Virgin Media Voice Interconnect For Dummies

Page 1

It is only concerned with those calls that pass between different Communication Providers (CP’s).

Those calls are Interconnect Calls.

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This guide covers a wide range of different call scenarios and explains how a voice telephone call gets from one handset to another together with the associated interconnect costs and revenues that ensue.


Mobile (optimised for iOS and Android) is available at:


V0.4 January 2016


Contents Cost/Revenue Matrix


Ported Calls

Terminating Calls

Ported In Geographic Termination Calls


Geographic Call Termination From Virgin Media


Ported In Non Geographic Termination Calls


Geographic Call Termination To Virgin Media


Ported In Freephone Termination Calls


Non Geographic Call Termination From Virgin Media


Ported Out Geographic Termination Calls


Non Geographic Call Termination To Virgin Media


Ported Out Non Geographic Termination Calls


Freephone Call Termination From Virgin Media


Ported Out Freephone Calls


Freephone Call Termination To Virgin Media


Ported In Geographic Transit Calls


Ported In Non Geographic Transit Calls


Transiting Calls Geographic & Mobile Transit Calls From Virgin Media


Ported In Freephone Transit Calls


Geographic Transit Calls To Virgin Media


Ported Out Geographic Transit Calls


Non Geographic Transit Calls From Virgin Media


Ported Out Non Geographic Transit Calls


Freephone Transit Calls From Virgin Media


Ported Out Freephone Transit Calls

25 Other Call Scenarios


Virgin Media Owned Directory Enquiries




WLR Usage




Interconnect Cost & Revenue Matrix


  

Virgin Media Owned Directory Enquiries Ported Out Freephone Transit Calls Ported Out Non Geographic Transit Calls Ported Out Grographic Transit Calls

Poerted In Freephone Transit Calls Ported In Non Geographic Transit Calls Ported In Geographic Transit Calls Ported Out Freephone Termination Calls Ported Out Non Geographic Termination Calls Ported Out Geographic Termination Calls Ported In Freephone Termination Calls Ported In Non Geographic Termination Calls


 Conveyance rate

Ported In Geographic Termination Calls Freephone Transit Calls From Virgin Media Non Geographic Transit Calls From Virgin Media Geographgic Transit Calls To Virgin Media Geographic & Mobile Transit Calls From Virgin Media Freephone Call Termination To Virgin Media Freephone Call Termination From Virgin Media Non Geographic Call Termination To Virgin Media Non Geographic Call Termination From Virgin Media

Transit Revenue

 Management rate

   APCC Revenue

 

  APCC Cost

  Transit Cost

 Service Charge Revenue

Geographic Call Termination To Virgin Media Geographic Call Termination From Virgin Media

Service Charge Cost

  Termination Revenue

  

  

     Termination Cost

GEOGRAPHIC CALL TERMINATION (01,02,03) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media’s subscriber dials a number belonging to another Rangeholder with whom we have a direct interconnection (e.g. BT, SKY, TalkTalk)

Originating CP (Virgin Media)

Rangeholder (Other CP) Other CP charges Virgin Media a call termination rate

Caller pays retail call charge

03 is a non geographic number service but from an interconnect and retail perspective is treated the same as a geographic call for terminating and transitting calls. Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


GEOGRAPHIC CALL TERMINATION (01,02 and 03) TO VIRGIN MEDIA Other CP’s subscriber dials a number belonging to Virgin Media and with whom there is a direct interconnection (e.g. BT, SKY, TalkTalk)

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

OTHER CP) Virgin Media charges Other CP a call termination rate Caller pays retail call charge

There is a big difference in the termination rate between Fixed Line and Mobile call termination

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


NON GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (084, 087, 09, 118) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media’s subscriber dials a number belonging to a CP with whom we have a direct interconnection (e.g. BT, SKY, Talk Talk)

Originating CP (Virgin Media)

Terminating CP (Rangeholder)

(Retains the NAC Terminating CP charges Virgin Media the Service Charge Caller pays a Service Charge + Network Access Charge (NAC)

Each NGN is assigned a Service Charge Code. Each Code has a specific price point.

There are only 80 Service Charge Codes and therefore only 80 Price Points. This is planned to rise to 100 during 2016 Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


NON GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (084, 087, 09) TO VIRGIN MEDIA Originating CP’s subscriber dials a number belonging to Virgin Media and we have a direct interconnection with them (e.g. BT, SKY, TalkTalk)

Terminating CP (Virgin Media)

Originating CP (Retains The NAC) Virgin Media charges Originating CP the Service Charge

118 Numbers that terminate on Virgin Media’s network are explained in the DQ section of this guide.

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Caller pays a Service Charge + Network Access Charge (NAC)

FREEPHONE TERMINATION (0800, 0808) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media’s subscriber dials a number belonging to a CP with whom we have a direct interconnection (e.g. BT, SKY, TalkTalk)

Originating CP Virgin Media

Virgin Media charges the Terminating CP a Freephone Origination rate

Terminating CP (Rangeholder)

Service Provider pays the Terminating CP a retail charge

Caller does not pay for this call

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


FREEPHONE TERMINATION (0800, 0808) TO VIRGIN MEDIA Other CP’s subscriber dials a number belonging to Virgin Media and we have a direct interconnection with them (e.g. BT, SKY, Talktalk)

Terminating CP Virgin Media

Originating CP charges Virgin Media a Freephone Origination Rate.

Originating CPr)

Caller does not pay for this call

Service Provider pays the Terminating CP a retail charge Since July 2015 these calls are even free to mobile subscribers.

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


GEOGRAPHIC & MOBILE TRANSIT (01,02,03,07) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media subscriber dials a number belonging to a carrier with whom there is not a direct interconnection (or Virgin Media choose not to use it for commercial or technical reasons). This is the usual mechanism for getting calls to small carriers and where capacity is full on our directs or it is not commercially viable.

Transit Carrier (Keeps the transit charge)

Terminating CP Originating CP Virgin Media) Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (01,02,03) TO VIRGIN MEDIA Other CP’s subscriber dials a number that belongs to Virgin Media but does not have a direct interconnection, or for technical / commercial reasons chooses not to use it.

Transit Carrier (Keeps the transit charge)

Originating CP (Transit Carrier)

Terminating CP (Virgin Media) Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Caller pays retail call charge

NON GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (084, 087, 09, 118) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media’s subscriber dials a number belonging to a carrier with whom there is not a direct interconnection (or Virgin Media choose not to use it for commercial or technical reasons). This is the usual mechanism for getting calls to small carriers and where capacity is full on our directs.

Call Direction Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP

Transit Carrier Usually BT (Retains the Transit Charge)

Terminating CP

Originating CP Virgin Media

For Geographic calls, the originating CP pays the transit rate. For Non Geographic calls, the terminating CP pays the transit rate

(Retains the NAC)

Caller pays a Service Charge plus Network Access Charge (NAC) 12

FREEPHONE TRANSIT (0800, 0808) FROM VIRGIN MEDIA Virgin Media’s subscriber dials a number belonging to a carrier with whom there is not a direct interconnection (or Virgin Media choose not to use it for commercial or technical reasons). This is the usual mechanism for getting calls to small carriers and where capacity is full on our directs

Transit Carrier (Keeps the transit charge)

Terminating CP

Originating CP (Virgin Media) Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost

Caller does not pay for this call

Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Service Provider pays the Terminating CP a retail charge

PORTED IN GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (01,02) Rangeholder’s subscriber moves their Geographic number to Virgin Media and there is a direct interconnection between the two.

Someone calls a number that was originally on Other CP’s network (irrespective of who’s subscriber it is.)

Rangeholder adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

Terminating CP (Virgin Media)

Rangeholder Virgin Media charge Rangeholder a termination rate

Rangeholder charges Virgin Media an APCC

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Caller pays retail call charge

PORTED IN NON GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (03, 084, 087, 09) Rangeholder’s subscriber moves their number to Virgin Media and there is a direct interconnection between the two.

Rangeholder adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

Terminating CP (Virgin Media)


Someone calls a number that was originally on Rangeholder’s network.

Virgin Media charges Rangeholder a Service Charge

Virgin Media pays Rangeholder an APCC

Caller pays a Service Charge plus a Network Access Charge (NAC)

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


PORTED IN FREEPHONE TERMINATION (0800, 0808) Rangeholder’s subscriber moves their Freephone number to Virgin Media and there is a direct interconnection between the two.

Someone calls a number that was originally on Rangeholder’s network (irrespective of who’s subscriber it is.)

Rangeholder adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

Terminating CP (Virgin Media)

Rangeholder Rangeholder charges Virgin Media a Freephone Origination rate

Service Provider pays the Rangeholder a retail charge

Rangeholder charges Virgin Media an APCC

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Caller does not pay for this call

PORTED OUT GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (01,02) Virgin Media’s subscriber moves their number to another CP and there is a direct interconnection and porting arrangement between the two.

Someone calls a number that was originally on Virgin Media’s network

Virgin Media adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Recipient CP

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

Recipient CP Recipient CP charges Virgin Media a call termination rate

Virgin Media charges Recipient CP an APC

Virgin Media get the retail charge unless the call is not originated on Virgin Media’s network. In that case the caller’s retail charge will not get passed on.

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


(Terminating CP)

PORTED OUT NON GEOGRAPHIC TERMINATION (03, 084, 087, 09) Virgin Media’s subscriber moves their number to another CP and there is a direct interconnection and porting arrangement between the two.

Virgin Media adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Recipient CP

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

Recipient CP (Terminating CP)

Receipient CP charges Virgin Media a Service Charge

Virgin Media charges Recipient CP an APCC Virgin Media get the retail charge unless the call is not originated on Virgin Media’s network. In that case the caller’s retail charge will not get passed on.

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


PORTED OUT FREEFONE TERMINATION (0800,0808) Virgin Media’s subscriber moves their Freephone number to another CP and there is a direct interconnection and porting arrangement between the two.

Someone calls a number that was originally on Virgin Media’s network

Virgin Media adds a ported number prefix and passes the call to Recipient CP

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

Caller does not pay for this call

Recipient CP Recipient CP charges Virgin Media a Freephone Origination rate Virgin Media charges Recipient CP an APCC

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


(Terminating CP)

Service Provider pays the Recipient CP a retail charge

PORTED IN GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (01,02) Subscriber from another CP moves their number to Virgin Media, but there is no direct porting arrangement the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

Transit Carrier (BT)

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to the Rangeholder Rangeholder adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT Caller pays retail call charge

Recipient CP (Virgin Media)


Terminating CP

Virgin Media charges the Rangeholder a call termination rate

Call Direction Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue

Cost or Revenue for Another CP

The Rangeholder charges Virgin Media APCC 20

PORTED IN NON GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (03, 084, 087, 09) Subscriber from another CP moves their number to Virgin Media but there is no direct porting arrangement between the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

Transit Carrier (BT) Other CP adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT

Recipient CP (Virgin Media)


Terminating CP

Rangeholder claims back the ported transit rate from Virgin Media

Virgin Media charges Rangeholder a Service Charge Call Direction Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue

Cost or Revenue for Another CP

Rangeholder charges Virgin Media APCC 21

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to Other CP. The subscriber pays a Service Charge plus Network Access Charge.

PORTED IN FREEPHONE TRANSIT (0800,0808) Subscriber from another CP moves their number to Virgin Media, but there is no direct porting arrangement the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Virgin Media

BT (Transit Carrier)

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to Other CP Other CP adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT Caller does not pay for this call

Recipient CP (Virgin Media)


Terminating CP

Service Provider pays the Terminating CP a retail charge

Rangeholder charges Virgin Media a Freephone Origination rate Call Direction Virgin Media Cost

Rangeholder charges Virgin Media APCC 22

Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP

PORTED OUT GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (01,02) Subscriber from Virgin Media moves their number to another CP but there is no direct porting arrangement between the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to Virgin Media Virgin Media either charge a retail rate to the caller, or a termination rate to the Rangeholder

Virgin Media adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT

BT (Transit Carrier) BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Other CP

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

Recipient CP

Terminating CP

Receipient CP charges Virgin Media a call termination rate

Call Direction Virgin Media Cost

Virgin Media charges the Recipient CP APCC

Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


PORTED OUT NON GEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT (03, 084x, 087x, 09) Subscriber from Virgin Media moves their number to another CP but there is no direct porting arrangement between the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

BT (Transit Carrier)

BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Recipient CP

Virgin Media adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

Recipient CP

Terminating CP

Recipient CP charges VM Service Charge

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to Virgin Media . The subscriber pays a Service Charge plus Network Access Charge which is retained by the Network Provider.

Virgin Media claims back ported call transit rate from Recipient CP Call Direction Virgin Media Cost

Virgin Media charge Recipient CP APCC

Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


PORTED OUT FREEPHONE TRANSIT (0800,0808) Subscriber from Virgin Media moves their number to another CP but there is no direct porting arrangement between the two so they have to transit traffic via BT

Someone dials a number which was originally allocated to Virgin Media

Virgin Media adds ported number prefix and passes call to BT

BT (Transit Carrier) BT reads the ported number prefix and passes the call to Other CP

Caller does not pay for the call

Recipient CP

Rangeholder (Virgin Media)

(Terminating CP)

Virgin Media charges the Recipient CP the Freephone Origination rate

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost

Virgin Media charges the Recipient CP APCC

Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Service Provider pays the Recipient CP a retail charge

Virgin Media Owned Directory Enquiries (118120, 118180,118770,118878,118003,118190) Virgin Media owns 6 DQ numbers. They are hosted on BT’s network and Virgin pay BT a rate for each call their call centre staff answer on our behalf.

Call Direction

OTHER CP Other CP subscriber dials a Virgin Media DQ number. They pay a Service Change plus a Network Access Charge

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue

(Retains the NAC)

Cost or Revenue for Another CP

Other CP pays Service Charge to BT but as it is a Virgin Media number, BT pass that onto us.

BT (Managed Service)

Virgin Media Pays BT the Service Charge, which is then added to Other CP’s Service Charge Payments and paid back to Virgin Media

Virgin Media (Rangeholder)

Virgin Media Subscriber dials a Virgin Media DQ Number. Calls to 118180 & 118878 are free to Virgin Media Customers

Virgin Media pay BT a management fee for every call they answer on our behalf. Some calls are “onward connected” by the operator. 118180 and 118878 26 calls do not attract an onward connect fee. The other numbers do.


IDA/CPS (All Number Ranges with a Virgin Media Prefix) Subscriber uses the BT Network to connect calls via the Virgin Media Network, after which they are seen as Virgin Media Calls. IDA routes calls at the subscriber premise, CPS routes calls at the switch but the principle for both scenarios is the same. IDA/CPS is mainly (but not always) associated with customers who have the WLR product. Subscriber wishes to use the Virgin Network to place calls (usually as they get a tariff better suited to their needs)

Rangeholder (Virgin Media) The call is now seen as a Virgin Media Originated Call

Other CP

Other CP charges Virgin Media a conveyance rate for passing the call to them.

Prefix is added to denote the call is to go to the Virgin Media Network for onward connection, or termination.

Shortcode calls always go

via BT for IDA/CPA WLR Usage

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


If there is a delay between WLR being provisioned and IDA/CPS being activated, the call follows the WLR usage flow

WLR USAGE (All Number Ranges) Some Virgin Media Customers take a product called WLR. This is a line that we rent from BT and resell to them. A subset —mainly on legacy tariffs—have a WLR product but do not have IDA/CPS calls. BT deal with, and charge for, all of these calls on our behalf at an interconnect level. Virgin Media bill those calls at a retail level to the customer.

These calls are not passed to the Virgin Media Network and are dealt with completely by BT

Virgin Media bill the subscriber for these calls at retail level

Customer has WLR product but not IDA/CPS


BT send a daily file of data to Mediation itemising all the calls made and a monthly backup file itemising interconnect costs to Wholesale Settlement

Virgin Media pays BT their interconnect rates for dealing with the calls on our behalf.

Call Direction

Virgin Media Cost Virgin Media Revenue Cost or Revenue for Another CP


Virgin Media

Glossary POLO

BT Terminology for Payments made to Other CP

Average Porting and Conveyance Charge

Ported Number

A phone number that a subscriber has kept when they have moved service to a new supplier

Calls & Margins

A Virgin Media Business Objects Universe used for reporting. Also known as C&M

Range Holder

Communications Company originally allocated a block of phone numbers (of typically 10,000) by OFCOM for retail sale.


A Communications Provider


An Interconnect charge rate that is set by OFCOM


BT Terminology for Revenue from Other CP

Service Charge

The portion of an NGCS call which is passed to the rangeholder


BT’s charge for getting an NGCS call from their customer to a point on their network that interconnects with another CP


Communications Provider (CP)

A company licenced by OFCOM to supply telephony services.

Conveyance The charge that BT make for taking a call from one part of their network to another. DEDS

BT Reporting System


Directory Enquiries


Virgin Media Interconnect Billing System (also known as InterconnecT)


Simplified Non Geographic Numbering


The process by which data which has been harvested from a switch, is post processed for downstream services (typically Rating and Billing.)


A computer which collects a telephone call and reviews it against a set of rules to determine where to send it.

Network Access Charge

The charge a CP makes to it’s subscriber for providing access to NGSC services. Typically a Non Geographic Call will attract a Network Access charge which is retained by the subscriber’s CP and a Service Charge which is passed to the CP who owns the number being called.


A measure of how many hops across the BT network a call takes


Non Geographic Call Service


UK Communications Regulator

Termination A call’s destination



A stepping stone from a call’s origination to it’s termination


BT Terminology for Call Transit Charge

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