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Symphony for the lonely by Nicole Jalandoni

Symphony for the Lonely

Words by Nicole Jalandoni / Illustration by Dana Jepsen


I am a lonely person, but that’s not a tragedy. There’s a silent comfort, being with oneself, another face in a crowd. And the city, playing its symphonies: Chatter. Chatter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Screeches. Honks. Laughter. Beautiful melodies…

I am alone in the city – a sardine in a can – the train whizzing, Flashing, Beeping, Screeching. Oxford Circus. Charing Cross. Covent Garden. Sloane Square. To fall in love with a stranger, a single moment there and gone. I am a lonely person but I am not alone.

I am here, wet gravel crunching under my leather. The sky is close to weeping. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. The clock stops. I am a woman out of my time, beauty from a bygone era. The hall dim with bleeding velvet and polished wood. An empty stage, brought to life by black and white suits. Music fi lls the hall. Intoxicating. I am one in hundreds and I am entranced.

I am a stranger – you’ll never see me again. But for a brief moment, we were one. We stifl ed a laugh at some corny joke. We got drunk on the drum beat. Wine in hand. Feet tapping. Side glancing. Who are you? What do you do?

Do you love? Do you long? Are you alone, just like me?

References: Eli. (September 26th, 2016). Mythologies of the World on Stamps. Stampboards.com. https://www. stampboards.com/viewtopic.php?p=4611043 Hans “Zéró” Schleger. (1941). 1941 London Underground Map. Transit maps. https://transitmap.net/ london-1941-zero/ 21

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