Distinguished Secretary

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Judy Ng
 Secretary 2017-2018

Piedmont Hills| Division 12 East | Region 17

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Fall Rally North

I am humbled and honored to be able to receive letters of recommendation from Division 12 East Lieutenant Governor Minah Yang, Piedmont Hills Key Club President Megan Luong, and Piedmont Hills Key Club Treasurer Diana Quach. I have been able to work closely with each of them throughout my term, so I believe they are able to discern my qualifications and qualities that will aid you in learning more about who I am and what I do. Upon reading each of these letters, my heart was filled with love because I was extremely grateful to have been able to become closer to them, but also bittersweet because the 2017-2018 term is ending soon. I am definitely indebted to Key Club for providing me such great recommenders, co-officers, and friends. Overall, the letters of recommendation have captured me well and revered me a lot, and, for that, I am truly grateful to the recommenders.

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Officer Board

After looking through the checklist and asking for the e-signatures and initials from my Lieutenant Governor and Faculty Advisor, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I was elated to see that I met each one of the requirements and even exceeded a few. It was preposterous to think that, after what felt like a month, an entire term had passed. I remember being ecstatic while filling out the Election Results back in March 2017 because it meant that our term was officially starting soon. I thought back to District Convention 2017 when I attended the Secretary workshop, and I thought about each one of my MRFs and how they were submitted. Reading through the checklist really made me reflect on what I have been able to do this past year, and it left a good, reminiscent feeling.

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El Día d‫ ﯥ‬los Tres Reyes Magos

Each of these events that I attended all affected me in one way or another; they shaped me into who I am today. Maybe it’s the atmosphere, the joyful feeling I get when I see a difference made in the community, or the people around me. Whenever I do the smallest of tasks, whether that is making arts and crafts with kids or plucking a weed, I am overjoyed by the small thank yous I receive and the smiles on people’s faces. I love being able to make new friends and bond with old ones while helping the community; there really is nothing that can replace service with friends. In particular, I remember an event where I was gardening with a few of my friends. It was 4 hours long, but, it honestly felt like 30 minutes because we were constantly laughing while trimming down broccoli plants. Many service events are like this, and Key Club has allowed this for me. And, for that, I am eternally grateful.

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Region Training Conferenc‫ﯥ‬

One big task of a secretary is to create and update the club directory, as well as any other directories that would be helpful. Throughout my term, I have created and utilized various directories in order to keep track of who is in the club and their contact information. I am constantly updating these sheets so that the directories are as up-to-date as possible, which allows for our club to be more organized. The directories I have created include the dues paid member roster, the meeting sign-in sheet, and the officer directory. Though each of these just have text filled inside cells, each member represents a whole other person who contributes to the fight against MNT and Pediatric Trauma, as well as help the community. Therefore, sometimes it’s truly inspiring to see the people just listed in the spreadsheet.

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Class Tabs This spreadsheet is for class representatives to enter in who has attended our general meetings, in order to keep track of who has, since our club requires everyone to attend 75% of our meetings. It is separated by grades and then by last name groups.

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An important part of our officer board is constant communication. Thus, we have an officer roster that is used by all officers in order to find ways of contacting others, as well as have access to general information if needed.

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Monthly Report Forms are one of the biggest tasks a secretary must complete in order to update the division about club records and achievements. Every month, I always ensure I submit my monthly report form before the deadline; specifically, before MY deadline. As I learned from the secretaries before me, I should set an early deadline for myself so that none of my monthly report forms will ever be late and I will never have to deal with possible last-minute situations. While the division deadline for the MRF is the 3rd, I try my best to submit it by the 1st. Because of this, I have always had timely submissions. To aid my process in doing so, I update the MRF weekly with new events that have completed hours. In addition to filling in the blanks, I am proud of each of the snapshots, or summaries, of the month that I have written. I typically write ~1000 words for each my snapshots in order to detail what is going on in our club as much as possible. In order to truly show the readers just how dedicated and passionate our club is, I write these long essays because that is what a secretary is tasked with -- to not only update club records but also to showcase the true essence of the club. While the Monthly Report Form may take a long time, I love being able to reflect upon the club and see how far we have gone since the beginning of the year. It’s truly a magical feeling to see that your work has gotten somewhere, and it fills my

Working on my MRF

heart with pride and joy whenever I see our club has grown more.

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Data Section

Projects Section

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Club Snapshot

Project Snapshots

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Data Section

Projects Section

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Club Snapshot

Project Snapshots

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Data Section

Projects Section

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Club Snapshot

Project Snapshots

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Data Section

Projects Section

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Club Snapshot

Project Snapshots

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Key Club Training Conferenc‫ﯥ‬

A secretary is tasked with having to take meeting minutes at every meeting so that people can refer to the minutes in case something is forgotten, or someone is absent and would like to stay updated. Every week, I type up two meeting minutes: one for general board meetings and one for executive meetings. In each meeting minute, I try to take note of more important ideas in each discussion topic to ensure that I am not overwhelmed when trying to type the information, as well as keep the meeting minutes clean and not cluttered. Sometimes, I find that I am unable to keep up with taking some notes down because information is rapidly being transferred. In these instances, I would later request that the information be repeated, or I filter out the more important information that should definitely be written down. I personally enjoy taking meeting minutes because I like being able to recap everything myself and help others in staying updated.

Updated: 1/12/18

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- April 4, 2017 -



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- June 5, 2017 -


For each meeting minutes I take, I include the following: Time Stamp Attendance Officer Recaps Each event/fundraiser discussed Reminders/Hours/Overall Recap

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- August 21, 2017 -


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- June 5, 2017 -


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- November 27, 2017 -


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- October 15, 2017 -


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- January 22, 2017 -



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- January 14, 2017 -


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Communication is an essential part of being a secretary, not to mention being an officer or a human being in general. Because my work heavily relies on communicating with others, I have to have strong communication skills. I would ask officers to give me a recap of an event to include in my MRF, or I would talk with my advisors about forms that are to be submitted. As a result of having to communicate so much with them, I noticed that I was definitely able to expand outside my comfort zone and grow more as a person, as I developed a professional way to communicate with others when speaking about Key Club.

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ANNOUNCEMENTS Start of Every General Meeting

Important Announcements for th‫ ﯥ‬Week Every week, I create an announcements slide that is put in the presentation slides at every general meeting. These slides consist of information about any upcoming fundraisers or Key Club events, as well as general information our members should know to keep updated. Along with the information, I select a few pictures to include that are relevant to the upcoming events.Every month, I change the colors and background image accordingly with the month’s themes in order to keep things varied! Overall these announcements slides allow me to better communicate with the club about necessary information.

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Ms. Murray | Faculty Advisor


Ms. Diamond | Kiwanis Advisor

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Advisor communication is extremely vital to keep a club running. Especially for the secretary, it is important because there are many forms that require signatures. Throughout my term, I have messaged and emailed my advisors about various topics, such as booking reservations for school facilities, forms updates, Trick-or-Treat boxes, events, etc. For every form I submit, I ensure to carbon-copy them as well.



Monthly Report Form Submissions I ensure to keep in constant contact with my Lieutenant Governor and Region Advisors. Whenever I have a question relating to a task, I never hesitate to ask my LTG. In addition to asking questions, I send emails every month to detail our club’s achievements in the past month and to submit my Monthly Report Form. I also email my LTG for other submissions and for other information as well.

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Relay for Lif‫ﯥ‬

As a Key Club officer, I try to go above and beyond my duties, which I have illustrated in this section. At the start of the term, I served as the head officerin-charge for Relay for Life, a 24-hour event, and later I was the head of the FRN cape-making committee. Throughout the term, whenever we had a movie night, I would be part of the registration committee, where I would create a spreadsheet and track ticket sales. Additionally, in order to stay on top of all my tasks, I stayed highly organized using Google Drive. I would say my biggest contribution to the club would be the implementation of the member-in-charge system I thought of, which would allow members to grow more as leaders. Through each of these tasks, in addition to my regular secretary tasks, I have been able to experience many different things, and these experiences allowed me to learn and grow into a more capable person than I was before.

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RELAY FOR LIFE At the beginning of my term as secretary, I was the head officer-in-charge of the event Relay for Life. Relay for Life is an event where teams gather to set up camp, sell items to raise money for research against cancer, and walk around the track to raise awareness. This service event is always one of Piedmont Hills’ Key Club’s biggest events, as it is a 24hour event. Because of the many components of this event, there were many things to plan. Being the head OIC, I had to lead others and place them into three separate committees: food, deco, and campsite. Food was in charge of making a meal plan and ensuring that we all had food to eat, deco created signs for our camp, and campsite made sure that we all had a place to sleep. I oversaw each of these committees and ensured everything was going smoothly for the day of the event. Additionally, people gave donations so we had to account for all the money as well. Though planning this event was extremely stressful, it was worth it in the end to see so many people gather and have fun while raising funds for cancer research.

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Every year, Piedmont Hills Key Club sells capes to Division 12 East as part of our spirit gear as superheroes. This year, I decided to be one of the heads for the FRN Cape committee, and I worked hard to plan the exact amount of profit we would make, and I set a deadline for each item to be finished. From this, we were able to make $150+ and allowed other superheroes to smile with pride as they wear their capes.

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Being a secretary, I am almost always in the registration committee for various events we hold. In the registration committee, I work with the other treasurers and secretaries to compile a spreadsheet with the tickets in order to keep track of which tickets have been sold to whom. Additionally, on the day of the event, I check people in and ensure that they have bought a ticket.

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Because a secretary has so many forms and spreadsheets, it is vital for one to be able to keep track of it all. I utilize Google Drive to do so. I have a specific 2017-2018 term Key Club folder that harbors more folders (for meeting minutes, MRF Snapshots, etc) as well as very important and regularly used spreadsheets.

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MEMBER-IN-CHARGE How could I provid‫ ﯥ‬mor‫ ﯥ‬opportunities for members to gain mor‫ ﯥ‬leadership skills? This was the question I had asked myself. I noticed that in Piedmont Hills Key Club, it was mainly the officers who were able to have the opportunity to develop leadership. Therefore, I wanted to change that to allow members to be able to as well, since they are the core component of our club and leadership is one of our core values. I knew that at service events, we had officers-in-charge that would lead the group, but I thought members could benefit more from leading them instead. Therefore, I created the memberin-charge system, which allows members to take charge at service events and lead the event attendees.

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Judy Ng Distinguished Secretary E-Portfolio Piedmont Hills Key Club Division 12 East | Region 17

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