Club of the Year E-Portfolio

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Piedmont Hills High School | Division 12 East

Club of the Year Piedmont Hills High School D12E | R17 | CNH

Entry Form

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Entry Form

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Entry Form

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$871/ $1200


8023/ 9000+ PT





Piedmont Hills’ Key Club has had multiple service events and fundraisers throughout this year thus far. We’ve had service events that our members have throughly enjoyed, and fundraisers that have brought much success to not only our club, but around the world as well! Some of our more unique service events have led our members to be more excited about them, which has led to more hours for community service. Our fundraisers as well have made an impact on PTP and MNT! In fact, earlier this year, MNT was ELIMINATED from the Philippines thanks to our contribution in fundraising.

$1225/ $1200

Updated: 1/12/18

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SERVICE EVENTS Piedmont Hills Key Club holds multiple events and service projects every single weekend. Events such as runs, festivals, and food distributions result in smiles and thousands of hours of service. Our passion for service allows us to accomplish our goals and gives us a sense of pride when we are thanked for our help. Occasionally, Piedmont Hills Key Club hosts a service project. For example, our service project, “Operation SurgerKEY�, focuses on the project, Pediatric Trauma Program. Members have the opportunity to sew and stuff dolls to give to hospitals. The doctors will then utilize the dolls to practice surgery. Overall, events and service projects show inclusiveness and provide a lot of fun for all members.

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For the 2018 Youth Opportunity Grant fund, Piedmont Hills Key Club are hosting a trauma doll service project. Each doll will be given to a hospital child at Kaiser Permanente to aid them through their hospital stay and for the doctors to show how surgery will work. In order to create the dolls, the officer committee purchased skin-tone fabric (brown and colored white) and pillow stuffing. To prepare doll templates for the members to work with, we met at one of our freshman rep’s house; the templates were roughly the same size with a height and width of 6 inches. Afterwards, we cut out half-sized sheets of cardstock for the little notes that will go along with the dolls. The doll templates and stuffing was then separated into adequate amounts per doll into individual zip-lock bags. Once the service project is released on Wednesday, January 10, each bag full of the materials needed to make a doll. Members will be given instruction and help through a Facebook group page on how to properly sew and stuff the dolls. Ultimately, the finished dolls will be donated to Kaiser at the beginning of next month.

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FUNDRAISERS Here at Piedmont Hills Key Club, we like to show support to our service projects, the Pediatric Trauma Program, and ELIMINATE by raising money! A major way we are able to earn this money is through numerous successful fundraisers. Our board is constantly working hard to find at least 1 to 2 fundraisers a month to help obtain our money goals before the end of the term. Many of these fundraisers are held at restaurants or cafĂŠs, but we also occasionally have a movie night that helps brings in funds as well. Not only do these fundraisers help to benefit our service projects, but also our own club. With the money we raise, we are able to help lower the cost of many amazing Key Club events, such as FRN, RTC, and DCON.

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OFFICERS At the helm of our PHHS Key Club ship is our one-of-a-kind officer team, a dynamic crew that works diligently to steer the club towards success. To maximize the service opportunities for members, all officers find at least one service event per month and enthusiastically reach out to club members during these activities. Every Key officer performs a variety of different tasks to keep the organization running effectively, but we all make an effort to be positive role models who create a genuine, supportive environment for our members and community. Not only do we serve locally, but we also make our global impact by organizing numerous fundraisers throughout the year to support our chosen charities of PTP and ELIMINATE. We officers envision a brighter future for the world- and are determined to improve it, one little step at a time.

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MEMBER OF THE MONTH If someone is chosen as a member of the month, they have shown qualities or performed actions throughout the month that expresses passion and often follows Key Club’s four core values. Member of the month exemplifies an extraordinary member who has shown a strong passion for service by attending multiple events or a member who clearly shows leadership, kindness, inclusiveness, or character building. A member of the month is chosen by the officers. Every month, each officer completes a form to pick who they would want as the next member of the month. The member with the most recommendations is chosen and is announced during the next general meeting. The aim of having a member of the month is to recognize the members who show a lot of passion and dedication towards Key Club. Overall, member of the month motivates members to be more involved with Key Club and recognizes the members that show a lot of passion towards the club.

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WEBSITE With so much information about Key Club and so many events happening throughout the year, Piedmont Hills Key Club needed a space to store everything, as well as publicize said events. Our solution: a website. In our website, we post the weekly agenda and update it with big upcoming events, such as DCON. We are also sure to have some member involvement in our website, with polls scattered throughout the pages. If needed, our members can also learn more information about Key Club by checking out our “About� tabs, and they can get to know the officers by reading their bios! Archives are also kept for our previous agendas and general meeting presentation slides. The biggest use for our website, however, is probably the online sign-ups page! To provide convenience for anyone who wants to join, they can just fill out a form on the website, and they will be added to our roster. Overall, our website is an important resource for our members to be able to access more information!

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NEWSLETTERS Every month, Piedmont Hills Key Club releases newsletters out to our members as an entertaining way to update them on new events that are happening. It showcases two letters from officers, event recaps, upcoming events, a calendar, and more, depending on what happens in the month! In addition, we have a special trivia section at the end of the newsletter, where readers are able to complete a puzzle to have a special appearance in the next newsletter! The newsletter all in all is a great medium to update members while still providing a good source of entertainment!

INCLUDES Message from Executive Member of the Month Calendar Goals Update Event Recaps Upcoming Events Division/District Updates Trivia Games Big Events Social Media Contacts

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SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE | PUBLICIZING In order to publicize events and keep our members updated at home, we utilize a variety of social media networks and the Google Suite. Every week, our Vice President of Service creates and posts an agenda containing the necessary weekly information onto our Facebook page, which is our main platform. Our Facebook page is constantly being used by officers to post about new events or any updates to the club. We also heavily utilize social media to spread the word about our events, especially fundraisers. Though we primarily use Facebook, as it has an Events feature, we post on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat as well in order to allow everyone to be notified, even those who do not have certain social medias. Additionally, we make use of Google Sheets to share with our members their respective hours and who has signed up for events.


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GENERAL MEETINGS The weekly meetings that we hold for Key Club are a wonderful way for our members to meet with each other and bond. Officers are assigned with the task to present service events that our members can choose to sign up for, based on their interest. To show appreciation for the attendance of the few, highly dedicated members we have, we offer bonus service hours for those who attend 75% or more meetings! The atmosphere that we create during these meetings are fun and enjoyable, yet productive at the same time.



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OFFICER MEETINGS With such a large number of members in PHHS’ Key Club, the entire officer board holds weekly meetings every Monday at around 3pm until around 3:30pm. At these meetings, every officer is asked to talk and discuss with the rest of the board what they did the past week, and if they had not done much for the past week, then they would discuss what they will be doing in the future. The board also speaks about upcoming projects and fundraisers. This is where the topic of division wide events or even just collaborations with other schools can come up, like the upcoming collaboration charity dinner, for instance. Our weekly meetings are also great for reminding the board what the nearest projects are coming up as well. At the end of our meetings, we give a final hours update for how many service hours have been completed since the week before as well as an update for our MNT and PTP goals. Whilst the meeting continues on for around an hour or so, the secretary is recording all of what is being said onto a document for those who have missed the meeting to be able to read what they have missed for that week. These weekly meetings are a great way for officers to see what the other officers have been doing in the past week in order to stay up to date with our club.


What is Key Club to you?

We asked various PHHS Key Clubbers:

What is Key Club to you?

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What has Key Club given you?

Kirsten Takeshima

Key Club has given me the opportunity to grow as an individual and to engage in community service events to serve my school, community, environment, and world. Ever since I joined Key Club, I have gained many important life lessons and experiences that I will treasure for future years to come. Being involved in these service activities and helping others has made me realize that service is not only about getting your hours done for school, but to improve the life and well-being of others, provide help to important causes and those who need it most, and to make the world a more livable and ergonomic place to live in for future generations, all while having fun. By serving my community, such as the Japanese Wesley Methodist United Church, and environment, I now understand the value of teamwork, kindness, responsibility, communication, and leadership skills. I realize the importance of volunteers in my community. Additionally, I became more aware of the struggles and injustices that certain groups of people face everyday and this has made me want to serve my community even more. Participating in service activities has also allowed me to advocate for causes that I am passionate about, such as fighting against leukemia and lymphoma. When I was researching through diseases in science class, I came across an article about this young boy who was diagnosed with a high-risk form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. At the age of three years old, he was placed on chemotherapy regimen and had to return to the hospital several times a year. Today at age ten, he is in remission. His story inspired me. Along with this, service has allowed me to expand my horizons by meeting new people and creating friends. I have learned so much already and am looking forward to even more enjoyable experiences with Key Club.

Ever since I joined Key Club, there’s no doubt that I’ve changed drastically. From the very beginning, I was the type of person who loved meeting new people and making new friends. The problem was that I never had the courage to go up to someone and start a conversation. All that changed when I went to my first service event. Everyone there was so kind and had such passion for what they were doing and it was difficult to not want to get to know them. It was easy to strike up a conversation and the fear I had was immediately gone. Key Club gave me the opportunity to make countless new friends and made me more confident. Another thing Key Club has taught me is how to be a leader. Never before had I led anything or anyone and I never volunteered to do things that others wouldn’t. But as time goes on and my experiences as an officer grows, I began to learn from the other officers. I subconsciously found myself leading a discussion in class or volunteering right away when something needs to get done. Most importantly, Key Club has given me a place where I can just be myself. I can act as weird as I want to and scream at the top of my lungs and no one would judge. I can’t thank Key Club enough for all that it has given me and for shaping me into the person I am now.

Vincent Zhu

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Emily Vu

In my time as a member of Piedmont Hills’ Key Club, I have gained many critical skills, such as leadership and time management. But perhaps the most vital quality I have taken from my experiences as a Key Clubber is a passion for service . Even with Incredible leadership or communication skills, one cannot succeed as a Key Clubber without love and interest in what they do. Key Club has taught me that if done with passion, even the smallest actions can a have a great impact on the world. Whether it’s attending an event or helping the elderly carry groceries, anything and everything we do affects our society. Key Club is not just a service club. To me and those around me, it’s become our way of life.


What has Key Club given you? Key Club has helped me in so many ways. On the more surface-level things, it's given me leadership abilities, community service hours, and a bunch of other things I can't even thank it enough for. But one of the main things that has always stuck to me about Key Club is that it's given me a sense of community, or inclusiveness if we're talking core values here. Time and time again, I've felt pretty discouraged from stressful events both in my personal life and in the outside world. However, I am happy to say that there's a group of 22 officers and like 300+ members that I know will have my back...and knowing that is pretty humbling. And to go even further, Key Club has connected me with my...well, my community. It's given me the chance to give back to the place that has raised me and that has been a part of who I am for so long. I love seeing the faces of all of the people I had a small role in helping, and it's been such a thrill knowing that the world has been made a better place because of my work with this club.

Christine Do

If someone were to ask me what Key Club has given me, there are so many things that I can’t possibly put into words. When I first joined this club, I kept to myself and didn’t bother talking to others apart from my own small circle. As a freshman, I was extremely self conscious and afraid of my new environment, especially the people in it. I felt judged even when there was no attention on me at all. However, Key Club allowed me to break out of my shell and explore my new surroundings. Officers and members in the club would reach out to me first and welcome me as a family. Soon, I was comfortable in my own skin and with fellow members who were in the same position as I was. I was able to show more parts of myself to the new friends I met. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. These friends would soon become the people closest to me, who I could come to whenever I needed it. Key Club was the push that allowed me to open my eyes to new possibilities and new people. Now, I’m able to be the one to reach out to others first. As cheesy as it sounds, without Key Club, I honestly don’t think I would be the person I am today. Looking back, I’m amazed at my self growth, yet there are many aspects I’m still working on, such as putting myself out there. I’ve made countless new memories that I could easily call the highlights of my years so far in high school and I can’t wait for the new memories that’ll come in the future.

I have been in Key Club since the beginning of freshman year, and I’ve experienced so much of what it can provide and what it has given. After thinking about what exactly Key Club has given me, I conclude that Key Club has given me memories that I will cherish as the highest points of my high school career. This is something that is extremely unique and I know I would not have experienced the same experiences if I had joined any other club. With these memories that I have gained from Key Club, I can safely say that I have grown as a person and as a leader. Going to my first service event and being included in a group with people I didn’t even know yet, leading my first service event and gaining leadership skills, screaming at the top of my lungs at Fall Rally North, going out at night with other members to bond. These are all memories that I would have never gotten close to having if not for Key Club. This organization will always have a place in my heart as the one thing I did in high school that really changed my life and gave me memories that will last a lifetime.

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Kathy Ton

Victor Xie


What has Key Club given you?

Joann Huynh

Key Club has given me opportunities to change into someone that can make a difference in my community, made me into a better leader, and create those long-lasting bonds with everyone around me. At first, I never even dreamed of coming this far from Key; from my freshman year I was an introvert and did not like interacting with people since I lack the confidence to say what was on my mind and been afraid to be judge by others. I join Key for the sole purpose of changing myself for the better and building my self-esteem. This decision was one of the best thing I had made in my entire life, I was not the shy girl that would shy away from challenges anymore. Now, as a junior, I have become some that takes on these challenges head on no matter how tough it may be and from that I open myself to a whole new world that I had always dreamed of and now not only have I grown as an individual but I got to build my leadership skills through Key while giving me the courage to meet many people and I am extremely grateful for what Key has done for me. I can not express how much I love Key but with all my heart, I do know that this club has become my new family.

Key Club has given me many opportunities to grow as a leader but most importantly, find a purpose for me. Key has help bring the best of me, introducing wonderful people to my life and teaching me the importance of service to help out. This environment that Key has given me widen my perspective of the world and to see things in a new light. My personality has started to blossom in which I can express myself fully about my love for helping others. Without Key, I wouldn’t be where I am today, opening up to Key Clubbers all around me and helping them as much as this club has helped me.

Willy Ngo

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Tony Le

Key Club has given me so many things that I can’t just list. Friends, family, a place I can be myself, and most importantly, comfort. The atmosphere of the club and the service events are unreal, it’s almost as if I’m in a dream, being able to help out the community AND spend time making new friends or hanging out with my current ones. Key club has given me much more than I can name, not limited to just friends and comfort. It’s given me a place I can go to when I feel down or feel like the world is crashing on me. Being able to form everlasting bonds is something I enjoy doing.


What has Key Club given you? People say Key Club doesn’t make keys, but it does open the door to opportunities. I’ve heard countless stories about how Key Club has given people a chance to be a better leader and a chance to love service. Indeed, Key Club has given me various things, ranging from leadership to character building, but what I treasure the most is the memories I have received. Throughout my four years in high school, Key Club has given me a countless number of new memories, ranging from reciting cheers at FRN to pruning roses in a garden. These memories make up a majority of my high school career, and I am thankful for each and every one of them. From these memories, I have learned to cherish my community and respect every individual that gives back to others. What’s important is that Key Club does not just create memories for me but also for others. The significance of my memories became greater once I realized I share the same memory with many others in the club. I work together with members to make memories worth cherishing. These memories are what make Key Club meaningful, and the fact that I can look back on them with those around me makes it even more memorable. Just by reliving a Key moment with another member creates a warm, family like environment. Therefore, Key Club is the source of hundreds of memories, and I can proudly say 99% of these memories are full of joy and happiness. I do not wish to forget any of the memories Key Club has given me, even the 1% I sometimes regret, because whether they were joyful or sad memories, they shaped who I am today. Key Club has given me moments to look back to and reflect upon. When I head off to college, I can look back to these memories and thank Key Club for shaping me into who I am today.

Trisha Dang

Key Club gave me the opportunity and drive to improve myself as a person and a leader. I am who I am today because of Key Club. This club provided me the foundation I needed to become a good leader and person. Looking back on the four years I have been in Key Club, I realized how much I have changed. In my freshmen year, I was a follower who did whatever my friends did, but now as a senior, I am a leader who makes my own decisions. My inspiration for improvement sparked in this club in my freshmen year and since then, I’ve been trying to improve myself in many aspects. Many other people have found themselves through Key Club as well. Key Club has given me a lot, but the most important thing Key Club has given me is a passion for community service, leadership, and self-improvement.

Key Club has given me the ability to be who I am today. I started my freshman year with five different clubs, one club per day of the week. I thought that that would give me a better opportunity to make new friends, But none of them made me feel that I was in a family more than Key Club did. Service event after service event, I found myself establishing a new character trait for myself; it was the part of me that loved volunteering and meeting new people. After the stage of attending just service events, the monthly division council meetings helped me build my communication and really be comfortable with speaking in front of a crowd. Maybe that was the reason why I now enjoy public speaking. Disregarding all the service events, the officers and members made me feel as if I were a part of another family-from digging ditches to plant trees then helping kids do arts and crafts to bonding with other people miles away to basically eating dinner with each other while raising money for charitable causes. I don’t know who I would be without Key Club.

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Michelle Zhang

Samantha Phan

Club Essay

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Club Essay

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Club Essay

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Club Essay

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Club of the Year E-Portfolio Piedmont Hills Key Club Division 12 East Region 17

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