8 minute read
many moons ago
30352 Highway 78(at Hwy 79) OPEN Thurs-Monday 11 am - 5pm


JoinOrchard Hill’s Supper Club and experience fine dining in an exclusive private setting. Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourcourse dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings through the spring of 2020.
Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried and true entrées with seasonal sides and perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef. Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations are required. Please call us for more information at 760-765-1700. We look forward to seeing you!

Dear Editor,
The Julian Woman’s Club has been active in this community for 94 years starting with removing tin cans from the streets and shooing the goats away! Now the Club continues its charitable service in a multitude of ways.
Fundraising supports scholarships and this year three $1,000 vocational scholarships were awarded: two high school seniors and one adult re-entry student. In addition, Adopt a Senior 2020 on Facebook led the club to “ adopt” a senior by giving gifts and gift cards to compensate for a lack of high school senior activities.
Since March Club Quilters have been sewing face masks for healthcare workers and the community. It began with the Julian Clinic and expanded to family, friends, business owners, employees, bank workers, postal workers, firefighters, nursing homes, Masks for Covid, and residents. Over 2,000 masks have been distributed. Recently a box of at least 100 masks were mailed to the Navajo Nation that is in dire need.
Like other philanthropic organizations, our fundraising events and activities have been cancelled or postponed: Apple Blossom Tea, Wildflower Show, Heritage Quilt Show, and possibly the Holiday Home Tour. Raffle tickets for the lovely handmade blue and cream Star quilt are available online: julianwomansclub.org. Also online is our virtual Wildflower Show created by a new member.
Many local residents have supported our endeavors by donating money and materials for face masks, purchasing wildflower seeds and quilt items, plus buying tickets for the Quilt Raffle. So, busy like a beehive, club women continue to be active behind the scenes while sheltering at home. Our appreciation extends to women in Julian Pathways, Cuyamaca Woods Quilt Guild, and the Methodist Church who have joined with us and to those who have led us.
Although the Club has not continued with physical meetings, we have met via video conferencing. Many thanks to president Sherry Lutes for her past two years of service and welcome to the incoming board that will need to show flexibility and ideas in coping with our change in circumstances.
Jonna Waite President-Elect

* * * Our individual lives cannot, generally, be works of art unless the social order is also. — Charles Horton Cooley * * *
WE INVITE YOUR OPINION! The views expressed by our contributing writers are their own and not necessarily those of The Julian News management. We invite all parties to submit their opinions and comments to The Julian News. All contributed items are subject to editorial approval prior to acceptance for publication. Letters must include your name and contact information.
Letters may be mailed to: Julian News P.O. Box 639 Julian, CA 92036 email: letters@juliannews.com in person: Julian News Office 1453 Hollow Glen Road
Deadline is Friday Noon for the next weeks issue

About Being a Julian Chamber Member:
Like most people, I am motivated to do things because I think I should. “It’s my responsibility, I can do this, this should be fun,” etc. I can’t not pick up an abandoned coin in the street, walk by a piece of trash on my property or rescue a bug in harm’s way (most of the time.) As a member of the Chamber for some 20 plus years, I have not been an “active” member. We put up our own Christmas Decorations, pick up the trash on Washington Street and keep a what I would call a “pride of ownership” property, which is getting increasingly difficult with the passing of time. I suppose that in my mind, this was our/my contribution to the Business District… and we paid our dues.
I have spent the last three months thinking about reopening after this gawd-awful Corvid-19 closure. What a nightmare for all of us – I am so with you, each, and all. Our re-opening went very well, everyone was just so grateful to be in the country with our fresh air and drop-dead beauty that makes Julian the attraction it is. I love where I live. Everyone who knows me, knows this. I am a chest beating champion for Julian, Volcan Mountain, the trails, the starlit skies, and I also love my business, Orchard Hill Country Inn.
Sunday, I decided to walk Main Street to see what shops and restaurants were open. I was delighted with the new tenants of “the Garage” and Pat’s beautiful new location for her jewelry store inside. From there it ceased to delight and became frustratingly disappointing. Windows were dirty, filled with dead flies, trash bins were overflowing with take-out containers and in the main the sidewalks were beyond dirty from spilled take-out food. Where was the getting ready for company look? Where was the “Were so happy to see you once again.” Where was the “pride of ownership?” One of the eateries I heard sent a message to the Chamber office to please increase their trash pick. Well this just is not going to happen! While we were closed, the public bathrooms were used to the point of abuse and maliciously damaged. The office staff worked full time feeding valuable information to our members. I for one give Robin credit for helping us walk through the impossible trappings of securing a PPP loan.
Like us business owners, the Chamber has limited funds and a small self-sacrificing handful of active members to help here and there. Sir, you are going to have to pick up your own trash! Every food establishment in Julian should walk out their door and look at the mess their customers must stand in while they “self-distance” and patiently wait in line to be seated. Clean-up, pick-up, wash down.
These are the easy, simple, responsible acts of business ownership. Just like - wash your hands, wear a mask, and keep your distance may save a life, the afore mentioned could save your business. Pat Straube, Owner Orchard Hill
We Need To Get Through This Time And Tighten Our Belts, Just As We Have Through Two World Wars, Terrorist Attacks And
Other Epidemics by Matthew Adelman
Letters continued on page 10
Newspapers in the United States have traveled rough seas to the First Amendment freedoms we enjoy today. From the colonial Stamp Act through wartime censorship to today, when thousands of newspapers were slammed with the public health emergency known as COVID-19, people who work for newspapers have never had completely smooth sailing.
Now most of the businesses that advertise with us are shut down. The pipeline to make our payroll shut down with them. People are restlessly waiting in their locked-down homes for us to bring the news nonetheless.
Across the country, journalists and the thousands of people it takes to let them do their work — from publishers to ad sales people to printers — are figuring out ways to keep the news coming. We do our work as bravely as we can, even when we, too, are masked up and dodging possibly lethal infections.
A disheartening chord is sounding here and there across America’s mournful song about this tragic era: why should Americans still support newspapers?
Some in our business don’t like the very notion of “media.” We newspaper folk argue that “media” is not us. We are the “press,” the

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ESTABLISHED 1985 Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant
Featured Contributors The Julian News
ISSN 1937-8416
Michele Harvey Greg Courson EarthTalk Kiki Skagen Munshi Pastor Cindy Arnston
GreatSchools.org Jon Coupal David Lewis Friends of the Library

Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media
The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2020 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843
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