeat Repeatedly Without Giving Up --To Push On Even In The Face Of Great Difficulty Or Danger. --Persistence Means Taking Pains To Overcome Every Obstacle, To Do All That Is Necessary To Reach Your Goals. --You Win, Because You Refuse To Become Discouraged By Your Defeats. -- Those Who Conquer Are Those Who Endure. Step #5 Of The Carnegie Secret. You Have To Keep Backing Your Burning Desire - By Bombarding Your Mind Throughout Each Day With Powerful Affirmations Of Enduring Faith. Example: “I Have Complete Faith In Infinite Intelligence And I Know That I Am Achieving My Goals” “Whatever My Mind Can Conceive – And Believe – It Can Achieve” “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me” And As You Read Your Goal Every Day Practice Seeing Feeling And Believing Yourself Already In Possession Of Your Goal.

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Step #6 Of The Carnegie Secret, Napoleon Hill’s Six Ways To Turn Desires Into Gold - The Method By Which Desire For Riches Can Be Transmuted Into Its Financial Equivalent, Consists Of Six Definite, Practical Steps: First: Fix In Your Mind The Exact Amount Of Money You Desire. It Is Not Sufficient Merely To Say, “I Want Plenty Of Money.” Be Definite As To The Amount. Second: Determine Exactly What You Intend To Give In Return For The Money You Desire. There Is No Such Reality As “Something For Nothing.” Third: Establish A Definite Date When You Intend To Possess The Money You Desire. Fourth: Create A Definite Plan For Carrying Out Your Desire, And Begin At Once, Whether You Are Ready Or Not To Put This Plan Into Action. Fifth: Write Out A Clear, Concise Statement Of The Amount Of Money You Intend To Acquire, Name The Time Limit For Its Acquisition, State What You Intend To Give In Return For The Money, And Describe Clearly The Plan Through Which You Intend To Accumulate It. Sixth: Read Your Written Statement Aloud, Twice Daily, Once Just Before Retiring At Night, And Once After Arising In The Morning. As You Read – See And Feel And Believe Yourself Already In Possession Of The Money.

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The Power Of Leverage LEVERAGE is derived from the old French word levier (lever) which means to make lighter, to raise or elevate; to lessen the burden; to delegate; to give a minimum input that reach maximum results. In other words, it’s simply means the ability to accomplish more work with less effort from your part. It’s the most important word to create Wealth. The Power of Leverage, when applied correctly, is the quickest way to create Financial Freedom. One of the primary reasons people learn to use leverage is to realize a level of wealth which will afford them the financial freedom to explore all that life has to offer without the burden of financial constraints.

“I consider financial independence as possessing enough performing assets to produce, without your own personal time contribution, a sufficient financial return to live the life you have designed for yourself and your family.” - Ron D. Pate

In order to generate cash flow and increase your wealth, you must understand how to utilize money, and make it work for you. Think of money as a tool to build your Wealth. In today’s world, the time goes fast, if you don’t have any type of Leverage working for you, it’s going to be difficult to create financial independence. It amazes me how many people go through life working very hard, yet working in a totally linear fashion. When the money gets tight, they think of working longer hours. The concept of leverage is never considered. Don’t blindly swap your hours for dollars, use the powerful but yet simple concept of Leverage to become wealthy.

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The Difference Between the Rich, the Poor, and the Middle Class Reside in the Different Forms of Leverage Each Class Uses. To Change Your SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, You Must Harness the Power of Leverage; it’s the main KEY to Climb the Rungs of the Social Ladder. The Amount of Leverage You Are Going to Use In Your Life, Will Determine Your CAPABILITY to GAIN WEALTH.

Most people have limited leverage. If you’re working for someone else, you become that person’s leverage. In contrast, if you work for yourself, you can use someone else’s work and time at your own benefits. Most Common Forms of Leverage : 1) OPM - Other People's Money 2) OPT - Other People's Time 3) OPW - Other People's Work- (Franchising) 4) OPE - Other People's Experiences Other Form Of Leverage Tools such as computers, software and the internet are considered as leverage. Another form of leverage is the way you use your mind and your own strengths.

The main OBJECTIVE of this document is to show you how to earn money online using others people’s WORK, TIME and EXPERIENCE.

“In The 21st Century, The Rule of Money Has Changed. The Rule States That: You Are Now Your Own Economy - You Are Now Responsible For Creating Your Own Wealth And Increasing Your Financial Leverage In Solving Your Money Problems, In Simple Terms, Our Financial Intelligence And Leverage Determines Our Own Economy.” -Rane A. Panaligan

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Leverage #1 - Your MIND

There are millions of human beings who live narrow, darkened, frustrated lives simply because they take a defensive, doubtful attitude toward themselves and life in general. A person with a poor attitude becomes a magnet for unpleasant experiences. In every moment we are creating and altering our lives. Our present situation and future is and will be a product of our thoughts, our visualizations, our intentions, our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs, our attitudes and expectations. What you will (or will not) allow yourself to experience shapes your life. The human mind is the only part of the body that separates us from the animals, everything else can be found in a pig or a horse. Anything that comes to us result from the use of our minds. Unfortunately, it is the last place on earth the average person will turn to for help. It’s sad but it’s a fact. Our Greatest Enemy Is Ignorance.


According to Earl Nightingale, respected speaker and author, “most people do not know how to think, when they are faced with a problem, they will go to any length to avoid thinking. They will ask advice from the most illogical people, usually people who don’t know any more than they do such as next-door neighbours and members of their families.”

Learning How to Think Properly is Not Taught in School, It’s Totally Ignored, It’s Too Bad Because The Way We Think CREATE Our Life.

Your first Leverage is your Mind. It is your GREATEST ASSET and the way you use it determines your level of Wealth and freedom. You have access to this MAGNIFICIENT part of your brain, devoting some time to conduct appropriate behaviours towards it will serve your best interests.

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Recognize that everything you desire can be yours, because you possess the FREEDOM to pursue your destiny. What is the single most valuable asset that wealthy people focus on? This, above all else, is the biggest secret to accruing and multiplying wealth at lightning speed. So what is this asset they invest so much in? Their MINDS.

The Wealthy Consistently Invest In Growing Their Intellectual Capital. By increasing your intellectual capital you will increase your Personal Value. This personal value factor is what will allow you to break free from the time/wage paradigm. You get paid on a value for money basis, which is completely independent of how much time you work. It’s never too late to choose a wealthy mindset. It’s never too late to start building your intellectual capital. It’s never too late to start creating leveraged income so you too can become independently wealthy.

…all things are possible to him that believeth. MARK 9:23

Your Life Today Is Essentially The Sum Of Your Thoughts And Habits. It’s all start from within. Your Success or Failure is a result of your thoughts and habits. You have control over your own reality; you command your thoughts and habits. You are the creator of your life. If you are not happy with your situation, you have the power to change it. It’s totally up to you.

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Be Impeccable With Your Words: Impeccability means “without sin”. A sin is something that goes against us, just as judging ourselves or blaming ourselves. The words you use to express yourself have the power to destroy or create. Speak with integrity. Use the power of your Word in the direction of creation, peace, truth, love etc…

Crush Your Self-Doubts You may have doubts about yourself, everybody does, but the difference is what you do with those doubts. Are you nurturing them? The greatest solution to eliminating selfdoubt is taking actions. When you take actions towards your goals, your self-doubt will gradually go away. Don’t let your self-doubt define who you are, don’t let them limit you. Show yourself that you are valuable. Stop making up excuses… There is no one stopping you; you are responsible, take ownership of your Precious Life. It is easy to stay the same but it’s not worth it. Get out of your comfort zone to achieve your Life Purpose. Realize your full potential. Change does not begin with someone else; it begins with you and a choice to do something. Your age doesn’t matter, better late than never.

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Improve Your State of Mind To Improve Your Self-Esteem Investing In Yourself To Improve Your Self-Esteem Is The Best Investment You Can Make. If You Lack Self-Esteem, Take Action towards Self-Development, Grow Yourself, You Are Worth It. You Are Better Than You Think You Are. Your self-esteem is the way you think and feel about yourself. Having high self esteem means having feelings of confidence, worthiness and positive regard for yourself. People with high self-esteem feel a sense of belonging and security. They respect themselves and appreciate others. They are successful in life because they feel confident in taking on challenges to achieve what they want. They have more energy for positive pursuits because their energy is NOT wasted on negative emotions or feelings of inferiority.

Why Develop Self-Esteem? The rewards of developing self-esteem include being able to take risks, having positive relationships, not being held back by fears and insecurities, pursuing your dreams and desires, making good choices and reaching your goals.

What Causes Low Self-Esteem? It is believed that low self-esteem is caused, in part, by negative emotional responses. Criticism, teasing, punishment and abuse, poverty, economic deprivation, failure in school and many other factors affect our feelings of self-worth. Even race, religion, the media, culture and sex have an influence on how we feel about ourselves. When negative thoughts and feelings take root early in life, they can become powerful thought patterns that form habits of thinking. Before long, we begin to think in ways that limit our growth and self-development.

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We begin to doubt ourselves and feel dissatisfied. We become afraid to accept challenges and feel unworthy, even when we do accomplish important things. The deeper these thought patterns take root, the lower our self-esteem falls, until we cannot envision what it is like to feel good about ourselves.

Disguised Low Self-Esteem Self-esteem is sometimes hidden by other behaviours used to compensate for the deeper-rooted, more painful feelings we wish to avoid. Psychologists tell us that low self-esteem often masks itself under a false front of superiority, perfectionism, overconfidence, “niceness” or “humbleness,” boastful or attention-seeking behaviour, hypercritical behaviour or religious fanaticism. All of these behaviour patterns are meant to shield us from the underlying feelings of sadness, inferiority, self-hatred, fear or insecurity. They allow us to "compensate" for these unacceptable or painful feelings by giving us a false sense of being "okay" or "right" or "better" than those around us.

Patterns Of Low Self-Esteem Self-esteem develops in childhood and forms patterns of thinking and behaving. These patterns tend to reinforce self-esteem, whether low or high, and become habits. In some cases, these habits can be very destructive, causing us to feed and nurture feelings of low selfesteem even when there are no reasons for it. In other words, things in our lives may have changed significantly since childhood, we may no longer be subject to the influences that contributed to our low self-esteem, yet we perpetuate it by our beliefs and behaviours. We keep our selfesteem low when we should be striving to raise it. How does this happen?

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Low Self-Esteem Is Perpetuated By Our Behaviours, Thoughts And Actions. Read the following list and check those items that you think contribute to your low selfesteem:                 

A lack of faith, both in myself, other people and the world around me. A lack of purpose or meaning in my life. A lack of goals to motivate and guide me. Dependence on others for a sense of importance or meaning in my life. Failing to accept responsibility for my life and well-being. Failing to recognize, appreciate and reward myself. Adhering to false concepts and assumptions about myself. Feelings of negativity toward myself and others. Failing to develop my abilities and talents. Comparing myself to others. Feeling I have to prove myself to others. Feeling a need to give in, please or agree with others to be accepted. Feeling I have to prove myself to others. Resisting, fretting or worrying about things I can do nothing about. Not allowing myself the freedom to make mistakes and fail. Not allowing myself freedom of self expression. Being impatient, harsh or demanding of myself.

What Can You Do About Your Self-Esteem? There are many ways you can begin to raise your self-esteem by changing your thought patterns and behaviours. First it is important to identify one or two main areas you would like to work on. Don't be overzealous at the start, wanting to change everything at once. Remember, it took a lifetime to become the person you are today.

Letting Go Negative Attitudes We all experience negative attitudes and feelings at different times. It is when those feelings persist and affect your way of thinking and reacting that problems arise. Low self esteem is accompanied by negative attitudes. Do any of the following "symptoms" apply to you?

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Letting Go The Past We have trouble developing self -esteem and confidence when we cannot let go of the past. We remember and relive in our minds things that happened that tore our selfesteem down, thereby reinforcing low self-esteem. We make excuses for ourselves or feel justified for feeling bad because of what others did or said to us. We allow past wrong actions of others to define who we are and how we feel. You may object and say, "But I had no CHOICE in the matter when I was a child!" or "I didn't ask for this to happen!" This may be true but, as an adult, you DO have a CHOICE. You can decide whether to let these memories of the past shape who you are today or what you WANT TO BE. Letting go of the past is not about burying it or trying to forget it. Many people block out bad memories from the past only to find them surfacing in later years in the form of fears, illnesses and phobias. Letting go is not pretending something didn't happen. That is only self-deception.

Life Is A Choice

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Realistic: It is…

Idealistic: It should be

The Possible: accepts the possible

The Impossible: desires the perfect

I want… I wish… I would like…

I must… I should… Others should….

Striving for positive Desire for success

Avoidance of negative Fear of failure

Free…in pursuit of excellence

Slave…in prison of perfection

Best of self

Best in comparison to others

Challenge that is welcome

Trial that is endured

Accomplishment Acceptance Fulfillment Success

Disappointment Condemnation Frustration Failure

Reality, present moment

Fantasy, the future

The Truth: People and things do not have the ability to be perfect

The Lie: People and things have the ability to be perfect

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Wealthy Mindset Versus Poor Mindset Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe, “Life happens to me.” Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

These quotes by T. Harv Eker, author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, refers to the concept of a wealthy and successful person’s mindset

Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

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Leverage #2 – Your Gift, Your Talents You are born with your own gift; you have talents, skills, abilities, personality that makes you unique. That means you are the only one that can bring your unique value to the world. Certain things come easily to you; they seem almost effortless yet create amazing results. The tasks you excel at reveal your natural gifts and talents. The world is filled with people who never realize their potential, many of whom never even realize they have unfulfilled potential.

“The most successful people are invariably those people who spend the most time thinking about who they are and where they are going, and then constantly evaluating and re-evaluating their progress in light of who they are and what they really want.” –Brian Tracy

Before you can take charge of your talent, you have to believe that you can have a positive impact on your own life. Once you become aware of your gifts and talents, your life begins to change. Your confidence goes up because you start to realize how gifted and talented you really are. You begin to recognize and take advantage of more opportunities. Your greatest talent hold the key to high achievement, success and excellence. The Gallup Organization has concluded from its study of more than two million adults from virtually every profession, career, and field of achievement that top achievers understand their talents and strengths, and build their lives upon them. You must uncover, develop and exploit your talents to fulfill your life deepest calling. Your talents empower you; don’t let them sleep inside you.

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Make Education, Your Personal Affair Do you realize that you have the most sought after Freedom in the World, The FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. You have the freedom to choose everything about your Life. You have the Freedom to EDUCATE Yourself to Become THE Person You Want to Be. You Have The Power To Bring Into Your Life What Your Truly Want. There is only One Important Quality You Need to Possess in Order to Exploit This Power. You Need To Become Responsible. You Need To Take Ownership of Your Life.

Take Responsibility for Your Life, Don’t allow other people to intervene, enabling them to affect and disable you. Skills Transform Lifes

Develop Your Human Capital

Economist Theodore Schultz invented the term in the 1960s to reflect the value of our human capacities. He believed human capital was like any other type of capital; it could be invested in through education. Human capital is a collection of resources—all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment. These resources are the total capacity of the people that represents a form of wealth which can be directed to accomplish a goal. Your human capital impacts every areas of your life, so it makes sense to take the time to develop it to improve the quality of your life. Education allows you to increase your knowledge, your skills and your access to better paying occupations.

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The Search For The World’s Greatest General

“Mark Twain told a story of a man who searched his whole life for the world’s greatest general. When the man died, he arrived in heaven and walked up to St. Peter and said, “I’m looking for the world’s greatest general.”

“The most brilliant qualities become useless when they are not sustained by force of character.” -Joseph Alexandre Pierre

St. Peter replied, “I know. We’ve been expecting you, and I have good news. If you look right over there, you will see the world’s greatest general.” The older man excitedly looked over and said, “That’s not the world’s greatest general. That man was a cobbler on Main Street in my home-town.” St. Peter responded, “But had he been a general, he would have been the greatest general ever.” This story is not meant to demean cobblers at all. This work is meaningful and requires very special talents. But the story does raise some fundamental questions: Did the cobbler know what he had the potential to do? Did he know that he had the talent to be the world’s greatest general? Did anyone try to convince him that he could be destined for greatness? Twain’s tale points to a painful truth that’s echoed in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Most people go to their graves with their music still inside them.” There are plenty of perfectly good cobblers out there who could have been great generals, given the opportunity or the encouragement. Maybe, given the choice, they would still have chosen to be clobbers. Source: StrengthsQuest, Clifton and Anderson

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Leverage #3 - Franchising – The Ultimate Leverage

Franchising is a way to scale a business once it is successful and proven. It involves finding franchisees with the skills necessary to operate branches of the same business. McDonald’s is one of the best known examples of a business that has grown through franchising. What allowed this company to become such a successful enterprise? It’s not the hamburger. It’s the power of an excellent, easily reproducible SYSTEM for the delivery of fast food. Likewise, every successful franchisee, in following the carefully designed system of operation, increases the profits of the corporation while making great income for themselves.

Extract From The Book “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber “Business Format Franchise has reported a success rate of 95% in contrast to the 50 plus-percent failure rate of new independently owned business. Where 80% of all business fails in the first 5 years, 75% of all Business Format Franchises succeed.” “Great businesses are not built by extraordinary people but by ordinary people doing extraordinary things. But for ordinary people to do extraordinary things, a system – “a way of doing things” is absolutely essential in order to compensate for the disparity between the skills your people have and the skills your business needs if it is to produce consistent results. Because every extraordinary business knows that when you intentionally build your business around the skills of ordinary people, you will be forced to find a system that LEVERAGES your ordinary people to the point where they can produce extraordinary results over and over again. You will be force to build a business that works. Alvin Toffler: said Individuals needs LIFE structure. Structure provides the relatively fixed points of REFERENCE we need.” Sources: The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

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I Consider Buying A License of An Existing Business To Be “The Ultimate Leverage”. It’s Reliable, Proven and Profitable, it’s Virtually FOOLPROOF. Licensees leverage an existing brand that is proven to make money and profit widely while simply promoting the existing business. The licensees don’t waste years building a business from scratch. In a nutshell, licensing is just like franchising except you're not franchising a brick-andmortar business; in our case, you're licensing an online Pick the ONE THING that proven business model. will make the MOST Money in the QUICKEST Owning a license to a business gives you the period of Time opportunity to LEVERAGE other people Works, Time and Experience. You can earn up to 90% commission, in other words, you literally own the business – which you didn't have to create.

You get to use all the existing scripts, templates, sales funnels and products as part of the license agreement. Licensees also have access to ongoing marketing training as well. This can really shorten your learning curve, and save you from countless hurdles along the way. The problem with most ways of making money is that your chances of success are close to ZERO. But the most RELIABLE, PROVEN, and MOST PROFITABLE of THEM ALL is LICENSING. *******

Franchise/Licensing Is A Good Idea! If you’d rather buy into someone else’s idea and a proven business model, franchising could be ideal for you. Buying into a franchise or direct-selling opportunity enables you to be self-employed and benefit from being part of an entrepreneurial team that provides you with templates, branding, training and help with finances. Sources: Department For Business innovation & Skills

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The Licensing Business Model Presented In This Document Has STRATEGICALLY Combined The Two Most Profitable Ways To Make Money Online, Affiliate Marketing And Product Creation. 1) Affiliate Marketing: Earn commissions by promoting other people's products. 2) Product Creation: Develop a product in order to sell it.

Combine the Power of Leverage with the Power of Efficiency (doing things the right way) and with the Power of Effectiveness (doing the right things) and You Truly Can Realize Amazing Results.

Owning A License Right Of A Proven And Profitable Online Business Gives You: The Power Of Leverage, The Power Of Efficiency And The Power Of Effectiveness This Ensure You Will Do The Right Things The Right Way Right From The Start There Will Be No Waste Of Time And Energy At All Together, These 3 Types Of Power


You Will Make Money The Fastest And Easiest Way Possible

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Success In the Information Age: A Paradigm Shift The world paradigm came from the Greek word paradeigma, which can be defined as a perception (a pattern of thought); a frame of reference; a way of viewing reality. This term encompass our self-definition and awareness in relation to our existence and social ecology. “We are the creators of our future. However, there are forces and factors in our environment today that we do not control, but that are pushing and prodding us to change if we want to be successful. How we act or respond is still up to us. We are the ones that control our responses. We made our past. We have made our present. We will make our future. And if we want to have some control 10 or 15 years from now, we need to make some changes today. The path we are walking is not well marked and difficult to traverse. Unfortunately, we are going to need to travel it at breakneck speed if we are to be successful. And also, unfortunately, some of us are not going to do as well as we would like. I believe we can make some good predictions about the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of people who are more likely to traverse it safely and even improve their personal and socioeconomic conditions in the process. They are the ones who are looking at the trends and making appropriate adjustments in their daily lives.� -William G. Huitt, Ph.D

Movement to the Information Age We are undergoing the most significant change ever experienced in human history. We have moved from the agricultural age through the industrial age and into the information age in a span of just 100 to 200 years. We have lived most of our human history in the hunter/gatherer age. In that environment the person with the best way to kill an animal or select the correct items to eat was most successful; in the agriculture age, the person with the most land and best agricultural machinery was most successful; and in the industrial age the person with the best manufacturing process or the most capital was most successful. Who will be most successful in the information age? Toffler (1990) believes it will be the individual, group, community, society, or nation that has access to information and the ABILITY to process it. He states that knowledge is the central aspect of today's society. Source: William G. Huitt, Ph.D

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Entrepreneurship And Home-Based business.

Toffler (1981) also discussed a shift of work back to the home. In 1900, something like 70% of us worked for ourselves; in the 1970's some 6% worked for ourselves. Toffler predicted that to change and in 1990, approximately 24% had at least one source of income that was derived from an entrepreneurial effort. It seems that he was right on target. By the year 2000, William Bridges (1993) in "JobShift" predicts that 50% of all the homes in the United States will have a home-based business. We can see that this trend is largely in response to the employment trend. People are starting their own businesses basically for survival. It's not "Oh, yes, I want to have a home business." People want to work, to make a living, to put food on the table. A person can work 20 hours at a place of regular employment, but had better have something to do beyond that because the jobs just are not there. Bridges says we all need to think of ourselves as a business, as "You, Inc." The government and large corporations who have provided jobs to take up the employment shifts in the past are simply not going to do that in the future.

Developing a New Paradigm Paul Zane Pilzer, a world renowned economist, (1990) has developed a paradigm of economics that says there is unlimited wealth. What he says is that wealth is in the mind. Wealth is a product of how we use our minds. There is no such thing as resources and therefore no scarcity of resources. There is only the ability to identify resources or a lack of an ability to identify resources. So, he redefines economics in some very interesting ways.

Source: William G. Huitt, Ph.D

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The Digital Economy

Consumers everywhere research a wide variety of products online before purchasing them elsewhere.

The Connected World

The internet plays an indispensable role in the life of billions of people. It affects every aspect of the global economy and society. Every day, consumers and businesses owners connect to the internet to search, shop, socialize, transact and interact with each others. The World Wide Web (WEB) is having a big impact on how enterprises do business and interact with one another. Companies neglecting to develop an online strategy to build digital assets will be left behind. The internet has a huge impact on productivity, giving businesses access to new markets, customers and suppliers.

The Importance Of The Digital Economy The digital economy is everywhere; it has transformed and will continue to transform the economy, in terms of productivity and connectivity, especially for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). In 2012-13, 77% of enterprises in the OECD area had a website or home page and 21% sold their products electronically. Over 80% of enterprises used e-government services. It has impacted all the sectors of the economy and social activities, for instance: retail, transports, financial services, manufacturing, education, healthcare, media and so on.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) was created back in 1960, when 18 European countries plus the United States and Canada joined forces to create an organisation dedicated to economic development. Today, 34 countries are Member of the OECD.

Sources: Measuring the Digital Economy: A New Perspective, OECD Publishing

The Rise Of New Business Opportunity The internet PHENOMENOM is opening new markets for services and products; this event allows new business models to emerge. Individual persons can thrive in these digital business models. For those willing to embrace change and organize differently, there are many opportunities to create wealth of the Internet.

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Create Wealth Through Entrepreneurship

The trade of services and goods is a vital part of our economy and money is the trade vehicle of choice in most modern countries. The more value and service you provide to others, the more money you will typically receive. EDUCATION is the main pillar of our Economic Growth and It’s our RESPONSABILITY as a human being to contribute to its improvement. Too many times, we rely on others people’s enterprises to make a living. We are so conditioned to work for others that the thought of becoming an entrepreneur never comes to our mind. Fortunately, the 21st century is changing this paradigm. The Internet phenomenon has opened the horizons to new adventures, the Digital Economy. Ecommerce can expect to drive economic growth for many years to come. “Entrepreneurs are a national treasure, and should be protected, nourished, encouraged and rewarded as much as possible. They create all wealth, all jobs, all opportunities, and all prosperity in the nation. They're the most important people in a market economy-and there are never enough of them.” –Brian Tracy

The Call Of The Entrepreneur There are so many different reasons for starting a business. According to Brittney Helmrich from Business News Daily, most entrepreneurs will tell you it's one of the most rewarding things they've ever done. “It's not just about being your own boss or getting to work from home —it’s much more than that. Entrepreneurship is great for so many reasons, big and small.” “Business News Daily asked entrepreneurs all over the world why they love what they do, and their responses ranged from incredibly inspiring to downright funny”

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Here's what they had to say: No. 1: We, as humans, love new experiences but rarely can you experience a host of new

things from inside your cubicle. This all changes when you are running the show. Starting your own business will ensure you'll always be facing new challenges and experiencing something new. — James Bregenzer, owner, Bregenzer Group No. 2: When my boss told me to stay in my lane, I knew I had to do something else. The day I walked into my office and had the ability to grow my company was the day I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. — Brittany Ringersen, CEO and founder, Lighthouse Recovery Institute No. 3: The best part of being an entrepreneur is that you can get out of it exactly what you put in. The harder you work, the bigger the reward. — Elizabeth Henson, owner, Elizabeth Henson Photos No. 4: The best part? Being able to say 'my company.' — Brian Pfeiffer, creator and CEO, Design a Tea No. 5: By far what I enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur is the ability to interact with a wide range of companies and individuals and to learn from them. — Linda Pophal, owner, Strategic Communications No. 6: I feel fulfilled when Fridays come along and I get to give my employees their paycheck. My business is a small business (fewer than 15 employees), so I know all my employees well and like talking to them about their work and mentoring them if/when they need it. Also, knowing that there are people that depend on me for their livelihood drives me to keep growing my business. — Priyanka Murthy, head designer and CEO, Arya Esha No. 7: One of the best parts of being an entrepreneur is that I can hire people to represent my company and myself, not some organization I'm working for. I have control over how I want my company to be branded. — Susan Baxter, president, Hire a WingWoman No. 8: I'm never bored, since I'm always working on making something better. It's not a job where you do the same thing for 30 years, then retire. I get to try hundreds of different directions (some good, some bad) and learn as I go. —Jim Belosic, CEO, ShortStack No. 9: To me, one of the best things about being an entrepreneur is you're helping shape the future of the world. Whether it's a new consumer product, B2B service or a new medical device, what you do can have a profound impact on the lives of others. — Tim Segraves, co-founder, Revaluate Proven Income Blueprint

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No. 10: As an employee, you are one ingredient in a recipe. You do not get to choose what gets cooked, how it is prepared or to whom it gets served. Additionally, your ingredient may be the one that will not make or break the recipe. As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to design your own menu. — Karen Swim, owner, Words for Hire Source, excerpts from “120 Reasons Being an Entrepreneur Is Awesome”:

The Cash Flow Quadrant Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Cash-flow Quadrant teaches the principals of income, assets and cash flow. Understanding the different methods by which income is generated and how it is utilized is essentially what Cash-flow Quadrant is about. The basic premise of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad is that the business world is made up of 4 types of individuals: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The B and the I Quadrants Are Where the Rich Exploit the Power of Leverage.

Employee - You have a job Self-employed – You Own a job (Professional/Specialist) Business owner - You Own a System (Entrepreneur) Investor - Money works for you (Investor)

Unfortunately, traditional schooling teaches us largely to focus on becoming an Employee (E) or a high-paid Self-Employed(S) individual such as a doctor, lawyer or accountant. While there is nothing wrong with this idea, it becomes a problem if your primary goal is to attain time and financial freedom. The left side consists of about 90% of the population and only 5% of the wealth, while the right side consists of 10% of the population and 90% of the wealth. Your wealth is determined by which side of the quadrant you derive the majority of your income.

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The left side is the time/wage side, where you work hours in exchange for money. The money you make is directly proportionate to the amount of time and the wage, or value of that time. Even those with high time/wage values, are still limited by the amount of time they personally contribute in exchange for the money they make. Changing quadrants is a life-changing experience and often requires a fundamental shift in our core values in order to come about. You will need to step outside your comfort zone. Once you have crossed the proverbial Rubicon, or "crossed from the left side of the quadrant into right side", there is generally no turning back. The rules of the game are totally different in each quadrant. They are completely different worlds and require different mindsets, tools, skills and behaviour.

On the right side of the quadrant, this is where your income is based on VALUE, completely separate from time. The wealthiest people understand this powerful principle, which is why they’re able to accumulate wealth that is completely independent of their contribution of time. You must understand that creating financial independence on the left side of the quadrant is impossible. It can only happen on the right side of the quadrant. Like the majority of the population, you probably fall into the E quadrant. Don’t blame yourself; we are so conditioned to do so from a very young age. We’re told the path to financial security is to go to school, study, graduate with a degree and find a good job.

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There Are 3 Different Types Of Income: 1) Earned Income: When you work for money. 2) Portfolio Income: Portfolio income is generally income from paper assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. A vast majority of all retirement accounts are counting on portfolio income in the future. 3) Passive Income: Passive income is generally income from real estate or businesses. It can also be royalty income from patents or for use of your intellectual property such as songs, books, or other objects of intellectual value.

In rich dad’s mind, the worst kind of income to work hard for was earned income. Here is why: It is the highest taxed income You personally have to work for it and it takes up your valuable time. There is very little leverage in earned income. The primary way most people increase their earned income is by working harder. There is often no residual value for your work. In other words, you work, get paid, and then have to work again to be paid again.

Earned income is the income that you work the hardest for and you are allowed to keep the least of.

Acquiring Passive and Portfolio Income,

Leads To Financial Independence.

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Types of Freedom One of the great business minds, Dan Sullivan, says there are 4 primary types of freedom. 1. Freedom of Time - Breaking free from the time/wage paradigm 2. Freedom of Money - Making enough to buy back your time 3. Freedom of Relationships -Spending your time with people you want 4. Freedom of Purpose - Relates to fundamental values and goals in life

You Will Never Get All of These 4 Types of Freedom If You Keep An Employee Mindset

-Employees don’t have any control over their time. -If they stopped working, they don’t get paid. -Employees have limited income. -They are not in control of their relationships since they don’t control their time. Many of them are forced to tolerate bosses, clients or co-workers they don’t even like being around.

Transition from E to the S Quadrant Once employees, recognize they’re not in control of their lives, some make the decision to change. They make a transition from E to the S quadrant. But, they soon realize that they’re working harder, longer hours and often, they’re trying to wear multiple hats. They find themselves responsible for the sales, marketing, accounting, legal, compliance, management and so on. They went from E quadrant where they had a job, to the S quadrant where they own a job. They still don’t have the freedoms they wanted in the first place because their income is based on THEIR abilities and hours they put in. This is NOT Leveraged Income and it’s not Wealth.

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They might have increased their income, but they’re not wealthy. Without them, there is no money. They are still in the left side of the quadrant since they have to work actively in their business to generate an income.

If You Want To Create Wealth And Gain More Freedom, You Need To Be On The Right Side Of The Quadrant.

What other options do you have that can realistically give you the kind of freedom and lifestyle that you want and deserve? Other than being a business owner, there is no other way to get all 4 types of freedom. You can have systems that make you money, and once you start making money, you go over to the investor quadrant to have money working for you.

Your ULTIMATE Goal Is To Have Enough Money To Retire And Live Well Through Your “Golden Years”. You Don’t Want To Become A Burden For Your Family, Or Having To Depend On Government Or Charity For Your Survival.

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Internet Marketing Revolution An activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation is called a Revolution. The Internet is a Revolution. It revolutionizes the way we do business and shake the Offline Business Owners.

Solopreneurship Is a Growing Movement In the 21st century, all you need to become entrepreneur is a computer and a decent web access. This scenario has brought a new term for describing a particular kind of business owner – the solopreneur. The Solopreneur is basically a business owner who does everything on his own.

MBO Partners predicts that by the end of the decade, 1 in 2 American workers in the private workforce will experience or embrace career independence or Solopreneurship. -FEB 26, 2013

Sources : kathycaprino/2013/02/26/ready-tochuck-your-corporate-jobsolopreneurship-is-a-growingmovement-for-women

Do You Have That Spark Working for someone else may not be a good fit for you. If you have that little spark of Entrepreneurship in yourself, do something about it. It is never too late to take control of your destiny. Like the old expression “Better Late than Never”

To Avoid Criticism, Say Nothing, Do Nothing, Be Nothing. -ARISTOTLE

Stop thinking that Entrepreneurship is difficult; instead, EDUCATE YOURSELF about the possibilities of becoming a business owner. Can you see yourself making a great living working for yourself; how would it feel. Start to feel it inside your body, feel the emotions of being a Great Entrepreneur. The more you think about the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur, the more it will become part of your new reality. And if you are convinced enough about your new reality, it will become your actual reality.

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“With Today’s Economy, Owning a Business is Less Risky Than Working For Someone Else” -Paul Zane Pilzer- Economist When you work for someone else, you never know what’s going to happen. You totally depend on someone else to bring your bread and butter on the table. In contrast, when you work for yourself, you know exactly what to expect. You become independent and self-reliant. You become a more fulfilled person and you add more meaning into your life knowing that you are autonomous. Working to build a business MAY seem a lot at the beginning but you will work less and less in the end and you’ll probably make 10 to 100 to 1,000 times more money. Many of the very rich became rich in their spare time. So, if you have a job because you have financial responsibilities, keep your job but make better use of your spare time - Educate Yourself, learn the skills to become an entrepreneur

You Can Earn More Tax-Advantaged Income By simply starting a small home-based business, you are becoming an “Entrepreneur” you are moving into more tax-advantaged income. If you can reduce the cost of some of your expenses, just by utilizing tax-advantaged dollars, you are getting ahead financially.

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The Traditional Way Of Doing Business Is Difficult According to Dunn and Bradstreet which keeps records on over 140 million businesses and has been tracking businesses for over 167 years, their records show that of the small businesses that fail, 90% do so because of a lack of skills and knowledge from the business owner.‖ The research proves that entrepreneurs fail, not because they‘re not working, because they‘re doing the wrong work. That‘s why they fail and often they don‘t even realize it. The overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs get the exact opposite of what they were hoping and dreaming for when they first started their business. All the time, sacrifices and the money invested in the business to end up worse off financially and mentally. If you don’t receive the proper training and guidance, you will never achieve the lifestyle and freedom that you want.

Internet Marketing The internet marketing industry is tempting and may seem easy for a lot people who want to make money online, but it’s not, if being successful online was simple, there wouldn‘t be a 97% failure rate. Never over-estimate your business knowledge and skills. You need to get real before you‘ll ever get rich. If you go down the traditional road of starting an internet business, meaning, if you start from scratch, your chances of success are less than 3%. It’s very low.

Why Are So Many Entrepreneurs Struggling? Why some entrepreneurs succeed and others don’t? And what's the difference between the few entrepreneurs who do succeed and the overwhelming majority that fail? Most entrepreneurs lack clarity, focus and business strategies. Lots of people are trying to generate an income online, they quickly get confused and overwhelmed with all the information available.

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Most “wannabe entrepreneurs”, the one called “Opportunity Seekers” misunderstand the true meaning behind entrepreneurship. They waste their time searching for the best opportunity and tactics hoping to find the magic button that will put money into their pockets. Opportunity seekers DON’T have the mindset of a real entrepreneur. They fail not because they aren‘t working, they FAIL because they have the wrong business approach. They don’t have any PROCESS in place so they never fully capitalizing on the TIME, ENERGY, and EFFORT they've invested.

Clarity And Focus - The Foundation Of You Success Clarity is a strategic condition that EMPOWERS you to clearly see where you want to go. Focus is a skill that you must learn to enable you to stay on track, persevere, and achieve your goals. Clarity plays a major role in making focus possible. When you have absolute clarity about what you want, and how you're going to get it, you're able to FOCUS on what's important, so you get more done in less time.

So, what do you REALLY want Professionally, Personally? What do you want for YOURSELF and your FAMILY? What are your VISION, your MISSION and your GOALS for your life? What is YOUR ULTIMATE DESTINATION

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Know Your Ultimate Destination Step 1 –Write Your Vision Statement Step 2- Write Your Mission Statement Step 3- Write Your Goals

Writing it down makes it REAL. It gives you a tool to measure your progress.

Step 1 - Write Your Vision Statement

Your vision is the guiding theme of your personal life and professional career. Your vision is a long-term picture that establishes your PRIORITIES for making short-term decisions. Your vision grows out of your VALUES. What makes a good vision and mission statement?    

A good vision and mission statement is concise and inspirational. It’s easy to memorize and repeat. It should be clear, engaging, and realistic, and describe a bright future. It should furthermore state your intentions, summarize your values, and demonstrate your commitment to living up to these values.

Vision, Mission Which Comes First? Business writer, Ryan Rieches, helps clarify this with a simple statement: “Here is an easy way to remember – just put “ARY” at the end of each. For example, a visionARY is one who looks into the future and can visualize a clear destination. A missionARY is one whose mission is to take actions needed to realize that vision.” In other words: A vision statement answers WHAT do I aim to achieve? A mission statement answers – HOW do I plan to achieve this vision? Some people ask: “Why have a vision? Why does it matter?” The answer is that vision provides direction for your life and context for your decisions. Proven Income Blueprint

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Your Vision Motivates you to Perform to Your POTENTIAL and Beyond. A Vision Reduces the Likelihood of Complacency, Drifting, and Mediocre Performance.

Your strong vision also makes you a role model. When people around you see that you have a clearly defined vision in your life and career, they will imitate you. Think also about the model you will want to project to your family and friends. Your vision should include what matters most to you, so when you write your vision statement, you need to reflect on and clarify your values. Think about the words that best express who you want to be. A vision statement is usually very concise—no more than a sentence or two. So you’ll need to select only about five or six values or characteristics to go into your vision statement.

Answering These Questions Will Help You Establish Your Vision: What do I want MY STORY to be? What do I value most? How do I want MY life to look like, to feel like? How would I live my life if time and resources were not an issue? Who do I wish to be? What are the habits I need to form in order to be successful? What are my greatest strengths? What are my gifts, abilities and talents? What are the patterns that hold me back? What habits do I need to break? What do I want to be known for? What do I want to achieve? What would I like to be doing 2 years from now? 10, 20 years from now, when I get close to death? How much money will I need to do the With no clear picture of how you things I wish to do? When will I need it? WISH your life to be, how What are my business goals? on earth can you begin to live it.” -Michael E. Gerber

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Of course, your priorities will shift as you get older, gain experience, and advance in your life. That’s why you should think about your vision statement as a living document, something that can and will change with time. You are not carving your vision in stone. Plan to revisit your statement, reflect on your priorities, and make changes every year or two.

Vision Statement Examples: “Raise People Consciousness In Order To Improve The Overall Human Being Condition.” -Judith Boucher’s Vision “My vision is a world where everyone is contributing with their full potential; where each person uses their intrinsic genius and leadership to deliver outstanding value-added projects.” Ford Vision Statement – To become the world’s leading Consumer Company for automotive products and services. Microsoft Vision Statement – At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. Avon Vision Statement – To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of women—globally. A vision statement is a commitment to your future, put into words to help guide your efforts.

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Step 2 - Write Your Mission Statement The next step is to develop your mission statement. It describes your fundamental purpose. It guides the planning and implementation of your vision. It’s a description that encompasses your own personal objectives, long-term goals, and guiding philosophy —all of which touch your professional life as well. Similarly, your own mission statement should embrace your personal and professional goals. And the best goals come from what motivates you.

My Personal Mission Statement It is my mission to live a life of honesty, integrity, and unconditional love; To never lose sight of what is most important; And to make the world a more beautiful place through art and my relationships with others.

Once you have reflected on your values and your motivations, you should be able to craft your mission statement without too much trouble.

- Christine Joy Johnson

Remember, a mission statement should not be the Ten Commandments for the rest of your life. It should project perhaps three to five years into the future. Just as you will do with your vision, you should revisit your mission statement and adjust it as your life circumstances change—because they will change.

Mission statement Examples: Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell Soup Company "To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference."

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Oprah Winfrey "To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be."

SIR Richard Branson, Founder Of The Virgin Group "To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes."

For Google It’s "to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful." Harvard Business Publishing Our mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. We do this by bringing together the best of academic research and real-world management expertise. In print and online, we publish books, articles, learning programs, and other content that informs and inspires managers, corporations, and educators around the world. Our content is both inspired by and committed to discovery, dialogue, perspective, learning, impact, and partnership.

E+R=O Event + Response = Outcome “IF YOU DON’T LIKE YOUR OUTCOMES, CHANGE YOUR RESPONSES” -Jack Canfield

“Decide Upon Your Major Definite Purpose in Life and Then Organize ALL Your Activities Around it.” – Brian Tracy

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Step 3 - Set SMART Goals to Support Your Vision and Mission

Goals are the vehicle which successful persons use to reach their ultimate destination. It provides DIRECTION, PURPOSE, and MOTIVATION. It’s proven that people with clarity and written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them. To bring your vision to life and accomplish your personal mission, you need to set some definite goals. One way to think about these goals is to think of your VISION and MISSION as your LIFE STRATEGY and your GOALS as those TACTICS that will help you work within and toward that strategy. If you’re not crystal clear about your goals and if they’re in any way vague or if there’s any obscurity around them whatsoever, it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever get where you want to go. Think of goals as the dots you connect to create the picture described by your vision and mission. They are the short-term milestones that will keep you on track and help you achieve your greater mission. There is no place in your life for vague goals. Your subconscious mind will fulfill whatever it focuses on and if your goals are ambiguous or incomplete, then you will achieve results that are also ambiguous or incomplete. You want to make your goal as detailed as possible in order to achieve the specific results that you desire. A specific goal is one that is clearly defined in such a way that anyone could come by and understand what you intend to accomplish. Your goal should contain a detailed description of what you want to accomplish; when you want to accomplish it by; and the action(s) you will take to accomplish it.

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SMART Goals Are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound.

Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals is an EFFECTIVE process for setting and achieving your business goals. Specific What will the goal accomplish? How and why will it be accomplished? Measurable How will you measure whether or not the goal has been reached? Achievable Is it possible? Have others done it successfully? Do you have the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to accomplish the goal? Will meeting the goal challenge you without defeating you? Relevant What is the reason, purpose, or benefit of accomplishing the goal? What is the result (not activities leading up to the result) of the goal? Time-bound What is the established completion date and does that completion date create a practical sense of urgency?

Example of bad goal:

“I want to become a millionaire in 10 years.” Example of SMART goal: “I want to become a millionaire within 10 years by owning my business and by creating a line of passive income products.”

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Crafting a Personal Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and SMART Goals is a KEY Step in Developing Your Own IDENTITY.

A WARNING SUCCESS TAKES TIME, EFFORT, COMMITMENT, PERSEVERANCE, and PATIENCE. As Jim Rohn said: “You Can’t Hire Someone Else To Do Your Push-ups For You.” I will give you the road map, but you will have to drive the car. I will teach you the principles, but you will have to apply them. If you choose to put in the effort, I promise you the rewards will be well worth it.

Have A Strategic Approach Once you are clear about your business goals you can develop a strategy to achieve them. If you fail to develop and apply a good strategic plan for your business, you plan to fail. It’s crucial to your success. When you think strategically you are never distracted or overwhelmed by all the opportunities out there. You know your next step and exactly what to expect from it.

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Opportunity Seekers Versus Real Entrepreneur Opportunity Seekers Business’s Approach: They develop information overload because they are always looking for the best solutions to facilitate their business. They think there is a magic button somewhere and it can make them rich quickly. They suffer from shiny object syndrome believing that the next hot thing is the solution. They are not sure which marketing tactics to use so they are willing to waste their time to find the best practices. They are always frustrated with their progress based on the amount of time they‘ve put in and the money they‘ve spent. After some time, the opportunity seekers begin to lose hope because nothing seems to work. They don’t make money and their self doubt starts to seep, they begin to question themselves about their abilities to be a successful entrepreneur.

There Is Hope For Opportunity Seekers If you are an opportunity seeker; you show that you are taking responsibility for your own education. It means that you have interest in entrepreneurship, and you probably have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Their main problem is your approach; you are using the opportunity seeking approach causing you to fail miserably. You must redirect your business approach to a REAL Entrepreneur Approach. You must realize that you are not the problem, it‘s not YOU, It‘s your approach, and when YOU change your approach your results will improve tremendously. You must shift from the opportunity seeker approach to the Real Entrepreneur Strategic Approach.

If you‘re frustrated with your progress; if you‘re overwhelmed with your workload, or just exhausted, there is no wonder why, you are using the wrong business approach.

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You Can’t Change What You Don’t Acknowledge Imagine all the time and all the money the opportunity seekers would save if they stop buying all of these high priced launch products that just drop more and more tactics on their plate. How much easier it would be to succeed if you a had a lot less to focus on and a lot less to think about while you make more money, and enjoy your business and your life better? Understand that you will never generate the income that you want; you will never enjoy the lifestyle that you want if you continue seeking opportunities and new tactics. You have to STOP focusing on HOW and start implementing some Real Entrepreneur strategies. You need to put your energy on the fewest things that will lead you towards your goal. You need to master the things that will give you the result you want for your business. Learning another tactic won’t make you rich, you have to stop trying everything and start applying real business strategy to become a master at what you do. If you keep looking for opportunity, you will never realize your true potential; you will never use your strength to its fullest capacity.

Strategy And Execution You need a strategy and you don‘t have a strategy until you know exactly what you are going to do. When you become a strategic entrepreneur, you know exactly how to get the greatest outcome as quickly as possible from the smallest amount of effort and the smallest amount of resources Do you know the exact steps that you need to take in the right sequence that will take you from where you are now to where you want to end up? What are you understanding of doing business online, what do you know about it?

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Assess Your Business Knowledge What is your knowledge and beliefs about business? Most opportunity seekers have either false beliefs or inaccurate knowledge about business and what it takes to succeed. Your beliefs and knowledge about business must be accurate in order to be a real strategic entrepreneur. If you learn from mediocre entrepreneur, your knowledge and beliefs will be mediocre as well. You will never become a real entrepreneur and generate the income that you desire if you hold on to false beliefs. Did you know that 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years and out of that remaining 20%, another 80% will fail in the next 5 years; which means in total, 96% of small businesses will fail in the first 10 years. Only 4 out of a 100 succeed. You can be part of the 4% who succeed.

What Is A Real Entrepreneur You are a real entrepreneur if you are not wasting your time doing things that are not essential to your success. You know exactly what to do next and are FOCUS on that particular next step. You know that your business approach is the fastest and easiest path to achieve your goals. You are a real entrepreneur when you don’t need to hype your products in order to sell them. Your proven and powerful marketing strategies do all the selling for you. You success comes fast, with less effort, giving you the financial and lifestyle freedom you want in the shortest amount of time possible.

You don’t want to be a slave to your business. You use leverages at its greatest level; you use Marketing systems and tools to keep your business growing and your income rising. In any venture, there is a process, there‘s a process to become entrepreneur just like there‘s a process for becoming a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant. A real entrepreneur knows the process for growing his business. A real entrepreneur invests in their business knowledge because it’s the only way to grow their business and get free from the daily chore. He is thrilled with their progress and excited about his future.

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New Wave of Entrepreneurship - Lifestyle Entrepreneur Become A Lifestyle Entrepreneur The “lifestyle Entrepreneur” makes their living online. They operate and manage their business from their laptop. They leverage other people’s work and systems to run their business. Lifestyle Entrepreneurs want to spend as much time doing the things they love, and they incorporate their interests into businesses that finance their lifestyle.

To Be A Lifestyle Entrepreneur Is To Live Life To The Fullest. It Means Taking Responsibility for Creating The Life You Want to Live. Not too many home-based business opportunities offer a real Lifestyle Entrepreneurship. To become Lifestyle Entrepreneur, the business opportunity must meet 5 crucial criteria. 1-Must have record of growth 2-Must have a marketing system 3-Must meet your income goals 4-Must be doable for the average people 5-Must offer services, training and support

Ask Yourself These 5 Crucial Questions Before Choosing A Home-Based Business 1) Does the Home-Based Business Have Record Of Growth? You must look for a Home-Based Business already established with a great reputation showing record of growth and success. You don’t want to get involve in something that is brand new and has no previous record of growth.

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How to determine a company’s growth? - How long the company has been in business? - Do they have a history of success? - Do they have great brand recognition? - Does their business model part of a growing trend? - Is their a huge market for this type of business? You must be certain that the demand is never going to drop. Watch out for the business that sounds “too good to be true”

2) Does It Have A Marketing System In Place? Once you know that the Home-Based Business has huge potential for profit, make sure that there is a marketing system in place. Doing business online is not easy when you have to do a lot of technical work. With a great marketing system in place, you will leverage others people’s works and it will be a lot easier and faster for you to achieve you income goal.

The best Home-Based Business is the one where you can use leverage at its greatest level. The more you leverage other people works and Time, greater become your Wealth and FREEDOM in the SHORTEST amount of Time.

A Great Marketing System Must Include: - Direct sales system with high converting sales funnels - Done for you fulfillment, payments and customer service - Phones sales Team

3) Can The Business Meet Your Income Goals? Choose a Home-Based Business that can meet your monthly income expectations. You need to sell high end products that offer big commissions. If you want to boost your retirement funds…you must go for the big buck. You want to make thousands of dollars quickly.

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4) Are Average People Already Making Money? You must look for something that is doable for the average person. Most people have no training, no special knowledge about internet marketing. If people who are making money are similar to you, you have great chance of making money as well. The truth is that most business opportunity is too demanding for the average people. The only people making decent money are the one with marketing experience and big lists to market to. Most of us aren’t experience marketers so we have to look for something within our capabilities. There must be testimonials about people similar to you making decent amount of money.

5) Does The Business Offer Services, Training And Support? It’s difficult to run an online home-based business when you have to wear all the hats. It’s illogical to believe that someone can be good at sales, marketing, accounting, design, programming and all the other talents needed to start a business and jumpstart it to success quickly. A great business opportunity must offers lots of service. The less time you spend working on your business, the more you have for yourself, your family and friends. This is it; we may call it “The 5 Main Requirements” for a Home-Based business model to pass the test. Without these, I would reject the business right away. There is one last thing that is nice to know about a home-based business: -Are The People Behind The Business Have Great Human Values? This is not mandatory but I prefer to partner with people whom I believe share the same values as I do. You don’t want to be involved with jerks. You want to do business with honest and dedicated people whom have your interest at heart. You want to be proud of the business you are promoting. You want to tell your family and friends that you have found a great Home-Based business even more, a great community. Proven Income Blueprint

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The Only Home-Based Business I Recommend * My Online Business Education – MOBE * My Online Business Education is an Online Training Platform and a legitimate business opportunity offering a large selection of training, services and exclusive mastermind’s events. Their products and trainings are focused towards Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship. The visionary and faithful guy behind this great business is Matt Lloyd, the CEO and Founder.

"Unless Commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans." ― Peter F. Drucker

Having experienced all the challenges of starting, operating and growing a business, Matt created ‘MOBE’ in 2011 as the solution to the biggest problems the industry was facing. His goal was to create a system that offered everything someone needed to build an online business, rather than having to go through years of trial and error like he did. MOBE is now a multi-million dollar company. With MOBE business program, you can start your Home-Based Business without the headache and the high cost of a traditional business model.

MOBE Business Opportunity Meets My 5 Critical Requirements: 1) It’s Part of A Growing trend The internet never sleeps; having an online home-based business is the best way to go. It’s like having a business without border, you are not limited by geographic area, and the 2) It has A Marketing System In Place MOBE has an excellent Marketing System in place. There are many offers you can promote and some come with their opt-in pages, sale letters, banners ads and email copy. 3) The Business Meets Your Income Goals MOBE may even exceed your income goals. There is practically no Income Limit with this Licensing Program.

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4) The Average People Are Already Making Money It doesn’t matter if you are a complete newbie or a veteran… If you are serious about making money online, you will succeed with this program.

There Are Many Testimonials Showing Baby Boomers And Newbie Having Success With This Business. 5) The Business Offers Services, Training And Support When you join MOBE License Program, you get everything you need to run your business effectively. Keep in mind that MOBE is an online Education platform focused on Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship, so MOBE covers a lot of material. There is so much in MOBE “Back Office” it’s impossible to effectively explain the real value of this program in a simple Ebook. Listening to some testimonials will help demonstrate the real value and the credibility of this amazing online business Program. * Mobe’s Partners * Testimonials

Click On The Images Below To See Real Testimonials:

Recent Stories From Regular People:

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About My Online Business Education – MOBE Their Mission “Become the #1 Small Business Training Company In The World! To achieve that goal, we’ve built a strong corporate team of top-tier talent from countries all across the globe, and we’re constantly growing. We know that success doesn’t necessarily come from doing what everyone else does. Our flexible, telecommute-based approach to workplace culture allows our staff to bring out the best in themselves, and to contribute a stellar work ethic toward the achievement of a common vision.” - Matt Lloyd

Who is Matt Lloyd Growing up on a farm in Perth, Australia, he learned the value of hard work at a young age. By the time he was in College, Matt had already started dozens of small businesses. Now, as CEO & founder of MOBE, Matt Lloyd sits at the helm of the premier home business company in the online marketing space. Following is some parts of an interview from Ted Nuyten on November, 2013: Matt, what inspired you to launch Your Company? “MOBE was really born out of sheer frustration. I'd been trying to make money online since November 2008 – and after over 2 years, I had very little to show for it. I'd put everything else in my life on hold – dropping out of college, and virtually living out of my bedroom – I was just obsessed with making this work. The more I failed…the more determined I became. Every single person around me – friends, family, thought it was a joke. They thought all these 'make money online' things were a scam… Some laughed about it. But I had seen proof other people were doing this, and knew I could. After those first 2 years, I started making sales. I had my first $3,000 month… and then it went back down. For a while, it was up and down. In the back of my mind, I almost felt sorry for anyone starting out, who was about to go through everything I'd been through.

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So, I decided to do something about it. I started creating systems that others could market… and make commissions from. And people started actually making money with it. Not a lot… but some. That was all the encouragement I needed – I put all my energy into creating products and systems others could license, and LEVERAGE – and making it really easy for them to make commissions. Three years and almost $20 million later, MOBE has become the fastest growing internet marketing company in our niche – and, the best part is, our rate of growth right now is higher than it's ever been.” What Are Some Of The Benefits? “The best thing about what I do, is when one of our members makes a sale. We have people making the smaller commissions all the time – that's not a big deal. But, when people are making the $1,000, $3,000 or $5,000 commissions that our higher end programs pay out, that's exciting. I like to go and post on their Facebook walls and say something like, "hey, congratulations, you just made a $5000 commission." I imagine them going on Facebook and seeing that, and their reactions. At the end of the day, I love seeing our partners succeed. I know what it's like to struggle. I know what it's like to be up into the wee-hours, staring at a computer screen, pulling my hair out in frustration because nothing is working.” Why Do You Think Other People Would/Should Join You? “It's hard for me to answer this question without sounding like I'm boasting. But if you compare MOBE to any other 'work-from-home' marketing system out there, what we offer is better. Because it actually works – incredibly Well. Proven Income Blueprint

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We have a higher percentage of partners making commissions than any other program out there. And, the people making money with it are NOT gurus. Sure, we have a few gurus on board (one of the top ones is up to over $400,000 in commissions in his first 13 months). But, most of our partners are regular people – people younger than me, in their early 20s… but also people right up into their late 80s! In a typical month, we pay out over half a million dollars in commissions. I transfer that from my bank account to our E-wallet account (what we use to pay people) and then that money gets sent in thousands of directions all around the world to our partners. It's a pretty cool feeling to be a part of that. And our products are actually good – so it's not just a money game. People can feel good about promoting MOBE. *Please note, MOBE is now allowing any type of vehicle.

We also give out free *Mercedes Benz's to our partners who get regular sales – you can see some of them at * Get The Vehicule Of Your Dream * I purposely made it easy for people to get the Merc too – from as little as 3 sales a month, you can go down to your local Merc dealership and pick up your new car. People seem to really like that. I'm excited about our future. I work harder now than ever before, making sure that MOBE will continue to scale and get better – and I'm extremely optimistic about where things are going, and the results our partners will get. In 2014 we're going to have partners cross over $1 million in total commissions so that will be exciting – and we'll have a lot of our newer members step things up and start having their first 6 figure years online. Our goal is to do $50 million in revenue in 2014 – with most of that going back to our partners. I've looked at our numbers, and it's very doable. I'm just thankful I got into this industry, took a chance, and didn't listen to the doubters. My advice to anyone reading this – is try out what MOBE offers. It works. It's working for people all around the world and it can work for you too. ” -Matt Lloy

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* My Online Business Education * -The Components MOBE business components are an ensemble of products and events covering the entire Internet Marketing industry. It’s a COMPLETE Training Platform that teaches every single aspects of doing business online. Its business’s structure gives anyone looking to start a business the opportunity to become partner with license agreements. The whole business program is divided into 3 levels, greater is your lever, and higher are your commissions. The fastest way to make big money is not through selling lots of lower price items; it’s to sell a few high ticket products.


When you become MOBE Licensee, your job is not to sell, your job is to educate potential buyers on what the products entails and why they should embrace it.

MOBE License Right Program Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

- MOBE license Right (MLR) - Titanium Mastermind - Platinum Mastermind


When You Join MOBE, You Can Make Thousands Of Dollars Off The Same Customer. This is a HUGE ADVANTAGE Over Other Business Model.

Raena Lynn, Nevada United States "I saw Matt the first time on stage last year. He was giving a presentation for Jonathan Budd on Facebook strategies and I was really amazed by some of the information he shared because it was unlike anything I had heard before in this industry. Anyway, a few months passed by and then he opened up his MOBE program to become a Licensee, which I did. I had my first consult with Matt just a little while ago and it was incredible. He really opened my eyes about what was missing in my business. I made my first $500 sale pretty quickly. I'm already starting to see great results. I'm really amazed. Matt has a great sales funnels. Joining MOBE is the best thing I've ever done." Proven Income Blueprint

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Level 1

* MOBE License Right (MLR) *

Leverage The Power Of A Tested And Proven Business Model By Partnering With MOBE License Right Program (MLR) When you “license” someone’s product, you pay for the rights to sell that product and keep the money instead of just getting a portion. As a MOBE licensed partner, instead of getting 50% as a regular affiliate, you can get 90% commissions. This licensing model is infinitely better than any other “online marketing” model because everything is DONE FOR YOU.

Product Description The MOBE License Rights Program shows you how to leverage a proven, profitable business model and make up to $1,250 commissions per sale.

MOBE: 3 Step Profit Machine Step 1: Become a Licensee to MOBE Best-Selling Products. These products are the “Cream of the Crop” – Matt LIoyd all-time BIG CASH generators. Step 2: Learn from MOBE how to drive traffic to these offers quickly and easily. Step 3: Let MOBE funnels and phone sales team make sales FOR YOU and Cash up commissions on front-end and back-end sales.

Please Note: A front-end product is usually sold at the beginning of a sale funnel like the MTTB Marketing System. It’s the first product a customer buys. Products sold to the customer after they made their first sale are called “back-end” products.

You make hefty commissions of $1,250 for every back-end sales of MOBE License Right (MLR) which you DID NOT have to sell yourself

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When You Partner With MOBE License Rights Program 

You leverage the power of a tested business model that is proven to bring in sales on auto-pilot which is a very smart thing to do.

You license some of the highest-converting products in the home business niche. These are Matt LIoyd’s “bread and butter” products that make him (and will make you) the most money.

You get access to daily webinars from his coaching team to answer ALL your questions and show you the most effective ways to get leads.

You get all the benefits of an established online business WITHOUT having to create products of your own, WITHOUT doing any selling, and WITHOUT dealing with customers, merchant account, and refunds.

You get a pre-built online “infrastructure” – web sites, landing pages, follow up systems, tracking, ad placement, hosting, etc

You can stay confident knowing that MOBE sales process is working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year on your behalf… converting your leads in buyers again and again and consistently paying out commissions.

With MOBE, you’re essentially getting a “DONE FOR YOU” business handed to you – a pre-built business that is already making money.

All you have to do is “plug in” by licensing MOBE products.

Products Included In MOBE License Rights Program: As a MOBE Licensee you get access to the following products in your back office: 1. 2. 3. 4.

My Email Marketing Empire How To Build A Funded Proposal The O.P.T Formula Affiliate Bonus Domination

BONUS #1: Traffic Masters Academy BONUS #2: MOBE Licensing Kit

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1- My Email Marketing Empire

Product Description My Email Marketing Empire is an 8 Module training program delivered in video format. Watch Matt Lloyd as he shows you everything you need to know about monetizing an email list.

The Modules are divided as follows: Module 1: Laying The Foundations Module 2: Finding Offers To Promote To Your List Module 3: Email Marketing Metrics – How To Make More Money For Each Email Module 4: Writing Emails That Sell Module 5: Segmenting Your List For Increased Profits Module 6: Big Paydays With Promoting Launches Module 7: Big Paydays With Promoting Webinars Module 8: The Holistic Approach To Email Marketing

BONUSES You will also have access to a bonus module where you will find the following content: $1.5 Million Launch Case Study eBook 256 Words To Avoid At All Costs eBook Email Marketing Bootcamp Webinar Replay

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2-How to Build A Funded Proposal

Product Description Learn the secrets of 6 & 7 figure network marketers. Stop wasting time on lousy prospects and focus on those who are ready to get started. You will learn how to build your own funded proposal and recruit new reps on autopilot using just the internet…without rejection.

The Modules are divided as follows: Module 1: The Real Truth About Success In Network Marketing Module 2: How To Create Your First Info-Product Fast! Module 3: Creating The Ultimate Lead Capture Page Module 4: The Money Maker: How To Put Together A Sales Letter Module 5: Converting Leads Into Paying Customers With Automated Systems Module 6: Collecting The Money – How To Install A Payment Processor Module 7: Filling The Funnel – How To Get A Ton Of Leads Module 8: The Big Payday – Getting Customers To Join Your Primary Business BONUSES You will also have access to a bonus module where you will find the following content: $1.5 Million Launch Case Study eBook 256 Words To Avoid At All Costs eBook Email Marketing Bootcamp Webinar Replay

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3-Affiliate Bonus Domination

Product Description Before Matt Lloyd become a multi-millionaire marketing guru, he was a broke, no-name affiliate struggling like 97% of people. In this training, he shares how he obtain his first $7,000 breakthrough by winning affiliate launch contests and getting on the gurus’ radar as the “guy to watch.” Discovers New Way to Cash in Off “Big Guru” Launches … Even if You Have No List or Product. How to crush affiliate launches by creating irresistible bonus packages…

In this 7 Module program, you will learn: Module 1: Getting Started Module 2: Setting Up Bonus Pages Module 3: Mapping & Creating Your Bonus Module 4: Planning Your Strategy Module 5: Strategy Behind Your Targeting Part I Module 6: Strategy Behind Your Targeting Part II Module 7: Bonus Delivery BONUSES You will also have access to a bonus module where you will find the following content: $1.5 Million Launch Case Study eBook 256 Words To Avoid At All Costs eBook Email Marketing Bootcamp Webinar Replay

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4- The O.P.T. Formula

Product Description Learning how to leverage the efforts of others through outsourcing has got to be one of the most profitable skills you can develop as an online entrepreneur. And you’re about to get Step-by-Step training on exactly how to do it. Running an online business is HARD work! There’s just way too much to do … And besides - why would you try and learn a bunch of new skills - when there’s really only a handful of activities in your business that bring in the sales? This program will allow you to focus on those activities … and outsource the rest. The O.P.T. Formula consists of 7 different video modules all accompanied with digital PDFs for each lesson.

Topics covered include: Module 1: Laying the Foundation Module 2: Listing Outsourcing Parts Of Your Business Module 3: Outsourcing Sites Comparison Module 4: Hiring Process Module 5: Hiring Process II Module 6: Tools To Manage Your Staff Module 7: The Big Picture

BONUS: Outsourcing 101 Most online entrepreneurs are struggling to get things done. They haven’t yet learned how to outsource effectively, so like most, they’re doing everything themselves. This is a recipe for disaster. But you can help them. You can share this program with them, so they can learn how to outsource just like you’re about to. And you’ll also get paid a minimum of $97 every time you refer someone to the program.

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BONUS #1: Traffic Mastery Academy 30 Days To Traffic Mastery The only program on the market that shows you what REAL affiliates have done to earn millions of dollars in documented commissions. Over the course of 30 days, you’ll learn from the men and women that are on the cutting edge of traffic generation today.

In this 7 Module program, you will learn: Module 1: Traffic Fundamentals Module 2: PPC (Pay Per Click) Module 3: The Power of YouTube Module 4: Solo Ads Module 5: Banner Ad Marketing Module 6: Blogging Secrets Module 7: Warm Market Traffic Bonus Training #1: Direct Mail Bonus Training #2: PPV

BONUS: Daily Support Webinars To Answer All Your Questions To complement the comprehensive traffic training, Traffic Masters Academy also comes with daily live webinars where you get to ask your traffic questions directly to a Top Tier Traffic Coach. There are multiple webinars a day, 6 days a week (Monday through Saturday) that match up with each of the 7 training modules. That means that no matter what time zone you’re in, there will be a support webinar that is convenient for you.

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Bonus #2: MOBE Licensing Kit

Product Description Licensing is one of the fastest and safest ways for you to find a product to sell, with high margins. The MOBE Licensing Kit is an in-depth, but “easy to consume” training course that will leave you with the knowledge and expertise in licensing other people’s products so you can make money without creating anything yourself. This training program has been assembled to teach you everything you need to know about licensing. You’ll learn how to identify good niches, find content providers who you can license from, approach those content providers, and how to set up your own license deals. The training program delivered in video format, includes the following topics.                       

What is Licensing? Why Licensing? Product Creation Why Would An Expert License? Top Niches For Licensing Types of Products You Can License Types of Licenses The Truth About PLR White Labeling Finding Products to Promote How to Approach Product Owners How to Talk to Product Owners Pricing a Licensing Deal What to Include in the License Negotiating the Deal Sales Copy Walkthrough Agreements and Templates Daisy Chaining Products Profit Maximizers Companion Products Done For You Programs Case Studies Your Action Plan

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Extra Bonus Bonus #1 – Lifetime License Right Most partnership licenses are temporary and can be removed at any time. McDonald’s franchisees have to repay every single year to have their license renewed. At the beginning, Matt was only going to make this license available for one year, but he realized that if he wants lifetime partners, he should offer a lifetime license. Keep in mind that if the demand for MOBE keeps growing, he might change his mind. So act NOW while the lifetime license is still available – you’ll be grandfathered in for life if you join now. Bonus #2 – Personal Coaching From Matt LIoyds Get Access to his Facebook Coaching Group. You can ask him anything –He monitors this group personally and will answer most of your questions. He usually charges $5,000 a day for his time. This bonus is priceless and is most likely to be eliminated in future versions of the program.


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Level 2

* Titanium Mastermind *

Why did Matt LIoyd include “Titanium Mastermind” in his MOBE Program? His answer: “I held my first live event in San Diego and called it “Online Income revolution”…As I began to see results from my live events and the partners who were joining me, I wanted more for me and for them. I saw a huge challenge with commissions being too small in our industry. Rising cost of traffic made it hard to scale up to the level I wanted. Very few products had ever gone above $1,000 in commissions. Why not? I started to think about what high value product I could offer that would be worth a much higher price point, $5,000, $10,000, or even $15,000 that would pay out huge commissions in the thousands. MOBE Mastermind Event This got me thinking about events and how they were useful…but what if we host series of events in exotic locations and made them holidays too? Like Fiji, Cabo San Lucas, or Costa Rica? What if we flew in the best and brightest minds in marketing to speak at these getaways? The idea excited me, and became my three day Titanium Mastermind program. It’s been updated a few times since I first launched and now it delivers a powerful punch for your business.” – Matt LIoyd

Updated Titanium Mastermind: * Earn thousands of dollars from each sale closed by MOBE expert sales team * Enjoy a 4 Day and 3 Night Marketing Retreat in an all-inclusive exotic resort for you and your guest * Free access to the Titanium 3 days Custom Training Summits: -Traffic Summit, Conversion Summit and Leverage Summit * Close the deal yourself and earn an additional commission per sale * Make six figures off only 25 sales per year Proven Income Blueprint

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Level 3

* Platinum Mastermind *

This program pays higher commission than level 2. MOBE’s program has integrated this Mastermind Event because people were making so much with Titanium and the other programs that they needed to learn how to manage and protect their new wealth. This is a five days retreat in locales like Costa Rica, Curacao and Fiji. It covers every facet of becoming a millionaire from top to bottom, offering a truly life-changing opportunity for attendees. Do you know that because of his products and his expertise in this field, Matt LIoyd’s company, MOBE is on track to make $150 million this year. (2015)

Updated Platinum Mastermind: * Earn thousand of dollars from each sale closed by MOBE expert sales team * Enjoy a 6 Day and 5 Night Wealth Building Retreat in an all-inclusive luxurious resort for you and a guest * Free access to the Platinum 3 day Custom Training Summits: Stock Investing, Real Estate Investing, Precious Metals Investing, Asset Protection and Money Mindset Summit * Close the deal yourself and earn an additional thousand of dollars in commissions * Make six figures with only 17 sales per year!

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Platinum & Titanium Mastermind Retreats 3-5 Days of Marketing and Wealth-Building Paradise

“When I decided to create high--‐ticket programs designed to put cash in your pocket, I called my team together to discuss how we would meet our objectives. It was essential that we put on events that would be worth the high-ticket price tag on their own and could allow you the opportunity to make those high commissions from promoting them. These upgrades are one of I decided that I was going to give you and your the smartest moves you can make for building your customers a chance to rub shoulders with online Wealth and Freedom. some of the richest, most successful people and learn the "backroom" strategies that wealthy people have been using for decades to build and grow profitable businesses and quickly amass huge amounts of money with minimal effort. These are not your typical "make money" seminars but ones where KEY PLAYERS in the industry share secrets that only the elite movers and shakers know about. After calling in a ton of favours and using a mind-bending amount of persuasion, I put on our first Mastermind, which was a huge success! To date we have hosted many masterminds with hundreds in attendance at each event. We have been to places like Fuji, Cabo San Lucas, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Curacao, Dominical Republic, Bali and more…

MOBE License Right Program has been proven to work over and over again by beginners who joined, with no marketing experience or technical skills.

It soon became evident that 3-5 days of training were not enough to cover the valuable content and speakers we had lined up. To incorporate the added content and speakers we introduced additional targeted and more specific 3 day training events that are now included FREE of charge for Titanium and Platinum members.” – Matt LIoyd

* Titanium Traffic Summit, Conversion Summit, Leverage Summit * Platinum Money Mindset Summit, Precious Metals Investing Summit, Real Estate Summit, Asset Protection Summit, Stock Investing Summit

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MOBE Offers & Promotional Materials Once you become MOBE Licensee Member, (MLR), you will have access to all these offers and their Promotional Materials, sale pages, opt-in pages, banner ads, email copy etc‌

Foolowing are the most popular offers by MOBE along with their promotional materials Limitless

New book from Matt Lloyd which was released early in 2016. Click to See The Sale Page

My Top-Tier Business- MTTB The first offer to Promote is My Top-Tier Business, MOBE’s most important front end product, the MTTB system. Its main purpose is to show business opportunities seekers how to make high ticket sales online to earn $1,000, $3,000 and $5,000 commission. Banner ad

Click to See Opt-in page exemple 1 Click to See Opt-in page exemple 2 Click to See Sale Page example 1 Click to See Sale Page example 2 Click to See Sale Page example 3

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IM Freedom Workshop Promote one of MOBE’s generic front-end event lines. At this FREE event, we introduce the clients to The Home Business Summit. Banner ad Click to See Hub page Located In London Click to See Opt-in Oage Click to See Sale Page

The Home Business Summit Promote MOBE’s upcoming Home Business Summit, this event is designed to help new internet marketers launch their online business. Banner ad

Click to See Hub Page

These events are occurring in different areas

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Super Charge Summit Super-charge your online business at this live event. Banner ad Click to See United-Stated Sale Page Click to See United-Stated General Ticket Order Page Click to See United-Stated VIP Ticket Order Page Click to See UK Sale Page Click to See Australia Sale Page

Mobe License Right Program License and market MOBE’s main products, including My Email Marketing Empire, How To Build A Funded Proposal, Affiliate Bonus Domination, The O.P.T. Formula and get 90% commissions and up to $1,625 on the backend. Banner ad Click to See The Sale Page Click to See The Sale Letter Webinar Click to See The Testimonials

Titanium Mastermind Event If you are ready to move your MOBE License Rights business to the next level, and start earning $3,000 commissions as a Titanium member, this is the place you need to be. You’ll also be invited to our annual 3-day ‘all expenses paid’ Titanium Mastermind conference. Click to See The Sale Page 1 Click to See The Sale Page 2

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Planinum Mastermind Event The Platinum Mastermind is one of Matt Lloyd’s highest level training programs. Members are accepted by application only. Once a member, you’ll be able to make $5,000 commissions without ever having to pick up the phone. And, you’ll be invited to the annual ‘all expenses paid’ 5-day Platinum Mastermind event, where you’ll learn from the top minds in marketing, wealth creation, and personal development.

Click to See The Sale Page 1

Automated Selling Machine An Automated Selling Machine that brings in MOBE License Rights sales FOR YOU every single day. Click to See The Sale Page

MOBE Motor Promote the MOBE Motors program. Click to See The Sale Page

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10,000 Leads In 100 Days

Spy on Matt Lloyd’s marketing: see where he gets his leads, how much he pays, and what are his results. Click to See The Sale Page

MOBE Elite Earners Weekly Interviews Every week, the top earning MOBE partners will host a webinar, and show you exactly what they’re doing to bring in the big bucks.This program is perfect for MOBE Licensees and Titanium members (Platinum members get it for free). Click to See The Sale Page

Ask Matt LIoyd Let Matt Lloyd promote MOBE products for you with question and answer videos! Click to See The Home Page

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Fast Lane Webinar

Accelerate your profits into the Fast Lane! Click to See The Page

MOBE Inspiration Daily Inspirational videos featuring successful MOBE Parteners! Click to See The Home Page

MOBE Affiliate Program MOBE Affiliate Sign Up Page Click to See The Page

AFFILIATE PROGRAM ******************* As you can see, MOBE is not a typical business program. His Back Office contains a lot of Marketing Materials to help you succeed. Matt LIoyd is a brilliant Marketer; he knows what to do to put money in both pockets, his and yours. His business model utilizes a winning concept for both parties, the business owner and the business partner.

No wonder why so many people are becoming wealthy with this program.

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Why Is MOBE Business Model So Powerful?

You don’t need technical skills or marketing experience to start profiting with MOBE licensing business, everything is done for you. Basically, all you need to do is drive traffic to a proven sales funnel. It’s simple but still requires work from your part. You have to dedicate time to make it work for you. This is far from being a get-rich-quick scheme. Licensing an existing business is by far one of the fastest and easiest ways to get started making a significant income online. You can do this business part time.

If you can follow simple instructions and set aside a minimum of 30 minutes a day, you will make money with MOBE.

Some Facts About MOBE -750,000 subscribers -165 staff -12,000 active affiliate partners and growing -You get pay quickly (in less than 2 weeks)

“I Would Not Sell Anything I Wouldn’t Buy Myself” -Matt LIoyd

“From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow”- Aeschylus

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How To Promote MOBE Effectively? Matt LIoyd has thought about everything, he wanted his Business Partners to succeed the easiest and quickest way possible. That’s why he has created: MY Top Tier Business (MTTB)

With MOBE, Matt LIoyd Is Giving You Direct Access To Partner With Him In His Million-Dollar Business.

“ When I first discovered this type of business — before I created my own programs and products —you had to complete the entire sales process yourself… including finding the leads, emailing the leads, getting them on the phone several times, and collecting payment information. Finally, you would get paid if nothing went wrong. That is way too much pressure for anyone to handle. Can you see why joining MOBE is so paramount to your online business success? ” – Matt LIoyd MTTB is a POWERFUL Marketing System create to sell MOBE License Right Program

This is a REVOLUTIONARY “Done-For-You” Easy To Follow Marketing System laid out in 21 Simple Steps You get videos and tutorials showing you exactly what to do. These materials walk you through every single step of the process, leaving nothing out. The training is designed so that anyone can follow it.

SOME of the Key Features included in MTTB: * A professional phone team to close your sales for you. You don't need to pick up the phone to call your leads. * A Top Tier coach to Guide you through the program. You’ll get direct access to a real, live six or seven figure earner. *A complete sale funnels with pre-written emails to send to your email list to promote the business *Done-For-Your Product Sales and Fulfillment *Amazing Support Team

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* My Top Tier Business - MTTB* -The Components-

Components of MTTB 1) The 21 Simple Steps 2) 30 Days Traffic 3) MOBE Daily PowerUp Call After completing your registration, you will receive a welcome email from Matt LIoyd with your login detail to access the MTTB System and the name of your coach with his contact information.

The 21 Steps are divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 - The Exploration This phase is made up of Steps 1 to 6 Going trough these steps will allow you to fully understand the business model, the sales system and the income opportunity. Most new MTTB members can complete Steps 1 to 6 in 3-4 days. During this phase, you will have sessions with your coach to make sure you are on-track and that your questions are being answered. Each MTTB Step will take you approximately 1.5 hours to complete properly. Step 2 is the longest step because it covers an important subject which is Traffic. After the completion of the first six steps, you will have a scheduled call with your coach for a Strategy Session. The purpose of this call is to establish if you feel this business model and coaching program meets your criteria for a profitable online business and if it’s a great fit for you to achieve your life income goals.

Phase 2 - The Structure This phase is made up of Steps 7 to 21 In this phase, you will learn in great details how MOBE License Program is structured.

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The 21 Simple Steps - Overview STEP 1

* How to Make 6 Figures In Your First Year With Top Tier

You’ll discover… What is Top Tier? Why is it a MUST in today’s economy? What the pros and cons are of the different systems available out there? STEP 2

* Discover the critical ingredient that very few know about

You’ll discover what is the Tactical Triangle? What is the critical ingredient that 99% of people miss when trying to climb the ladder of success and how it can be the difference between million and bankruptcy. STEP 3

* How To Unlock Your Millionaire Mind

You’ll discover what you do daily that keep you from your true potential? How to think and make the decisions millionaires makes to manifest their daily lives and finances. STEP 4

* Why 85% Of Franchises Succeed While Most Other Businesses Fail.

You’ll discover what business has the highest ratio of success while most other businesses fail. What are the reasons and how you can avoid them in your online business. STEP 5

* What Is Even More Lucrative Than A Franchise Model?

What makes MOBE the perfect business model and why it is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.


* How To License A Proven & Profitable Online Business

You’ll discover how to tap in and license a proven & profitable online business.


* How To Get The Expert Support You Need To Succeed

How to get coaching, training and support you need in order to succeed.

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* How To Get Paid Quickly & Easily With MOBE

In this video I’m going to show you how to get paid quickly and easily in MOBE. STEP 9

* How To Get $3,300 Commissions

How to make $3,300 commissions without doing any extra work. STEP 10

* How To Get $5,500 Commissions

How to make a further $5,500 without doing any extra work. You will learn the investing strategies of the wealthy. STEP 11

* How To Get A Brand New Car Paid For Every Month

In this video you will see you how to get a new car for FREE. STEP 12

* How The Phone Sales Team Makes You Money 24/7

You’ll discover… How to make $1,250 $3,300 and $5,500 commissions without picking up the phone. STEP 13

* How The MOBE Team Builds Your Business Everyday

You’ll discover “Live events” and how it can help you reach your goals. STEP 14

* How To Make 5x More Money Without Any Additional Work

Out of all the steps, this one may be the most important. This is where you will learn about MOBE Compensation Plan. STEP 15

* How Goals Setting Are The GPS To Your Success

You’ll discover “Goal Setting” and how you can break them down to meet your targets. You will learn how to create a quantum leap in your results.

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* How To Create Success Faster With Helping Hands

Learn about “Accountability” and how it compounds your results. STEP 17

* How To Finance Your New Business Venture

How you can fund your new business venture with MOBE, to achieve the higher levels of income you’re looking for.


* How To Get Steady Streams Of Traffic Visitors 24/7

In this video, you will learn the fundamentals and basics of traffic. Getting steady traffic will be the lifeblood of your business. STEP 19

* How To Get Access To Even More Opportunities

You’ll discover… How you can potentially make even more commissions per sale! STEP 20

* Discover Your Why And Manifest Your Success For Life

You’ll discover “Your reason WHY”. You will learn how to find out what will drive you in and out of success. STEP 21

* Discover A Special One-Time Offer, You Don't Want To Miss

How to use this system to get $1k, $3k and $5k commissions. ****** There is a lot of Value in these 21 steps but there is more within MTTB Marketing System:

The “30 Day Traffic”

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The “30 Day Traffic” Overview Also Included in MTTB System is A 30 Day “Traffic Made Easy” Plan that will show you how to get qualified traffic. This training is a great overview of all the traffic sources available online.


Video Marketing

Video marketing arguably, is one of the most powerful platforms for putting your MTTB in front of BILLIONS of people, for 100% Free.


Solo Ads

How to put your MTTB affiliate link in front of 100’s of people leveraging the mighty power of ‘Solo Ads Marketing.


Solo Ads

Lean How to do solo ads from one of MOBE Platinum member


Lead Generation – Online Classifieds

Online classifieds sites are a free or relatively cheap and effective way to get leads for your business.


How To Create A Basic Bing Ad

If you are interested in placing a PPC ad, this is a guide which will help you to create your first ad in Bing Ads.


How To Get Leads Through Guesting Posting On Influential Blogs

If you’re looking for a free and effective way to drive traffic to your landing page or blog, look no further. Proven Income Blueprint

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Lead Generation Using A Facebook Ad Promoting An Event

This post is to show how to create a Facebook Ad for lead generation. There are different ways to advertise on Facebook.


Banner Ad Basics for Lead Generation

One of the most popular forms of Internet advertising is the banner ad. Banner ads are images displayed as a box containing graphics which link is directed to a url by hypertext.


Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising will give you a huge amount of exposure, at very low costs. This enables you to reďŹ ne your campaigns and get quick response.

DAY 10

About Blogging With MOBE Elite Earner

You will learn some blogging lessons from one of the greatest blogger in Internet Marketing.

DAY 11

Video Ad Marketing With Another MOBE Elite Earner

This is a powerful training about Video Ad Marketing. The lesson ALONE is Worth way more than your tiny MTTB investment of $49.

DAY 12

Tell A Friend Strategy

In this video, Matt LIoyd will show you a different strategy to get leads.

DAY 13

Direct Mail

How to do a mailing Coop in your local area. Promoting MOBE with direct mail will give you better engagement than most online mediums.

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DAY 14

Incentive Strategy

This is another traffic strategy from the legendary Matt LIoyd.

DAY 15

Video Marketing With Matt LIoyd

Having your own “YouTube” channel enables you to connect much better with your Audience. You will learn how to create your own TV channel to get more leads.

DAY 16

How To Use ADbuyer

Media buying is a more advanced strategy. In this video, you will learn how to use the Platform “ to get traffic.

DAY 17

Success Story from A New MOBE Licensee

You will learn how a new MOBE Licensee has generated a nice income promoting one of Matt’s Webinar. His testimonial: “Matt has helped me earn a little over $4500 this week with his License program. I recommend this Program to anyone starting online that doesn’t have a product and a well converting marketing funnel.”

DAY 18

Success Story Using Free Traffic Source

You will learn a Free Marketing strategy used from one of MOBE Licensee member to earn his first $1200 commission. His testimonial: “I gave Matt LIoyd and MOBE my 100 % recommendation for anyone looking to learn and make money online from home.”

DAY 19

Facebook Group

Create Facebook group to make sales. According to Matt LIoyd, this works really well.

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DAY 20

Offline Marketing

Placing ads in local Magazine is an effective way to make sales.

DAY 21

Media Buying Directory

Media buying can be done online and offline. You will learn about some Media buying platform and how to use them effectively.

DAY 22

Matt LIoyd Favorite and Most Powerful Traffic Strategy

How to make joint Venture to earn 7 figures income?

DAY 23

Forum Marketing

How to use Forum to place Banner Ads?

DAY 24

Media Buying

A new media buying site revealed.

DAY 25

Low Budget Strategy

Get high quality leads even if you are on a low budget.

DAY 26


Use the most popular Internet Marketing forum to do joint venture. DAY 27

Facebook PPC Ads

Get familiar with Facebook Back Office.

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DAY 28

Facebook PPC Ads

Learn to place ads on Facebook effectively.

DAY 29

Media Buying

Learn a different site targeted to home-based business to do media buying online and offline. DAY 30

Media Buying

Take advantage of this huge advertising network to bring leads to your offers. *********** This Complete The “30 Day Traffic” overview There is a lot of traffic strategies included in MTTB. I have bought a lot of ebooks and programs about “traffic Strategies”, and I can tell you that MTTB “30 day traffic” training offers much more values for only $49. We all need motivation and training on a daily basis to help us grow.

MOBE Daily PowerUp Call You will have the opportunity to listen to calls covering subjects like: money, health, career, relationship, spirit, and lifestyle. These are live calls occurring every day of the week; Monday to Friday at 11h00 Eastern Time. In case you cannot attend to these calls, you would be able to listen to a recording. These calls are given by International High-Performance coach and are very valuable.

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Why MTTB along With MOBE Is The Internet Most Profitable Business Opportunity?

You will NEVER have to ship a product, talk to a customer, or deal with merchant accounts. It’s ALL Done For You. All you have to do is Copy and Paste Links and promote them. Product sales are taken care of, in addition to fulfillment and customer service. You do NOT need any Special (If you’ve ever dealt with customers, or had to Skills, Degrees or Education To fulfill products, then you know how valuable Succeed With MOBE. this is!)

This Powerful Business Opportunity Will Allow You To: * Create Income at Will and Pay off ALL your debt * Work while Traveling the World * Work WHENEVER you want, flexibility of working hours * Retire Wealthy and help others do the same * Help your children or grandchildren with their financial situation * Feel better about yourself knowing you are now Self-Reliant * In short, you will have complete control over your life, your income, and your time.

In summary: MOBE has already created thousands of successful entrepreneurs and this number is growing everyday. For these people, MOBE is their answer to achieve Freedom.

Having a successful coach, a long term business plan and an effective sale team is the BEST STRATEGY to establish yourself into the World of Entrepreneurship.

MTTB is your first step to become Partner in MOBE Business Program. It only cost $49 to get started; you will see if this business model is right for you. If you are not satisfied with the program (which I doubt) you can always ask for a refund. This $49 would be the best investment in your online endeavour.

I’m Ready To Join The Internet’s Most Trusted Business Opportunity

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What People Are Saying? Scott Dudley, Australia "Matt Lloyd actually lives just up the road from me in Perth, probably just a 2 or 3 minute drive. I joined Matt Lloyd’s MOBE program roughly 30 days ago and I've had some pretty impressive results without putting in that much effort. I earned $2,910 dollars so far. Now that's a pretty handsome reward for the first 30 days in the program! But it gets even better, because I've only really been doing free and low cost marketing strategies in the first month. I did one solo ad that cost me $55. And the rest of that is from Facebook events, which are free. I've also been placing advertisements on my blog. So for a $55 investment, a $2,910 return is definitely impressive. And I haven't even put that much work into it. I've been involved in other projects so I haven't really focused 100% on this. If I had the commissions might have been double or even more. The main reason why I've been able to earn these commissions is because Matt's sales funnels convert like crazy. They're proven funnels that just convert brilliantly and that’s half the battle... to find the sales funnels that actually convert and then send as much traffic as possible. So big thumbs up for Matt Lloyd and his MOBE program. I've had awesome results with it so far and I'm really looking forward to working with Matt in future. If you join up as well there is no reason why you can’t get similar results to what I've achieved in first 30 days." David Gilks, WA Australia "My name is David Gilks, I live in Western Australia. I am a family man and have a corporate job. I am pretty busy and I don't have a lot of time for developing my own products and sales force. So when I got chatting with Matt online and he mentioned that I could license his products and successful sales funnels, I was quite interested. I will admit I was also a bit hesitant because I really didn't know if I was going to make any sales, but I thought I'd try it anyway. But I’m glad I did. Last Sunday I woke up, made myself a cup of coffee, and was sitting on the couch watching TV with my son. I checked my Facebook account and I had a message from Matt saying, 'Hey... you just made $1,200 bucks in commission.' As you can imagine, I was pretty happy. A bit later on in the day I had another message saying, 'Hey... you just made another $950 in commissions.' And yeah, I was pretty happy, it was awesome.

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The funny thing is the day before I just booked a holiday to Singapore with my wife and kid and that was pretty expensive, so to make two grand the next day in commissions was pretty excellent. I highly recommend this program."

Tony Opee, California USA “I became a MOBE partner and the first week I made $3,000 dollars from sales through Facebook advertising and solo ads. Matt's funnel really converts. The opt-in pages have high optin rates, you're getting high EPC's, and estimated visitor value is higher than if you just do an affiliate offer. Matt Lloyd's MOBE program is something that every new internet marketer needs if they’re struggling to create high converting sales pages and solid processes. I would like to say thanks to Matt for giving me this opportunity to partner with you. I'm looking at results, and every day I'm just astounded. Thank you Matt. If you have a chance to work with Matt I highly, highly, recommend it."

Peter Oliver, Australia "My name is Peter Oliver and I am a professional photographer from Sydney Australia. I am now a licensee for MOBE products and in the first two weeks I’ve made over $1,200 in sales, and that's pretty spectacular. I have been in internet marketing for a while, doing a variety of things with limited results, including PPC (pay-per-click) for my photography business. So I am familiar with PPC but I had not used it on Facebook before. Matt actually showed me the best way of approaching that. I have to say that's been a great lesson, because the click-through-rates on Facebook are actually a lot better than you'll find in other kinds of PPC advertising. Matt's products have very high conversions compared with a lot of other things I've seen. So the attraction here is that MOBE products have a high conversion rate and 90% commissions.”

According to conservative industry averages, for every 6 MOBE Licensee customers we get from you, 2 of them will sign up for Titanium and 1 of them will sign up for Platinum.

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Case Study

Case Study: Andrea Goodsaid shares how she made $16,000 in her first 90 days as a MOBE Licensee Question: When did you get started with the MOBE License Rights program, and why? Answer: It was actually a really tough decision. It came into my lap (you were just starting to look for partners) the week between Christmas and New Year’s. We also have all 3 kids' birthdays around the same time of year. In other words, at a time when my budget basically couldn't handle much more. But it was also the New Year, and I knew I needed a change of business strategy the 90% commissions on your core products gave me that. To be honest, I had no clue how the backend sales were going to work. THAT has been the real prize inside.

Question: What marketing method did you use to start getting your first few sales? Answer: Well, I didn't really have any money or experience to do paid advertising... I did have a tiny list (very tiny by most people's standards), so I emailed them. I also used Facebook events to my advantage --� like I showed everyone on the webinar I did after winning one of your affiliate contests. I think it's still in the Inner Circle archives. The key I think is to build your list with people who really, really want what you've got. And that's about getting up close and personal with people's challenges and helping them to solve them.

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Question: How have you found Matt’s team at following up with your leads, and making sales for you? Answer: The follow‐up and backend sales have been nothing short of awesome. You've opened up a business model where people can really make decent money for a change as an affiliate. The front--‐end commission makes it possible and the back--‐end is like this double dose of icing on a double chocolate cake. It's chunks of top tier commissions like I've received from this license program that have turned everything around for me this year.

Question: For someone just starting out, what advice would you give to them? Answer: Don’t let your fear get in the way of you taking action. It’s very possible to do this – to make money online. Most people don’t know, because they don’t believe it can work for them… a lot of people have this ridiculous belief in their head, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…” That can be true in some cases, but it also prevents people taking action when something good comes along. Applying to become a License Rights partner in your program was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. While it hasn’t made me a millionaire –yet--‐ I am making consistent sales, and I have consistent money coming in… which is good... and if a stay--‐ at--‐home mother of three can make this business work for her, so can you!

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Is MOBE License Right Program For You?

This is for you if: 

You are overwhelmed with all the information online and you don’t know where to start. In other world, you are suffering of analysis paralysis.

Psychologist Barry Schwartz coined the phrase “Paradox of Choice” to describe his consistent findings that, while increased choice allows us to achieve objectively better results, it also leads to greater anxiety, indecision, paralysis, and dissatisfaction. Rather than empowering us to make better choices, our virtually unlimited access to information often leads to greater fear of making the wrong decision, which in turn leads us spinning our wheels in a seemingly inescapable purgatory of analysis paralysis, all the while getting nowhere on our important projects. 

You are ready to become financially free - your goal is to generate a nice online income by leveraging a high-converting sale funnel.

You are ready to become an entrepreneur and you are willing to put in at least 30 minutes a day to make this work.

You want a “business In A box” that you can simply “plug and play” and profit.

You want to make as much money as possible spending as little time as possible.

You don’t want the headache of doing everything yourself and would rather just partner with a company that does all the hard work for you while you pick up 90% of the profits.

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A Perfect Life Is Yours For The Taking There are people who make things happen. There are people who watch things happen. And there are people who say, “what happened?” -Robin S. Sharma Study the following : 10 Golden Rules for Mental Mastery to run your mind like a peak performer, by Robin S. Sharma. 1-The level of your success is determined by what you think every second of every minute of every day. Your thoughts shape your world - mental mastery is the DNA of life mastery. Today’s thoughts will serve to build your dreams of tomorrow. 2-Your outer world reflects your inner world. If you want to change your life, you must start by changing the thoughts you put into your mind. Success on the outside begins with success on the inside. 3. You alone are responsible for what you think. Most importantly, you can change the way you think and remove any negative thinking habits by the daily practice of mental discipline and conditioning. Thinking patterns are habits and, like all habits, they can be changed when you strongly desire to change them and take concrete action towards your goal. 4. A super successful mindset does not happen in a day. You have to work hard on it just like any other worthy pursuit in life. But with 30 days of daily, concentrated practice, you will note astonishing changes in the way you think, feel and act. 5. One of the great keys to a better life is to change your self-image. Our self-image is determined by the mental pictures we constantly run through our minds. Our minds work through pictures and when we change the pictures to show what we really want in our lives and what we really can achieve, our self-image will also improve dramatically. This leads to greater confidence and belief in our personal abilities and power. Goals are then easily achieved and the ordinary becomes the extraordinary. 6. Anything you faithfully and honestly believe you can achieve, you will achieve if you take persistent action in that direction. Constantly keep your dreams at the front of your mind. Repeat them all day, every day. Never, let go of them. When you concentrate all your mental and physical energy on a single purpose, dormant forces that you never knew you had are sparked into action. This is the secret of genius: finding what you love to do and then spending all your time doing it. As one wise person has said: “once you find what

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you truly love doing, you will never have to work another day in your life.” People with far less than you have achieved great feats. 7. The Law of Attraction is the dominant law of the mind. What you think about and believe is what you attract into your life. People who are happy and motivated attract such people into their world. People with a positive expectation of super success will attract opportunities to allow them to arrive at this destination. 8. Your subconscious mind plays a particularly great role in the outcome of your life. You must learn how to use it for maximum achievement. Again, mental pictures and verbalization play a big role in stimulating your subconscious mind. 9. Your mind has the capacity to hold only one thought in its focus at any one time. Using this knowledge, you must ensure that each thought is a valuable and positive one. If a negative, disempowering thought does enter, quickly replace it with a good one. As you develop the habit of thinking useful, energizing thoughts, weak ones will no longer hold any power. 10. There is a Success Mechanism inside your mind which craves positive stimulation. It awaits your instructions. When you realize this and start setting great goals for yourself it will spring to life and seize all opportunities get you to where you want to go. Scientific researchers are discovering the virtually limitless capacity of the brain and that we generally use only about 25% of its potential on any given day at best. Human beings are designed to have perfect health and perfect minds but, during the course of our lives, we learn to sabotage ourselves and exclude perfection.

“We are all here for some Special Reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become The Architect of Your Future.” ― Robin S. Sharma

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In conclusion, It’s estimated that only 5 percent of people decide on the money they’ll earn-and then grow as a person to earn the income they seek. They take their lives, their fortunes and their futures into their own hands as they should and accomplish their goals right on schedule. For the rest, averages seem to be good enough. Most seem to just drift along, taking circumstances as they come, and perhaps hoping from time to time that things will get better. You will be amazed at the number of people who want more money but don’t want to take the time to qualify for it. Are you this type of person? I don’t think so, you wouldn’t be reading this text if you did not have the intention to improve your lifestyle. They only limit on your income is you. You can take the driver’s MOBE Licensing Business Program is an Excellent Opportunity to change your Life around. It’s designed and structured for beginners and average people. You don’t need any Internet Marketing Experience or technical skills to succeed with this Business Model.

This Program Is YOUR ROADMAP To Making Money Faster Than You Ever Though Possible. It’s Literally Your PROVEN INCOME BLUEPRINT, It’s Working For Thousands Of Average People, Just Like You.

You won’t find anything better than MOBE to make money online; this PROGRAM is a REAL “Short Cut” to start a home-based business. How will your life be different when you get a Proven and Profitable Business that will allow you to BREAKTHROUGH to Higher Levels of Success and reach ALL Your Income Goals? This is possible for you - You can do this - You can have a thriving business.

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The Only Possible Way To Fail Is To Quit. The ONLY thing you need to bring to the table is a strong desire to succeed, an open mind and a willingness to follow through with this entire process. And, you can be assured, unlike any other business model or course out there, MOBE have a track record at helping people create successful online businesses. MOBE works, unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. “A Great Business Opportunity Is Worth To Someone Exactly What His Preparation Enables Him To Make Of It”

You might be wondering, will this actually work for you? It will work for you to the DEGREE that you COMMIT to this process and following through with it. If you’re SERIOUS about success and you’re willing to INVEST in YOURSELF and your BUSINESS like real entrepreneurs do, then you will succeed. You’re about to embark on the most important journey you could ever possibly take in your lifetime, a JOURNEY to GREATER WEALTH and FREEDOM. I’m excited for you and the results you’re going to get when you wholeheartedly commit to your new HomeBased Business. If you want to beat the odds and increase your chances of success with this system, then there’s only one thing you have to do is, Commit. Commit to finishing this program in its entirety. Commit Like YOUR FREEDOM Depends On It, Because it Does.

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Are you going to continue to get the same results? Meaning the same frustrations, the same disappointments, the same struggle...Or are you going to choose differently, to change for better, to create the Lifestyle you always wanted? With MOBE, you‘ll be able to quickly eliminate the challenges, frustrations, setbacks, and struggles of owning a traditional business.

What Would It Mean For You To Have A Thriving, Successful Online Business. One That Provides You With The TIME And FINANCIAL FREEDOM You Have Always Wanted?

MOBE is a Profitable Online Business allowing You to use the Power of Leverage, the Power Of Efficiency and the Power Of Effectiveness. This Ensure You Will Do The Right Things, The Right Way, Right From The Start. There Will Be No Waste Of Time And Energy At All. Together, These 3 Types Of Power Guarantee You Will Make Money The Fastest And Easiest Way Possible.

If you are SERIOUS about making money online, I highly suggest you buy MOBE License Right Program (MLR).

You Will Stop Wasting Your PRECIOUS TIME, FOCUS Your Energy on What’s IMPORTANT For You, Create FINANCIAL FREEDOM To Enjoy A Healthy Lifestyle And Secure a WEALTHY Retirement. Owning A License Right Of A Proven Beside, with MOBE, you get ALL the EDUCATION you need in order to run your online business successfully. MOBE is THE REFERENCE in regards to Internet Marketing Training and Coaching.

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You won’t find anything else like MTTB and MOBE, nothing else compares to this program, this is a complete “Business In A Box” ready to make SALES for you. Your commitment to go through all the steps will enable you to take a thoughtful decision about this GREAT home-based business opportunity.

With MOBE, all you have to do to make money is send traffic to their offers. The program will teach you how to do it; you could be making money within your first week. If you focus and commit, your results may astonished you.

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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My BONUS When You Join MTTB System Have you heard about the term “Sales Funnel”, it's a marketing process, the "ideal" process you intend your customers to experience as they go from Prospect to Lead to Customer to Repeat Buyer.

Typical Components Of A Sale Funnel: 1- Squeeze Page with a lead Magnet (free report) You need a high quality, value-packed free report to give away to visitors on your own high converting Squeeze page in return for their emails. 2- Sale Page to sell a “Self Liquidating” Offer or 'Tripwire': Most people would send their traffic to a long drawn out sales video for an affiliate program, home business or high priced product. Instead, the trick is to send your new leads to a low cost, high converting product offer that YOU OWN. The goal of this offer is to 'self liquidate' your funnel, aka recoup the money you spend on traffic. 3- Thank you page, comes right after the the sale 4- Email follow up Series Following up with your prospects is essentiel to build a long term business. You must develop a good relationship and build trust with them before they do business with you. Having your OWN marketing materials is essential to build your brand online. It will tremendously increase your authority into the market place. You will stand out from the crowd which is essential to become a successful Lifestyle Entrepreneur. I have created my High Converting Sale Funnel which I call “The License To Wealth” I am giving you the Private Label Right of My High Converting Sale Funnel as you go through the system. This is a Great Opportunity for You To Leverage my work at your Own Benefits. Read on for the details....

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Your BONUS When You Join MTTB System The first step with this entire Program is to join the MTTB System, i.e. the 21 simple steps explained at page 103 of this document. It only cost $49 and is fully refundable. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. My bonus is worth much more than the entry price for the system.

Your Bonuses Summary Total Value Bonus 1- Free WordPress Installation Service, value of $100 $740 Bonus 2- My Lead Magnet (report), value of$180 Bonus 3- My High Converting Squeeze Page, value of $150 Bonus 4- Free Installation of your Squeeze Page and your Lead Magnet on your Blog ready to take new leads, value of $220 Bonus 5- Auto-responder, Opt-in form Integration with 2 Email follow-up, value of $90

Bonus 1: Free WordPress Installation Service I am VERY committed to your success and I understand that you might not have yet the knowledge to set-up your own blog.

Value $100

I will install and set up a blog on the most popular Content Management Platform, at no cost to you. Not only that, I will also install for free the most important plugins to get your blog started the right way and I will create the most important pages for you. Page Creation: 1- Home 2- Blog 3- My Story

Plugins Installation: 1-Yoast SEO

2-W3 Total Cache


Please note: This free installation is being sponsored by A2 Hosting. They are my official web host for all my blogs. If you were to pay someone to only install WordPress and the plugins for you, it

would cost you at least $100. The only conditon to get your free WordPress installation service is to order a web hosting plan from my hosting provider A2 Hosting.

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Bonus 2: My Lead Magnet With PLR:

Value $180

A lead magnet is a high quality free report to give away to your visitors on your own high converting Squeeze page in return for their emails. If you want to do business online into the Home-Based Business Industry, this great report will help you start your business faster. It will allow you to build your list which will become your most valuable asset. List Building is ESSENTIAL for anyone serious about making money online. You will get the Private Label Right (PLR) of my value Report “5 Crucial Questions You Must Answer Before Choosing A Home-Based-Business�. With the PLR, you will become the owner of this report and will be allow putting your name on it and even changing it if you want to. You will receive the word file, the PDF file and the cover page graphics (flat and 3D image). Click The Image to see your new report.

Click The Image to See Your New Report

Please Note: I will write Your Name at the bottom of the report.

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Bonus 3: My High Converting Squeeze Page With PLR: A squeeze page is a landing page designed to capture Value opt-in email addresses from potential subscribers. The goal of a squeeze page is to convince �squeeze� a visitor into providing one of their most sought-after and coveted pieces of personal data: the email address.


See Below a screen shot of your squeeze page

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Bonus 4: Free Installation of you Squeeze Page and Lead Magnet I will install for free your Squeeze Page and your Lead Magnet on your Blog ready to take new leads, value of $220

Value $220

Bonus 5: Auto-responder – Opt-in form Integration + 2 Emails Value $90 An Auto-responder is a Email Marketing feature that gives you the opportunity to engage with contacts and start building a relationship with them. It sends automatically emails to your list on a schedule. By having an auto-responder service, you can collect leads (email addresses) that opt into your squeeze page also called lead capture page and manage the communication that goes out to them collectively known as email marketing. I will create and integrate your opt-in form into your new squeeze page. I will also scheduled 2 emails to follow up with your new subscribers. This means that as soon as someone opt-in into your squeeze page, an email will be automatically sent to them making sure they have received your new report. The second email will be about“ Internet Marketing” To get your opt-in form integrated into your squeeze page and 2 Email Follow-up service for FREE, all you have to do is create an account with my email service provider “Aweber”.

Please note: This free installation is being sponsored by “Aweber”. They are my official email service provider. The only conditon to get your the optin-form set-up with your squeeze page is to create an account with “Aweber”.

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IMPORTANT: How To Claim Your Bonuses Within 24 hours of your registration with MTTB, an PDF will be sent to you containing ALL the instructions to claim your Bonuses. Everything will be laid out step by step for you showing you exactly what to do. The whole process of installing your blog, setting-up your report, your squeeze-page and auto-responder will depend on your rapidity to create your account with “A2 Hosting” and “Aweber”which is very simple. Please note: There is no limit of time to claim your bonuses, so there is nothing to rush about. Once I have received all the information I need to proceed, count approximately 3 days for your Blog, your Squeeze Page and your Auto-responder to be Set-up and ready to take new leads.


Your List Will Be Your Most Valuable Asset

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Copyright 2016 Judith Boucher

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My BONUSES When You Buy MOBE License Right Program (MLR) You now have in your possession the first part of my Sale Funnel “The License To Wealth”, the Lead Magnet and the Squeeze Page. When you follow me with MOBE and buy the Licensee Right Program (MLR), I will give you the last and most important part of my sale funnel with Private Label Right (PLR).

Your Bonuses Summary When You Become MOBE Licensee Bonus 1- My Self Liquidating Offer or 'Tripwire' (Document/Ebook) with PLR, value of $1500 Bonus 2- My Sale Letter ForThe “Self Liquidating” Offer or 'Tripwire' with PLR, value of $580

Total Value $2660

Bonus 3- Thank You Page with PLR, value of $50 Bonus 4- Free Installation of the Sale Letter, the Self Liquidating Offer and the “Thank You Page” on your Blog, value of $280 Bonus 5- Auto-responder, 5 additional follow-up Emails, value of $250

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Bonus 1- My Self Liquidating Offer or 'Tripwire': Most people would send their traffic to a long drawn out sales video for an affiliate program, home business or high priced product.

Value $1500

Instead, the trick is to send your new leads to a low cost, high converting product offer that YOU OWN. The goal of this offer is to 'self liquidate' your funnel, aka recoup the money you spend on traffic. My self Liquidating Offer is the powerful Document you are actually reading. You must sell it for exatly $9. You will receive the word file, the PDF file and the cover page graphics (flat and 3D image).

Bonus 2- My Sale Letter For The Self Liquidating Offer or 'Tripwire' : You will get the Private Label Right of My Sale Letter with payment integration from Paypal which is the most popular online.

Value $580

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Bonus 3- Thank You Page I am giving you my “Thank You Page” with PLR, this page come right after people buy your Self-Liquidating offer.

Bonus 4- Free Installation – Sale Letter With Self Liquidating Offer I will set-up your Self-Liquidating Offer and your Sale Letter with Paypal integration payment on your blog.

Value $180


I will do your installation for Free ONLY if you use the same domain registrar, hosting company and auto responder that I am using and that I highly recommend. Their prices are very competitive and they are reliable. I am using “A2 Hosting” for domain names and hosting and “Aweber” for my Autoresponder.

Bonus 5: Auto-responder – 5 additional Follow-up Emails I will scheduled 5 additional emails to follow up with your new subscribers. In total, you will have 7 emails following up in a perfect sequence.

IMPORTANT: How To Claim Your Bonuses Within 24 hours of your registration with MOBE, a PDF will be sent to you containing ALL the instructions to claim your Bonuses. Everything will be laid out step by step for you showing you exactly what to do. Please note: There is no limit of time to claim your bonuses, so there is nothing to rush about. Once I have received the information I need, count approximately 3 days for your Sale Page, your Thank You Page and your Auto-responder to be set-up.

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When you become MOBE Licensee, you will have the Private Label Right to the Entire Sale Funnel “The License To Wealth”. This means, you could change it in anyway you want. However, Offering bonuses is enticing when promoting this program. I highly recommend you give away the same bonuse as you received, i.e. The private Label Right (PLR) of the Sale Funnel already described into this document and the same bonuses already described at the end of the sale letter.

Doing so, you will only have to give your futur MOBE buyers, the same code I gave you to access all the bonuses. The one needed to access the bonuses descibed at the end of the sale funnel is delivered automaticaly with the “Thank You Page” In regard of the installation or the Sale Funnel, you futur buyers can install it by themself just by following the step by step, or they may request my services to do it, see this page for more details.

I made everything as easy as possible for you so you can concentrate on building your list and make money. I want you to succeed and reach your financial freedom to realize your full potential.

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My Online Support I am truly dedicated to your online success. So, I am giving you my support in regards of technical issues or any concerns you may have about this Business. You may reach me through Facebook, or by email at I will be more than happy to assist you. You see, the more I help people, the better I feel. It’s my mission, helping and serving gives me a lot of joy and put meaning into my life. Really, I am there for you. Don’t ever think you will disturb me when asking questions. You Success Is My Success. It’s important for me to HELP you, please, keep that in mind. I am Your Online Servant Leader. If you need help, please, reach out to me. Like I say: -“Together We Stand, Stronger We Are, Wealthier We Become.” Communication is one of the key to achieve anything in your life.

“Ask And You Shall Receive” Send me an email and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Judith Boucher

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Now You Have A Decision To Make A Decision That’ll Set The Course Of The Rest Of Your Life! Remember, Your Online Business Will Be The BIGGEST FACTOR In The Money You Make And Your Overall Level Of Wealth .

Owning A License Right Of A Proven And Profitable Online Business Gives You: The Power Of Leverage, The Power Of Efficiency And The Power Of Effectiveness This Ensure You Will Do The Right Things The Right Way Right From The Start There Will Be No Waste Of Time And Energy At All Together, These 3 Types Of Power Guarantee You Will Make Money The Fastest And Easiest Way Possible.

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Your Life Will Be Different When You Get Your License To A Proven And Profitable Business That Will Allow You To BREAKTHROUGH To Higher Levels Of Success And Reach ALL Your Income Goals? Follow My Lead And I Will Set You Up For HIGH LEVEL OF SUCCESS! Join The MTTB SYSTEM And Let's Start Building Your Wealth NOW.


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Do What Ever It Take To Realize Your Full Potential The main reason why I have joined MOBE is to achieve Financial Freedom to secure my retirement. I also like to do my own things. I don’t really like to work for someone else. I began to recognize my own-self late in my forties. I won’t lie to you; I had to work on my self-confidence to go forward on my own. It takes courage, conviction and perseverance to succeed as an entrepreneur. Every day, I read selfdevelopment book to increase my self-worth, I also like to read quotes from great minds. There are so many advantages to work on yourself Your Capabilities Are Powerfully and as an entrepreneur you don’t have other Impact By The Identity You Have choice, you grow or you die. You must thrive to Developed For Yourself. become a better person; you must believe that you are able to achieve what ever you set your mind to. You must respect and love yourself enough to give yourself permission to succeed. If you want more money, go for it, you deserve to be wealthy. All people with the right intentions deserve to be wealthy. Abundance is within your reach. Set your income goals and have a clear vision. Without goals and visions, you are limiting yourself. Wealth is giving you the power to help people around you. When you are financially independent, you can spend your time improving your life and the life of people you cherish the most, your children, your grand-children etc... You must listen to your heart and follow its direction, and then you’ll know you are on the right path. Don’t ever let other people stopping you from being yourself. You are unique and valuable; don’t waste your precious life thinking that you don’t deserve the best. Do what ever it takes to become your True-Self. At the end, it’s going to be nice to look back and say – “I have done everything I could to become the best version of myself, now, I can go and Rest In Peace.” From the bottom of my heart! Judith Boucher Your Online Servant Leader “Together We Stand, Stronger We Are, Wealthier We Become”

Proven Income Blueprint

My Mission: Promote Self-Education To Empower People To Take Control Of Their Own Life By Developing Their Inner Strengths and Leadership Ability. My Vision: Raise People Consciousness In Order To Improve The Overall Human Being Condition.

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