GENEROSITY December 1 2016
#08GENEROSITY Christmas is here and is all about giving, so I felt it was timely I write about this topic - the topic of generosity. If you are anything like me, gifts are on the mind RIGHT NOW and you are thinking what to give to who this year, way in advance. But, why should we be waiting until Christmas to practice some generosity and to be generous? It takes so little and it is so easy to be generous, it should be a daily practice in all of us, right? I’m a true believer in giving – generosity is in my blood. My parents were extremely generous, even though they had very little, they would have given the shirts off their backs for anyone less fortunate, or for anyone that came into their lives for that matter. Being generous makes me feel good, inside and out. There is nothing that gives me more pleasure than to watch someone enjoy my generosity or being part of and witnessing someone else giving in some way. I don’t believe you become wealthy in life and then you decide to be generous. I just believe that some people give and some people just don’t – there are plenty of people with little money but are the most generous people I know. When I think of someone who is generous, I think nice things about that person. Don’t you just love generous people, what a wonderful trait to have! While, on the other hand, there are others with loads of money who don’t give (well not for no reason). I know of many who are rich and are unbelievably tight with money, usually these types only give when they are in the presence of others to look good or give for something in return… I am sure you can think of a few as well!
ANYWAY… LET’S FOCUS ON SHARING THE LOVE! SO HERE’S A FEW GOOD REASONS WHY WE SHOULD BE GENEROUS AND WHAT IMPACT THIS CAN HAVE ON OUR LIVES… • Being generous makes you feel great and it’s one of life’s simple pleasures to enjoy the reactions from the people you are generous to. • Being generous makes you happier and generates happiness. (Read: The Happy Plan) • Being generous opens doors that you never imagined to be open. • Being generous connects you with people and improves your relationships. • Generous people find success as they help others succeed. • Generous people believe changing even one life is worthwhile. • Generous people see the skills and resources to give, not just money. • Generous people trust in people. • Generous people give first - they don’t wait for others to be generous to them first and then decide to give.
Generous people ultimately end up winning in life as they give more than take and don’t expect anything in return, nor any acknowledgement. I believe generosity is something we are, it comes back to the way we think about ourselves and our surroundings. There are so many other things you can be generous with – like moral support, your time, your energy, your kindness, your thoughtfulness, your knowledge, your experience, your encouragement or just providing an opportunity. Don’t ever let someone else’s behaviour change who you want to be. I personally want to be generous no matter what other people’s views or opinions are. So, because being generous is not just about having money there is absolutely no reason not to be generous. Make it part of you and feel good about yourself and in the end, you’ll see and learn that what goes around does indeed come around. Merry Christmas x