5 Crucial Questions You Must Answer Before Choosing A Home-Business

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Copyright © 2016 Judith Boucher

“Being Responsible For Our Own Wellbeing And Prosperity Is The Key To Creating And Sustaining An Abundant Lifestyle. Financial Success doesn’t Happen By Chance, It Starts With A Decision, A Decision To Make It Happen.” -Judith Boucher

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

Movement To The Information Age We are undergoing the most significant change ever experienced in human history. We have moved from the agricultural age through the industrial age and into the information age in a span of just 100 to 200 years. We have lived most of our human history in the hunter/gatherer age. In that environment the person with the best way to kill an animal or select the correct items to eat was most successful; in the agriculture age, the person with the most land and best agricultural machinery was most successful; and in the industrial age the person with the best manufacturing process or the most capital was most successful. Who will be most successful in the information age? Alvin Toffler, an American writer and futurist believes it will be the individual, group, community, society, or nation that has access to information and the ABILITY to process it. He states that knowledge is the central aspect of today's society. Source: http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/ William G. Huitt, Ph.D

Entrepreneurship And Home-Based-Businesses

Toffler (1981) also discussed a shift of work back to the home. In 1900, something like 70% of us worked for ourselves; in the 1970's some 6% worked for ourselves. Toffler predicted that to change and in 1990, approximately 24% had at least one source of income that was derived from an entrepreneurial effort. It seems that he was right on target. By the year 2000, William Bridges (1993) in "JobShift" predicts that 50% of all the homes in the United States will have a home-based business.

http://www.licensetowealth.com Š 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

We can see that this trend is largely in response to the employment trend. People are starting their own businesses basically for survival. It's not "Oh, yes, I want to have a home business." “People want to work, to make a living, to put food on the table. A person can work 20 hours at a place of regular employment, but had better have something to do beyond that because the jobs just are not there. Bridges says we all need to think of ourselves as a business, as "You Inc." The government and large corporations who have provided jobs to take up the employment shifts in the past are simply not going to do that in the future.” Source: http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/ William G. Huitt, Ph.D

Developing a New Paradigm Paul Zane Pilzer, a world renowned economist, (1990) has developed a paradigm of economics that says there is unlimited wealth. What he says is that wealth is in the mind. Wealth is a product of how we use our minds. There is no such thing as resources and therefore no scarcity of resources. There is only the ability to identify resources or a lack of an ability to identify resources. So, he redefines economics in some very interesting ways. Source: http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/ William G. Huitt, Ph.D

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

Hello, my name is Judith Boucher, I am an online marketer. I am an honest and reliable person. I live according to life principles that are far more valuable to my eyes that a lie to make a quick buck. I believe life is like a mirror, what you do to others, you do it to yourself. So, believe me, I won’t do anything to disadvantage you. I want to HELP YOU acquire your Financial Freedom to Secure Your Golden Years and Fulfill your True Calling. By helping You, I help myself.

I have been looking for ways to make money online for almost a decade. Throughout these years, I have gained a pretty good knowledge and have developed valuables skills of the online world. I know every possible ways to earn an income on the internet; I studied most of them and I applied a few. I learned affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, blogging- search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, web design, product creation and Network Marketing. I was not satisfied with the above because it requires too much time and technical skills to succeed. So I started to look for a home-based business that could give me the most profits in the shortest amount of time. I quickly found out that there are very specific criteria a home-based business must have in order to be worth investing in. I came up with this Report “5 crucial questions you must answer before choosing a homebased business.” I sincerely hope that you will take advantage of my experience and my knowledge to your own benefits. Enjoy the Report. To Your Online Success! Judith Boucher Your Online Servant Leader “Together We Stand, Stronger we Are, Wealthier We Become!”

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

Lifestyle Entrepreneur - The New Wave of Entrepreneurship What Is A Lifestyle Entrepreneur? The Lifestyle Entrepreneurs make their living online; their businesses are designed around their lives. They operate and manage their business from their laptop. They may use other people’s work, time and systems to run their businesses. The Lifestyle Entrepreneurs want to spend as much time doing the things they love, and ideally, they incorporate their interests into businesses that finance their lifestyle.

To Be A Lifestyle Entrepreneur Is To Live Life To The Fullest. It Means Taking Responsibility for Creating The Life You Want to Live. Not too many home-based business opportunities offer a real Lifestyle Entrepreneurship. Most of them require too much work and technical skills. I have learned over the years that a great business opportunity must be structured in such a way in order to give you the greatest chance to succeed. The “5 Crucial Questions You Must Answer Before Choosing A Home-Based Business” will help you choose your business opportunity wisely; it will SAVE you time, money and frustration.

5 Crucial Questions You Must Answer Before Choosing A Home-Based Business!

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Does the Home-Based Business Have Record Of Growth? Does It Have A Marketing System In Place? Can The Business Meet Your Income Goals? Are Average People Already Making Money? Does The Business Offer Services, Training And Support?

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

1) Does The Home-Based Business Have Record Of Growth? You must look for a Home-Based Business already established with a great reputation showing record of growth and success. You don’t want to get involve in something that is brand new and has no previous record of growth. How to determine a company’s growth? - How long the company has been in business? - Do they have a history of success? - Do they have great brand recognition? - Does their business model part of a growing trend? - Is their a huge market for this type of business? You must be certain that the demand is never going to drop. Watch out for the business that sounds “too good to be true”

2) Does It Have A Marketing System In Place? Once you know that the Home-Based Business have proven to work and have huge potential for profit, make sure that there is a marketing system in place. Doing business online is not easy when you have to do a lot of technical work. With a great marketing system in place, you will leverage others people’s works and it will be a lot easier and faster for you to achieve you income goal. A Great Marketing System Must Include: - Direct sales system with high converting sales funnels - Done for you fulfillment, payments and customer service - Phones sales Team A Great Marketing System Is The FOUNDATION Of Your Online Success.

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

3) Can The Business Meet Your Income Goals? Choose a Home-Based Business that can meet your monthly income expectations. You need to sell high end products that offer big commissions. If you want to boost your retirement funds…you must go for the big buck. You want to make thousands of dollars quickly.

4) Are Average People Already Making Money? You must look for something that is doable for the average person. Most people have no training, no special knowledge about internet marketing. If people who are making money are similar to you, you have great chance of making money as well. The truth is that most business opportunity is too demanding for the average people. The only people making decent money are the one with marketing experience and big lists to market to. Most of us aren’t experience marketers so we have to look for something within our capabilities. There must be testimonial about people similar to you making decent amount of money.

5) Does The Business Offer Services, Training And Support? It’s difficult to run an online home-based business when you have to wear all the hats. It’s illogical to believe that someone can be good at sales, marketing, accounting, design, programming and all the other talents needed to start a business and jumpstart it to success quickly. A great business opportunity must offers lots of service. The only thing left for you to do is present the business and products to others people and all the rest is taking care of. The less time you spend working on your business, the more you have for yourself, your family and friends. Making money is all about reaching the greatest level of Freedom to fulfill your life Vision.

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

Conclusion This is it; a Home-Based Business opportunity must meet these 5 important criteria to pass the test, without these in place, I would reject the business right away. There is one last thing that is nice to know about a home-based business: -Are The People Behind The Business Have Great Human Values? This is not mandatory but I prefer to partner with people whom I believe share the same values as I do. You don’t want to be involved with jerks. You want to do business with honest and dedicated people who have your interest at heart. You want to be proud of the business you are promoting. You want to tell your family and friends that you have found a GREAT Home-Based-Business even more, a great community. What Type Of Business Model Meets These 5 Criteria?

I have found a particular business model that meets hands down these five criteria. Michael E. Gerber, the world’s #1 small business Guru, call this type of business, -The Turn-key Revolution, it’s the future of doing Business. “The Turn-Key Revolution refers to the revolution of creating an effective, consistent, and orderly system of doing business. It starts with the Franchise Phenomenon, in which business owners aim to build a successful business model and then sell the business format. ‘’The Franchisor starts with constructing a Franchise Prototype – a business that is system-dependent rather than people-dependent; a business that works and has all the proven solutions to all possible dilemmas; a business that is built with the purpose of being sold. The true product of a business is the business itself.’’

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

“Business Format Franchise has reported a success rate of 95% in contrast to the 50 pluspercent failure rate of new independently owned business. Where 80% of all business fails in the first 5 years, 75% of all Business Format Franchises succeed.” “Great businesses are not built by extraordinary people but by ORDINARY people doing extraordinary things. But for ordinary people to do extraordinary things, a SYSTEM – “a way of doing things” is absolutely essential in order to compensate for the disparity between the skills your people have and the skills your business needs if it is to produce consistent results.”

Online, Is there A Business Opportunity Comparable to The Franchise Business Model? Fortunately, there is one business opportunity online comparable to the Franchise Format. It’s much more affordable, instead of buying a franchise, you buy a License, you become a licensee. I have written an Ebook explaining in great details this particular business model. I have entitled my Ebook : “The Success Process System - Your License To Wealth” Why This Title? Because it contains the MOST IMPORTANT information you need to know in order to build your wealth. As you read the text, your mind will gradually PROCESS the information and will start shifting towards wealth creation. The word “System” refers to a particular Business model which I like to call “A Turn-key Business or “A Business In Box”. This ebook is written for you who wish to acquire Financial Freedom, which will allow you to become your True-Self, expressing your unique nature in all its greatness. Acquiring Financial Freedom should be your life’s priority, your main pursue. Most of you already possess the Freedom of choice. You are free to do whatever you want; you are free to become whoever you wish. You will bring into your life what you think you deserve according to your personal value, your self-worth. The value you give to yourself is directly proportional to the income you are able to generate. The higher you value yourself, the greater will be your capacity to become wealthy.

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

In today’s economy, the best way to generate enough income to fulfill our needs and acquire Financial Freedom is with the POWER OF LEVERAGE which I talked a lot in my ebook. I am convinced that this ebook will open your mind to the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur in a way you never thought possible. I wished someone would have opened my eyes years ago showing me all the benefits of this type of business; it would have saved me many years of struggling and thousands of dollars. This ebook will show you, in a very exciting and practical way, how to go from a poor mindset to a wealthy mindset. There is no doubt that you have within you an incredible powers to achieve anything you want, you only have to wake it up and make it work for you. The “The Success Process System - Your License To Wealth” is for you if you think that your life is more than your current circumstances, no matter how successful you might be at this moment. The fact that you reading this report sets you apart from the vast majority of people and it demonstrates that you are determined to change.

Important: Please note, this book contains a very special bonus that will allow you to brand yourself which will increase your authority online therefore, your SUCCESS.

Your Desire And Commitment To Succeed Mixed With My Sincere Devotion To Help You May Have A Huge Impact On Your Life. Follow My Lead And I Will Set You Up For SUCCESS! Click On The Ebook To Learn More…

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

Do What Ever It Take To Realize Your Full Potential - Lifestyle Entrepreneur There are so many advantages to work on yourself and as an entrepreneur you don’t have other choice, you grow or you die. You must thrive to become a better person; you must believe that you are able to achieve what ever you set your mind to. You must respect and love yourself enough to give yourself permission to succeed. If you want more money, go for it, you deserve to be wealthy. All people with the right intentions deserve to be wealthy. Abundance is within your reach. Set your income goals and have a clear vision. Without goals and visions, you are limiting yourself. Wealth is giving you the power to help people around you. When you are financially independent, you can spend your time improving your life and the life of people you cherish the most, your children, your grand-children, your friends etc... You must listen to your heart and follow its direction, and then you’ll know you are on the right path. Don’t ever let other people stopping you from being yourself. You are unique and valuable; don’t waste your precious life thinking that you don’t deserve the best. Do what ever it takes to become your True-Self. At the end, it’s going to be nice to look back and say – “I have done everything I could to become the best version of myself, now, I can go and Rest In Peace.” From the bottom of my heart! Judith Boucher Your Online Servant Leader

“Together We Stand, Stronger We Are, Wealthier We Become”

My Mission: Empower You To Take Control Of Your Life By Developing Your Self-Worth and Leadership Ability Through Online Education. My Vision: Raise Your Awareness In Order To Improve Your Social Economic Status And Your Well-Being Condition.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to help you. info@judithboucher.com

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

I am a big fan of quotes; I wanted to end this report sharing 4 of my favourite one with you.

"KNOWLEDGE will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that "knowledge is power." It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end." Napoleon Hill Napoleon Hill

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” “The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitude.” - William James William James

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own selftransformation.” - Lao Tzu Lao Tzu

http://www.licensetowealth.com © 2016 Judith Boucher, All Right Reserved

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