Portfolio: Jane Mitchell
t: +447791589519 e: jane@eyredesign.com w: www.eyredesign.com
[eyre] graphic design
[eyre] graphic design
3 Minutes To Think: 3 minutes to think about your health. A booklet to read while waiting for an NHS appointment to make patients aware of common illnesses and deseases. Also includes a poster to catch patients attention and make them aware that the booklet is available to read while they wait.
[eyre] graphic design
Health Care For Everyone, EMERGENCY: Health care should be a right for all not a privelage for some. EMERGENCY work to help many citizens affected by war. This campaign stresses the need for health care to be available to everyone around the world. The poster highlights the problem and the booklet explains more about EMERGENCY as a charity and how people can get involved and help.
[eyre] graphic design
Quote me on that: A set of typographic greeting cards based on the Yorkshire dialect, design work included the logo, type and packaging.
[eyre] graphic design
Climate Change, Greenpeace: CO² is a silent killer, just like a sniper. If we don’t reduse our CO² levels, many animal species will become extinct. This campaign comprising of a poster, promo card and booklet makes the audience aware of the current threat to animals and shows how they can do their bit to help.
Scifi: Utopias, Aliens and Robots Exibition
The British Library, St. Pancras, London 4th - 10th January, 2010
Sun Mercury venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09.30 - 18.00 Sat 09.30 -17.00 Sun 11.00 - 17.00
December 21, 2012 there will be a rare planetary alignment it is claimed around this time that extraterrestrials are due to return. SciFi
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
[eyre] graphic design
British Library SciFi Exhibition: An identity and a range of materials to make people aware of a Sci Fi exhibition being held by the British Library. The logo is a diagrammatic representation of positions and orbits within time and space. Each ring is assigned to Utopias, Aliens or Robots. This is further defined by their position and colour. This theme is developed further through a set of posters. Featuring data visualisations relating to positions in time and space, planetary alignment, mapping and the concept of Utopia.
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
SciFi SciFi
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
Utopias, Aliens & Robots
[eyre] graphic design
Nuclear Disaster: With Greenpeace this campaign encourages the audience to join the debate and express their concerns for nuclear power. We should be focusing on cleaner safer energy for our planet. Designs include a poster, postcard and folding leaflet.
[eyre] graphic design
Phobias: Booklets for sufferer and friends and family. Directed to the help Anxiety UK offer help to phobia sufferers. More common than we think, phobias affect a fair proportion of people’s everyday lives, the handbooks and posters were designed based on individual phobias that exist.
[eyre] graphic design
10 Things you should know... ... About Science. Set of ten booklets to enlighten teens and above about Science. Book one is about Neuroscience. The study of the brain and the body’s nervous system. Chapters include: Optical illusions, Pain and Binge drinking.
[eyre] graphic design
100 Things People Have Swallowed: Hand bound book design. Content is based around all the strange things people have swallowed.
[eyre] graphic design
YCN 2009 competition brief: O2, “We’re better, connected� Poster designs to promote the arena facilities, like the Indigo and Matter night clubs. Leaflets for the o2 Arena with details on all the arena facilities. Promotions and rewards when the audience interacts with the origami leaflet in-store.
Portfolio: Jane Mitchell
t: +447791589519 e: jane@eyredesign.com w: www.eyredesign.com
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