D U TC H M E D I AT I O N A design for the Dutch embassy in Norway Graduation project TU/e Grade: 8 In this graduation studio the design of a Dutch embassy in Norway is the key subject. Issues like diplomacy, identity and sustainability play an important part in this research. To extend the mediating function that the ambassador, and therefore the embassy has, the design of a new embassy can help by mediating also on other scale levels, to earn its rightful place in the city and to become an integral part of the everyday citylife. That is why the main question of this research was: How can a Dutch embassy in Oslo serve as a mediating element on different levels?
Plan first floor
Conceptual scheme
Plan ground floor
Section AA’
Section BB’
Elevation CC’
Elevation DD’
H E A LT H Y AG E I N G Master project TU/e Grade: 8 The social network in the neighbourhood is becoming more important as a support and care network. To prevent isolation people have to be encouraged to interact. Our role as an architect in this issue is to design a living environment for the elderly where the threshold to interaction with neighbours is as low as possible and people are stimulated to social activities. Plan ground floor
By creating an age-friendly environment everybody can take place in the society, and with adaptable houses people can stay in their home till the end is near. We don’t have to create ‘elderly homes’ but age friendly homes, so people can all live together in an heterogeneous society. This heterogeneous group at the same time stimulates social activity and can provide different kinds of mutual support.
Plan first floor
Conceptual scheme
Plan second floor
Section through buildingblock
U N I N S T A L L I N G Master project TU/e Grade: 8 Nowadays installations are taken for granted by the realisation of a building. In my first master project, Uninstalling, we explore the intrinsic functions of a building and the alternative ways these can be achieved. This projects aims on the challenge to translate technical requirements into spatial solutions, in such a way that through its careful configuration, mass, form, orientation, the building itself is able to replace as much wasteful installations as possible.
Flexible space concept
BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE Minor project TU Delft Grade: 9 A new design for the British Film Institute located in London under waterloo bridge. At its current location the BFI is located right in the cultural cluster on the South Bank in London, where the National Theatre, the Hayward Gallery, the Royal Festival Hall and Queen Elizabeth Hall are situated. Within this task, the building has been redesigned on its existing site, where only the bridge with its construction and the surroundings have remained as conditions for the building envelope.
Plan first floor