Exhibit Guide : Detail In The Miniature

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detail in the

m i n i a t u r e

an exhibit showcasing the exquisite attention to detail in miniatures


Dear Members,

Most adults can recall a small intricate object that they

were obsessed with as a child. One of my earliest loves was a miniature refrigerator magnet of Michelangelo’s masterpiece, “The David.” It had layers of detailed removable clothing which I carried around stuffed in my pockets. At any random search, I was bound to have a miniature pair of underpants or a miniature leather jacket on my person. Much to my mother’s mortification, “The David” became a talking piece amongst my pre-school peers and I became the informant on male anatomy. One day “The David” had to fly back to Florence to visit his estranged family and I quickly turned my admiration towards a black Go-Go named “Baby,” not quite as socially elevating, but still portable. These small details of our childhoods vaporize as we grow older. We forget most of everything, and then, sometimes we go back and try to remember. Detail In The Miniature is an exhibit that showcases the exquisite attention to detail, scale, and proportion seen in these amazing symbols of a bygone era.


Juliane Chung

Chicken Wing ---> Fowl skin is simply a texture that beckons to be felt. The Dong village realized this simple fact and has capitalized off of it. By producing 4.8 million miniature c h i c ke n w i n g s a n d fe et a ye a r, t h e D o n g v i l l a g e h a s e st a b l i s h e d i t s e l f a s t h e leader in plastic fowl export. The deeply pitted silicone mold the village uses produces a highly detailed miniatures.

Pill Earrings ---> Experts would say that the makers of these exhibited pill earrings are really trying to push the envelope as far as realism and scale are concerned. This particular jewelry manufacturer has been producing plastic pill themed jewelry since the 1980s, however the detail and scale of the most recent works are much more considered. For instance, the ratio of the post to pill is at its’ all time lowest, and we hope the manufacturer continues to push the envelope on its’ pieces. This particular pair is priced to sell at $1.50.

Pet Peanut ---> The man who conceptualized the idea behind the Peanut Pet was a great scholar a n d ex p l o re r, S i r Fra n c i s Pa r i s h I I I . H e wa s a l ways d raw n to t h e fe e l o f p e a n u t shells growing up, but was never able to fulfill his desire to touch them due to his a l l e rg y. S o m e s ay h e l i ve d t h e l i ve s o f s i x m e n b e fo re h e wa s m i d d l e a g e d . By the time he was 30, he was serving in the British military stationed in India and was given an assignment to go undercover as a Muslim to Mecca. He studied for many months before he embarked on his pilgrimage and even had himself circumcised, which is the ultimate testament to dedication. His identity as a Brit was almost discovered on multiple occasions, but he managed to make it out alive. When he returned back to Britain, he had no fear and touched what he had resisted for so many years, a peanut shell. He found himself enraptured by the peanut’s small details and bumpy outer covering. This very Peanut Pet is the catalyst that l a u n c h e d h i s c a re e r a s a p e a n u t p a i nte r. H e we nt o n to m a ny f u r t h e r a d ve nt u re s a s well, but never accomplished anything as profound. The condition of the exhibited Peanut Pet is immaculate, no foxing or spotting. A highly detailed Peanut Pet such as this one could easily be sold for $2.75 - $5 in today’s current market.

Breakfast Set ---> A very good example of skillful Chinese painting can be seen in this miniature breakfast set. We know that all the pieces are hand painted in the village of Hebei because each piece has a sticker saying not to put near eyes, butts, or mouth holes. Since this village employs the use of lead paints, they must alert the public not to play with their miniatures in any way that might cause the user harm. This particular Hebei brand of miniature food sets causes the most amount of lead poisonings in China. This fact alone makes this set extremely dangerous, and therefore highly valuable, positioning itself on the market at a steep $8.

Glitter Sneaker ---> The object is entirely hand sewn with double polymer t h re a d fo r m a x i m u m d u ra b i l i ty. The shoe’s bottom sole is an exact, scaled down replica of a converse P9 rubber sole. Particular to the Chuangzhuo village, this piece is certainly a striking example of what this v i l l a g e i s c a p a b l e o f. P i e ce s from this village include White Sneaker and Brown Shoe among m a ny o t h e rs . Ta ke a wa l k i n to a Chinese mall and you could possibly find one for $1 - $1.25.

Hong Kong Cafe Set ---> T h i s p a r t i c u l a r s e t w a s p u rc h a s e d i n a n u n d e r g ro u n d C h i n e s e m a l l i n N e w Yo r k C i t y. E x p o r te d a l l t h e way f ro m t h e v i l l a g e o f Ya p C h u C h i n g , t h i s c l a s s i c m i n i at u re s set epitomizes the style and design sense behind the Yap Chu Ching villagers. Each particular grain of rice is separate and the rice lid’s wood grain is painted w i t h p re c i s i o n to e m p h a s i ze t h e i m p o r t a n ce t h e Ya p C h u C h i n g p e o p l e b e stow u p o n white rice. This set’s ornate details are a strong reflection of the villagers’ style and design and is sold for $8.

---> MoCA 1 .1 5 - 2 . 7

M O C A G RA N D AV E N U E 213.626.6222 250 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012

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