Junior Evaluators Oakfield Primary Community School Peer Research Review 2012

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Junior Evaluators

Report Bad behaviour peer research project Oakfield Community Primary School, Dartford April 2012

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About the Junior Evaluators

Hello we are the Junior Evaluators. Our names are Malak, Jacob, Rachel, Maria, Rosie, Hope and Ellie. We were chosen to be part of the Young Evaluators because we were either in the school council or were head boys or girls for our school. A Junior Evaluator is a person who goes around asking people questions and interviewing them about different things on a subject because they want to find out more about what the people think. Then when they have asked people all the same questions they evaluate the answers they get. They see what are the most common answers on what people think so that they can then get an idea of what would make things better.

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How we learnt to be us!

In November 2011 we went to a place called the Arethusa Centre to carry out our Junior Evaluator training. The people that helped train us were teenagers so that was good they are called the Young Evaluators and they were called Eddie, Tolu, Tunde and Remmy. As part of our training we looked at what was peer research and this is when young people interview other young people to get their opinions and point of views and experiences and recommendations. The training was good and it included workshops where we did mind maps to work out what things you can evaluate. We had a big picture of an apple and used post it notes to learn things and we also had a good workbook that helped us too. We learned about consultation and evaluation and we liked doing the know, wonder and learn exercise at the start of the day which helped us work out what we thought we knew and what we wanted to know. At the end of the day we then went back to find out what we had learnt and that was alot. We learnt how to do surveys that we could ask pupils at school about bullying and feeling safe in school and we came up with some good ideas including the NAG rule! This means every survey must have: • Name • Age • Gender

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We had a Christmas party lunch with the Young Evaluators and then at the end of the training we all worked together as a team to beat the challenge of the high ropes. It was really scary at first because it was so high but we supported each other and we all made it! We got certificates for taking part and a voucher and we all voted for the person who had made the most positive contribution and Hope won. We were going to start using our skills after Christmas when Mr Ratcliffe and Mrs Funge would give us our task for the survey to do in school.

What we did next!

The head teachers wanted to find out how bad behaviour affected pupil learning and enjoyment at school. They wanted to know what they should do about it. Mrs Funge gave us a task sheet about what she wanted to know so we could come up with questions to ask other pupils. This is called the brief. We needed the brief to come up with the right survey questions that we would use to interview people on the playground. We started going to an after school club to train a little bit more and design the survey. We did a list demanding the things from the head teachers. • • • •

An assembly to introduce us Bibs so that they know who we are We asked for badges as well A voucher for a free prize draw Bad behaviour peer research project, Page 4

During the school holidays we met up and trained how we were to ask the questions. We decided to do 2 surveys one about bad behaviour at lunch and break and one in class. These are some of the things that the teachers wanted to know. We tested out our skills so we could practice our styles and get more confident. After the school holidays then we went out to interview people. One survey only took five minutes and we needed to get lots of information out of them because we can understand better what they have to say. We interviewed at lunch time for 5 days because we needed to do about 100 interviews to make sure that we had enough answers. We did 92 interviews in the end. After the interviews had ended we needed to look at all the results. Because this was a very big survey we needed help from the Young Evaluators who helped train us.

By Rosie

By Rachel

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What our brief looked like !

Junior Evaluators Task You have been asked to find out from the other children in the school what their feelings, thoughts and experiences are on BEHAVIOUR. The aim To provide information that will help the school make changes if they are needed that will make sure that all students learning is not being disrupted by bad behaviour during lessons and in the playground. It would be best if the information can be broken down into classes as well as information for the whole school so that we know exactly which classes are being affected by bad behaviour. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What lessons are disrupted by bad behaviour What classes are affected What is done about bad behaviour in class What is done about bad behaviour at break What is done about bad behaviour at lunch time Who are the worst culprits in school girls or boys


Extra questions you might want to think about asking to give the school as much information as possible, so that your consultation is really good! These are just some ideas. 1. If they have ever been the person disrupting the class before and if so why do they do it? 2. How they feel or react when they see someone is being disruptive in class 3. What do they think could be done Collecting information Your group have decided that the best way you are going to find out this information will be to interview pupils in school during lunch break over the course of a week, using a survey.

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What our survey looked like Bad Behaviour IN CLASS Survey Oakfield School


Hello my name is______ and I am doing a survey for the school about bad behaviour in school and how it affects you.


We wont share anything you tell us with any other students in the school and the results will help work out what needs to change to make things better. Every student that takes part will be entered into a free prize draw for a £5 gift voucher. Would you like to take part?

1. What is your FULL name?__________________________________ 2. How old are you?_______________________________________ 3. What class are you in?___________________________________ 4. Are you a boy

or a girl

5. Have you ever experienced bad behaviour in class?



6. If yes how does it affect you and your learning? 7. What lessons are disrupted by bad behaviour – please explain 8. What type of bad behaviour – tell us about as many as you like a. Swearing b. Arguing c. Fighting d. Name calling e. Shouting out/shouting at the teacher f. Talking through lessons g. Messing around h. Making too much noise i. Other – please explain 9.

What is done about bad behaviour in class? • Who by? • What is done? • Does this work, if not why not?

10.In your class who causes the most problems?




11.What changes could be made to improve bad behaviour in class? 12.Have you ever behaved badly in class and if so why do you do it?

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Not sure

What we found out - class We looked at what people had told us and put all the information together and here is what we found out. We did 92 interviews and there were 62 on bad behaviour in class and 32 about lunch and break. Nearly 40% were boys and over 60% were girls. We asked mostly Year 5 and 6 pupils but did interview some year 2, 3 and 4 pupils too but not nearly as many. Everyone told us that Maths and literacy were the lessons where most of the bad behaviour happened and Year 4’s also said that Topic Time was another lesson. Bad behaviour in class Year 6 In 6A all pupils said that they had experienced bad behaviour in class and it was annoying and distracting and wasted lesson time so didn’t get anything done. Everybody we asked in 6B said that they had bad behaviour going on in class and they thought it was annoying and it distracted them from learning and put them off. When we asked 6C pupils nearly 70% said that the bad behaviour went on in the class and it distracted the teacher and wasted time in class. Bad behaviour in class Year 5 All of the 5A class said that lots of bad behaviour went on in class and they couldn’t always hear what was going on and this winds them up In 5B nearly 3/4 said that they had children being bad in class and said this meant they couldn’t concentrate or understand what they were learning and couldn’t listen properly. Bad behaviour in class Year 4 In Year 4 nearly all the children from 4A said that there was bad behaviour in class that affects reading and concentration Over half of 4B said that the bad behaviour in class distracted them from learning and they didnt like it because this would mean they would get bad marks Bad behaviour in class Year 3 In Year 3 nearly 3/4 said the bad behaviour in class was distracting and some they couldn’t ignore it and it made them want to join in Bad behaviour in class Year 2 In 2A half of them said that there was lots of noise in class and it was a problem as this meant that they couldn’t hear the teacher or listen properly. In 2B all of them said that they couldn’t listen to what was being said as there was a lot of talking in class

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Types of behaviour Here are the top types of behaviour going on across the school in class. • messing around is the biggest type of problem • talking in class and lots of noise • name calling and shouting. Types of punishment Here are the most common punishments given out for bad behaviour in class. • being shouted at by teachers or getting told off • being sent out of class. • losing some or all of their break times • being sent to head teachers Does it work? We asked if pupils felt this worked and here is what they told us. • not effective or only worked sometimes, • not the same for everyone for the same behaviour across the school • punishments not being followed through • punishments don’t work in the long run Who are the culprits? We asked everyone who they thought who the main culprits of bad behaviour was and we were told that it was nearly always boys What will make it better? Year 6 • punishments should be harder and the same for everyone so that it is taken seriously. • Give pupils extra work, warn them what is going to happen then tell parents • Make teachers stricter • Give more detentions, and lose privileges as well as break. Year 5 • punishments the same for everyone • follow through punishments • rules for what isn’t ok • one idea said big posters around the school about what was ok and what would happen to you if you didn’t go by the rules • letters to parents • bigger punishments for those who take no notice Year 4 and 3 • stricter rules and punishment with clearer rules • tell us exactly what will happen if we are bad • punishments followed through. • same rules and punishments for everyone • bigger punishments for people who don’t stop being bad in class. • children should lose the privileges like being allowed to use play equipment [Year 3] Overall everyone said • Bad behaviour is dealt with in the same way for everyone • Clear rules about what we can expect to happen if we behave badly in class • Stricter punishments that are followed through

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What people said •It makes me want to join them and be naughty too. It distracts me so I don’t learn anything. CM Year 3 •It stops me from learning as I can't hear the teacher……LAS Year 2 •The class should be made quiet so everyone can learn. They should have to stay in and do work. CM Year 3 •Talking doesn’t allow you to concentrate. ST Year 3 •It stops you from concentrating and puts you off reading. LEE Year 4 •I can't hear properly and it makes you get bad marks sometimes. MCYear 4 •It is distracting and it stops you from listening and you can't focus. CMS Year 5 •It distracts me so I can't listen or understand. ZU Year 5 •I can’t listen to the teacher when people are shouting out. AEYear 5 •It annoys me and I can’t listen. MJB Year 5 •If a lesson is not someones favourite thing, they think it doesn’t matter if teachers take it off them. HJP Year 5 •People should be quiet. They should be put on time out. People should places their heads on desks. ZU Year 5 • There should be rules of things you should not do, on posters. There should be more lunchtime supervisors. MA Year 5 • It is annoying and distracting, the teacher stops the lesson to tell them off and it just wastes time. AC Year 6 • It is annoying and I can't get on with work because of the shouting and shaking the table CR Year 6 • Makes me feel upset and can't concentrate SA Year 6 • There should be seating plans, less arguing, warnings - parents told, warnings - never happens so they just don't care. KAB Year 6

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What we found out - lunch & break Bad behaviour at lunch and break Types of behaviour Year 5 and 6 told us that arguing amongst pupils was the worst type of bad behaviour that went on at lunch and break. Nearly all of the people from Year 6 and 5 said that hitting and fighting was a real problem and swearing was another. What is done about it at break? Everyone told us that the usual punishment at break times was either getting told off or being held back/told to stand out from play. Over half the pupils from Year 6 said that pupils just get told off and then nothing else happens. Nearly half of Year 5 said that pupils are told to stand out or are held back from being able to play and some just get told off so its all different. Does it work? The people from Year 5 and 6 said they didn’t think that any of the punishment that happened at lunch and break really made any difference. They said that it just helped at the time but didn’t make any difference maybe the next break or lunch time and people would just go and do it again the next time. Where does it happen? They said that bad behaviour happened mostly at lunch and was worst in the canteen and as well as in the corridor and only a few said that it happened in the classroom at lunch too. What is done about it at lunch? They said that no real punishment happens when someone is naughty in the canteen and people just get told off and nothing else happens Does it work? Year 5 and 6 said that this doesnt work and because of what happens during lunch this can spoil their enjoying school overall, not just at break and lunch. How does bad behaviour affect you? All Year 6 pupils said that bad behaviour at lunch and break really bothered them a lot but over half of Year 5 said that it didn’t really affect them Who are the culprits? We were told that boys were the worst culprits by both Year 5 and 6 pupils

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What will make it better? Year 6 pupils said that more playground teachers are needed and that one of these should be a proper class teacher and not a dinner lady. Year 5 and 6 both said that teachers should be stricter and follow through with harder punishments and teachers shouldn’t stand together at break times but stand in the canteen and corridors too. What everyone said • Parents should be told about bad behaviour even at break or lunch • More teachers supervising break and lunch times • Stricter punishments that are followed through • Rules should be clear and punishments that work and stop people doing it again and again

What people said • They're mean to you when come out from the canteen. ES Year 6 • I don't have any enjoyment [at break]. BR Year 6 • Stay away from the people you have problems with! EN Year 6 • It would be better to have teachers spread out instead of having them in one place. HP Year 6 • I have behaved badly before because people make me angry and I don’t know how to express myself. TR Year 6 • I don’t enjoy it as much because people mess about. SLP Year 5 • Teachers should tell their mums and dad so they get more told off. AL Year 5 • People need to learn how to play nicely. ZU Year 5 • They should bring the cane back! BJ Year 5 • There should be more serious punishments. NR Year 5

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What happens next? Mr Ratcliffe and Mrs Funge will use the information to make changes in the school that will help stop the bad behaviour that goes on in school. We will then need to do another survey in about 6 months time to see if what they have done has made a difference.

What did we learn? Before we started the training we had to do a learning outcomes survey and it asks what we know about being a Junior Evaluator. We had to do another one at the end of the project and this shows how much we have learnt. We were asked what we knew about consultation and getting peoples opinions and ideas. All of the group said that they knew much more about this than when they started. “I dont know everything because there is so much to learn but I know a lot more than I did!” Rachel We were asked what we knew about evaluation to find out if something works well or not. All of the group reported that they knew more now than they did at the start and two of us had improved by 100%! “Once you have grouped together all the information it is really interesting to find out the info” Rachel “I learnt a lot and it is really interesting to find out peoples opinions” Malak We were asked how confident we felt about making presentations in front of people. Most of us said we were not very confident at the start or were just a bit but now the project is over we all said that we thought even though we might be a bit nervous that we knew that we could do it so it didn’t worry us so much. “Well I am still a bit nervous but I know that I can do it, its not as bad as you think!” Maria


We were asked if we knew how to put together a report and most of us said that we felt like we knew what we had to do and how to do it. Two people said that they know a bit more but need more experience. “ I wrote loads of the report at the after school club we just had to go by the list of things that we needed to include and I just went down the list” Jacob “Writing the report and getting all the information together is hard, it is good that we had the Young Evaluators to help us” Hope

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We were asked how confident we are about working with others as part of a team. Two of us said that we felt quite confident even before the training and felt the same at the end of it but the rest of us all had more confidence now than we did we started. “ I love working as part of a team and wasn’t that sure about it before but am now! Two brains are better than one!” Rosie “I really enjoyed working together as a team and felt bad when I couldn’t come to the meetings but it gave me lots of confidence” Ellie We were asked how confident we felt about asking questions and interviewing other children at school. Almost all of us said that we felt very confident about it but it is different in real life when you have to do it. “ I enjoyed interviewing children especially the little ones as they were very honest” Rosie We were asked what three things we wanted to get from taking part and then asked at the end if we had had got out of it what we wanted to. “I wanted to get more confidence, improve my listening skills and learn to follow instructions. I did get lots of new skills and more confidence and I trusted Juli she was with us the whole time. I felt respected by Juli and by the children and now I know how to evaluate things. Even the training was made fun” Rosie “ I wanted to do lots of talking and learning and do some writing tasks. By the end of the project I am now confident to ask people questions and everything was great” Hope “ I wanted to know how to interview people and how to put a report together. I wanted to have fun too! I feel that I have learnt to be more confident towards people now. I have learnt how to evaluate information and put it into a report. We had an amazing teacher and all in all the whole thing has been amazing. We all enjoyed working together at Arethusa and my best bit was doing the “know, wonder, learn exercise” this helps you focus when you are learning” Malak “ Before I started I wanted to know how to work as a team with other people. Now it is all over it has been really fun because Juli has been with us the whole way through and I definitely don’t want her to leave because she has helped us all a lot. We got certificates too for being the Junior Evaluators - cool. Now I know how to do questionnaires and ask questions with people the same age as me - thats a peer researcher!” Rachel “ I wanted to learn how to design a report and do the layout and to do graphs and present my findings. I really wanted to get people to tell me how they really feel about the questions Im asking them. When we had finished I knew how to interview people and to make presentations and best of all how to get peoples views and opinions.”Maria

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What did we think of it? We were given a small survey of our own at the end of the project about what we had learn and what we thought it was like to be a Junior Evaluator. 1. What was the best bit and what did you enjoy most of all? • I liked making the report • I liked doing the work for school it felt good • I enjoyed the training and the interviewing best of all • I liked it because I felt that people respected me and listened to me, I wasn’t expecting that! • I enjoyed most of it and putting the training into practice and doing the interviews • I liked doing the rehearsals during the school holidays and doing the training at Arethusa with the Young Evaluators. It is good to do the training with them because they have had the same experiences as us and have been through it. They are good at explaining it. • I liked Juli coming to the school to do special work with us it made me feel special and we got to have extra time off to work on stuff 2. What was the worst bit and what did you like least of all? • Giving up my break times • It was hard for me to give up so many lunch times to do the survey but thats just me • That the Young Evaluators couldn’t be part of the after school club • The project coming to an end • I can live with the project ending it was too much work for me but not with Juli going 3. What would make the project better? • If there was more of it in an after school club • I think that the training could be longer as I think we could get even more skills and more time doing the confidence building • It is as good as it can get but the surveys need to be shorter so you don’t have to give up so many lunch times! • Longer sessions and do it in school time if we are doing something for the school we shouldn’t have to give up so much of our free time to do it some of that should come out of school time too • Do some more questionnaires 4. Would you do it again and would you recommend it to others to join? • I would do it again and we have to join together because it makes everything work faster • I would do it gain and I want to carry on working with the school • Yes I would do it again and have been telling everyone to join up • I would recommend it to my friends but think that would like to do it the same • Yes and I would tell them that they get a chance to ask questions to have a go !

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We would like to say We would like to say thank you to all the people that let us interview them because we they helped us with our research to help the school and get rid of bad behaviour in class, break and lunch. Also thank you to the teachers for letting us use the staff room to meet up at lunch and for letting us leave class a bit early so we can do our work. We want to say thank you to Juli for helping us with the training and the Young Evaluators and Niall too because they made it fun and it was a good experience.

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