Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Disease is becoming a growing issue in our fast paced society, and no one is exempt from being at risk. It is classified as any disease that affects the blood vessels and the heart. It is brought on by numerous factors such as high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, obesity, stress, and lack of exercise. It is very important that you find out how to prevent cardiovascular disease now, no matter what age group you belong to. The cases of this disease have been dropping somewhat, but even so it remains one of the leadings causes of death. As a matter of fact, over 1 million people died of complications brought on by the disease in 1999 alone. In order to stop cardiovascular disease now, it is important that you understand what exactly puts you at risk of this horrible affliction. First on the list is cigarette smoking. Everyone knows of the risk that smoking poses to your lungs, but often the fact that it can cause cardiovascular disease is overlooked. The good news is that if you quit smoking now, you will have decreased your chance of getting cardiovascular disease by 40 percent within the first 5 years. With all the other healthy benefits of quitting smoking, you should really consider giving it up. High blood pressure is another common cause. Basically, the lower your blood pressure within the reasonable limits, the better chance you have to prevent cardiovascular disease. If you have high blood pressure, make sure you monitor it, checking it often. Also, see your doctor regularly. Another big risk is blood cholesterol levels. There has been clear evidence that there is a link between high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that there are two kinds of cholesterol: good cholesterol or LDL, and bad cholesterol or HDL. In order to keep your bad cholesterol low, always exercise and eat heart friendly foods. These foods will always have a heart image on their packaging. One thing is for certain, you cannot prevent cardiovascular disease if you do not exercise. Lack of exercise is one of the more common reasons why people develop cardiovascular diseases. In fact, it is regarded as one of the 4 major causes of cardiovascular disease. Make sure you begin by exercising a little bit each day and gradually working your way up; you do not have to overdo it when you first start out.
Besides the 4 major causes of cardiovascular disease, other causes include: obesity and diabetes. Those who are obese will often not get exercise and will have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Make sure you follow the aforementioned advice and see your primary care physician if you think you may be at risk. Your doctor has many methods by which he or she can help you to prevent cardiovascular disease that may end up saving your life someday. With so many people dying from the complications that it brings on, it is important that you take the proper measures to stop cardiovascular disease now before it can have a chance to ruin your health. Check this out Nevada Heart & Vascular Center