Soundscape Ecology

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Soundscape Ecology Digital Ecologies: Contamination 2014-2015 AD3: Explorations Eric Lim & Juliette Sung

Digital Ecologies: Contamination Digital Ecologies explores and challenges methods of conventional sustainable design in a digital era where data is ubiquitous, remotely accessible, and abundant and where remediation is equally ubiquitous, but is also site-specific and operates according to environmental logics conventionally understood on the ground/in the field. This unit explores this dynamic, between digital registration of environmental data remotely (from the studio) and physical registration of environmental phenomena on site (in the field). It explores the interactions between these two kinds of environmental knowledge and uses a series of inventive methodologies that hybridise the digital with the analogue, remote sensing with fieldwork, and landscape and architecture with infrastructure. The contamination of Dalgety Bay, Fife, which requires immediate attention following the discovery of radioactive material on its shores. But Radiation levels are low and there are no health risks associated with a site visit if access use guidance is followed. However, the richness of the natural ecology in Dalgety Bay should not be forgotten and more attention towards inhabitants should be given to this.

Content Chapter 1: Fieldwork & Data collection Chapter 2: Data translation to Digital Ecology Chapter 3: Digital ecology to hybrid analogue models Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural a. Precedent Studies b. Ground c. Infrastructure d. Infrastructure and Installations e. Sailing Club

Chapter 1: Fieldwork & Data collection:

Site study

Fig a. Ross Plantation

Fig b. Slipways (Dalgety Bay Sailing Club)

Fig c. North End

c a


The Area zones in Dalgety Bay

Slate Seam


Existing Blocks

Foodpath / Road Networks

Towards the Capital Dalgety Bay is a quaint commuter town with a population of approximately 10,000. It faces Edinburgh on the North side of the Firth of Forth. It is accessible by train in thirty minutes and car in twenty minutes. A wide range of sights can Wbe seen along the way to the Dalgety Bay, the Edinburgh International Airport, the Forth Bridge and miles of fields. The transactional journey towards Dalgety Bay will frame your mind into the little commuter area.

Soundscape We analysed the sonic environment in Dalgety Bay and distributed them into three sectors, Anthrophony, Geophony and Biophony. Dalgety Bay is generally quiet. The sound emitting from the train station, town centre and the sailing club are considered as more vibrant.

1. Dalgety Bay Station

2. Town Centre

3. Residential

4. Sailing Club

The sonic zones

Chapter 1: Fieldwork & Data collection:


Sound Dalgety Bay The idea of sounding Dalgety Bay was born mainly due to the realization that no specific sound events can be discovered along the journey towards the Dalgety Bay Sailing Club. We believe that the study of this sound footprint can reveal and interpret the influence of architecture towards the city’s inhabitants and the existence of changeable temporary soundscapes of high value.

Video 1. Sound of collision in Dalgety Bay

Front Elevation

Side Elevation


Sound Collection: Sound Machine

Visualisation of emotions ‘

Sound Contamination We are bringing in the sound contamination into the town centre by applying inversion of sound and sight to the users. We hope that this is considered as good contamination which can provide social benefits to the community. We started off with collecting sound from certain spots and played them in a completely different environment. For instance, we played the sound of seagulls at the entrance of supermarket. To test the users’ behaviour under this circumstance, visualisation of expressions is joted down on the given paper. At the end, we then translated them into digital data for further on development.

1. Visualisation of emotions: Bay sound played in town centre

2. Visualisation of emotions: Town sound played at the bay

Chapter 2: Data translation to Digital Ecology

Data translation In the exploration of the interaction between natural and engineered environmental processes, we translated the on-site raw sound data into digital data fabrication. With the support of Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing and Audacity, we are presenting the data in interactive visualisation and sonic responses. Digital data will then be used to generate, develop and test hybrid models.

Grasshopper model

Interactive sound journeys Collaborating with the on- and off- site data, we highlighted the main spots that emitted the more vibrant sound. Sound spots are then distributed throughout the map. After that, we connected the sound spots with the train station and the sailing club, several sound journeys are then created. A moving point is then located on each of the sound journey, representing the movement of a person. And whenever the point is contacted to the sound spots along the journey, it will trigger the sound output of the specific spot. Collision of sounds will then happened when all moving points are on action.

Video 2. Rhino Model : Circulation Routes with soundscape


community centre




Rhino / Grasshopper : Town sonic visualization



sailing boats


footsteps on rock

Rhino / Grasshopper : Bay sonic visualization



Seawaves under bad weather condition



A man fixing the sailing boat

A man fixing the sailing boat

Busy road


Town centre

Walking on rocky sand

Waves hitting on shore

Video 3. Processing : Soundscape

Soundspread The collage of the sound visualisation is mapped on the site and main sound spread is showed, which is the shortest route that connects the train station, town centre, park and the sailing club at the end.

Chapter 3: Digital ecology to hybrid analogue/digital models

With the support of the digital applicances, user can generate their own new soundwalk with new experiences in our model. Distance sensors are placed underneath the logs (soundspots) which can interact with the movement of the user and trigger the movement of the moving metal arms on top, as well as the speakers of the chosen sound spots.

Version 1. Hybrid analogue interactive model

User enters the totally dark room with blindfolded experience. In response to the movement of the arm, the sound of certain sound spots will be triggered. A constant dialogue between the body and its surrounding space is then emerged. The temporary loss of the visual sense of the user will instantly causes a loss of the perceptual reference that the user normally has, the sense of vision is then no longer being the dominant.

Version 2. Hybrid analogue interactive model

Video 4. Version 3. Hybrid analogue interactive model

Similar to the previous version, blind folded experience with the interaction between the arm movement and sensors will be continue introduced. The only different is the removal of the log stands. Site map with sound spots is replaced, and plotted on the platform.

Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural a. Precedent Studies

Highline Park, New York The elevated urban park in big city brought much social benefits to the community by introducing a wide range of leisure activities, like theatre seatings, observatory deck and designed green space. The strong connection of the infrastructure is clearly demonstrated. We have chosen this project for our reference because the playful setting of the hardscape and softscape, as well as the strong dynamic elements throughout the Highline.

Parc de la La Villette, Paris The setting of the project is similar to our infrastructure as Bernard Tschumi intended to bring closer connection throughout the park by playing with visual connection between follies. They are visual connectors as well as enhancing users experience inside the park.

Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural b. Ground

Thick Site Plan 1:6000

Main Social Hubs


Green Space

Visual Connection

Visual Connection

Combining the on- and off- site data, layered of plans are developed. This thick site plan will be then futher developed and explored architecturally.

Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural b. Infrastructure

Becoming architectural The previous three chapters are complemented each other in order to reveal the ecologies defining the site and led to the development of a thick site plan where all data figured in. This plan started to expose the site conditions and temporalities.

Version 1. Soundscape development maquette

Version 2. Soundscape development maquette

Soundscape urbanization Soundscape is connected with flows and public, open space environments. The design of roads and nodes has preceded the shaping of solids and the edge, a natural border between the town and the bay, played a major role in the formation of the city. Concerning the soundscape, sounds of the street urban life and mark indelibly everyday routine. Moreover, flows and places where people concentrate constitute the foundation of public urban life, the places where city’s inhabitants coexist and interact. Therefore, sounds related to networks constitute the soundscape of urbanization

Proposal: Attractors and Connector As a social remediation, we are proposing a sonic walkway that links the city with the bay, bringing in a closer relationship between the human and the nature by sounds, light, and other elements. Apart from being an attractor and connector, the sonic walkway is also providing climatic and train’s time notifications to the users. The experience of strolling is intentionally being led towards the bay, with passing by several social spots (eg. community, commerical hubs). Different scenes will be unfolding in sequence and in justaposition. Hunt has introduced with triggers, describing theatrical devices such as entry thresholds and liminality, the passage from outside to inside, dramatic frames and scenes, displacement and college, inscription and marking. These precisely designed triggers and prompts are all concentrations of effect that draw the vistor into another world, heightening the allure and distinctiveness of a special place. The visitor becomes as much a performer as viewer, more deeply engaged in participating in the theatricality of urban life - the promenade as elevated catwalk, urban stage, and social condenser.

Version 3. Soundscape development maquette

Version 1.

Version 2.

Version 3.

Version 4.

Version 5.

Version 6.

Infrastructure development maquettes

Version 7a.

Version 7b.

Highland arrival point

Midland transition Lowland transition

Midland green deck

Highland observatory deck

train station: a raised platform allows visual connection go towards the sailing club/ Dalgety Bay

supermarket: a lower- height- raised platform continues the visual connection town centre: ground-level path converges the both ends visual connection

park/ school: a lower- height- raised platform emerges the journey towards the forest sailing club/ bay: a raised platform reconnects the train station

Visual Connection The journey between the train station and the bay is around thirty minutes walk, plus there is no any guilding hints along the route nor at the train station. We are therefore proposing a V- shaped urban landscape to the existing ground.

Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural c. Infrastructure and Prothesis

Bay view towards sonic follies


sonic thesis




existing blocks

Sonic architectural ecology train station

After setting up the network between the train station with the Bay, we proposed a new sonic environment emerging with the infrastructure. Four types of sonic thesis are suggested. Apart from enhancing users’ experience on the infrastructure, the sonic thesis are useful on identifying the locations of places and notifying users some daily reminders, such as the weather notifications. We are aiming to use sound for better community connection within the town of Dalgety Bay.

train station

sailing club/ bay

Axonometric 1:4500

Train station: sonic posts

the first sound installation at the arrival point which leads user towards to the sailing club

green pavement

Replacing the existing road with concrete grass pavement allows the vibrant sound emitted by the moving cars

sonic clouds

Enhancing users experience by adding in mirror surface, as well as recycling the rainwater

sonic follies

Enhancing users experience with lightings and sound features


Wind energy at the bay is used for the operation of this instrument

Plan 1:4500 Sonic prothesis on site

sound receiver LED indicator/street light reflective surface

sound feeder street light

sonic post

elevation 1:25

harvesting rainwater

sonic cloud

elevation 1:25

led light tube

sonic follies

elevation 1:25


elevation 1:25

Sonic Post It collects and feeds sound data according to the live streaming from the sailing club. Sound can enhance users experience, as well as notify them with weather information. Live- streaming sound and light features will be used. Apart from having light and sound features, it is considered as structural support for the infrastructure too.

1. LED indicators/ street light 2. sound feeder 3. LED indicators/ street light 4. infrastructure platform 5. structural support section 1:25

Sonic cloud Locating in the midland zone of the whole infrastructure, we proposed more communal resting space in the town centre, while some of them are replacing the existing bus stops. It is covered with reflective material at the inner surface of the installation. Sound waves and visualization is reflected on the surface, which enhancing the users experience along the journey. Rainwater is harvested for irrigation and regeneration of energy is introduced.

1. rainwater drainage 2. reflective inner surface 3. seating 4. drain and store rainwater section 1:25

Sonic follies This installation is having live streaming weather data that triggers the output of light and sound features. For instance, the sound of raining will be played when it is being forcasted. Sound can be useful to the community, yet giving Dalgety Bay a new strolling experience.

1. light features/ sound feeder 2. structural support section 1:25

Soundmill This installation is functioned by the natural wind energy at the bay. There are interactive elements that can emit sound by hitting the wooden panels. While projecting sound feature to the surrounding, wind energy is constantly being harvested for other uses.

1. windmill 2. interactive elements plan and elevation 1:15

Physical model: Infrastruction with Prothesis 1:850

Fig.a sonic post

Fig.b sonicmill

Fig.c sonic tube

Physical models of prothesis

observatory deck

seating steps

observatory deck

sonic posts

reconnection to ground

to commercial area

Arrival point: Train station plan 1:1000

connecting walkway

observatory platform

connecting intersection

green pavement

sonic posts

Transition: Town Centre plan 1:1000

sonic clouds

sonic follies

observatory platform

green broad journey

sonic tube

sonic posts


pocket space

observatory walk Green deck: Park to forest plan 1:1000

observatory deck

sailing club

Observatory deck: Sailing Club plan 1:1000

Chapter 4: Altered Ecologies: Becoming architectural d. Sailing Club

Dalgety Bay Sailing Club With the favorable natural environemnt along the bay, the sailing club is a perfect destination of the journey, acting as an attractor that interest users coming from the train station. Apart from enjoying the richness of the landscape and soundscape features there, we are proposing a sailing club with more function space, as well as more communal space.


Roof form

1. Rooftop urban park 2. Gallery 3. Sailing club 4. Communal space 5. Port decking

It is developed from the geometry space of the infrastructure, which continues the visual connection throughout the journey.

Rooftop softscape

Rooftop hardscape

The sailing club is an extension of the infrastructure as well as the landscape, strips of green space are distributed on the rooftop, more outdoor space is introduced.

Timber decking is placed on the rooftop, which introduces more outdoor leisure space for the users. W

Diagrammatic plan Proposed sailing club

Dalgety Bay to Edinburgh Since the proposed sailing club contains more space for more events, people will go there more often and extensive connection will be suggested.

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