Hello! My name is Karla Barla,
so I fell asleep under the
and I come from a very fine
Christmas tree, waiting for the
family of french bulldogs and
Christmas to end. It never did.
imbeciles, also called humans. I
I drank so much water that I
prefer fine food such as turkey
couldn’t walk and I had to pee
and french cheese, but the
all the time. My family ate and
imbeciles keep feeding me dog-‐
ate and refused to give me
food. Not satisfied!
anything of there delicious
Any way, this Christmas I were
food, so I starved too. Everyone
to celebrate the holiday with
got fat except me!
my family. I drank and drank to
And now I will show you some
forget the overly happy people,
pictures of drunken people,
called my owners, who kept
who were just as drunk as I
pinching my cheeks and lifting
me around, forcing me to dance like a human. I was humiliated,