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The 2014 outbreak of Ebola is the largest in history. It has affected numerous countries in West Africa and has infected roughly 15,000 people so far. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and unexplained hemorrhage. It has an alarmingly high mortality rate, especially in the countries that lack the infrastructure to handle such a high influx of infected people. The outbreak began in March 2014. The first diagnosis made on American soil was made on September 30th, 2014, igniting massive fear and panic. Despite monumental death tolls in West Africa, social media did not “blow up� until Ebola had touched down on American shores. But was the reaction proportional the actual amount of risk? Fueled by #fearbola, the media has turned its back on what is important, the thousands affected.


After the first diagnosis was made on American soil, tweets mentioning Ebola or using the Ebola hashtag skyrocketed from 48 tweets per minute to 6,271 tweets per minute. That is a 13,064% increase in twitter activity. Each tweet shown below represents 40 –59 tweets per minutes. The tweets per minute are pulled from the morning and evening and divided by 40 to create a proportional ratio and show the fluctuation in media “buzz” as Ebola crosses the Atlantic Ocean.

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/21/2014 morning 43 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/21/2014 evening 85 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/22/2014 morning 61 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/22/2014 evening 93 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/23/2014 morning 64 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!” @Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been

9/23/2014 evening 106 tweets per minute

around it. #ebolaqanda”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/24/2014 morning 57 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/24/2014 evening 93 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/25/2014 morning 48 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!” @Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been

9/25/2014 evening 132 tweets per minute

around it. #ebolaqanda”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/26/2014 morning 88 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/26/2014 evening 99 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/27/2014 morning 61 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

9/27/2014 evening 28 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/28/2014 morning 37 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/28/2014 evening 59 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

9/29/2014 morning 59 tweets per minute

country before we have an epademic of eboli.�

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/29/2014 evening 96 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must

9/30/2014 morning 90 tweets per minute

suffer the consequences!”

There were over 2,100 cases in West Africa as of September 30.

Ebola Is Diagnosed in Texas, First Case Found in the U.S.

9/30/2014 evening 2,560 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

@sleepwalkingcth “went to africa a week ago,

under control soon enough”

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

week ago! got ebola now im bleing hoe,

@CBSNewsPoll “8 in 10 Americans support

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

bleing hoe!”

quarantine for U.S. citizens and legal residents

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

@JohnDenissWEE! “Lets see if I have this

returning from West Africa due to Ebola.”

far away places to help out are great-but must

right. Kaci Hickox is ok w spending months in

@MarAcaputo “If you believe we should

suffer the consequences!”

Ebola risk in W. Africa but doesn’t wanna spend

intervene in Middle East to keep terrorism from

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

3 weeks in home safety”

spreading here, should you also believe the

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@lex_looper “Bill Gates plges $50 Million

same of Africa & Ebola?”

from places that they knew had it or had been

to fight Ebola in Africa. Remember his polio

@JustinFishelFNC “And just now the Pentagon

around it. #ebolaqanda”

vaccine campaign in India that caus 47,500

announc it will mandate a 21-day quarantine

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

cases of paralysis?”

for all US troops returning from West Africa

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

@SirEviscerate “*loads 400 gallons of chicken


denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

soup into a crop dusting airplane* Welp, time to

@unkyoka “2nd day in a row, brilliant front

letter] cc @BarackObama”

go cure Ebola in Africa.

page article on Ebola in Liberia in the @

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people

@NurdiyanaYanYan ”Diz some World War Z/

nytimes. http://www.”

can get Ebola”

TWD shizz yo. - Ebola Zombie, Africa Confirms

@fostermomMN “The nurse in Maine just back

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

3rd Ebola Victim Rises From the Dead”

from Africa sounds like a petulant child. Kudos

@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

@mastadonamy “Obama straddles the

for her great service, but grow up. #21DaysIs-

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

quarantine issue by undermining the whole

NotForever #Ebola”

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

point: Has photo op with Ebola “folks”.”

@eNCAnews ”World Bank declares that

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

@daneZie ”Ebola? And I thought the worst

another 5,000 health workers are ne to fight

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

thing to come out of Africa was....Obama


@Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all

-things to say to impress your father in law”

@BradThor “So, apparently treating #ebola

of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the

@HeyTammyBruce ””80% think US citizens &

patients in Africa entitles you to be a complete

past no body car abt it???”

legal residents returning from W Africa should

and total jack*ss when you get back.”

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri

be quarantin upon their arrival in US””

@AP “Nurse who return healthy after treating

about ebowler”

@slone “JOKE OF THE DAY: Obama shook

Ebola patients in Africa says she’d challenge a

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

hands w everyone & Ebola can be spread

quarantine by Maine”

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

through sweat”

from places that they knew had it or had been

@slone “WINK: Doctors & nurses, including

around it. #ebolaqanda”

some who could be incubating disease, in

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

photo-op w Obama”

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

@AmbassadorPower ”In Brussels to meet w/

whole Ebola thing first start.”

EU leaders on ne for more resources for Ebola.

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

Speaking about my West Africa trip at 8am”

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

@Green_Footballs “#KaciHickox was brave to

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

fight Ebola in W. Africa, but she’s even braver to

critical condition”

speak out against a tide of ignorant paranoia.”

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

@adam_wesam ”Sportsmanship just flew all

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

the way to Africa got Ebola and di.”

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

@marcia_bee “BREAKING NEWS Patient zero

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

in Ebola outbreak was Karen. You thought she

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

was gone forever, huh? Well... she was... in

but there would be something funny about all

West Africa! GASP!”

of us getting Ebola.”

@gregladen “If only everyone in W Africa receiv

@KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely

10% of the attention as Americans who were on

viral despite only 4 hits in the US.”

a bus with some guy with Ebola.”

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@yaneerbaryam “Not panic - Sometimes the

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

people know better: 80 percent of Americans

of the people and things he had contact with.

want quarantines”

Obama’s fault”

@ChuckCJohnson ”Where’s the evidence that

@rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the

#KaciHickox was even doing patient care in

zombie Apocalypse”

West Africa? #Ebola”

@msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD”

@tawnibow ”Obama wants to bring all the

@younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw

Ebola patients from Africa to America to give

cookie dough”

them the care they ne. Like could he get any

@reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably


invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it

@A_Rebl_Yell “Wonder if the folks signing up

on them.”

for the national guard figur they’d be protecting

@KingAudri ”Is Ebola contagious ? I haven’t

their fellow citizens by combating ebola in

read up on it”

west Africa?”

@kennyscottx “Is Ebola real or like a lie cause

@TeamCavuto “West Africa is the center of the

seriously I don’t want to leave my house lool”

#Ebola problem, but the White House could be

@raeleefreeman “is Ebola an std”

about to bring that problem HERE. Details now

@JordiePordie “So does Ebola make you lose

on @FoxBusiness”

weight or do you just die..”

@Vwat1 “*My roommate at Urgent Care*

@seti2342 “Hang on a minute... when did Ebola

“They’re treating me like I have Ebola and ask if

stop being a flesh-eating bug?”

I’ve been to West Africa”

@XINOSIJAK ”is it bad that i don’t even believe

@WomenThrive “Check out the “I am Liberian,

that ebola is real”

Not a Virus” campaign yet? These women are

@eazymoneyJoey “If I got Ebola and surviv I’ll

fighting back against #Ebola stigma”

put that shit on my resume.”

@YahooNews “#Ebola panic: 80 percent of

@Viva_la_koi “soooo apparently smoking we

Americans want quarantines”

could help fight off Ebola due to chemicals in

@AllyssaTapia “At the doctor and the first

cannibis praise Jesus lol better start rollin up”

question the nurse asks me is: have you been

@djmobeatz ““Why’s ur passport so thick?..

to West Africa in the last 21 days?”

where you from? you didn’t jus come back from

@SiyandaWrites ”Now that there’s a white

Africa did u?” .....questions at the bank Ebola

president in Africa, tomorrow there’ll be

got ppl SHOOK”

Western headlines about how Ebola will be

10/01/2014 morning 1,783 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

@sleepwalkingcth “went to africa a week ago,

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

week ago! got ebola now im bleing hoe,

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

bleing hoe!”

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

@JohnDenissWEE! “Lets see if I have this

far away places to help out are great-but must

right. Kaci Hickox is ok w spending months in

suffer the consequences!”

Ebola risk in W. Africa but doesn’t wanna spend

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

3 weeks in home safety”

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@lex_looper “Bill Gates plges $50 Million

from places that they knew had it or had been

to fight Ebola in Africa. Remember his polio

around it. #ebolaqanda”

vaccine campaign in India that caus 47,500

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

cases of paralysis?”

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

@SirEviscerate “*loads 400 gallons of chicken

denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

soup into a crop dusting airplane* Welp, time to

letter] cc @BarackObama”

go cure Ebola in Africa.

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people

@NurdiyanaYanYan ”Diz some World War Z/

can get Ebola”

TWD shizz yo. - Ebola Zombie, Africa Confirms

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

3rd Ebola Victim Rises From the Dead”

@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

@mastadonamy “Obama straddles the

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

quarantine issue by undermining the whole

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

point: Has photo op with Ebola “folks”.”

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

@daneZie ”Ebola? And I thought the worst

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

thing to come out of Africa was....Obama

@Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all

-things to say to impress your father in law”

of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the

@HeyTammyBruce ””80% think US citizens &

past no body car abt it???”

legal residents returning from W Africa should

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri

be quarantin upon their arrival in US””

about ebowler”

@slone “JOKE OF THE DAY: Obama shook

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

hands w everyone & Ebola can be spread

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

through sweat”

from places that they knew had it or had been

@slone “WINK: Doctors & nurses, including

around it. #ebolaqanda”

some who could be incubating disease, in

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

photo-op w Obama”

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

@AmbassadorPower ”In Brussels to meet w/

whole Ebola thing first start.”

EU leaders on ne for more resources for Ebola.

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

Speaking about my West Africa trip at 8am”

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

@Green_Footballs “#KaciHickox was brave to

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

fight Ebola in W. Africa, but she’s even braver to

critical condition”

speak out against a tide of ignorant paranoia.”

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

@adam_wesam ”Sportsmanship just flew all

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

the way to Africa got Ebola and di.”

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

@marcia_bee “BREAKING NEWS Patient zero

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

in Ebola outbreak was Karen. You thought she

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

was gone forever, huh? Well... she was... in

but there would be something funny about all

West Africa! GASP!”

of us getting Ebola.” @KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely viral despite only 4 hits in the US.” @realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all of the people and things he had contact with. Obama’s fault” @rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the zombie Apocalypse” @msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD” @younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw cookie dough” @reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it on them.” @KingAudri ”Is Ebola contagious ? I haven’t read up on it” @kennyscottx “Is Ebola real or like a lie cause seriously I don’t want to leave my house lool” @raeleefreeman “is Ebola an std” @JordiePordie “So does Ebola make you lose weight or do you just die..” @seti2342 “Hang on a minute... when did Ebola stop being a flesh-eating bug?” @XINOSIJAK ”is it bad that i don’t even believe that ebola is real” @eazymoneyJoey “If I got Ebola and surviv I’ll put that shit on my resume.” @Viva_la_koi “soooo apparently smoking we could help fight off Ebola due to chemicals in cannibis praise Jesus lol better start rollin up” @djmobeatz ““Why’s ur passport so thick?.. where you from? you didn’t jus come back from Africa did u?” .....questions at the bank Ebola got ppl SHOOK”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!” @Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of letter] cc @BarackObama” @ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people can get Ebola” @ash_trayz “is Ebola a country” @chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. Shit is getting crazy bruh.” @tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get Ebola from fruit import from infect areas???? @Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the past no body car abt it???” @EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri about ebowler”

10/01/2014 evening 843 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t they done so already? ?? Should have when this whole Ebola thing first start.” @Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the US ne to be humanely put down immiately. RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in critical condition” @CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the Ebola virus. And went bowling!” @bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola but there would be something funny about all of us getting Ebola.” @KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely viral despite only 4 hits in the US.” @realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all of the people and things he had contact with. Obama’s fault” @rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the zombie Apocalypse” @msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD” @younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw cookie dough” @reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it on them.”

10/02/2014 morning 6,271 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

@sleepwalkingcth “went to africa a week ago,

under control soon enough”

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

week ago! got ebola now im bleing hoe,

@CBSNewsPoll “8 in 10 Americans support

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

bleing hoe!”

quarantine for U.S. citizens and legal residents

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

@JohnDenissWEE! “Lets see if I have this

returning from West Africa due to Ebola.”

far away places to help out are great-but must

right. Kaci Hickox is ok w spending months in

@MarAcaputo “If you believe we should

suffer the consequences!”

Ebola risk in W. Africa but doesn’t wanna spend

intervene in Middle East to keep terrorism from

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

3 weeks in home safety”

spreading here, should you also believe the

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@lex_looper “Bill Gates plges $50 Million

same of Africa & Ebola?”

from places that they knew had it or had been

to fight Ebola in Africa. Remember his polio

@JustinFishelFNC “And just now the Pentagon

around it. #ebolaqanda”

vaccine campaign in India that caus 47,500

announc it will mandate a 21-day quarantine

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

cases of paralysis?”

for all US troops returning from West Africa

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

@SirEviscerate “*loads 400 gallons of chicken


denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

soup into a crop dusting airplane* Welp, time to

@unkyoka “2nd day in a row, brilliant front

letter] cc @BarackObama”

go cure Ebola in Africa.

page article on Ebola in Liberia in the @

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people

@NurdiyanaYanYan ”Diz some World War Z/

nytimes. http://www.”

can get Ebola”

TWD shizz yo. - Ebola Zombie, Africa Confirms

@fostermomMN “The nurse in Maine just back

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

3rd Ebola Victim Rises From the Dead”

from Africa sounds like a petulant child. Kudos

@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

@mastadonamy “Obama straddles the

for her great service, but grow up. #21DaysIs-

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

quarantine issue by undermining the whole

NotForever #Ebola”

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

point: Has photo op with Ebola “folks”.”

@eNCAnews ”World Bank declares that

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

@daneZie ”Ebola? And I thought the worst

another 5,000 health workers are ne to fight

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

thing to come out of Africa was....Obama


@Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all

-things to say to impress your father in law”

@BradThor “So, apparently treating #ebola

of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the

@HeyTammyBruce ””80% think US citizens &

patients in Africa entitles you to be a complete

past no body car abt it???”

legal residents returning from W Africa should

and total jack*ss when you get back.”

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri

be quarantin upon their arrival in US””

@AP “Nurse who return healthy after treating

about ebowler”

@slone “JOKE OF THE DAY: Obama shook

Ebola patients in Africa says she’d challenge a

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

hands w everyone & Ebola can be spread

quarantine by Maine”

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

through sweat”

@IshmaelBeah “#Ebola can spread only once

from places that they knew had it or had been

@slone “WINK: Doctors & nurses, including

symptoms develop but, fueling panic, Australia

around it. #ebolaqanda”

some who could be incubating disease, in

restricts ALL West Africa travelers!! ”

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

photo-op w Obama”

@maiamajumder “#Ebola: Empty hospital bs in

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

@AmbassadorPower ”In Brussels to meet w/

#Liberia could mean good or very bad things.

whole Ebola thing first start.”

EU leaders on ne for more resources for Ebola.

(My money’s still on the latter.) ”

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

Speaking about my West Africa trip at 8am”

@stucknation “Must read BBC Ebola data

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

@Green_Footballs “#KaciHickox was brave to

FROM West Africa. By contrast US mia

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

fight Ebola in W. Africa, but she’s even braver to

coverage almost as pathetic as Fs response. ”

critical condition”

speak out against a tide of ignorant paranoia.”

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

@adam_wesam ”Sportsmanship just flew all

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

the way to Africa got Ebola and di.”

of the people and things he had contact with.

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

@marcia_bee “BREAKING NEWS Patient zero

Obama’s fault”

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

in Ebola outbreak was Karen. You thought she

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

was gone forever, huh? Well... she was... in

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

but there would be something funny about all

West Africa! GASP!”

far away places to help out are great-but must

of us getting Ebola.”

@gregladen “If only everyone in W Africa receiv

suffer the consequences!”

@KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely

10% of the attention as Americans who were on

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

viral despite only 4 hits in the US.”

a bus with some guy with Ebola.”

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@yaneerbaryam “Not panic - Sometimes the

from places that they knew had it or had been

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

people know better: 80 percent of Americans

around it. #ebolaqanda”

of the people and things he had contact with.

want quarantines”

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

Obama’s fault”

@ChuckCJohnson ”Where’s the evidence that

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

@rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the

#KaciHickox was even doing patient care in

denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

zombie Apocalypse”

West Africa? #Ebola”

letter] cc @BarackObama”

@msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD”

@tawnibow ”Obama wants to bring all the

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people can

@younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw

Ebola patients from Africa to America to give

get Ebola”

cookie dough”

them the care they ne. Like could he get any

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

@reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably


@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it

@A_Rebl_Yell “Wonder if the folks signing up

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

on them.”

for the national guard figur they’d be protecting

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

@KingAudri ”Is Ebola contagious ? I haven’t

their fellow citizens by combating ebola in

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

read up on it”

west Africa?”

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

@kennyscottx “Is Ebola real or like a lie cause

@TeamCavuto “West Africa is the center of the

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

seriously I don’t want to leave my house lool”

#Ebola problem, but the White House could be

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

@raeleefreeman “is Ebola an std”

about to bring that problem HERE. Details now

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri

@JordiePordie “So does Ebola make you lose

on @FoxBusiness”

about ebowler”

weight or do you just die..”

@Vwat1 “*My roommate at Urgent Care*

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

@seti2342 “Hang on a minute... when did Ebola

“They’re treating me like I have Ebola and ask if

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

stop being a flesh-eating bug?”

I’ve been to West Africa”

from places that they knew had it or had been

@XINOSIJAK ”is it bad that i don’t even believe

@WomenThrive “Check out the “I am Liberian,

around it. #ebolaqanda”

that ebola is real”

Not a Virus” campaign yet? These women are

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

@eazymoneyJoey “If I got Ebola and surviv I’ll

fighting back against #Ebola stigma”

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

put that shit on my resume.”

@YahooNews “#Ebola panic: 80 percent of

whole Ebola thing first start.”

@Viva_la_koi “soooo apparently smoking we

Americans want quarantines”

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

could help fight off Ebola due to chemicals in

@AllyssaTapia “At the doctor and the first

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

cannibis praise Jesus lol better start rollin up”

question the nurse asks me is: have you been

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

@djmobeatz ““Why’s ur passport so thick?..

to West Africa in the last 21 days?”

critical condition”

where you from? you didn’t jus come back from

@SiyandaWrites ”Now that there’s a white

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

Africa did u?” .....questions at the bank Ebola

president in Africa, tomorrow there’ll be

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

got ppl SHOOK”

Western headlines about how Ebola will be

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

@CNNTonight “What’s happening there is the

@stucknation “Must read BBC Ebola data

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

greatest danger to us...it’s that this outbreak in

FROM West Africa. By contrast US mia

but there would be something funny about all

W. Africa continues to get worse.”

coverage almost as pathetic as Fs response. ”

of us getting Ebola.”

@unkyoka #Ebola”

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely

@adam_wesam “Sportsmanship just flew all

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

viral despite only 4 hits in the US.”

the way to Africa got Ebola and die.”

of the people and things he had contact with.

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@marcia_bee “BREAKING NEWS Patient zero

Obama’s fault”

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

in Ebola outbreak was Karen. You thought she

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

of the people and things he had contact with.

was gone forever, huh? Well... she was... in

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

Obama’s fault”

West Africa! GASP!”

far away places to help out are great-but must

@rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the

@gregladen “If only everyone in W Africa receiv

suffer the consequences!”

zombie Apocalypse”

10% of the attention as Americans who were on

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

@msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD”

a bus with some guy with Ebola.”

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from

@yaneerbaryam “Not panic - Sometimes the

from places that they knew had it or had been

raw cookie dough”

people know better: 80 percent of Americans

around it. #ebolaqanda”

@reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably

want quarantines”

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it

@ChuckCJohnson “Where’s the evidence that

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

on them.”

#KaciHickox was even doing patient care in

denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

@KingAudri “Is Ebola contagious ? I haven’t

West Africa? #Ebola”

letter] cc @BarackObama”

read up on it”

@tawnibow “Obama wants to bring all the

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people

@kennyscottx “Is Ebola real or like a lie cause

Ebola patients from Africa to America to give

can get Ebola”

seriously I don’t want to leave my house lool”

them the care they ne. Like could he get any

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

@raeleefreeman “is Ebola an std”


@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

@JordiePordie “So does Ebola make you lose

@A_Rebl_Yell “Wonder if the folks signing up

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

weight or do you just die..”

for the national guard figur they’d be protecting

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

@seti2342 “Hang on a minute... when did Ebola

their fellow citizens by combating ebola in

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

stop being a flesh-eating bug?”

west Africa?”

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

@XINOSIJAK “is it bad that i don’t even believe

@TeamCavuto “West Africa is the center of the

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

that ebola is real”

#Ebola problem, but the White House could be

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

@eazymoneyJoey ”If I got Ebola and surviv I’ll

about to bring that problem HERE. Details now

@Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all

put that shit on my resume.”

on @FoxBusiness”

of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the

@Viva_la_koi “soooo apparently smoking we

@Vwat1 “*My roommate at Urgent Care*

past no body car abt it???”

could help fight off Ebola due to chemicals in

“They’re treating me like I have Ebola and ask if

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worrying

cannibis praise Jesus lol better start rollin up”

I’ve been to West Africa”

about ebowler”

@djmobeatz ““Why’s ur passport so thick?..

@WomenThrive “Check out the “I am Liberian,

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

where you from? you didn’t jus come back from

Not a Virus” campaign yet? These women are

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

Africa did u?” .....questions at the bank. Ebola

fighting back against #Ebola stigma “

from places that they knew had it or had been

got ppl SHOOK”

@YahooNews ”#Ebola panic: 80 percent of

around it. #ebolaqanda”

@sleepwalkingcth “went to africa a week ago,

Americans want quarantines”

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

week ago! got ebola now im bleing hoe,

@AllyssaTapia “At the doctor and the first

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

bleing hoe!”

question the nurse asks me is: have you been

whole Ebola thing first start.”

@JohnDenissWEE! “Lets see if I have this

to West Africa in the last 21 days?”

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

right. Kaci Hickox is ok w spending months in

@SiyandaWrites ”Now that there’s a white

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

Ebola risk in W. Africa but doesn’t wanna spend

president in Africa, tomorrow there’ll be

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

3 weeks in home safety”

Western headlines about how Ebola will be

critical condition”

@lex_looper “Bill Gates plges $50 Million

under control soon enough”

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

to fight Ebola in Africa. Remember his polio

@CBSNewsPoll “8 in 10 Americans support

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

vaccine campaign in India that caus 47,500

quarantine for U.S. citizens and legal residents

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

cases of paralysis?”

returning from West Africa due to Ebola.”

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

@SirEviscerate “*loads 400 gallons of chicken

@MarAcaputo “If you believe we should

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

soup into a crop dusting airplane* Welp, time to

intervene in Middle East to keep terrorism from

but there would be something funny about all

go cure Ebola in Africa.

spreading here, should you also believe the

of us getting Ebola.”

@NurdiyanaYanYan “Diz some World War Z/

same of Africa & Ebola?”

@KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely

TWD shizz yo. - Ebola Zombie, Africa Confirms

@JustinFishelFNC “And just now the Pentagon

viral despite only 4 hits in the US.”

3rd Ebola Victim Rises From the Dead”

announc it will mandate a 21-day quarantine

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@mastadonamy “Obama straddles the

for all US troops returning from West Africa

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

quarantine issue by undermining the whole


of the people and things he had contact with.

point: Has photo op with Ebola “folks”.”

@unkyoka “2nd day in a row, brilliant front

Obama’s fault”

@daneZie “Ebola? And I thought the worst

page article on Ebola in Liberia in the @

@rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the

thing to come out of Africa was....Obama

nytimes. http://www.”

zombie Apocalypse”

-things to say to impress your father in law”

@fostermomMN “The nurse in Maine just back

@HeyTammyBruce “80% think US citizens &

from Africa sounds like a petulant child. Kudos

legal residents returning from W Africa should

for her great service, but grow up. #21DaysIs-

be quarantin upon their arrival in US””

NotForever #Ebola”

@slone “JOKE OF THE DAY: Obama shook

@eNCAnews “World Bank declares that

hands w everyone & Ebola can be spread

another 5,000 health workers are ne to fight

through sweat”


@slone “WINK: Doctors & nurses, including

@BradThor “So, apparently treating #ebola

some who could be incubating disease, in

patients in Africa entitles you to be a complete

photo-op w Obama”

and total jack*ss when you get back.”

@AmbassadorPower “In Brussels to meet w/

@AP “Nurse who return healthy after treating

EU leaders on ne for more resources for Ebola.

Ebola patients in Africa says she’d challenge a

Speaking about my West Africa trip at 8am”

quarantine by Maine”

@Green_Footballs “#KaciHickox was brave to

@IshmaelBeah “#Ebola can spread only once

fight Ebola in W. Africa, but she’s even braver to

symptoms develop but, fueling panic, Australia

speak out against a tide of ignorant paranoia.”

restricts ALL West Africa travelers!! ”

@Givemethelefty “CDC just announc they will

@maiamajumder “#Ebola: Empty hospital bs in

send Madison Bumgarner to Africa to single-

#Liberia could mean good or very bad things.

handly beat Ebola! He can’t be beat!!#sorryKC”

(My money’s still on the latter.) ”

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!” @Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of letter] cc @BarackObama” @ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people can get Ebola” @ash_trayz “is Ebola a country” @chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. Shit is getting crazy bruh.” @tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get Ebola from fruit import from infect areas???? @Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the past no body car abt it???” @EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri about ebowler”

10/02/2014 evening 843 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t they done so already? ?? Should have when this whole Ebola thing first start.” @Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the US ne to be humanely put down immiately. RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in critical condition” @CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the Ebola virus. And went bowling!” @bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola but there would be something funny about all of us getting Ebola.” @KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely viral despite only 4 hits in the US.” @realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all of the people and things he had contact with. Obama’s fault” @rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the zombie Apocalypse” @msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD” @younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw cookie dough”

10/03/2014 morning 2,332 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this

@sleepwalkingcth “went to africa a week ago,

under control soon enough”

country before we have an epademic of eboli.”

week ago! got ebola now im bleing hoe,

@CBSNewsPoll “8 in 10 Americans support

@realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow

bleing hoe!”

quarantine for U.S. citizens and legal residents

EBOLA infect people back. People that go to

@JohnDenissWEE! “Lets see if I have this

returning from West Africa due to Ebola.”

far away places to help out are great-but must

right. Kaci Hickox is ok w spending months in

@MarAcaputo “If you believe we should

suffer the consequences!”

Ebola risk in W. Africa but doesn’t wanna spend

intervene in Middle East to keep terrorism from

@Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t

3 weeks in home safety”

spreading here, should you also believe the

a terrorist attack? People that come here

@lex_looper “Bill Gates plges $50 Million

same of Africa & Ebola?”

from places that they knew had it or had been

to fight Ebola in Africa. Remember his polio

around it. #ebolaqanda”

vaccine campaign in India that caus 47,500

@idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no

cases of paralysis?”

current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is

@SirEviscerate “*loads 400 gallons of chicken

denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of

soup into a crop dusting airplane* Welp, time to

letter] cc @BarackObama”

go cure Ebola in Africa.

@ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people

@NurdiyanaYanYan ”Diz some World War Z/

can get Ebola”

TWD shizz yo. - Ebola Zombie, Africa Confirms

@ash_trayz “is Ebola a country”

3rd Ebola Victim Rises From the Dead”

@chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this

@mastadonamy “Obama straddles the

Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.

quarantine issue by undermining the whole

Shit is getting crazy bruh.”

point: Has photo op with Ebola “folks”.”

@tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get

@daneZie ”Ebola? And I thought the worst

Ebola from fruit import from infect areas????

thing to come out of Africa was....Obama

@Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all

-things to say to impress your father in law”

of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the

@HeyTammyBruce ””80% think US citizens &

past no body car abt it???”

legal residents returning from W Africa should

@EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri

be quarantin upon their arrival in US””

about ebowler”

@slone “JOKE OF THE DAY: Obama shook

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this

hands w everyone & Ebola can be spread

isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here

through sweat”

from places that they knew had it or had been

@slone “WINK: Doctors & nurses, including

around it. #ebolaqanda”

some who could be incubating disease, in

@LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t

photo-op w Obama”

they done so already? ?? Should have when this

@AmbassadorPower ”In Brussels to meet w/

whole Ebola thing first start.”

EU leaders on ne for more resources for Ebola.

@Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the

Speaking about my West Africa trip at 8am”

US ne to be humanely put down immiately.

@Green_Footballs “#KaciHickox was brave to

RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in

fight Ebola in W. Africa, but she’s even braver to

critical condition”

speak out against a tide of ignorant paranoia.”

@CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of

@adam_wesam ”Sportsmanship just flew all

time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the

the way to Africa got Ebola and di.”

Ebola virus. And went bowling!”

@marcia_bee “BREAKING NEWS Patient zero

@bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get

in Ebola outbreak was Karen. You thought she

Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola

was gone forever, huh? Well... she was... in

but there would be something funny about all

West Africa! GASP!”

of us getting Ebola.”

@gregladen “If only everyone in W Africa receiv

@KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely

10% of the attention as Americans who were on

viral despite only 4 hits in the US.”

a bus with some guy with Ebola.”

@realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in

@yaneerbaryam “Not panic - Sometimes the

N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all

people know better: 80 percent of Americans

of the people and things he had contact with.

want quarantines”

Obama’s fault”

@ChuckCJohnson ”Where’s the evidence that

@rachaellayfield “ebowla is the start of the

#KaciHickox was even doing patient care in

zombie Apocalypse”

West Africa? #Ebola”

@msdaryldixon1 “why is Ebola a trend? XD”

@tawnibow ”Obama wants to bring all the

@younejesusss “Can you get Ebola from raw

Ebola patients from Africa to America to give

cookie dough”

them the care they ne. Like could he get any

@reneeMurad “The U.S. government probably


invent #Ebola, put it in Africa and blam it

@A_Rebl_Yell “Wonder if the folks signing up

on them.”

for the national guard figur they’d be protecting

@KingAudri ”Is Ebola contagious ? I haven’t

their fellow citizens by combating ebola in

read up on it”

west Africa?”

@kennyscottx “Is Ebola real or like a lie cause

@TeamCavuto “West Africa is the center of the

seriously I don’t want to leave my house lool”

#Ebola problem, but the White House could be

@raeleefreeman “is Ebola an std”

about to bring that problem HERE. Details now

@JordiePordie “So does Ebola make you lose

on @FoxBusiness”

weight or do you just die..”

@Vwat1 “*My roommate at Urgent Care*

@seti2342 “Hang on a minute... when did Ebola

“They’re treating me like I have Ebola and ask if

stop being a flesh-eating bug?”

I’ve been to West Africa”

@XINOSIJAK ”is it bad that i don’t even believe

@WomenThrive “Check out the “I am Liberian,

that ebola is real”

Not a Virus” campaign yet? These women are

@eazymoneyJoey “If I got Ebola and surviv I’ll

fighting back against #Ebola stigma”

put that shit on my resume.”

@YahooNews “#Ebola panic: 80 percent of

@Viva_la_koi “soooo apparently smoking we

Americans want quarantines”

could help fight off Ebola due to chemicals in

@AllyssaTapia “At the doctor and the first

cannibis praise Jesus lol better start rollin up”

question the nurse asks me is: have you been

@djmobeatz ““Why’s ur passport so thick?..

to West Africa in the last 21 days?”

where you from? you didn’t jus come back from

@SiyandaWrites ”Now that there’s a white

Africa did u?” .....questions at the bank Ebola

president in Africa, tomorrow there’ll be

got ppl SHOOK”

Western headlines about how Ebola will be

@RimboReegee “Keep africans out of this country before we have an epademic of eboli.” @realDonaldTrump “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infect people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!” @Cor10eH “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @idrisayobello “Though #Nigeria has no current case of #Ebola,@NavarroCollege is denying admission to Nigerians. [picture of letter] cc @BarackObama” @ilovejennics “Ok so I guess white people can get Ebola” @ash_trayz “is Ebola a country” @chrisbrown “I don’t know ... But I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. Shit is getting crazy bruh.” @tillystewert_ “In all seriousness can you get Ebola from fruit import from infect areas???? @Kaylz2014 “Why is ebola such a big thing all of a sudde.?? Everyone ing abt it now but in the past no body car abt it???” @EmmaLEaton “Can’t deny I am worri about ebowler”

10/03/2014 evening 2,332 tweets per minute

@RimboReegee “How do we know that this isn’t a terrorist attack? People that come here from places that they knew had it or had been around it. #ebolaqanda” @LiAgashi “QUARANTINE AFRICA. Why haven’t they done so already? ?? Should have when this whole Ebola thing first start.” @Todd_kincannon “People with Ebola in the US ne to be humanely put down immiately. RT @AP: Dallas hospital: U.S. Eboal Patient in critical condition” @CubLink “Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of time and space is screw. #DoctorWho has the Ebola virus. And went bowling!” @bendreyfuss “I obviously don’t want to get Ebola and I obviously hope no one gets Ebola but there would be something funny about all of us getting Ebola.” @KeeganNYC ”#Ebola has gone completely viral despite only 4 hits in the US.” @realDonaldTrump “Ebola has been confirm in N.Y.C., with officials frantically trying to find all of the people and things he had contact with. Obama’s fault”

This book was made in the fall of 2014 by Nancy Landaverde & Julia Kent for post-internet design at Washington University in St. Louis. It includes data, text, and images from the CDC, New York Times, and twitter.

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