7 minute read
Primary Research
Funny Snapchat Cringey Funny Entertaining Love it
Trendy Smart Don’t mind them Great Animal rights Vegetables Awful brand Cheap Ugly Not for me Tacky Fast fashion

Inspirational Brave Climate strike Environmentalist Leader Inspiring

Zoella David Dobrik Emma Chamberlain Mr. Beast David Dobrik Jenna Marbles
Scary Recycling Real Worrying Global warming Worrying
A group of 6 teens were gathered, 3 from the UK and 3 from the US. The word association interviews over were conducted the phone, this gave an opportunity to hear peoples instant reactions.
The results demonstrate young activist’s opinions on popular culture previously researched throughout the report. There are some differences between the two countries which hadn’t yet been noticeable. For example, the US seems to enjoy using Tik Tok more. The UK seems more culturally aware of veganism than US teens.
Some strong similarities between the countries are opinions on famously fast fashion brand Boohoo.com. All replies were negative, which demonstrates the unpopularity of fast fashion amongst the environmentally conscious. Additionally, Greta Thunberg all have a unison of positive answers. She is a role model in this community. An interesting answer to note is the YouTube results, all of the answers were youtubers, unlike tik tok which was just descriptive words. This highlights that the influencers are a huge part of the brand rather than just a social platform.


Looking at the research provided there are some very critical ideas that should be seriously taken into consideration when marketing to these segments.
Environmental factors
The temperature of the planet is proven to be rising. The goal for an environmentalist is to cut down/stop climate change, by reducing greenhouse gases. Other factors environmentalists are passionate about are animal welfare and reducing damage to our planet due to excess waste and deforestation.
The interviewees elaborated that cutting down the use of plastic is, in their opinion, is a critical method on being more eco-friendly. This should be taken into account and considered when targeting these segments. Reducing plastic can be easily done through packaging, tags, hangers. Looking at replacement materials would be recommended even at a higher price point, environmentalists are willing to pay.
Other ways to create eco-friendly clothing that will be beneficial is teaming up with charitable organizations such as wildlife protection/preservation, tree planting and cleaning the ocean, purchasing the garment would donate proceeds to these companies to help. Materials to take into consideration are vegan leather and sustainable cotton that avoids chemicals in its growing stages could be a useful material to develop.
Producing high quality products will benefit the environmentally conscious teenager, it was a recurring theme that quality is favored over quantity. Not having to throw clothes away is an effective way of reducing textile waste therefore clothes that withstand time and are durable are much more popular to this segment.
This is such a unique time in our lives that we have the ability to be more social than ever before. Gen Z are paving the way of social media and even showing the adults how to use it. YouTube, Instagram, and Tik Tok are the most commonly used by 13-19 year old’s. It would be beneficial to target the segments through channeling advertisements through these platforms.
A big part of these platforms are influencers. With a huge online presence, these celebrities are watched by millions. Some have already created monumental positive environmental influence by helping plant planting ten million trees through online donations, this is much more unheard in relation to fashion. An interviewee stated that they couldn’t name one celebrity who was associated with eco-friendly fashion, this is a clear gap within the market, teenagers need more environmentally conscious influencers. Youtubers are a huge part of teenagers lives in both countries, it could be beneficial to endorse/ sponsor some as an effective way of advertising.
A lot of young people are commonly influenced by their parents, usually imitating their values. A lot of a teens parents have a lot of influence on what their child is wearing. Commonly most parents will either be buying the clothing themselves or approving of their child's new clothing. It would be advised to ensure the clothing is adequate and appropriate to the segment to get approval from adults.

5.Technological factors 6. Legal CONCLUSION
3. Economic Factors
The reason all brands aren’t fully sustainable and eco-friendly is that it comes with a price. It is more expensive to source sustainable materials, it would be advised to research and develop ways to keep the costs down so it doesn’t drastically effect the products.
Teens most of the time do not have a source of income and it is likely they aren’t making too many buying decisions. It would be advised to price clothing appropriately to keep as many customers as possible. The quality should not be hindered however the prices should be reasonable.
The primary research provides evidence that eco-friendly shoppers would not mind having to pay extra if it means their having a positive impact on the environment. It would be recommended to keep the pricing similar as possible to already available ranges. This will influence teens to buy as the price will encourage purchases and reduce the association that eco-friendly costs more. 4. Technological Factors
The world around us is always advancing technically, evolving and discovering new ways to further our knowledge. This can be beneficial if research in garment technology is looked at. Doing this could give you a huge benefit over the competition as new fabrics that are extremely beneficial to the environment could create a lot of popularity as it could be unique to the brand.
One of the biggest factors to take away from this report is that technology is a crucial part of everyday life for both segments. With the highest amount of users online to date, marketing should be very online based. An account of each social media will provide as much free coverage as possible. Posting relevant content that teens can relate to will enhance online popularity to create a large following to advertise the brand. Posting content from Greta Thunberg, Youtubers, and Tik Tok videos will give the consumer something to relate to the brand.
An online store is crucial for this segment, more beneficial than an real life store. The eco-friendly Range should be easily accessible online for the best results of sales, In store shopping however shouldn’t be ruled out. A large proportion of people who are buying teens clothing are parents, who favor both online and in store.

These are some of the most popular youtubers around right now, they have a huge influence on young people with a combined following of 47.32 million on YouTube alone. These could be influencers to consider as they have a positive influence to teenagers. Left to Right, Zoella, David Dobrik, Emma Chamberlain.

Key Motivators • Sustainability • Animal Welfare • Recycling • Social Media • Family/ Friends • Aesthetic