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Overwintering bird life

Meet the V unte s

e Oldway Gardens Volunteer Group continues to do a fantastic job keeping the beautiful gardens at Oldway Mansion looking wonderful. ey tell us their stories.


Steve B y

“Hi my name is Steve. I am a 62-year-old retired Openreach Engineer. I have good memories of Oldway Mansion and the gardens having got married here 32 years ago. I found Oldway Garden Volunteers on their Facebook page and I am so pleased I did! It helps me get out in the fresh air, exercise, socialise and work with a great bunch. I feel that I am making a di erence at Oldway.” “Hi, my name is Pete. I Pete Redf n became a member of the Oldway Garden Volunteer Group because I have a few hours to spare each week. Having got married at Oldway 42 years ago, I would like to see the gardens as vibrant and colourful as it was then. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys fresh air and the outdoor life to volunteer, and make a di erence and get satisfaction.” “Hi I’m Roger. I’ve been an Oldway Garden Volunteer for 9 months and have enjoyed every day helping to bring back the gardens to life. All the encouragement and compliments we get really helps. It’s great talking to the visitors as we complete each area of Oldway Gardens; it’s beginning to look lovely now. All the volunteers are doing a great job, now we are looking forward to spring.

Rog Allen

Cheers all.”

T y Em s

“Hi my name is Terry, I became of the very rst volunteers as the call for help tted in nicely with moving to the area and I needed a way to join in the local community. I love every minute of the hard work it takes to keep Oldway looking great; it keeps me t and I’ve got to know a great bunch of fellow volunteers.”

S ah Caplan T y Kilbey

“Hi, i’m Tony, 78 years old. I joined the Oldways Garden Volunteers after moving here from Cornwall a while ago. While in Cornwall I did 15 years volunteer work on the National Nature Reserve on the Lizard, which I loved. I am enjoying making a di erence in Oldway gardens (mainly on the rockery at the moment) and as I don’t have much of a garden at home Oldway replaces that! It’s always good to have a (socially distanced) chat with members of the public and have compliments on our work.”

“Hi I’m Sarah and I volunteer at Oldway. I have so many memories as a child experiencing precious times here and now I can give something back. I don’t know much about gardening but I learn things every day I’m there and have learnt that it doesn’t matter about your ability cause even the littlest thing makes a di erence. I adore the gardens and the mansion; it’s a beautiful place to spend some time in and re ect on how stunning nature is. Please make contact and join our fabulous team and help to keep this treasure alive.”

Lewis Summ sby

“Hi I am Lewis and I have been volunteering at Oldway as part of the team for a long time. I really enjoy helping out around the gardens and especially like to cut the grass, which I do very well, so I am told! I also like chatting with the visitors to Oldway.”

Pete Welsby

“After working for 41 years in education, mainly in Nottingham, it is a joy to be able to work outside with such a keen set of volunteers. First memories of

Oldway were in 1968 when I travelled down from London in the summer holidays to meet my future wife and was told how she used to work in the tea shop in the Mansions when she was 16. My interests are the hard structure in the gardens including benches, paths and rockery. I also liaise with the

Community Payback supervisors and team members whose work makes such a di erence to Oldway. It has been hugely motivating to work in the grounds because of the extensive positive feedback, support and thanks we receive from the public using Oldway. I like to think we are making a di erence.”

M tyn P e

“My name is Martyn and I returned to Devon from Wales where I had studied horticulture for 5 years and worked as a gardener for 15. I had visited Oldway and was preparing my CV to apply to work here when lockdown was enforced! When I heard about the volunteer group I signed up and decided to concentrate on the area by the main road. We set about clearing the Maidenhair Vine (Muehlembeckia complexa), which was su ocating the adjacent trees and shrubs. It didn’t take long to realise we were unearthing one of the most epic rockeries I have seen! We endeavour to nd a balance between restoration and progressive plant displays so have been cutting everything back and rethinking the planting scheme and are set to be on schedule for when the growing season begins. e group is super friendly, you can do as much or as little as you want, when you want, and it’s nice talking to the public. It’s been a lifeline to me and many others; getting out of the house, fresh air, calm environment, exercise and social interaction.”

Bev Geake

“Hi, I’m Bev and I’m the volunteer who picks up litter between 8-9 most mornings! I retired from the NHS as a nurse/nurse educator 4 years ago and now I work as a celebrant. I have always enjoyed running or more recently, walking around Oldway grounds and got very fed up with the constant litter being left in the beautiful gardens. I’m de nitely more of a clean freak than a gardener so litter picking is a perfect volunteer role for me. I love being the elusive member of the group and I’m so proud to be part of this amazing, friendly and hard working team.”

Find out more and get involved Oldway Gardens Volunteer Group

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