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Overgrown by Tharidi Walimunige
By Tharidi Walimunige| Graphics by Kiara Allis Spider legs line up
With military precision above my upper lip. Silken strands cast shadows around
My mouth, the hills and canyons of my face Darkening into lush fields. Strokes of ink address you – You’re staring. A curtain is called down to end the performance Of a lifetime. Me, meeting your standards? Hah! Now that’s a comedy.
Crispy hairs creep out from the abyss Of my pit, haunting and taunting. A sea urchin jabs holes through My underarm and bursts forth Alien-style.
And here’s the tragedy. I shear the beast, thinking I’ve felled it But by fortnight’s dawn, it’s back. Collapsed, I cry.
Ego and Expectation, They are the angel and devil coaxing Seductively atop my shoulders. Armed with five blades and aloe extract, I ride To battle myself once more.