Juliane Eide

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Š 2016 by Juliane Mari Myking Eide M. Arch. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of copyright owner. Phone: +47 41 32 52 72 juliane.eide@gmail.com julianemarimyking.eide@stud.aho.no


pp. 8 - 19

Farmhouse, Radøy, Norway


Waiting room, Fleinvær, Norway 2015 pp. 20 - 29

House for a sculptor, New York, USA


pp. 30 - 41

An Endless Path, Hokkaido, Japan


Northington Street Hotel, London, England 2013 Wanderings, Valparaiso, Chile 2013

Children’s senter, Jardim do Pantonal, Sao Paulo, Brasil


Church, Vina del Mar, Chile 2012 Housing, Torshov, Oslo, Norway 2012 Urban plan, Lier, Norway 2011 Briskeby School of Performing Arts, Oslo, Norway 2011 Cabin, Gressholmen, Oslo, Norway 2010 Surf Wave, Odda, Norway 2010 Collective Housing, Odda, Norway 2009


Th e b a s i s o f t h e p roje c t i s an oc c u p a t ion of a r ui n o f a b arn . A n e w ad d e d layer in w o o d i s pl a ce d u p on an e xi s ti n g s t r u c ture o f ston e an d c on c re te , c re a t ing ne w li v i n g a n d work i n g s p ac e s , an d roof s sh el ter i n g th e e xi s ti n g s p ac e s . To l ive o n t he i sland Radøy o n t he wes tc oa s t o f No r w a y is to live clo se t o nature a n d di s t a n t fro m the cit y. T he sit e is at t h e en d o f a ro a d and clo se t o a narrow l a k e. Fo r t h e i n h abitant s it provides spaces t o w o rk, l i ve a n d exhibit in a rest raine d a n d c a l m se t t i n g . A re a l i t y o f t he barn as a t ypo log y h a s a l w a y s b e e n a st ro ng co nnect io n t o t he l a n d sc a p e in a f unct io nal sense. “ En h e t sl å ve n” i s a No r wegian term f o r t h e b a r n - t y p o l o g y that gathered m any f u n c t i o n s o n t he f arm under o ne big roof. T h i s b e c a m e t he co m m o n barn f ro m the mi d d l e o f t he 1 9th cent ur y in No r w ay. E a rl i e r e ve r y funct io n o n t he f arm had its own l i t t l e h o use. Eve n t h o ugh the ro o m s now were ga t h e re d, b e n e fitt ing f ro m it in a climatic a n d p r a c t i c a l w ay, the ne w spaces and f u n c t i o n s ke p t t heir indiv idualit y by of t en h a v i n g t heir ow n separat e ent rances a n d a d i re c t c o nt act t o the surro unding t erra i n . L e a v i n g t he building and co m ing b a c k t o i t , t he ref o re result ed in a range of s eq u e n c e s . Se a so n a n d tim e o f the day w ith t h ei r sp e c i f i c weather and light co nditions f o r ea c h m o m e n t are f acto rs naturally a f f ec t i n g t h i s t r ansitio n. A reading o f this orga ni s a t i o n , w i th a senso r y variatio n

between the rooms , is that it create s a n appear ance of the s tr ucture as if it i s lar g er than it “actually” is . An idea in the project is that t h i s outs ide circulation is kept to be ab le to move objects between the var iate d works paces , whils t an additional ce n t ra l connection is created to be able to m ove on your own ter ms between the s pac e s and from a centr al s pace within. Th i s i s to create a pos s ibility of finding you r ow n way within the s tr ucture. A reading of the r uin today i s t h a t it s tand in a mediating s ituation be t we e n lands cape and building . The near e n c lo s e d nature is fr amed and found to be a quality as it s tands in contr as t to th e va s t lands cape. It creates a microclimate w h i c h is beneficial als o in a functional s e n s e . In the project three open s paces wi t h individual dimens ions are kept, one o n each floor. The project has an architectu ra lly elementar y expres s ion. C ompos ed by s imple wood member s , columns , be a m s and boards the s tr ucture echoes the for mer bar n in ter ms of mater iality. A loadbear ing wooden wall is placed u p o n the mas s ive s tone walls and holds se ve ra l minor roofs . The roofs appear fr ag i le i n a climate with a lot of wind and r ain . The or ig inal g eometr y of the b a rn is kept, whils t ne w in- between s pac e s a re placed upon the wide s tone walls d e fi n i n g the exis ting s paces . By inhabiting th i s s pace a thres hold is created, which s e r ve s as g aller y and circulation s pace. The s ur rounding g aller y has a

f r a gm e n t a r y c h aracter w here m ino r sp aces f o r ex hi b i t i n g o bject s are def ined by in d iv i d ua l ro o f s and co nnected t hro ugh l on g si g ht l i n e s . T hese spaces have in d iv i d ua l re l a t io ns t o the surro unding n a t u re w i t h l a r g e o penings - shut t ers w h i c h o p e n f o r bo t h sight and air. T he l a rge o p e n i n g s are a co nt inuat io n o f a f r a gm e n t a t i o n a nd an atm o sphere o f a ir ine ss t ha t t h e r uin po ssessed. T h e re a re tw o separate studio s w h i c h fun c t i o n s independently, each w it h a b a t h ro o m and bedro o m co nnected. T h es e p r i va t e spaces are placed in between t h e s ha re d c e n t ral liv ing space and t he s t u d i o s , c re a t i n g tw o internal link s, h i d d e n f ro m t h e public. T he individuality of ea c h s t ud i o i s stat ed t hro ugh t emp e r a t ure , d i mensio ns and light. With t h i s i s a n a i m t o create distinct spatial q u a l i t i e s w i t h i n t he building and provide s p a c e s fo r di ff e rent uses and seaso ns. T h e sur ro unding galler y has a f r a gm e n t a r y c h aracter w here m ino r sp aces f o r ex hi b i t i n g o bject s are def ined by in d iv i d ua l ro o f s and co nnected t hro ugh l on g si g ht l i n e s . T hese spaces have in d iv i d ua l re l a t io ns t o the surro unding n a t u re w i t h l a r g e o penings - shut t ers w h i c h o p e n f o r bo t h sight and air. T he l a rge o p e n i n g s are a co nt inuat io n o f a f r a gm e n t a t i o n a nd an atm o sphere o f a ir ine ss t ha t t h e r uin po ssessed. Tutor: Neven Fuchs-Mikac Diploma Project


Section cc 1:33

Secondary workspace

Section dd 1:33


Section aa 1:33

Section bb 1:33


 und Floor Plan 1:33

Library Wardrobe





Secondary workspace




Secondary workspace



 First Floor Plan 1:33



House for a sculptor in NY The concrete floor inside the building levels with West 11th Street in New York City. When the 6 meter tall double doors open towards this intimate street, large stones and other material can be brought in. This is where the sculptor is working. By closing the doors behind, he can sit uninterrupted and view across the room and out to the garden on the backside of his house. Direct sunlight lands on the large window sill, where there is kitchen and dining. It is a framed view defined by the hanging wall and tilted column. Together these elements form a sculpture in the open space, which is a structure and creates functional space.

Tutors: Neven Fuchs-Mikac Raphael Zuber

A metal stair leads up and around the heavy hanging wall. In the passage between this wall and the outer wall, there is a door to the bathroom. Moving further up, the sculptor has a visual contact with the projects he is currently working on. Before going through the wall and to the bedroom on the other side, he leaves his work robe inside the space within the wall. When sitting down on the bed he can lean on the wall behind him which is still warm from the sun, and turn his back to the ongoing project for a while. The route continues up with a narrow stair inside the wall. After few steep steps there is a shower. On the next level, an opening provides a visual connection to the large outside workspace. Here the room is wider to make space for a bookshelf. A ladder next to the bookshelf leads to a sky lit study room at the top. From this private and concentrated space the sculptor can still hear if anyone is coming to visit.


Published in “Magasinet KOTE #5 - form og virkning” Nomination to “Excellence in the Use of Concrete or Brickwork in Architecture” at AHO


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An Endless Path Our proposal is an architectural vision- how to develop the existing Memu Meadows farm on Taiki-cho, Hokkaido into a sustainable ‘productive garden’. We propose to create a ‘productive centre’, an orchard, within the existing indoor horse track, where scientists and visitors can grow vegetables, fruits and flowers. All future building should be concentrated to the west, allowing the eastern part to be kept as an open landscape, to be discovered and enjoyed by visitors during all seasons in all its richness.

In this space along the path people can find places where they can meet other people, places to buy local products, hold ceremonies, or places where one can simply be alone and watch the beauty of nature.

The architecture we propose is A PATH, connecting the ‘productive garden’ in the centre with the open area of the outdoor track, enlarging it into the wild river space and almost ENDLESS landscape of Hokkaido. At some places, we plan to plant some specific arrangements of seasonal vegetation. Furthermore we propose to install a basic kitchen in the existing track building. The idea is that visitors can pick fruits and vegetables in the garden, prepare a meal in the kitchen and then find a place along the path to eat and enjoy the scenery.

Tutors: Neven Fuchs-Mikac Thomas McQuillan Raphael Zuber

In collaboration with: Pedro Sjøblom Tavares Niklas Lenander David Kennedy Mercè Lorente Gras Young Eun Choi

The path is detached from ground and partly covered with a roof. It invites people to experience the richness of the landscape with different sensations and places to discover, sit down and enjoy. It consists of a few simple, but precise constructions: an entrance screen, a gate into the open, a bigger covered space for contemplation, ceremonies and gatherings, a viewing platform into the riverwetlands and a gate at the end of the path. The construction is a very basic structure, using a minimum of technology, intended to create a kind of timeless expression inspired by traditional vernacular and rural architecture. It is composed of standard wooden members with a section of 105x105mm and a length of 3.60m, which are joined in the most direct way to form a floor, columns, roofs and- create space.


2nd place in LIXIL International University Architectural Competition Nominated to The RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards




Entrance gate



Main space

out End gate







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