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Jess is 19 and studying to teach primary age children. She’s taking a break from fencing – she was in the GB team until recently – to conquer her own foe – her eating disorder.

"I was training hard, so I was very muscly. Around 16 I wanted to be prettier and thinner, but it was only when I began to exercise and eat less that I’d get a high from tracking my food intake. I thought I was happy but looking back I was anxious and defensive. I didn’t want to be around anyone.

“During COVID I’d spend all day exercising and all night running around my room – I’d stay up all night. My parents didn’t believe me, they were confused.”

When the exercise highs stopped Jess turned to a cycle of binge eating, vomiting, and purging. Eventually, weighing just 37kg and unable to climb stairs, she was hospitalised.

It was the turning point in her eating disorder, but Jess began self harming and tried to take her life. “It was as if I’d let go of the eating side but needed another way of damaging myself.”

I’d spend all day exercising and all night running around my room.

With the help of her parents and hospital staff in Cheshire, she’s finished sixth form, left home, and is studying to become a primary school teacher.

Her biggest achievement? She works in a café and feels comfortable around food, taking time out for lunch with her mum or friends. She finally feels in control. “I still have those thoughts – but now my body and brain are capable of arguing against them.”


Mersey Care’s specialist children’s eating disorder service is based at Knowsley Resource and Recovery Centre on Whiston Hospital site. The service treats and supports children and young people aged 8 to 18 years old living in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens, and Warrington boroughs with symptoms of an eating disorder and supports their families and carers.

If you are experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder, please don’t delay and make an appointment to see your GP, or use the self referral form which you can find at merseycare.nhs.uk

Read our eating disorder self help guide.


You can self refer through the Mersey Care website: www.merseycare.nhs.uk/childrens-eating-disorder-service

You can call the team Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0151 430 1321.

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