3 minute read

Litter warrior

If you want to meet new people and help save the planet – join the litter pickers. We talk to a man whose passion for sustainability has brought some unexpected surprises.

Zoran Blackie picked up an empty crisp packet during a litter picking expedition –and was shocked.

“It was 20 years old,” he sighs. “It had been under a hedge for all that time, yet it hadn’t broken down.”

It’s a relic alright – but it’s not good news for the planet. The Wildlife Trusts says plastic poses the biggest threat to wildlife. Litter picking creates a better space for them and us.

Zoran (above left) started picking up litter during the COVID pandemic.

“I noticed the increase on my own street. I care about my community and I wanted to do something proactive so I joined the Litter Clear Volunteers.”

Every Wednesday, come rain or shine he joins group members for a litter picking session and is also involved in other local community events.

“There are people from all walks of life. I’ve litter picked with a city councillor and a young family – we come together for a common cause.”

Zoran is looking for more ways the group can reuse and turn litter into something useful.

“We already sell cannisters for scrap to help fund the group. There’s a gentleman who turns plastic bottle tops into coasters and another who recycles and repurposes batteries from vapes.”

Are we just shifting the blame and responsibility? Zoran is clear. “Litter picking isn’t about blame – it’s taking pride in your community by showing respect. We can all do our bit by picking up litter we spot and putting it in the bin.”

Get involved in a litter picking group near you by contacting your local authority. For Liverpool, visit www.keepliverpooltidy.com

The Keep Britain Tidy website also has more information.

Zoran Blackie is a Mersey Care Green Champion. Staff are encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas and questions. For more visit sustainability at Mersey Care.

Keep Britain Tidy

In 1954 the National Federation of Women’s Institutes passed a resolution to “Keep Britain Tidy.” The rest, as they say, is history.

Uncle Bulgaria and his Womble friends were probably the most famous litter pickers of all.

Blue and Green Flags now celebrate the country’s best beaches and green spaces. Flags now proudly fly over 68 beaches and almost 1,800 parks.

Find out more at keepbritaintidy.org

Photos: keepbritaintidy.org

Top Tips for Picking Litter

• Be prepared: carry gardening gloves or a litter picker if you have one and a bag to dispose of anything you pick up

• If you're not sure what it is, don't pick it up

• Take extra care when picking up anything sharp

• Report dangerous or dumped electrical items or paint to the local council or landowner

• If you come across a fly tipping site or a dead animal, report it to your local authority

• Wash your hands properly after picking litter.

Source: Home | The Wildlife Trusts

Love Food Hate Waste website offers ideas and recipes so you use every morsel of food that you buy or grow: lovefoodhatewaste.com


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