Nine uplifting truths while you’re at your most vulnerable | Julie Furlong Notes

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July 17, 2020

NINEUPLIFTINGTRUTHSWHILEYOU’REATYOURMOSTVULNERABLE Nine uplifting truths while you’re at your most vulnerable by Julie Furlong “VULNERABILITY IS NOT WINNING OR LOSING; IT’S HAVING THE COURAGE TO SHOW UP AND BE SEEN WHEN WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE OUTCOME. VULNERABILITY IS NOT WEAKNESS; IT’S OUR GREATEST MEASURE OF COURAGE.” – BRENÉ BROWN COVID–19 has made us vulnerable in so many ways. It’s been a bit of a challenge (to say he least), as we stick our necks out and find the courage to do or try the unfamiliar… something new, and probably something very uncomfortable – that we have never attempted in the past. Like most, I feared the unknown, but in doing so, was forced to look for & open up to new possibilities, relationships and opportunities yet to come. Understanding that direction was more important than speed, with plenty of stumbling blocks along the way, it has been a time that has pushed me to face my fears head on, and find new pathways. In doing so, it has refreshingly made me realise – this is just the beginning and I’m just getting started, as I have many more people to connect with and so much more to learn and to do (just when I was thinking I would probably fade into the background). Trying new things truly makes you feel that way - bringing out the pure courage, vulnerability and honesty within you. COVID–19 has inspired me to create a whole new life, a path that includes striving for new personal growth. Even though, it’s been a time where I have felt most vulnerable, it has made me accept the unknowns and taught me not to worry or think too far into the future (Read: What’s your worry). It’s also been a time to trim the fat and end unhealthy relationships, once and for all. Being vulnerable and trying new things has forced me to gain the new experiences and new knowledge required to reach out and reignite passions and opportunities that I never thought would be possible – making circumstances even better. However, having no option but to start over again within the chaos is different to starting over again by choice. It’s about deciding if you are going to be a survivor and then being brave enough to learn new things, acquire the skills and take on the unknown. In doing so and by starting to set some goals for ourselves, we are at our most vulnerable, opening up to new possibilities. The trick is to understand not all situations are going to go your way, but within accepting yourself and the

July 17, 2020

rejections, a few opportunities will shine through and you will embrace the ones that do. It’s a tough lesson and comes at a cost. The cost of feeling insecure and of course, those awkward moments we wish we could forget. But if you can accept this and live by a few simple truths, your vulnerability will one day have its pay day. Some tips along the way, while you are at your most vulnerable: • Embrace your mistakes - you will make them • Connect with your entire self… you are worthy! • Stop trying to prove your value • You can’t be everything to everyone • Walk away from those who treat you like shit • Showing up is not sufficient enough anymore, make an impact and leave a mark • Do your most incredible work without anyone’s approval • Keep on trying, keep doing • Give yourself permission to screw up (and it’s okay when you do) Nevertheless, getting from here to there is never easy. During the tough times, like now, when things are not perfectly clear and you have no clue what the future holds, it’s ok… know and trust that if you open yourself up to being vulnerable and explore the unknown, ready to embrace opportunity, the surprises will come and the connection will happen. You have to trust in your intuition, which takes a bit of courage, but in a world that moves and changes so fast at the moment, continuous learning is the only answer and continuous learning means being vulnerable enough to put yourself into those situations to start doing something different. Whatever path you choose, finding freedom from the fear of vulnerability is a life-changing experience. COVID–19 and life’s disappointments along the way, provides an opportunity to learn and discover more within, to thrive and do better than you have ever done before. It is the vulnerability in us that will make our lives extraordinary. As what comes to you may be better than what you ever had before.

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