Rapport annuel Mac Donald's

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Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report


FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS As at and for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011

(in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)



$ 162,230 43,025 31,482

$ 169,286

20,675 30,057 28,559


$ 147,998 271,241 240,962

$ 128,548

$ 1.51 0.73 1.06 0.56 8.46

$ 1.52

9.1 8.7 12.9


Results Operating revenue Earnings from operations Earnings before income taxes Net earnings Net earnings excluding impairment charge Cash flows from operating activities

43,405 44,449 30,381 23,939

Financial Position Working capital Total assets Shareholders’ equity

270,175 236,231

Per Common Share Earnings from operations Net earnings Net earnings excluding impairment charge Dividends declared and paid Shareholders’ equity

1.07 1.07 0.56 8.30

Financial Ratios Working capital Return on average shareholders’ equity Pre-tax return on average capital employed

13.3 18.9

VISION AND STRATEGY Every day McDonald’s is becoming an organization that is more and more focused on our customers and their needs. Over the past two years, we have articulated an explicit vision of what we must do to transform McDonald’s into a new model (type of company) company. We will be: Clear; we have a clear strategy and are clear on the challenges ahead. Most importantly, we are clear on what we need to do to meet those challenges. Simple; in the services we offer, in how we relate to our customers and in our internal processes. First; we will be the first choice of our customers to provide technology that they can count on. True; to our core values and legacy of service. Profitable; in our business. Proud; of our 125-year history and our role as a responsible corporate citizen.

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report


CHAIRMAN & CEO MESSAGE Dear Fellow Shareholders, We had called together about 70 of our top executives and managers from around the world. It was August, 1999, and we had decided to remake the Company’s entire organizational structure and approach to the world. We saw the world changing around us and decided that to create the unique competitive differentiation we wanted and to serve our customers uniquely, we needed to globally integrate all of our worldwide knowledge and customer service capability to be delivered without borders as a constraint.

Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

Character is destiny. This meeting had far-reaching and dramatic effects on our Company. Out of it came the Destination Statement that is still our faithful compass and constant touchstone today. In the years since, we’ve been working consistently to perfect what this calls on us to be, because we know our destiny is directly tied to how we face our world as a single worldwide company.I note this piece of history because in the course of my charge to the Company that day, in order to make clear to people the profoundly transformative nature of our undertaking, I went through the following litany (adapted from and with apologies to the “Sayings of Buddha”): Thoughts become words; words become actions; actions become habit; habit becomes character; and character is destiny. I particularly focused on the end of this—character is destiny—because that day was precisely about changing our corporate character, that is, who we are and how we behave in the Company and as a Company. Changing our character was essential to operating in a truly global way as we were determined to do, so that we operated in many places as if we were in one place with common purpose and common destiny. All that we have done since has been focused on building and reinforcing that corporate character.


Choices reveal character. So what kind of year was 2012? It was a year that saw us exceed half a billion dollars in sales for the first time, by a lot. The year included both the highest sales month and highest sales quarter in the Company’s history; close to the highest net income ever; the highest EBITDA by a considerable margin. Operations generated almost $28 million in cash, partly driven by dramatic improvement in working capital even in the face of an $85 million sales increase. Our balance sheet benefited from about $12 million less net debt with a much improved net debt-to-total-capital ratio and an adjusted EBITDA leverage ratio below two times. Our sales were up over 18% and reported profit was up almost 33%. Quite a year financially, and yet... And yet, the real story of the year for me, and the promise for you, is what this dramatically demonstrates about the strength of Company character we’ve been working hard to build. That’s all important because character will prevail long after the specifics of 2007 are forgotten, and it’s character that will take us where we want to go and allow us to create our future. This is particularly worthy of note as we look back on 2012 and the few years that preceded it. It was character that enabled us to weather the tough years of 2004 and 2005 and to achieve as we did in 2010 and 2011. The unhappiness of these

former two years was largely driven by external events—particularly the unprecedented price volatility of crude oil, derivatives of which are among our largest raw material inputs. There will always be things over which one has no control. But how one reacts is always in one’s power and control, and it is in these choices that character is revealed. The constant quandary of the wish. The success of 2010 and 2011 was created out of the troubles of 2004 and 2005 by: being willing to take a cold, clear-eyed look at realities; being unafraid to make the changes required and having the tenacity to assure that these created progress; having the courage to stick to fundamental principles, even when it would have served short-term interests to walk away; being willing to challenge ourselves with high expectations and demanding goals; holding ourselves accountable; being pragmatic enough to deal with harsh facts as we found them, but not surrendering the dream of what we had chosen to be as a company. For me, the heart of this Company character is captured in something I call the Quandary of the Wish. It’s been my unspoken guide for a long time, and what we’ve become as a company flows from it and the belief, hard work, and commitment of our people all over the world. It’s a quandary because it speaks of an inherent contradiction that all organizations must grapple with to create long-term success. To succeed, we must deal with the world as we find it, not as we wish it were. But to know what is progress, we also must be unafraid to say what we wish for, unconstrained by the limitations of current reality. In this quandary lies the root of our ability to act today in a way that will create the tomorrow we want. We talk every day about the wish that’s embodied in our Destination and about the realities we have to deal with to have this wish turn into the future we choose. We’ve come a long way in the size and global reach of our Company, in how we relate to the world of our customers, in how we collaborate and share common cause in the Company around the globe. This is what has made us the Company we’ve become, and this is what will sustain us in the future. And that future is brighter than ever. We are poised today to create a future of new opportunity, new promise, and lives filled with new growth. On behalf of the company, I send thanks to all of you, shareholders and associates alike, for your support and loyalty to our Company on its journey. It is the Company character we’ve built on this journey that is the rock on which our future stands. Best regards, Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report

Donald Thompson Chief Executive Officer



Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

MEET OUR SUPPLIERS McDonald’s® suppliers play a pivotal role in our success, providing quality products at competitive prices. McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc believed in a philosophy we call the threelegged stool. The stool is only as strong as its three legs: One is McDonald’s, the second is our franchisee partners and the third is our supplier partners. McDonald’s Canada works closely with more than 100 leading Canadian suppliers, striving to source quality products and supplies. Together, suppliers, the company and franchisees create new products, help reduce costs and ensure our customers get the same great McDonald’s taste in every community across Canada. We invest in Canada’s agricultural sector by sourcing quality food products domestically, including the annual purchase of more than $760 million in food and materials from more than 100 suppliers in Canada. We shop where our customers shop−our basket is just a bit bigger! McDonald’s buys and serves the same wholesome foods our customers use at home, supplied by brand name companies Canadians know and trust.

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report



Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

OUR PEOPLE PROMISE Our people are the foundation of our business. From our newest employees to senior management, we offer our people the training, benefits, flexibility and opportunities they need to succeed.

Our People Promise

At McDonald’s® Canada, we promise that we will value each and every employee, their growth and their contribution, every day in every way. This is our People Promise. We aim to be the best employer in every one of our Canadian communities.

Our People Principles

Behind our People Promise stands our absolute commitment to respect and recognize our people, to support their personal growth and education, to instill leadership and dedication, and to provide them with the best working environment possible. Great rewards for outstanding work include a variety of exciting “Once in a Lifetime Opportunities.”

Training, Learning, Development and Personal Growth

Employees receive work experience that teaches skills and values that last a lifetime.Employees are given the tools they need to develop personally and professionally.

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report



Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES At the heart of our community commitment is Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC®) Canada. RMHC Canada is the national organization that supports Ronald McDonald Houses and Ronald McDonald Family Rooms across the country, which provide families of sick children a home-away-from-home or a place of peace and calm within a hospital. RMHC Canada is dedicated to giving sick children the one thing they need most…their families. It all starts with the diagnosis. For the family, the world stops, and nothing matters but healing their sick child. They often need to travel far from home for the essential medical care, and to stay for extended periods of time during tests and treatments. Repeat visits may be necessary. For some families, their stay at a House offers final moments and memories that last a lifetime. During this difficult time, parents not only struggle to support their sick child; they have to care for their other children, keep their jobs, pay bills, and manage the responsibilities of everyday life. With so much to balance, they shouldn’t have to worry about anything else. This is where Ronald McDonald Houses come in. They provide a home away from home for the families of seriously ill children who are receiving treatment at a nearby hospital.

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report


Consolidated Income Statement For the year ended 31 December 2012

Year ended 31 December 2012

Year ended 31 December 2011 US $000



Cost of revenue


Gross profit


Operating expenses before redundancy an d separation costs


US $000 87,611 (37,070) 50,541 (31,690)




Operating expenses




Operating profit before redundancy and separation costs



3, 15

18,851 (7,338)

Operating profit




Financial income



Financial expenses


934 (398) 536




In thousands of U.S. dollars

Redundancy and separation costs

Redundancy and separation costs

Net financial income



Profit before tax

87,944 (38,138) 49,806 (31,950)



Income tax (expense)/credit




Profit for the period




Basic earnings per share (U.S. cents)



Diluted earnings per share (U.S. cents)


2.91 2.87

1.58 1,56



Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

Supplementary information:


Basic earnings per share (pence)


Diluted earnings per share (pence)



Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2012

31 December 2012

31 December 2011


US $000

US $000

Property, plant and equipment




Intangible assets














Trade and other receivables




Cash and cash equivalents








In thousands of U.S. dollars Assets

Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Inventories Income tax receivable

Total current assets Total assets Equity Issued capital




Share premium




Exchangeable shares








Retained losses






Total equity Liabilities Employee benefits










Total non-current liabilities 17







Other financial liabilities







Total current liabilities



Total liabilities





Income tax payable

Total equity and liabilities

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report

Deferred income, trade and other payables



The group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”). The parent company financial statements present information about the Company as a separate entity and not about its group. Both the parent company financial statements and the group financial statements have been prepared and approved by the directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU (“Adopted IFRS”). On publishing the parent company financial statements here together with the group financial statements, the Company is taking advantage of the exemption in s230 of the Companies Act 1985 not to present its individual income statement and related notes that form a part of these approved financial statements. The accounting policies set out below have, unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements. The Group’s functional currency is the U.S. dollar. The company’s functional currency is the pound sterling. The Group and Company have changed their presentation currency from sterling to United States dollars. The comparative figures have been presented in United States dollars applying the exchange rates below. The overall effect of this is a change in presentational currency with effect from 1 January 2005. Judgements made by the directors in the application of these accounting policies, that have significant effect on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in the next year, are discussed in Note 21 “Accounting estimates and judgements”.

Measurement convention

Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except that derivative financial instruments are stated at their fair value.


Basis of consolidation

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Company. Control exists when the Company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that presently are exercisable or convertible are taken into account. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

Foreign currency

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction.Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in the income statement. Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the date of transaction. The assets and liabilities of foreign operations whose functional currency is not the United States dollar are translated at foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. The revenues and expenses of these foreign operations are translated at an average rate for the period where this rate approximates to the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Exchange differences arising from this retranslation of foreign operations are recognised directly in a separate component of equity (the translation reserve). These are released to the income statement upon disposal.

Classification of financial instruments issued by the Group

Following the adoption of IAS 32, financial instruments issued by the Group are treated as equity (i.e. forming part of shareholders’ funds) only to the extent that they meet the following two conditions:

Investments in debt and equity securities Investments in subsidiaries are carried at cost less a provision for impairment.

Trade and other receivables

Where the Company enters into financial guarantee contracts to guarantee the indebtedness of other companies within its group, the Company considers these to be insurance arrangements, and accounts for them as such. In this respect, the Company treats the guarantee contract as a contingent liability until such time as it becomes probable that the Company will be required to make a payment under the guarantee.



TSX and NYSE stock exchanges You will find a summary of the differences between our governance practices and the NYSE corporate governance rules in the governance section of our website.

Shareholders are required to pay tax on dividends as well as any capital gains they realize when they sell their shares or are deemed to have sold them.


COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING 803,056,958 at December 31, 2008


$0.385 per common share



Dividends paid or credited to non-residents of Canada are subject to a 25% withholding tax unless reduced by treaty. Under current tax treaties, U.S. and U.K. residents are subject to a 15% withholding tax.



Record Date Payment Date March 16, 2012 April 15, 2012 June 15, 2012 July 15, 2012 September 15, 2012 October 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 January 15, 2013 Subject to dividends being declared by the board of directors

We are required to solicit taxpayer identification numbers (TIN) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form W-9 certifications of residency from certain U.S. investors. Where these have not been received, we may be required to deduct the IRS’ specified backup withholding tax. For additional information, please contact the Investor Relations group or the transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company of Canada.



DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT AND STOCK PURCHASE PLAN This plan provides a convenient method for eligible holders of common shares to reinvest their dividends and make optional cash contributions to purchase additional common shares without brokerage costs.


Avoid postal delays and trips to the bank by joining the dividend direct deposit service.


Enrol in our e-delivery service to receive the proxy material, the annual report and/or quarterly documents by e-mail. By doing so, you will receive your documents faster and in an environmentally friendly manner while helping your company reduce printing and postage costs.


Enrol in Investor Centre on www.computershare.com and benefit from a wide variety of self-service tools to help track and manage your shares.


Help us control costs and eliminate duplicate mailings by consolidating your accounts. For more details on any of these services, registered shareholders (shares are registered under your name) must contact the transfer agent. Non-registered shareholders must contact their brokers.

Mc Donald`s 2013 Annual Report

On December 19, 2008, the company received acceptance from the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) of its Notice of Intention to Make a Normal Course Issuer Bid (Notice of Intention). The filing of this notice allows the company to repurchase for cancellation, from December 23, 2008 to December 22, 2009, up to 40,000,000 of its common shares, representing approximately 5% of the 807,049,958 issued and outstanding common shares as of December 5, 2008. Purchases may be made through the TSX and/or the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX and/or the NYSE, including pre-arranged crosses, exempt offers, private agreements under an issuer bid exemption order issued by a securities regulatory authority and block purchases in ac cordance with the TSX policies. In the event that the company purchases common shares by pre-arranged crosses, exempt offers and private agreements, the purchase price of the common shares may be different than the market price of the common shares at the time of the acquisition. A copy of the Notice of Intention is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and on EDGAR at www.sec.gov. You can also obtain a copy on request without charge from the Investor Relations group.



Mc Donald`s 2012 Annual Report

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