Easy World Management Company Profile

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Create Your

Wonderful Strategic 创造 您 的 创 意 策 略 Branding Online Media Social Network Event Graphic Design

Introduction 关于 我 们

Easy World Management制作团队,自2013年开始,以“Create Your Wonderful Strategic”(创造您的创意策略)为使命,集合相关领域人才投注于品略策划 (Branding)、网路媒体(Online Media)、社群行销(Social Network)、主题 活动(Event)以及视觉设计(Graphic Design)五大领域。我们以设计师的角度, 观看市场与消费观点,协助客户解决行销上的问题,并帮助客户在众多竞争者的当中, 找到独特的品牌策略与定位。因应网路的普及化,我们的团队致力于有效地整合现有资 源,协助客户使用最佳的网路策略,呈现企业独具的特色。 Easy World Management production team establish from year 2013. Our mission: “Create Your Wonderful strategic”. We are a group of professional on Branding, Online Media, Social Network, Event and Graphic Design. Our point of view will base on design to look at the market need and consumer perspectives to help our client to solve their problems and we also will help our client to set up their brand strategy and position in the competitive market. Now a day, the network are more popularity, our team effectively integrate all existing network resources to assist our client with the best network strategy to achieve and create own characteristic for cooperate.

Team Concept


Create Your

Wonderful Strategic 创 造 您的创意策略

Found 成 立 日 期 April 2013



Julian SKL

www.fb.com/ewmmalaysia email: easyworld.malaysia@gmail.com

Our Service 我们 的 服 务


品牌规划、策略与管理 品牌规划经营已经是当下趋势,透过资讯整合、市场分析、企业比对,我们将为企业找 出其核心价值与竞争优势。本团队将系统化地规划品牌视觉、品牌市场策略以及行销方 案,为客户塑造全面性的市场品牌。 Brand Management is already present as a trend, through integration of information, market analysis, comparison between enterprises, to help enterprise to identify their core value and ascendant between competitive.

Online Media 网路媒体

本团队极力打造全新网路媒体,目前将媒体资源投放于EasyMelaka马六甲资讯旅游 系统上。在短短一年内,EasyMelaka已经获得超越性的浏览数据与分析数据。在往 后的日子,本团队将全面开放网路媒体平台,与中国、新加坡、香港、台湾5地一同全 面实行全新概念的资讯整合平台! The team is going to establish a brand new network media, currently the network media will be using in our EasyMelaka system, which is a Melaka tourism information system. In one year time, EasyMelaka has received transcendent browsing data and analysis of data. In future, the team will be implementing a network media platform in China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. These will be a new concept of information integration platform for this 5 location.

Social Network 社群行销

社群行销是当下成长最快速的行销模式。本团队能够有效地整合现有网路资源,利用社 群的力量推广商家的资讯,协助客户以最佳的网路策略呈现企业自我特色。 Social network marketing is now the most growing marketing model, using the power of the

social to promote the business information. The team was able to effectively integrate the existing network resources, assist client with the best network business strategy to present their own characteristic.

Event & Graphic Design 主题活动与视觉设计

本团队在经营活动策划与视觉设计上,都以创意为出发点,本团队将协助客户在行销方 案上制作主题活动,吸引社会聚焦,也利用互动设计,让客户的资讯宣传能达到最高的 效益。 The team also works on event planning and visual design, use creativity as our idea to assists out client to organize an interesting and interactive marketing event to attract and interactive with the public, these will let the client get the highest efficiency while promoting their information.

Our Honour 我们的荣誉

Our Record 我们创下的记录

1. 马六甲第一个采用HD技术的线上直播 First HD technology Live Online Broadcast in Malacca 2. 马六甲第一个采用HD技术的移动直播 First HD technology Live Mobile Broadcast in Malacca 3. EasyMelala Facebook在短短1年内创下1000万游览人次,突破34000人粉丝,每周触及人数平均 10万人 EasyMelala Facebook reach 10million visitor to visit our page in one year time and have 34000 fans like and follow our page. Average each week there will be around 10,000 fans visit our page. 4. 《南洋商报》丶《星洲日报》丶《中国报》刊登活动新闻 NanYang, SinChew and ChinaPress will post news regarding our event 5. 《拯救海龟计划》网路触及人数突破10万人,除民众参与,艺人也协助推广 Save Melaka turtles project exceeded 100 thousand to participate truth online network, in addition other then participate by public, artists involve and help to promote as well. 6. 马六甲第一场河边音乐会 First river concert in Malacca 7. 马六甲第一场社区关怀音乐会 First community care music show in Malacca 8 EasyMelaka.com 1年内创下30,000的游览人次,平均超过3分钟的逗留时间,以及5秒开启网页速 度 EasyMelaka.com reach 30,000 visitors to visit in one year time, the average time for the public to stay on our page will be more than 3minute and it use 5sec to open our page. 9. 协助培风中学校庆线上直播,采用自家网页创下3000 IP游览 Assist our live online broadcast system for Pay Fong Primary High School anniversary. Our system can support more than 3000 IP for browsing. 10. 《马六甲创意市集》参与人数超过3000人 Malacca creative market involving more than 3,000 people 11. 《万能之星》创下马六甲最高青少年歌唱大赛奖金丶最多场次入选赛,也是马六甲第一个采用线上直 播的歌唱大赛 “Magnum Star” hit the highest award and prizes in Malacca youth singing competition, and also the first live online broadcast singing competition in Malacca. 12. 荣获马来西亚记录大全(全马最大明信片拼图) Award in Malaysia Book of Record (Malaysia’s largest postcard collage)

Award in Malaysia Book of Record 荣获马来西亚纪录大全

Strategic partner with Dolux Culture, China 中国合肥都乐文化正式成为战略合作伙伴



Dong Zong 董总品牌

Unix Aluminium Unix品牌

Famosa Hotel 古城酒店品牌

Mahsan Heights 物业发展品牌

Online Media 网路媒体

EasyMelaka是马六甲全新的网路资讯平台,也是一项推广马六甲城市品牌的计 划,EasyMelaka主要专注于5大领域的推广,即:旅游资讯丶商业资讯丶青年发展丶 公益推广以及活动整合。EasyMelaka藉由资讯平台的号召力,让更多人认识马六甲 这一座历史悠久的城市,也吸引世界各地的游客前来游玩。 马六甲在2008成功获得联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)世界文化遗产的认证,使得 这座历史古城的旅游业更加蓬勃发展。EasyMelaka成立的主要目的,就是要推广马 六甲的旅游业,协助在地商家宣传商业资讯,让具有潜能的在地商家拥有更高的曝光 率,并吸引更多的外来投资者一起来推动马六甲的发展,让马六甲展现更不一样的经济 实力! 此外,EasyMelaka也致力推动各项青年发展计划,让更多在地青年能发挥自己 才能,勇敢追梦!我们希望马六甲年轻的力量,能让这个古老的城市呈现更多的活 力!EasyMelaka希望藉由各项精彩的活动,让年轻人有目标地去发挥潜能! EasyMelaka is a brand new network information platform as well as a city branding project to promote Malacca Historical City. This plan mainly promoting 5 different fields which are Travelling Information, Business Information, Youth Development, Public Welfare promotion and Integration of Events. More people will be able to get to know Malacca the Historical City through this Information Platform. Besides that, it will also able to attract tourists to visit Malacca. Malacca was recognised by UNESCO in the year of 2010 as a World Heritage which boosted tourism in this city! No doubt that Malacca witnesses the Independence of Malaysia! EasyMelaka set up to promote tourism in Malacca, helping merchants promoting their businesses information which increases the exposure of those potential companies. By these potentials, hoping to attract more foreign investors contributing in the development of Malacca! EasyMelaka is also very committed in promoting youth development programs. It enables more local youths to show their talents, and achieve their dreams! We hope that the young forces in Malacca will make this Historical City a more vitality one! Hope that with the convening of these events, youths is able achieves self-development! EasyMelaka will be in the move of promoting more information and events in the future. Let’s look forward for the future of Malacca!

New Record:

Total Fans : 35K Talking About : 138169 people Post Reach : 7.1 million people

New Record:

Like : 15641 Comment : 2157 Total Reach : 10829824

Share : 134938

Social Network 社群行销

Dong Zong Facebook Maintain

Midana Capital Facebook Maintain

EasyMelaka Youtube Maintain

EVENT 主题活动

Street Art Performance Mini Concert - Malacca river Sungai Melaka 街头艺术迷你音乐会

Save Melaka turtles – Global Plan 拯救马六甲海龟-全球计划

拯救马六甲海龟-马六甲100人摄影计划 Save Melaka turtles – Photography Project for 100 people

Save Melaka turtles – Music Show 拯救马六甲海龟-音乐会

Assist on Da.Mon.Ster MV 摩斯特(Da.Mon.Ster)MV(协助)

Live broadcast event for Pei Fong Middle School 100year anniversary 培风中学100年校庆系列活动直播

I Will If You Will-Earth Hour event at Bike Cafe I Will If You Will- Bike Café关灯一小时活动

Malacca Heritage Super Show 马六甲历史城全民表演

Event Partner for Walk for Autism 2013 第四届“与肯纳儿携手同行”千人慈善义走(活动伙伴)

“Love Community” Love Care Music Show “爱·社区”社区关怀系列音乐会

Malacca Creative Market 马六甲创意市集

Take part in Taipei International Travel Fair 台北国际旅游展(参展)

2013 Magnum Star Singing Competition 2013年首届“万能之星”歌唱比赛

Magnum Love with Autumn “万能爱心伴中秋”爱心关怀活动

Love .Caring Moment Malaysia biggest postcard collage “爱·关怀的时刻”全马最大明信片拼图

Graphic Design 平面设计

Other 其余技术

Creative Qrcode 创意二维码

www.fb.com/ewmmalaysia easyworld.malaysia@gmail.com +6063347051

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