Galloway Cattle Breeders Directory 2014

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Galloway are the Foundation Breed Galloway are the Foundation Breed

We’ve made a living in the Cattle Business in Oklahoma for five generations. Our philosophy is “back to the basics” . Producing foundation cattle with the We’ve made living in the Cattle Business Oklahoma for cattle five generations. genetic powera to restore many superior traitsinlost in today’s industry. foundation Oklahoma cattle with the Our philosophy is “back to the basics” . Producing Chickasha, genetic power to restore many superior traits lost in today’s cattle industry.


Jon Brown 405-785-9115 Chickasha, Oklahoma Jon WillBrown Wheeler 405-785-9115 405-274-1799

Will Wheeler 405-274-1799

C K Galloways

We look good any day of the year!

(December 7, 2013 • 34 below zero) Member of the AGBA

Shawn Schumacher P.O. Box 602 | Fort Benton, MT (406) 799-0276 |

Registered Quality Galloway Cattle Raised on the Missouri River in North Central MT. Heifers and Bulls Available for Sale.

AGBA Directory • 3

A word from the President... Galloway Breeders, am back for another year. I am excited to be involved in the future of this great breed of cattle. It has been a great year for Galloways. The AGBA has once again seen increased registrations and transfers. The demand for good Galloways is staying strong, whether it is for seedstock, grass finished feeders, or direct market beef. People want Galloways and Galloway influenced cattle. I would like to thank all the past directors, for what we have accomplished. I would also like to welcome the newly elected directors. I look forward to working with you and building on the success we are experiencing. The AGBA has a new newsletter being produced by Judy Decker. Judy has done our newsletter in the past and I look forward to her articles. The AGBA has a new promotional committee. It was discussed at the annual meeting to have a 3 person team to tackle the job of promoting our great breed. We will be sending out news releases via email and Facebook. You will be hearing from the AGBA more frequently than in past years. We want to keep the membership and the public more informed about the AGBA happenings. I feel we have not done nearly enough of this in the past. The upcoming Galloway show at the NWSS in Denver will feature the top Galloway cattle from the US and Canada. Mark your calendars and make the effort to attend this outstanding display of high quality Galloway cattle. The AGBA will be taking part in the NCBA trade show this coming February, in Nashville, Tennessee. We want to take this opportunity to show the cattle industry that our Galloway breed has many characteristics vital to profitable beef production. We are often overlooked by the mainstream producers. I feel this is due primarily because producers just don’t know what Galloways are, or what they can offer. We are making strides to change the misconceptions about Galloway cattle. We may be small in numbers, but our breed can make a big impact in your profitable cattle operation. Promoting Galloway Cattle Harley Blegen — President, American Galloway Breeder’s Association


American Galloway Breeders Association BENEFITS OF JOINING AGBA Beyond being able to support the Galloway breed in America, the benefits of membership are: • Placing Classified ads • Placing Display ads • Savings on registrations and transfers • Meeting other AGBA members at shows and events Full Membership privileges include reduced rates on registrations and transfers,

4 • AGBA Directory

voting privileges at annual meetings, opportunities for paid AGBA website advertising, listing in the AGBA Breeders Directory, and the quarterly newsletter of the AGBA, The Galloway Dispatch. Associate Membership allows you to keep abreast of AGBA happenings by receiving The Galloway Dispatch. AGBA REGISTRATION American Galloway Breeders Association c/o Canadian Livestock Records Corporation 2417 Holly Lane Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 0M7 (613) 731-7110


The AGBA Directory Table of Contents

4 6 8 9 10 14 16 18 20 21 25 28 33 34

President's Letter Canadian Galloway Association Report AGBA List of Directors Australian Galloway Association Report Galloway Dispatch Youth: Go Galloway

Youth: Angie Patton Nile Results AGBA Membership Directory World Galloway Conference Advertisement Junior Members of the AGBA Galloway: Your Bottom Line Breed Advertising Directory Semen Sires

Canadian Galloway Association 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON K1V 0M7 1.613.731.7110 | Fax: 1.613.731.0704 |

Canadian Galloway Association Report 2013


nother year has flown by… In January, Suncrest Farm and Glenfiddich Galloways made the trek to Colorado for the mighty NWSS. It was exciting and more than I expected. We met new friends and reacquainted with old friends. Thank you, AGBA, for the great hospitality. The spring brought our new crop of calves, and our junior shows began. Youth Forum is one of the few that our juniors attend. We had 5 yearling heifers represented and 4 market steers. Grand 28 • AGBA Directory Champion Female went to Glenfiddich Zandra shown by Shelby Mcilwraith. Reserve Champion Female went to Suncrest Zoey shown by Sonja Rechsteiner. It took awhile for hay to come off the fields because of rain but when it did it came off thick and plentiful. The CGA annual meeting was held in Red Deer, Alberta hosted by the Alberta Galloway Association. Our Executive President- Marie Blake,

Vice President- Brian Robertson, Executive Secretary- Simon Lagace, Secretary TreasurerRon Black Our directors are Bob Airth, Russel Horvey, James Kurz, Mike Lewans and Steve Schweer. Our fall brought us in to our show season, beginning Labour Day weekend and ending on our Thanksgiving weekend. Suncrest and Sunrise, The Salter and Blake family, Geordawn, The VanKampen family, Cedarmill and Killowent Galloways, The Onufers and Glenfiddich Galloways, The McIlwraith Family make up the breeders on the show circuit. In November, we lost a matriarch in the Ontario Galloway family…. Marjorie Irvine, Avon Acres, from Shakespeare, Ontario. Her welcoming, kind smile, and wonderful laugh will never be forgotten. And here we are, almost full circle, see you in January in Denver…. All the best for 2014!

The Canadian Galloway Association would like to thank everyone who attended the World Galloway Conference in Guelph, Ontario

6 • AGBA Directory

Bar R

Galloways Darrell Reimer • (507) 265-3878 • 16557 680 Ave. • Alden, MN 56009

BAR R MiDNight

Grand Champion Bull “World Beef Expo 2003-2004”

BAR R gilDA (2D)

Reserve Grand Champion Female “1995 NILE” — Billings, MT

BAR R huNteR

Grand Champion Bull “World Beef Expo 2000”

BAR R electRA (4c)

with cAlf BAR R electRA (13K)

Grand Champion Female “North Star Classic 2000” — Valley City,AGBAND Directory • 7

AGBA Board of Directors Annual Meeting Billings, MT October 16, 2013 - Back Row left to right: Eli Berry, Harley Blegen, Susan Waples, Richard Serr, Mat Hipsher, Jon Brown, Joel Jackson. Front Row left to right: Shawn Schumacher, Deb Vance, Joyce Jones, Joan Hoffman. Not pictured: Thomas Wilder.

President HARLEY BLEGEN 701.645.9073

Vice-President DEB VANCE 970.405.5784

Secretary/Treasurer JOYCE JONES 724.924.2938

DIRECTORS { Eastern Time Zone }

{ Pacific Time Zone }

JOAN HOFFMAN (2011-2014)

RICHARD SERR (2014-2017)

JOYCE JONES (2014-2017)

THOMAS WILDER (2014-2017)

{ Central Time Zone }

{ At Large}

JON BROWN (2014-2017)

W. JOEL JACKSON (2011-2014)

HARLEY BLEGEN (2013-2016)

ELI BERRY (2013-2016)

{ Mountain Time Zone }

JODY HIPSHER (2013-2016)

3317 E. Mount Hope Hwy, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 517-627-2310 | 395 Double J Lane, New Castle, PA 16101 724.924.2938 |

Box 1537, Chickasha, OK 73023 405-785-9115 | 15788 52nd, Kindred, ND 58051 701.645.9073 |

DEB VANCE (2013-2016)

12535 County Rd. 23, Ft. Lupon, CO 80621 970.405.5784 |

SUSAN WAPLES (2011-2014)

P.O. Box 544, Terry, MT 59349 406.635.2114 |

8 • AGBA Directory

Box 369, Springdale, WA 99173 509-258-6776 | 120 Keys Rd West, Elma, WA 98541 360-581-3700

P.O. Box 418, Terry MT, 59349 406.486.5409 | 1855 220th Avenue, Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2249 |

22450 Siskiwit Lake Road, Cornucopia, WI 54827 715.742.3495 |


P.O. Box 1268, Fort Benton, MT 59442 406.622.5601 |

Australian Galloway Association Inc. The Association which promotes Galloways, Belted Galloways, White Galloways and Miniature Galloways PO Box 42, Westbury Tasmania, 7303, Australia Telephone +61 3 6393 2866 |

Australian Galloway Association Report - 2013


ustralia’s climate has once again presented challenges for all cattle breeders. With record-breaking heat, severe bushfires, extreme rainfall and damaging flooding being experienced Australia wide over the past twelve months, many people have faced testing times managing feed reserves and keeping their cattle in good order. Despite these challenges, the Galloway cattle presented at field days, carcase competitions and shows were a real credit to their owners, and great examples of the Galloway family. Galloways were represented at many field days across Australia, and also presented at shows around the nation, with some fabulous results. There were Galloways and Miniature Galloways featuring in the interbreed results at the Royal Melbourne Show and Royal Bathurst Shows in particular, as well as at the many regional shows. Galloways have also featured in the placings at carcase competitions at the Sydney Royal Easter Show and the National Beef Show, doing particularly well in the virtual taste tests. The Galloway Family National Show and Sale was held in conjunction with the National Beef Show at Bendigo, Victoria in May 2013. It is many years since the last National Show and Sale, which was held at Albury, and it was great to see the level of support received from exhibitors and the many spectators who made the effort to attend. Galloways, Belted Galloways and Miniature Galloways were judged in their own classes. Southern Cross El Toro, a black Galloway bull owned by Glenburn Station Pty Ltd was awarded Supreme Galloway exhibit. The five year old bull weighed in at 1,103 kg and boasted an eye muscle area of 136cm.

The judge commented that he is hard to fault, with a good front end, natural fleshing and being structurally correct. There were 9 Belted Galloway exhibitors, with Pine Gully Park Gwendolyn, owned by the Heazlewood Family, being awarded Supreme Belted Galloway exhibit. This heifer was 17 months old, and the judge commented on her strong spine and extra length of body. The Supreme Miniature Galloway exhibit was Wilkamdai Giovanni, owned by Cameron and Di Woolfe. This 28 month old miniature Belted Galloway bull weighed in at 650kg, with a 120cm eye muscle area. These three Supreme Champions were then brought together with Southern Cross El Toro being awarded Supreme Galloway Family Exhibit. The Association’s Annual General Meeting was held in conjunction with the National Show and Sale, and approximately 25% of the membership attended. This was a great result and the committee was pleased that so many made the effort to attend both the AGM and National Show and Sale, making it a very successful weekend. Members were advised at this meeting of the instigation of two perpetual awards – The Shiralee Tomahawk Memorial Trophy to be awarded annually to the owner of a Belted Galloway achieving the highest points in a carcase competition, and the Frank Allen Memorial Trophy also to be awarded annually to a Galloway, Belted Galloway or miniature Galloway achieving the highest points in a carcase competition. It is to be hoped that these trophies will encourage more members to enter their cattle in carcase competitions. Please contact the Association if you are visiting Australia and we will be happy to put you in touch with any breeders in the areas you are visiting. AGBA Directory • 9

The Galloway Dispatch


reetings! My name is Judy Decker, and I will be serving as the (not-so) new editor of the American Galloway Breeders’ Association quarterly newsletter effective January 2014. My name may be familiar to some of you, as I was editor of the AGBA newsletter, under the moniker The Galloway Dispatch, from 2006 through 2009. I am delighted to be taking the reins again, and I look forward to hearing reports from all over the country about the adventures and successes you are having with your Galloway cattle. A quick bit of background on me: Married to my wonderful husband Bill, we have two children, a son Ethan in the U.S. Marine Corp, and a daughter Mattie in the U.S. Air Force. We began raising Galloway cattle in 1998. For several years we have been producing and

Red, Black, Dun and some Whites. Strong grass fed genetics.

Sarah Bowman

778 Pass Creek rd. | Parkman, wY 82838

307.655.9848 • Cell 307.752.7457 Email: 10 • AGBA Directory

marketing high quality grassfed Galloway beef, and specializing in low input genetics. We live just outside of Emporia, KS, and operate on around 250 acres. We love our Galloway cattle! As for the newsletter, the first issue should reach you in early February, and will highlight the activities of the National Western Stock Show and recap the highlights of the NILE in Billings, as well as the annual meeting. You can view previous issues of The Galloway Dispatch by going to the AGBA website, www., and selecting the More About Galloways tab, and clicking on the Past Issues of Galloway Dispatch link. Happy Trails! — Judy Decker, Editor, The Galloway Dispatch

AGBA Directory • 11



He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that he may bring forth food from the earth. —Ps.104:14


Using current and historic bloodlines to produce Galloway genetics for the commercial beef industry.

12 • AGBA Directory

Stuart J. DykStra

1530 C.R. 259, Rifle, CO 81650 | 970.625.3865 |

Renaissance Farms Ltd Registered Galloway Cattle Breeding Stock Available

RFLTD Xenon Semen Available

Adding quality from any angle

Bill and Judy Decker Emporia, KS 620.343.6757 AGBA Directory • 13



any AGBA youth have been busy all across the United States with their livestock projects. We look forward to hearing about and featuring more stories from our youth members. Angie Patton, the recipient of a Galloway project heifer from JD Galloway in Washington, participated in the Eastern State Fair. We are looking forward to hearing more

from Angie regarding her experiences with her Galloway heifer and their adventures. Angie prepared an educational poster to share with people attending the fair and walking through the barns and by her stall. Jim Grant judged the posters and Angie won Best Educational Poster and Best Display for the youth sponsored by the Western Belted Galloway Association. She also received the first Golden Pitchfork award sponsored by Stuart Dykstra for the youth doing the overall best job in promoting Galloway cattle and keeping a clean area around the stalls. There are many opportunities for youth interested in Galloway cattle and current youth members or youth that are full members of the AGBA. Several breeders have offered semen from some of their best bulls to youth members looking to breed one of their heifers or cows. Currently, we are in the process of cataloging that information so youth will know of available choices when looking to improve their herd of Galloways or add some different genetics. The point sheets used for tracking Galloway activities and our youth brochure are being updated to reflect changes and new possibilities.



o Galloway project heifer, K Dakota, a 2011 summer calf donated to the program by LeRoy Kindler of K Galloway, was able to experience the life of a show heifer after her relocation in the spring of 2012 from South Dakota to Texas a few months after being weaned. Dakota took to the life of a show heifer easily. She is now working on her second career in becoming a very nice Galloway cow. Dakota was bred to a white Galloway bull this Fall with the hopes she will throw a nice calf to return to the Go Galloway program.


AGBA Youth Group Mission Statement: To promote Galloway Cattle through the education, activities and support of future Galloway breeders. If you have ideas or questions about the AGBA youth group or would like more information please contact: Dawn Swensson, Paradise Galloways 940-683-4146 | For questions regarding our heifer project please contact: Gayle Cerullo: 360-720-3159

14 • AGBA Directory



Alberta Galloway association

Get Galloway For Your Commercial/Purebred Program President: Steve Schweer Phone: 403-227-3428

Vice President: Harry Tensen Phone: 403-729-2539

AGBA Directory • 15

Go Galloway Youth Spotlight:



i, my name is Angie Patton. I am 17 and a senior at Elma High School. My grandparents have a farm in Western Washington which I have helped on all my life. My responsibilities have ranged from working in the hay to helping care for the animals. I found my start in showing cattle when I joined FFA. I got my start about four years ago when I was given the opportunity to show Galloway cattle. I entered a heifer and a cow calf pair at the local county fair. Each year I have increased the number of cattle entered. This past year I entered seven head. I have been traveling to The Eastern Idaho State Fair for two years with my uncle and mom. My first year at the fair I exhibited four heifers. Last year I exhibited eight head and brought a friend along who exhibited her heifer. No matter what show I am at, I always have a display with me and am always promoting the Galloway breed. I gained interest in the Galloway breed from my grandparents and uncle, who have been raising Galloway’s for 18 years. Growing up I learned to work with cattle including sorting, vaccinating, and castrating. I received my first Galloway heifer in 2010 from the club calf program; this was a great opportunity. The same year I received a red pointed bull. Since then my herd has expanded to three solids and three belties. I have had a great experience with Galloway cattle. There are two questions I am most commonly asked and the answers are always similar. The first one people ask is “Why do you prefer the Galloway breed over a common breed?” My answer to them is Galloway’s have a mild temperament, a great disposition, they are feed efficient and don’t have to be supplemented with grain year round. The second question is “What do you mean by they are feed efficient and what makes them different from the common breeds?” I explain that they have a double hair coat that keeps them warmer, which makes them feed efficient. The Galloway breed is hardy and can flourish with very little or no outside help and requires less feed per animal then most common breeds. Through my experience with cattle I have found the drive to be a veterinarian. In the past few years I have learned to draw blood, preg check, and to do the vaccinations to make it safer to travel with my cattle. Over the years our buyers seem to love the meat 16 • AGBA Directory

and come back on a yearly basis. I have also started a bull renting service to help pay for showing as well as saving for school. The local farmers I rent to have continued to call me each year to rent my bull. I receive complements on the quality of the calf as well as the temperament of my bull and how he doesn’t mind people in the field. In the future I would love to see the Galloway breed become more common and for people to realize they truly are the full package from birth to freezer. I hope more kids become interested in showing them and join the club calf program to get started like I did. The experience was phenomenal and I am so glad that I had the chance to take part in it. In the past four years I have learned that no matter what, the wellbeing of the animal comes first. Patience is a key aspect in establishing a good relationship with your animals, not only for training but to have fun. The memories you create are unbelievable. Feel free to give me a call. I love helping others as well as hearing other experiences and learning new knowledge.

Cole’sCole’sFarm Farm

ReGisteRedRegistered GAllowAy CAttle Galloway Cattle Dun • Black • Red • Belted • Crossbreds Dun





Suncrest Whiskey

Glenfiddich Yuko

Semen available US

Semen available

Suncrest Whiskey Suncrest Whiskey

Semen Available US

Semen available US

Brass Ring Ursula Cole’s BRU Amber

Brass Ring Ursula Brass Ring Ursula

Cole’s BRU Amber

Cole’s BRU Amber

Glenfiddich 4Y Glenfiddich Yukon Yukon 4Y Semen Available US Semen available US

Suncrest Excelle

Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole

SuncrestExcellent Excellent Suncrest

Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole’s XD Annie Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole’s XD Annie

Chuck & Cathy

Chuck & Cathy Cole Chuck & Cathy St Cole 2173 2173 Jade Jade St. | Mora, M

Mora, MN 55051 2173 Jade St | Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2039 612.390.2039 612-390-2039

e-mail: ccolefarms@gm


(AGBA Member)

AGBA Directory • 17

2013 Grand Champion Bull, Blegen Galloways Premier Breeder

2013 Show Results

Northern International Livestock Exposition National Galloway Show | Billings, MT | October 16, 2013 Class 01A Heifer Calves 1/1-3/31-13

Class 03C Reserve Champion Jr. Heifer

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

CK Alpine 29A CK Galloways HB Angel 3343 Blegen Galloways Brass Ring Anna Kate 8A Brass Galloways Brass Ring Anastasia 7A Brass Ring Galloways

Class 03A Yearling Heifers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

HB Princess 3402 Willow Valley Galloways Hank Blegen HB Zeta 2042 Blegen Galloways Brass Ring Zenobia 24Z Brass Ring Galloways SAF Zippy Gayle Cerull0

Class 03B Champion Jr. Heifer

CK Alpine 29A CK Galloways

18 • AGBA Directory

HB Princess 3402 Willow Valley Galloways Hank Blegen

Class 05B Champion Sr. Heifer 1st

Charity of Trapper Berry Ranch

Class 05D Grand Champion Female

CK Alpine 29A CK Galloways

Class 05E Reserve Grand Champion Female

HB Princess 3042 Willow Valley Galloways Hank Blegen

Class 06A Pair of Females 1st 2nd -

Blegen Galloways Brass Ring Galloways

Class -07A % Heifers 1/1-3/31/2013 1st

HB Oh Baby 5152 Blegen Galloways

2nd 3rd

Helaina Fowler HB Sierra 3433 Blegen Galloways

Class 13C Reserve Champion Jr. Bull 2nd

CK Avenger 43A CK Galloways

Class 09A % Heifers 1/1-3/1/2012

Class 14A 2011 Two year old Bulls



HB Oh Baby 5152 Blegen Galloways

CK Y Mr. Big 20Y Bruce Gillespie

Class 10B/C Grand & Reserve Grand % Female

Class 15B Champion Sr. Bull

1st 2nd


HB Molly 5153 Blegen Galloways Helaina Fowler

CK Y Mr. Big 20Y Bruce Gillespie

Class 15D Grand Champion Bull Class 11A Bull Calves 1/1-3/31-13 1st 2nd 3rd

HB Admiral 2643 Blegen Galloways Berry's Red Ace 181A Berry Ranch HB Above Average 1203 Blegen Galloways

HB Moto Moto 3342 Blegen Galloways

Class 15C Reserve Grand Champion Bull

CK Avenger 43A CK Galloways

Class 16A Pair of Bulls Class 12A Bull Calves 4/1-12/31/13 1st 2nd

CK Avenger 43A CK Galloways Brass Ring Adonis 31A Brass Ring Galloways


Blegen Galloways

Class 21A Get of Sire 3 head/both sexes 1st

Blegen Galloways

Class 22A Progeny of Dam Class 13A 2012 Yearling Bulls 1st 2nd

HB Moto Moto 3342 Blegen Galloways Berry's Zip 86Z Berry Ranch

1st 2nd

Blegen Galloways Brass Ring Galloways

Class 23A Junior Showmanship 1st

Helaina Fowler

Class 13B Champion Jr. Bull

Class 24A Senior Showmanship


1st 2nd

HB Moto Moto 3342 Blegen Galloways

Madison Schumacher Fort Benton, Mt Casey Fowler Lewistown, MT

2013 Grand Champion Female

AGBA Directory • 19

FULL MEMBER DIRECTORY COLORADO Alter, Mark 26655 County Road 46 Kersey, CO 80644

970-301-0177 DD Ranch Dene and Deb Vance 12535 County Road 23 Fort Lupton, CO 970-405-5784 303-887-1731

IDAHO Jim Grant 1934E 400 South Hazelton, ID 83335 208-825-5215, 208-4203977, 208-825-5215

Stanely D. Stotts Deja View Farm 15720 158th Road Mayetta, KS 66509

MICHIGAN Joan & Dale Hoffman Stoney Acres Farm 10225 Oneida Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 517-627-2310

* Blacks, Reds, Duns Gary K. & Julie M. Lund Indigo Star Ranch 6276 Old Hwy 191 Malad City, ID 83252 208-766-4807

Forestdale Ranch Galloways c/o Scott & Sue Schoultz PO Box 14 1400 Co Rd 364 Wetmore, CO 81253 303-746-2865

INDIANA John, & Nancy Arden 1526E County Rd 350S Greencastle, IN 46135 317-695-3581

KANSAS Decker, Judy & Bill Renaissance Farms Ltd. 1800 East 18th Emporia, KS 66801 620-343-6757

Dykstra, Stuart J. 1530 CR 259 Rifle, CO 81650 970-625-3865 CONNECTICUT Ferguson, Christopher Westview Farm 813 Westford Rd Ashford, CT 06278 860-906-4880

Four Winds Farm c/o Lisa Wyman & Wayne Budney 97 Geer Rd Lebanon, CT 06249 860-886-0716 860-887-3725

20 • AGBA Directory

* Purebred & commercial Whites. Visitors welcome Ronald Omar Triple Star Cattle Box 327 Beulah, MI 49617

*Galloway genetics for Grassfed Beef Production. Cattle raised in a low input, forage only, sustainable program. Blacks, Duns, Reds, Whites.

MINNESOTA Eli Berry 1855 220th Ave. Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2249

Chuck Cole 2173 Jade Street Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2039

Brad & Leslea Hodgson Root Prairie Galloways 28135 298th Street

Fountain, MN 55935 507-867-4004

Riemer, Darrell Life Member

Bar R Galloways 16557 680 Ave Alden, MN 56009 507-265-3878

* Blacks Galloway breeding stock for sale. Mike Ullmer 27201 Cty Hwy 9 Lake Park, MN 56554 218-238-5186

MISSISSIPPI Timothy & Dawn Arceneaux 2101 James George Rd Magnolia, MS 39652


Stevensville, MT 59870 406-207-0074

MONTANA Beaver Slide Ventures CK Galloways Shawn Schumacher P.O. Box 1268 Fort Benton, MT 59442 406-622-5601

Holli & Jon Hopkins Superior Cattle Company 625 Longhorn Lane Superior, MT 59872 406-822-8833, 406-274-7485

Registered and Purebred Galloways for sale. Grassfed stockers for sale. Dostal, Paul J 13036 Panton Rd Geraldine, MT 59446 406-737-4486

Blacks, Reds, Whites & Duns. Heart Rock Ranch Bill & Donnica Johnson 3938 Wildfowl Lane

WORLD GALLOWAY CONFERENCE September 2 – 7, 2014 Lower Saxony, Germany

Jackson, W. Joel & Nichole-Jackson Trail Blazer Ranch PO Box 418 Terry, MT 59349 406-635-5409, 406-989-1548

* Duns, Blacks, Reds, Hybrids. Heifers & bulls for sale.

Stoney Acres Farm Purebred & Commercial White Galloways

For complete details please visit You will find the full invitation under “ Join The AGBA” then “Other AGBA Information” then select “AGBA Notices”

Dale & Joan Hoffman

10225 Oneida Road, Grand Ledge, MI 48837

(517) 627-2310 AGBA Directory • 21

Patricia Pruitt Life Member

28289 Norris Road Bozeman, MT 59718 406-579-0001

Gary & Lesli Sheltoon Flat Broke Ranch Box 141 Havre, MT 59501 406-265-3620

Waples, Russ & Susan Brass Ring Galloways Box 544 Terry, MT 59349 406-635-2114, 406-749-0818

*Registered purebred Blacks, Reds, Dun NEW YORK Jon Kagan Uphill Farms 2947 Salt Point Turnpike Clinton Corners, NY 12514 845-266-5005

Jeffrey & Sherry Mangus Bella Vista

4211 Mathews Rd Burdett, NY 14818 607-546-2086

available. Bred for performance. Visitors welcome.

OHIO Bob & Beth Yeggy 3532 Hamilton Road Medina, OH 44256 513-235-0186

NORTH CAROLINA Gustavo Kolmel LuAnn Farms 157 Wilson Road Fairview, NC 28730 281-989-5866

NORTH DAKOTA Harley & Michelle Blegen Blegen Galloways 15788 52nd St. SE Kindred, ND 58051 701-645-9073

*Cross-bred. Semen

OKLAHOMA William Wheeler Willow Valley 733 County Rd 1349 Chickasha, OK 73018 405-274-1799

Willow Valley Jon Brown Box 1537 Chickasha, OK 73023


Gerald & Gene Bennett 11725 Nation Drive Conway, MO 65832 417-589-8357 Stephen & Sandra Fahsbender Adadale Farm 14027 Hilton Avenue

22 • AGBA Directory

La Plata, MO 63549 660-651-5788.

Corvallis, MT 59828 406-360-8685


Jeffrey G. Shannon Shannon Galloways 1925 Mountain View Orchard Rd.


Robert Airth RR 1 Site 7 Box 18 DeWinton, AB TOL 0X0 Canada 403-938-7543


OREGON Ed & Sally Gallagher 22853 Harris Rd Philomath, OR 97370 541-619-4980

PENNSYLVANIA Shane & Suzanne Firestone Firestone Farm 199 Pine Run Rd Amity, PA 15311 724-366-6475

for sale at all time. All natural grass-fed beef, no chemicals/hormones. Calls and visitors always welcome. Frank & Heide Wenzel Braunhagen Farm 251 Mecklen Rd New Brighton, PA 15066 724-843-6640

Jim & Joyce Jones Double J Galloways 395 Double J Lane New Castle, PA 16101 724-924-2938, 724-924-9722

* Registered Reds, Whites

TENNESSEE Kerry Kurt and Linda Phillips Duck River Cattle Co. 1778 Haley Road Duck River, TN 38454 931-729-2164 Black Galloways TEXAS Dawn, Erik, & Remington Swensson Paradise Galloways 2007 FM 2123

Paradise, TX 76073 940-683-4146

VIRGINIA Charles & Marilyn Barnes Cove Branch Farm 771 Barbour's Creek Rd New Castle, VA 24127 Rex & Lela Blankenship Blankenship Farms 109 Wildflower Dr Tazewell, VA 24651 276-988-3722

* Whites Amanda & Buck Holsinger Holsinger Homeplace Farms 2957 Holsinger Road Broadway, VA 22815 540-908-2299

Jackson Trail Blazer Ranch Galloways, Herefords, Red Angus & Hybrids, Reds, Duns, Blacks, Whites, & Belties Marketing & Management Consulting

Joel & Nichole Jackson 1143 Old Highway 10, Terry, MT | 406-635-5409 | Cell: 406-989-1548 | AGBA Directory • 23

Chuck & Lou Ann Neely Riven Rock Farm 890 Halterman Hollow Ln Monterey, VA 24465 540-474-3022

VERMONT R. Wayne Tomlinson 1838 Spaulding Road St. Johnsburg, VT 05819 802-748-3417

WASHINGTON Joseph & Gayle Cerullo Sunny C Ranch 4259 N Cerullo Dr. Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Belted Galloways, Grass Fed, All Natural Second Address: 13291 Hope Road Newell, SD 57760-5783 360-675-2379,

360-720-3159 Belted Galloways, Whites, Breeding & Show Quality Grass Fed, All Natural, Visitors Always Welcome Jacqueline Cook 9183 Fruitdale Road Sedro-Wooley, WA 98284 360-319-5462.

Jerry Greenwell J & D Farm 5570 Ershig Rd Bow, WA 98232 360-766-6697

George O'day c/o Michelle McCallum 6402E State Rt 3 Shelton, WA 98584 360-432-9535

Richard Serr Gnome's End Galloways Box 369 Springdale, WA 99173 509-258-6776

Thomas L. Wilder 120 Keys Rd West Elma Rd W Elma, WA 98541 360-482-5278 360-581-3700 WISCONSIN Greg & Jeannie Bull Bull's Willow Ranch N272 Dewey Rd Watertown, WI 53098 920-248-1203

Steve & Kay Castner 8707 Kaehler's Mill Rd Cedarburg, WI 53012

LuAnn Farms Raising grass fed and naturally grown Galloway cattle for a healthier lifestyle!

You will find our animals raised in their natural environment. We are proud to say that our animals are raised with care and without implanted growth hormones or the use of antibiotics. Our cows eat grass and clover, drink spring fresh water and live the good life!

LuAnn Farms | 157 Wilson Rd. | Fairview, NC 28730 281.989.5866 | 24 • AGBA Directory

Zoe & Doug Siperly Life Member 5694 State Rd 11 Elkhorn, WI 53121-4326 262-723-3276


*Registered Black and Red Galloways raised exclusively on grass. Bredheifers and bulls for sale. Visitors welcome.

*Retired-20yrs. Raising Galloways & still doing PR for the breed. Contact me for info, history, or referral for cattle-lots to share.

Fred & Charlene Foster Narrow Creek Farm S4271 Excelsior Road Rock Springs, WI 53961 608-963-1995

Robert Hackbarth Green Pastures Ranch 18748 Hwy 32 N Townsend, WI 54175 715-850-0036 715-850-1249

Matthew & Jody Hipsher Siskowit Galloways 22450 Siskiwit Lake Rd Cornucopia, WI 54827 715-742-3495

* Purebred Blacks & Duns. Visitors welcome. Linda Schwobe Redwood Hidden Acres W1951 Redwood Rd New Holstein, WI 53061 920-849-9510

Dan Long Harmonious Acres Farms 11827 CTY M Viola, WI 54664 608-669-0871

WYOMING Sarah Bowman Hang 5 Galloway 778 Pass Creek Road Parkman, WY 82838 307-655-9848

* Blacks, Reds, Whites, Duns. Semen Available. Floyd "Kit" Smith Lifetime Member

Trapper Galloway Ranch 925 N 7th St Apt 6 Greybull, WY 82426 307-765-2971

*Semen available, embryos upon request.


KANSAS Mattie Decker



MINNESOTA Lorna Riemer

Kyle Kerr

Brandon Beach

MONTANA Madison Schumacher

Zane Lugliani Caitlynn Patton


Brianna Shaner

Hope Axvig

Randy Sheridan

Henry Kindler

TEXAS Remington Swensson WASHINGTON Angie Patton Wisconsin Kyle Hipsher

Lane Kindler

AGBA Directory • 25

Eli Berry: 1855 220th Ave., Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2249 | email:

fouNdAtioN fEMAlEs

Helen of Trapper

Charity of Trapper

NEw scottish gENEtics Braveheart of Galway We have purchased semen from Braveheart of Galway. Braveheart has a 100% Scottish Pedigree. We will have calves born from him in 2014. Semen is available.

Visitors are welcome. Call for information. We exhibit our Galloways at the NILE in Billings, MT & at the NWSS in Denver, CO. We are members of the AGBA! 26 • AGBA Directory Home of Top Quality-High Value Galloways

AGBA Directory • 27

Brass Ring Galloways

PO BOX 544, TERRY MT 59349 || 406.635.2114 ||


THe BoTTom line Breed



oufor raisea cattle for aIn reason. fact, probably ou raise cattle reason. fact,Inprobably for for several reasons. might be life the only life several reasons. It might be Itthe only you’ve ever known, you’ve or maybe you started busiever known, or maybeinyouthe started in ness later in life. the business later in life. Regardless of the path, you have arrived at this destinaRegardless of the path, have arrived at this on: You are a cattle producer. Andyou one thing that cannot destination: You are a cattle Andhave one thing that e changed is the bottom line: the producer. numbers to work or you. Therefore your cattle have to work fornumbers you. have to cannot be changed is the bottom line: the For the cow/calf operator, cows need to show up to work for you. Therefore your cattle have to work for you. ork every day, 24/7/365. Those cows need to be indepenForcalving, the cow/calf operator,and cowsrebreeding need to show up to ent contractors, milking, while everyoff day,the 24/7/365. cows need todon’t be indepenmaking theirwork living range.Those Picky eaters help he bottom line. They hurtcalving, it. dent contractors, milking, and rebreeding while Cows need to deliver a live calf every year making their living off the range. Picky eaters don’t help nd mother up to it without your intervenbottomgot line.a They hurt it. plate. on, becausetheyou’ve lot on your missing calf atCows weaning doesn’t help need totime deliver a live calf every year and mother he bottom line; hurts it. up to itit without your intervention, because you’ve got a lot At weaning time, you need calves that on your plate. missingthe calf feeders’ at weaning time doesn’t help eigh up and go on toAfulfill theIfbottom it hurtsthey it. aren’t xpectations. theyline;don’t, elping the bottom line; they’re it. that weigh up and At weaning time, youhurting need calves For the feeder operator, calves need If they don’t, go on to fulfill the feeders’ expectations. o be the right kind with natural muscling, they aren’t helping for the bottom line; they’re hurting it. nd a documented capacity tenderness, For the feeder operator, need to be the right marbling and efficiency. If they lackcalves these raits, they aren’t helping bottom kind with natural the muscling, and line; a documented capacity hey’re hurting it. for tenderness, marbling and efficiency. If they lack For the stocker and grassfed operator, calves these traits,the theyability aren’t helping theon bottom line; they’re eed to demonstrate to excel forages alone. it. hoosy, highhurting maintenance phenotypes don’t help the botom line; they hurt it. stocker and grassfed operator, calves need to For the The Bottom Line is this: GALLOWAY cattle have demonstrate the ability to excel on forages alone. Choosy, centuries-long track record of production, survival high Roy maintenance phenotypes don’t help the bottom nd efficiency. Wallace and Harlan Ritchie wrote n BEEF Magazine, “ .it.. . Today, GALLOWAY are recline; they hurt gnized as the oldest breed of isbeef in thecattle British The Bottom Line this:cattle GALLOWAY have a centuries-long track record of production, survival

Isles”. They recognize them asthem the purest of thepurest of the Isles”. Theyfurther further recognize as the British beef breeds. * * British beef breeds. And begs the question, “Why?” And that that begs the question, “Why?” Why, when mostWhy, when most otherhave breeds chasedthrough improvement other breeds chasedhave improvement infusion through infusion of other breeds, including GALLOWAY, has the of other breeds, including GALLOWAY, has the Galloway remained pure? Even today Galloway the herdbook of remained pure? Even today theBreeders’ herdbook of Association the American remains the American Galloway closed: simply is NO remains breed-up program. Gallowaythere Breeders’ Association closed: there Answer: It comes down to basics. The Galloway is simply is NO breed-up program. a complete package. All of the bottom line traits are presAnswer: It comes downsome to basics. Thepoint Galloway is ent, most in moderation, to the of excellence. a complete All of the bottom lineimpart traits are apresFurther,package. the Galloway bull will degree of hybrid vigor seen in the beef world toent, most in moderation, someseldom to the point of excellence. day, courtesy of his pure and distinguished Further, the Galloway bull will impart a degree of hybrid genetic makeup. vigor seldom seen inMeanwhile, the beef world today, courtesy of his cow is the GALLOWAY doinggenetic her part by grazing the plants and pure and distinguished makeup. snubbed her neighboring highMeanwhile, browse the GALLOWAY cowbyis doing her er maintenance, finicky cows. As winter part by grazing the plants and browse her approaches, she snubbed grows abydouble hair coat, neighboring higher maintenance, finicky winter your assurance thatcows. sheAswill continue foraginga regardless of what the mercury reads. approaches, she grows double hair coat, your assurance Come summer, she ofmay that she will continue foraging regardless whatkeep the a short layer of felt around her midsection, her way of remercury reads. Come summer, she mayflykeep a short ducing annoying strikes. layer of felt around her herclimbing way of reducing In midsection, this era of costs for everything related to cattle production, you have annoying fly strikes. real need to maximize resource utilization. In this era ofaclimbing costs for everything related By using a Galloway bull on your herd, and keeping F1 reto cattle production, youincreasing have a real need maximizeline. Period. By placements, you are yourtobottom resource utilization. By using Galloway bull onbull, your and breeding breeding those F1’s back ato a Galloway your Galloway females to a terminal sire, you herd,three-quarter and keeping F1 replacements, you are increasing have every expectation of producing an industry approved your bottom line. Period. By breeding those F1’s back to a calf at the lowest cost. And that’s significant. Galloway your three-quarter Gallowayis: What is So herebull, weand are,breeding at the end. And the question your line femalesbottom to a terminal sire,telling you haveyou? every expectation of GALLOWAY. Line cost. Breed. producing an industryYOUR approvedBottom calf at the lowest And that’s significant.

“What is a Breed” by Roy Wallace and Harlan Ritchie, BEEF and efficiency. Roy Wallace and Harlan Ritchie wroteMagazine, JulySo2006. here we are, at the end. And the question is: What

in BEEF Magazine, “ . . . Today, GALLOWAY are recognized as the oldest breed of beef cattle in the British 28 • AGBA Directory

is your bottom line telling you? GALLOWAY. YOUR Bottom Line Breed.



lbertaYourlaid Herd Xalloway Gallow


We are proud to present one of the largest selections of Red Galloways in Canada

Join us for our Alberta Plaid Galloway Bull and Female Sale

March 18, 2014 Sale catalogue available by request or on our website

Steve & Bonnie Schweer RR 1 Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 5E1 Phone: 403-227-3428 * Cell: 403-304-7354 Email: Website:

28 • AGBA Directory


Registered White

Registered Black

Registered White

Registered Black

Now you get to choose…….the DD Ranch has gone over “to the dark side!” CowsDD&Ranch Bullshas in both colors. Now you get toHeifers, choose…….the gone over “to the dark side!” Heifers, Cows & web Bulls in both colors. For a complete list visit our site. Prices are there also.

For a complete list visit our web site. Pricesare are paid thereby also. When you buy with us Genetic Tests, Registration & Transfers us: we take Credit Cards!

Deb & & Dene Dene Vance Vance Deb

970-405-5784 // 303-887-1731 303-887-1731 970-405-5784 Glenfiddich American GBA Ad 2014:Added joint owner 12/3/2013 5:22 PM Page 1

1001 Regional Road 97, R. R. #3, Puslinch, Ontario N0B 2J0

John, Jen and Shelby McIlwraith Double J Farms 905-659-2792 livestock enquiries

John and Lee McIlwraith 905-659-3010 semen and embryo enquiries

Glenfiddich Xanthus Grand Champion Bull 2012 Galloway World Congress - Erin Fair 2013 National Western Stock Show Jointly owned with Kolton Mueller, Three Hills, AB

Glenfiddich Zandra Shelby McIlwraith’s 2013 4H Project Reserve Champion Female 2012 Galloway World Congress - Erin Fair Grand Champion Female 2013 Caledonia Fair

Thank you to our 2012 and 3013 buyers:

RegisteredAI Registered White Sires Available 30 • AGBA Directory

Now you get to choose…….the DD Ranch has gone

Kaehler’s Mill Farm, LLC Kay’s



Kaehler’s Mill Farm purchased our first Galloway in 1994, joined the AGBA, and have breeding Galloway ever since. We’ve sold breeding stock from New England to Alberta to Oklahoma and all over the Midwest. You can recognize Kaehler’s Mill Galloway by their distinctive green ear tags. In addition, we have direct marketed outstanding 100% grass-finished Galloway beef since 1996. DNA testing affirmed that Kaehler’s Mill Galloway are at the top of the tenderness scale. For the whole package – classic confirmation, exceptional carcass quality, verified tenderness genetics and exhibition excellence – go Kaehler’s Mill Galloway. 262-375-1702 Registered Black AGBA Directory • 31

over “to the dark side!”

32 • AGBA Directory

Glenfiddich American GBA Ad 2014:Added joint owner 12/3/2013 5:22 PM

u AGBA Advertising Directory G AGA Alberta Galloway association




L Plaid Galloway Alberta Red Deer, Alberta........403.227.3428 O

Puslinch, Ontario.........905.659.3010

SPECIALIZING IN RED GALLOWAY We are proud to present one of the largest selections of Red Galloways in Canada

W A Red Deer, Alberta........403.227.3428 Y ALBERTA PLAID GALLOWAYpg..29

Join us for our Alberta Plaid Galloway Bull and Female Sale

Get Galloway For Your Commercial/Purebred Program President: Steve Schweer Phone: 403-227-3428


Vice President: Harry Tensen Phone: 403-729-2539

Bar R



1001 Regional Road 97, R. R. #3, Puslinch, Ontario N

John, Jen and Shelby McIlwraith Double J Farms 905-659-2792 livestock enquiries

Darrell Reimer • (507) 265-3878 • March 18, 2014 16557 680 Ave. • Alden, MN 56009

Sale catalogue available by request or on our website

Hazelton, ID............... 208.825.5215

Glenfiddich Xanthus Grand Champion Bull 2012 Galloway World Congress - Erin Fair 2013 National Western Stock Show Jointly owned with Kolton Mueller, Three Hills, AB

Thank you to our 2012 and 3013 buyer AI Registered Sires Available

HANG 5 10

Alden, MN................ . 507.265.3878

Parkman, WY...............307.655.9848 Jackson Trail Blazer Ranch



Steve & Bonnie Schweer BAR R MiDNight BAR R huNteR RR 1 Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 5E1 Grand Champion Bull Grand Champion Bull “World Beef Expo 2003-2004” “World Beef Expo 2000” * Cell: 403-304-7354 Phone: 403-227-3428 Email: Website:

BAR R gilDA (2D)

Galloways, Herefords, Red Angus & Hybrids, Reds, Duns, Blacks, Whites, & Belties Red, Black, Dun and some Whites. Marketing & Management Consulting Strong grass fed genetics.

BAR R electRA (4c)

Reserve Grand Champion Female “1995 NILE” — Billings, MT

Mora, MN................... 612.390.2249

Glenfiddich Zandra Shelby McIlwraith’s 20 Reserve Champion Fe 2012 Galloway World Grand Champion Fem 2013 Caledonia Fair

with cAlf BAR R electRA (13K)

Terry, MT....................406.486.5408

Grand Champion Female “North Star Classic 2000” — Valley City, ND

Eli Berry: 1855 220th Ave., Mora, MN 55051 612-390-2249 | email:

fouNdAtioN fEMAlEs

Sarah Bowman

778 Pass Creek rd. | Parkman, wY 82838

307.655.9848 • CellFarm, 307.752.7457 Kaehler’s Mill LLC Email:Kay’s hang5ranch HOMEFARM Inc. Joel & Nichole Jackson KAY AND STEVE CASTNER

LuAnn F ™

8707 KAEHLER 'S MILL ROAD | Cell: 406-989-1548 1143 Old Highway 10, Terry, MT | 406-635-5409 CEDARBURG, WISCONSIN 53012 |


Helen of Trapper


Charity of Trapper

NEw scottish gENEtics

Kindred, ND............... 701.645.9073

Cedarburg, WI..............262.375.1702

Braveheart of Galway We have purchased semen from Braveheart of Galway. Braveheart has a 100% Scottish Pedigree. We will have calves born from him in 2014. Semen is available.


PO BOX 544, MT || 406.635.2114 Visitors are welcome. Call forTERRY information. We59349 exhibit our Galloways at the NILE in Billings, MT & at the NWSS in Denver, CO. We are members of the AGBA!

Terry, MT................... 406.635.2114

701.212.0112 701.645.9073 BLEGENGALLOWAYS.COM

Kaehler’s Mill Farm purchased our first Galloway in 1994, joined the AGBA, and have breeding Galloway ever since. We’ve sold breeding stock from New England to Alberta to Oklahoma and all over the Midwest. You can recognize Kaehler’s Mill Galloway by their distinctive green ear tags.

Fairview, NC................281.989.5866

In addition, we have direct marketed outstanding 100% grass-finished Galloway beef since 1996. DNA testing affirmed that Kaehler’s Mill Galloway are at the top of the tenderness scale.


CHICKADEE 35 Cole’s Farm Registered Galloway Cattle Dun





Cornucopia, WI........... 715.742.3495

Cole’s Farm

The Canadian Galloway Association would Cole’s Farm like to thank everyone who attended the ReGisteRedRegistered GAllowAy CAttle Galloway Cattle World Galloway Conference in Dun • Black • Red • Belted • Crossbreds Dun Black Red Belted Crossbreds Guelph, Ontario 28 • AGBA Directory

RFLT LuAnn Farms | 157 Wilson Rd Sem 281.989.5866 | gkolm


Glenfiddich Yukon 4Y

Semen available US

Semen available US

Suncrest Whiskey Suncrest Whiskey

Semen Available US

C K Galloways

Glenfiddich 4Y Glenfiddich Yukon Yukon 4Y Semen Available US

Semen available US Semen available US Registered Quality Galloway Cattle Raised on the Missouri River in North Central MT. Heifers and Bulls Available for Sale.

CK 3 Registered Black

Fort Benton, MT..........406.799.0276 Now you get to choose…….the DD Ranch has gone over “to the dark side!”

Brass Ring Ursula Cole’s BRU Amber

Brass Ring Ursula Brass Ring Ursula

Cole’s BRU Amber

Cole’s BRU Amber

970-405-5784 / 303-887-1731

Suncrest Excellent

Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole’s XD Annie

SuncrestExcellent Excellent Suncrest Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole’s XD Annie Cole’s XT Alice 2A Cole’s XD Annie

Chuck & Cathy Cole Chuck & Cathy St Cole 2173 2173 Jade Jade St. | Mora, MN 55051

For a complete list visit our web site. Prices are there also.

When you buy with us Genetic Tests, Registration & Transfers are paid by us: we take Credit Cards!

Shawn Schumacher P.O. Box 602 | Fort Benton, MT (406) 799-0276 |

Chuck & Cathy Cole

Heifers, Cows & Bulls in both colors.

Grand Ledge, MI..........517.627.2310 S


Rifle, CO.......................970.625.3865

Mora, MN 55051 2173 Jade St | Mora, MN 55051

(December 7, 2013 • 34 below zero) 612-390-2039 612.390.2039

He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that he may bring forth food from the earth. —Ps.104:14


Stoney Acres Farm Purebred & Commercial

Galloways BillWhite and Judy Decker Emporia, KS


We look good any day of e-mail: the year! e-mail:

(AGBA Member)

Member of the AGBA

Dale & Joan Hoffman

10225 Oneida Road, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Using current and historic bloodlines to produce

Galloway genetics for the commercial beef industry.



New Castle, PA.......... 724.924.2938

Superior, MT...............406.822.8833

DD 30


Fort Lupton, CO.......... 970.405.5784

Chickasha, OK..............405.785.9115

Registered White

Adding quality from any angle


Suncrest Whiskey


Mora, MN................... 612.390.2039

Deb & Dene Vance

Breeding Stock Av


Innisfail, Alberta........ 403.227.6081

Registered White

Registered Gallowa

For the whole package – classic confirmation, exceptional carcass quality, verified tenderness genetics and exhibition excellence – go Kaehler’s Mill Galloway. 262-375-1702

Emporia, KS................620.343.6757

Ottawa, Ontario.......... 613.731.7110


Renaissance Far


Brass Ring Galloways


You will find our animals raised in their natural e our animals are raised with care and without imp antibiotics. Our cows eat grass and clover, drink sp


Home of Top Quality-High Value Galloways


Raising grass fed and naturally for a healthier l

(517) 627-2310

John and Holli Hopkins 625 Longhorn Lane, Superior, MT 59872. e-mail is H:406-822-8833 • C:406-274-7485 • F:406-822-3175

Galloway are the Foundation Breed Stuart J. DykStra

RegisteRed bReeding stoCk available

Please call for| information or stop by and see us. 1530 C.R. 259, Rifle, CO 81650 970.625.3865 |

Registered Black

Now you get to choose…….the DD Ranch has gone over “to the dark side!” Heifers, Cows & Bulls in both colors. For a complete list visit our web site. Prices are there also.

AGBA Directory • 33

We’ve made a living in the Cattle Business in Oklahoma for five generations. Our philosophy is “back to the basics” . Producing foundation cattle with the genetic power to restore many superior traits lost in today’s cattle industry.


Chickasha, Oklahoma Jon Brown 405-785-9115

Will Wheeler 405-274-1799


SEMEN SIRES BLEGEN GALLOWAYS (Semen Available) Glenfiddich Pericles | Exportable HB Moto Moto 3342 HB Zorro 2Z (Red Gend Carrier) Contact: Harley & Michelle Blegen Family (701) 212-0112, BRASS RING GALLOWAYS (Semen Available) Snapshot of Trapper Contact: Russ & Susan Waples (406) 635-2114, BERRY RANCH (Semen Available) Braveheart of Gal-Way Contact: Eli Berry (612) 390-2249, CHUCK COLE FARMS (Semen Available) Suncrest Whiskey & Glenfiddich Yukon Contact: Chuck Cole (612) 390-2039, THE DD RANCH (Semen Available) HZ Atomic & Brass Ring Socrates Contact: The DD Ranch (970) 785-6033,

HANG 5 RANCH (Semen Available) H5 Fannie's Voyager 21L. H5 Dreamer 63L, H5 Tempest Dream 6L. H5 Top Gain 72K, H5 Lidey's Dream 41K. Hang 5 Red Tidy, H5 Lightning 67K, Big Deal Golly Supreme, Globex Winchester W15 Contact: Hang 5 Galloways (307) 655-9848, RENAISSANCE FARMS LTD. (Semen Available) RFLTD Xenon Contact: Judy or Bill Decker (620) 343-6757,, SUNNY C RANCH (Semen Available) ABG Julius and BKR Toby Contact: Gayle Cerullo (360) 720-3159 TRAPPER GALLOWAY RANCH (Semen Available) Independence of Trapper, Lottie's Voyager of H.R.G., Diamond B Zamboni, White Lightning Contact: Trapper Galloway Ranch (307) 765-2971,

John and Holli Hopkins 625 Longhorn Lane, Superior, MT 59872. e-mail is H:406-822-8833 • C:406-274-7485 • F:406-822-3175 RegisteRed bReeding stoCk available Please call for information or stop by and see us. 34 • AGBA Directory

701.212.0112 701.645.9073 BLEGENGALLOWAYS.COM

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