Undersea Warfare Magazine

Page 24

by Capt. Kenneth A. Swann, USN

BRIDGING THE GAP TO READINESS I had an opportunity to present at the 2009 Submarine Technology Symposium (SUBTECH 2009) in May. Sponsored by John Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) and the Naval Submarine League, SUBTECH is a forum that examines current, emerging, and future technologies with an eye on applications for the submarine warfighter and enhancements to both current and future operational submarine force capabilities. I was introduced at the symposium by Vice Adm. George Emery, USN (ret.), as “the training guy”; however, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the “real training guy”: Rear Adm. Arnold Lotring, the Chief Operating Officer of the Naval Education and Training Command and first Commanding Officer (CO) of the Submarine Learning Center (SLC). The goals of my presentation and remarks, reproduced here, are to offer a glimpse into Submarine Force training’s evolving and alwayschanging world of roles and missions, a snapshot of the “here and now”, and a quick glimpse of what lies ahead. Hopefully, this will stimulate a discussion on the challenges, realities and strategies for deploying Submarine Force capabilities in the near term, detail the Submarine Learning Center’s engagement with system commands (SYSCOMs) and type commanders (TYCOMs) within a synergistic Modernization Training Team concept, and offer a shared vision of the future focused on warfighter performance. The Submarine Force has a continuum of available training tools, both ashore and afloat, covering a broad spectrum of Submarine Force core competencies and challenging mission areas. (See figure 1.) These trainers include high-fidelity, information-age trainers. One example is the SMMTT-3 (now just called SMMTT, or Submarine Multi-Mission Team Trainer). SMMTT runs the latest tactical sonar and fire control software, hosts electronic navigation, and integrates the automated information services (AIS). The trainer is capable of

supporting all sensor sources, including high frequency sonar, in a realistic multi-path ocean. It features computing power able to run high contact-density management scenarios and support 72-hour continuous training events for SSGN certification and tactical development. SMMTT is now installed in all but one submarine homeport — Guam — which will receive SMMTT in Fiscal Yeat 2012. This spectrum of devices and systems provides an integrated-training tool box to support skill-based training for individuals and teams from initial pipelines through ship-

board qualification and continuing training programs. The training package culminates in full mission-profile proficiency training, including the insight of so-called “graybeards,” i.e., retired career submarine officers brought back as civilians to school houses, where their experience helps bring the human element to the training equation. The April 2009 Submarine Review published the remarks of Cmdr. Marc Stern, USS Topeka (SSN-754) Commanding Officer, from the SUBTECH 2008 meeting. He recalled his pre-deployment training with one of the Graybeards, retired Capt. Ollie Oliver: “One of the scenarios we did during the week seemed a bit odd — it wasn’t the typical scenario I was used to seeing in the countless attack centers I had previously done throughout the years. But, we did the scenario, collected our lessons learned when complete, and moved on to the next event. Imagine my surprise when months later, while conducting real-world operations, we were faced with nearly the same situation. That operation went very well for us.” Cmdr. Stern’s example demonstrates how training and capability meet to produce and enhance readiness. Acoustic Figure 1. The continuum of training tools available to the Submarine Force cover a broad spectrum of core competencies and mission areas.


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