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ANATOMY: What is a common name for
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Worship and workouts: The Board of Supervisors recently approved my proposal to open up our county parks to worship services and fitness-related businesses.
We streamlined the permit process and are waiving fees related to reserving park space. This is not a new idea. Poway pioneered it with its recent SOS initiative, proposed by Mayor Steve Vaus.
East County locations with reservable space include Lindo Lake, Hilton Head, Pine Valley, Louis Stelzer, Potrero and Spring Valley parks. More information at www.sdparks.org.
Stepping up in a crisis: I'm pleased to report that the board has set aside $11.8 million in federal funds to expand our Great Plates program, an initiative that is helping seniors AND our troubled restaurant industry.
Great Plates delivers meals from local restaurants to older residents in need. The funding allows us to triple the number of people served, and the program was expanded to include those with disabilities.
With COVID, food delivery has become critical. Many seniors live alone and lack the resources to meet basic needs. At the same time, our restaurants are hurting and need whatever help we can give them.
The county has also added $3.5 million in financial assistance to restaurants across the region as part of our economic stimulus program. Helping the helpers: Childcare providers offering essential services during the pandemic can apply for grants, thanks to $25 million in federal CARES Act funding being distributed with the approval of the board. Eligible providers can apply for support for staffing, supplies, mortgage and rental assistance, business resilience and capital improvements for outdoor areas.
The application window is Aug. 24 to Sept. 4. For details, go to www.sdfoundation.org.
In the Zone: Just a reminder that the county’s Cool Zone program is up and running again, but on a limited basis due to COVID-19. For the latest locations and hours, visit www.CoolZones.org.
Locations include Lakeside Community Center, Santa Ysabel Nature Center and the Alpine, Ramona and Potrero libraries.
Have questions, suggestions or feedback about your county government? Call me at 619-531-5522 or email dianne.jacob@ sdcounty.ca.gov. Stay safe and healthy! Dianne
* * * It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first. — Ronald Reagan * * *
20SDG16502_Mylar Balloon Safety__Julian News__RUN: 08/26/2020__BW__Trim: 13” x 11”

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* * * First, I think more Americans need to declare their independence from partisan politics on both sides. The more that Americans declare their independence, the more the parties will have to compete for their votes using reason rather than the hateful appeals. — John Avlon * * *


The way we celebrate these days has changed. But one thing hasn’t. Though mylar balloons seem harmless, they can actually be dangerous around electric power lines. The metal in the balloons can cause the line to arc and spark. So keep balloons securely tied down or weighted when outdoors. Always defl ate and dispose of them when the party’s over. And when we all return to our normal celebrations, think about using festive rubber or vinyl balloons instead.