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orking out is hard work and no one said it would be easy to get fit; so until you worked hard enough dont expect the best results in just a few days. You have to follow a set of rules in order to work out without harming yourself (meaning your muscles) and get your results. Train hard. By this I don’t mean an hour on the treadmill or twenty sets on the dumbbells. It won’t help you lose weight, or pump your muscles plus you will look like a stick man with huge biceps. So cut the crap. It is an important thing to remember when creating your schedule try fit in your exercises and work outs and of course on top of all your diet.


For some people training and gym is part of their everyday lives, it mi­­­ght be their lifestyle, maybe their job or just simply they are trying to include it in their schedule for a healthier way of living. Sports and working out provide us with a list of important factors that make our lives and minds better, happier and healthier, which includes stress relief, stabilizing hormone levels, good physical condition, strength of the heart and many more factors that wouldn’t fit on a piece of paper. So first step is to include training in your schedule. I think everyone has that extra weight they want to lose, especially after holidays like Christmas and Easter. Well with some simple tips you could get back on track in no time! 15



For the guys: “Don’t just work on the upper body when you are in the gym. We don’t want you looking like bodybuilders with stickman legs, believe me it is not a nice view.”

For the ladies: “Work hard on those butt and leg muscles. They say squats, deadlifts and abs are the best friends of a woman. It will help lift and shape that booty in no time.” 16 SPORTIF MAGAZINE

Next phase: WEIGHTS. And by weights I dont mean doing twenty hand curls and twenty leg presses and then twenty crun­­­ ches. That will not help. For better results is bet­ ter to work on a group of muscles or by doing a circuit training (which depends on the training you are after). If you have a lot of time and you can work out everyday, group muscle work out could be what you are after, but if you dont have that much time and you can make it only a few days per week I would say circuit training is for better results. We have about six muscle groups (back muscles, leg muscles, hand muscles, shoulder muscles, chest muscles and core muscles), which would mean you could divide each one of the groups per day and work on that particular one only. For example if you are going to the gym five times a week then start off with chest muscles one day, back muscles the other day and every two days do the abdominal muscles which need more than once per week exercise; but make sure to give them one day rest. Working on a different muscle group each day will help you improve strength but will allow the other muscle groups to rest which is really important when exercising. A circuit training is when you train all your muscle groups in a day by doing less exercises but harder and faster. And each day keep on doing the circuit program but with different exercises, making sure that you somehow work all the muscle groups. It is effective and hard but it will increase your hormone levels to burn fat while building muscle.

If you want to be the best, Work harder than the rest. If you don’t want to be the best, Just work like the rest. - Robert Stinson - his quote since “1979” and some 25 years coach






rain, dont strain.”

fter you’ve finished with you weight exercises comes the fun part. CARDIO. Cardio is a good endurance exercise program which helps your heart and lounges get stronger. To complete a full on training program you need to do some aerobic exercise, which would be walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc. Cardio should always be performed on low/medium intensity and should be over 25 minutes (minimum time) depending on what program you want to try/accomplish. There are many ways to do cardio exercises; it doesn’t necessary means you have to be on the treadmill. If you are one of those people that are extremely bored on a treadmill there is a list of aerobic fitness classes you could attend, plus you could always enjoy a walk or jog outside, or just go for a swim. Try not to get bored. There is a huge variety of exercises and programs you could do and enjoy them as well. You could either try interval programs or there are a bunch of aerobic classes which you can attend depending what mood you are in or what kind of person you are. Interval exercise is usually placed on a treadmill, but you can do it on other machinery as well, as long as it suits your taste and preference. Interval is a program in which the speed or the incline automatically changes depending on the difficulty of the program you choose either it is on a treadmill or the bicycle. It really works on your body after the previous weightlifting you were working on.







ell, you see, you cant bake a beautiful chocolate cake without the chocolate and by this I mean you cant get the perfect body without the perfect diet. In order to get to your goal you have to cut some things off; you are what you eat they say! And they are right! There is no perfect workout without a good and healthy diet and by diet I dont mean starving yourself to death or becoming a vegeterian. Stop the excess sugars, the processed foods, and the fried and oily junk food and mainly cut the amount of alcohol you are consuming!

SOS TIP! Start drinking plenty of water! Water is your best friend when it is up to working out! Did you know that cold water on an empty stomach in the mornings can bring your metabolism up to 30% more than usual? You should be drinking at least one and a half big bottles of water everyday. Start from today!


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