Interview Magazine

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The Many Faces Of


Georgia Elizabeth LLOYD



Just recently graduated from the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography, beautiful and talented Georgia set her photography aside to fulfill her other dream of becoming a professional model. She signed with Modelogic Wilhelmina Midwest in late September 2011. Her high fashion look has already reached New York with many photographers and companies interested in her unique look and adorable personality. Georgia is the most loving person who greets everyone with a smile. It takes little effort to engage a conversation with her.Although a little shy, her silly personality makes being around her all the more fun. Not to mention, she is very cooperative and so generous when it comes to working with a team. Georgia is a hard worker and is determined to get the perfect shot.With those gorgeous hazel eyes, flawless porcelain skin, and legs that go on forever, it will not take long for Georgia to climb to the top in the modeling industry. JULIE XIONG: What got you interested in modeling after graduating with a fine arts degree? GEORGIA ELIZABETH LLOYD: Well, I guess when I went to [the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design] and was majoring in photography, a lot of my friends actually asked me to pose for them. So that’s what really got me interested because I thought it was really fun to be in front of the camera as well as behind. XIONG: So what type of modeling do you want to go into and where would you go? LLOYD: I don’t care as long as I get paid. But right now, my agent is trying to market me in New York because she says my face is more New York and high fashion rather than catalog. Right now, I can’t work yet because I don’t have a big enough portfolio so I can’t go see a client yet because they probably won’t actually hire me. But right now, there’s a catalog in the Midwest interested in me. For the most part, my agency has been sending my photos out to NewYork and I have apparently quite a few people interested in New York. So that’s the kind of work I would like. I mean, that doesn’t matter to me but that’s probably what I’d be doing. XIONG:Without money being part of the equation, what would you want to do? What is your modeling dream job? If you could to do any modeling in the world, what would it be and why? LLOYD: I would not want to do runway. I’d only want to pose for photos. And I think I’d want to work with photographers who took more stylistic leaps. So, like, this kind of [photography]. A lot of [photography] requires very little makeup, there’s very little—I don’t know, it’s all just very straightforward and simple.And that stuff seems more boring to me. XIONG: Do you have any favorite models? LLOYD: I don’t know many models. Lilly Cole, I like her. XIONG:What helps you get into character and to relax? LLOYD: I don’t know if I have that down well enough yet because the thing is when I was posing with my friends, the photographer always had a very specific idea in mind and somebody tells me exactly what to do because they already envisioned it. So it was never really that hard. For the stuff I’m going to be doing where the clients are going to be hiring me, I’m not going to have that luxury of a photographer or director telling me exactly 142



what to do. I have to go in there and know exactly how to pose and how to emote. Unfortunately, I’m still trying to figure it out. I have to practice a lot at home [in front of a mirror]. It makes me feel really weird because you have to stare in the mirror and make different expressions and do different poses. Then, when you think you’ve got it, you go in and show your agent and they’re still not satisfied. So it’s a lot of work. XIONG: Do you think having a photographic background helps you when you’re in front of the camera? LLOYD: Definitely.Yeah, because I’ve worked with people too and I know things I would want if I were taking the photo like even if I feel sort of self conscious being in front of the camera I know that I have to try to get over that like from standing behind the camera I know that it’s frustrating for the photographer. XIONG: [I think that’s a plus that you have because you went through photography so you understand and you have the experience of being behind the camera.] LLOYD: Well I also know a lot about light, I also know how light falls. So I would know how to face the light a little better. It’s sort of [I hope] second nature. XIONG:What type of magazines do you look at in regards to poses and styling for inspiration? LLOYD: Vogue. [laughs] I think Elle also has some great things. Well actually, even more artistic magazines like Interview really interest me. XIONG: Are you currently signed with any modeling agencies? Or do you have an agent? LLOYD:Yeah, I just signed with Modelogic Wilhelmina Midwest last month. It is really exciting, but a lot of hard work. Like I said earlier, it is weird to stare at yourself in a mirror for hours as you practice poses and emoting. Etiam et erat ac orci posuere ultrices.Aenean quis orci vitae velit laoreet pulvinar ut vitae felis. Aliquam nec sem nisi, id blandit est. Mauris et nisl nibh, in suscipit lacus.Aliquam ligula quam, laoreet eu accumsan at, tincidunt vitae urna. Integer tempor gravida enim eget fringilla. Cras ultricies, dui a tristique rutrum, odio turpis commodo nunc, et euismod quam metus quis lorem. Maecenas lacinia ullamcorper mauris, non facilisis diam porttitor in. Suspendisse vel leo libero. Curabitur velit dui, pretium ut vestibulum ultricies, auctor non elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut in lacus ligula. Nullam non augue sem, nec commodo quam. Curabitur non leo non purus auctor fringilla ac at ipsum. Nullam malesuada pharetra feugiat. Cras aliquam, lacus ac rhoncus facilisis, erat ante vestibulum eros, non accumsan nisi orci eget nulla.Vestibulum id dolor justo. Maecenas vitae. Phasellus ultrices ultricies risus id condimentum. Vestibulum lorem purus, convallis placerat pretium et, eleifend vel ligula. Sed molestie neque et ipsum dignissim ullamcorper eu nec augue. Suspendisse volutpat vulputate ligula at pulvinar. Vestibulum bibendum feugiat metus, ut mattis lectus eleifend nec.Vivamus eu gravida tortor. Suspendisse sollicitudin, elit et luctus faucibus, dui sem auctor augue, a fermentum erat metus id metus. Vestibulum ipsum ligula, lobortis ac ornare vel, interdum eu dolor. Curabitur lorem orci, posuere sit amet molestie tincidunt, auctor quis neque. Donec ornare blandit placerat. Nunc ut justo eget augue suscipit ultrices vitae at arcu. Proin eu neque sit amet velit semper hendrerit. Sed sit amet lorem odio. Curabitur vulputate gravida.

Donec nibh ipsum, tincidunt quis volutpat vitae, commodo at leo. Maecenas pretium iaculis tincidunt. Vestibulum ut augue sapien, sit amet porta augue. Duis placerat ultricies semper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque quis ante sem. Morbi sagittis est accumsan mauris pellentesque sed eleifend justo pretium. Ut blandit ligula ac orci porta accumsan rhoncus et mi. Donec a porta magna. Nullam in ornare augue. Duis ullamcorper feugiat tellus sagittis vestibulum. Etiam ut metus odio, ut aliquam turpis. Phasellus tincidunt hendrerit elit, aliquam ultrices mauris tincidunt tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Aenean non magna ac mi iaculis. Suspendisse eu tellus ante. Nulla commodo lacinia metus ut tristique. Vivamus vel tortor ut augue laoreet scelerisque sed non nisi. Donec dui quam, pretium in ornare vel, convallis dictum orci. Curabitur ultrices posuere urna et eleifend. Nam eu tortor non mi hendrerit bibendum. Morbi tristique euismod sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis leo a felis aliquet cursus. Morbi nulla ligula, varius nec venenatis vel, auctor vel quam. Fusce varius metus eget elit venenatis euismod.Aliquam ac dolor odio. Sed faucibus eleifend ultricies. Vestibulum nec nunc sit amet ipsum ultrices sollicitudin eget a velit. Nam tincidunt dolor eu dui luctus cursus. Integer a tortor velit, vitae dictum eros. Cras tempus pretium nibh a tincidunt. Ut luctus odio id risus gravida ligula, varius nec. Aenean non velit a magna convallis viverra. Integer tristique placerat magna, vitae hendrerit neque iaculis vitae. Ut ut risus quis mi feugiat eleifend ut at enim. Sed facilisis augue ut risus suscipit vitae volutpat nisl auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus ante, a tincidunt augue mollis sed. Mauris vulputate suscipit tortor a dignissim. Sed eget tellus nec nulla molestie rhoncus. Quisque sed nisi sem. Nam auctor nisl iaculis purus mattis. Vivamus sodales purus tincidunt odio rhoncus fermentum. Duis in tortor nisi, tincidunt venenatis ipsum. Aenean nulla sapien, aliquet et blandit ac, elementum vitae diam. Donec adipiscing laoreet bibendum. Nunc ultricies luctus arcu quis euismod. Quisque id felis dolor. Proin tincidunt risus et leo tempor et mollis nisl dignissim. Sed ut eros libero.Aliquam fringilla pharetra dolor vitae mattis. Maecenas in odio id nisl venenatis suscipit. Cras pellentesque vulputate aliquet.Vestibulum sollicitudin ante vitae adipiscing laoreet bibendum. Mauris blandit, erat pharetra lacinia fermentum, leo lectus venenatis est, id porttitor odio ipsum quis nulla. Duis mattis tellus et libero malesuada vel feugiat velit vulputate. Donec id risus sed lacus euismod laoreet quis quis sapien. Donec arcu nisi, blandit in vestibulum id, fermentum non sem. Pellentesque mollis laoreet consectetur. Phasellus rutrum diam ac ante gravida at aliquam odio lobortis. Nam ante quam, ultrices ac vestibulum ac, bibendum at justo. Fusce vitae tempus justo. Quisque mollis, nunc id euismod placerat, metus mauris feugiat turpis, quis venenatis augue nulla sit amet odio. Cras euismod venenatis nisi ut aliquet.Aliquam est lectus, fermentum mollis accumsan hendrerit, hendrerit non elit. Vivamus pellentesque ligula felis. Quisque sit amet justo ante utrum diam ac ante.



Mauris adipiscing massa nec justo molestie fermentum. Morbi sit amet eleifend metus. Quisque auctor aliquam enim non accumsan. Curabitur viverra erat ac massa aliquet lobortis. Donec eget nisl vitae odio auctor fringilla et vitae augue. Fusce accumsan massa nec nibh luctus at egestas justo feugiat. In nec ligula ut lorem venenatis facilisis. Proin at lorem elit. Curabitur elementum elit eu eros hendrerit ultrices pharetra dolor dapibus. Donec accumsan blandit pharetra.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas a dolor eget tellus molestie porta ac in sapien. In vehicula, erat eget pharetra mattis, mi ante egestas nunc, nec pretium ipsum tortor vel lorem. Integer odio ante, ullamcorper nec gravida eget, rutrum aliquet. Vestibulum id nunc ut dui facilisis aliquam et a mi. Praesent urna mi, accumsan sed venenatis sit amet, gravida quis risus.Vestibulum nec sapien id quam mattis mollis ut id erat. Fusce vehicula sem dictum massa molestie sit amet cursus urna aliquet. In eu magna sed dui rhoncus egestas in ut felis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam consequat hendrerit tristique. Nunc vestibulum tortor libero, a molestie lorem. Integer non erat nibh. Aenean vel cursus urna aliquet. Nulla pellentesque neque ac neque gravida pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer a magna at justo mollis auctor. Nulla gravida, urna id consequat scelerisque, felis sapien pharetra tellus, eu pretium velit turpis vel elit.Aenean scelerisque magna a turpis viverra ultricies a nec justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut vel quam hendrerit tortor accumsan mattis. Morbi interdum ultrices ipsum, in ornare mauris fringilla at. Aenean hendrerit dictum nisi eu porttitor. Mauris enim eros, iaculis ac vestibulum a, vulputate eu felis. Morbi ut tortor aliquam enim molestie fermentum eu quis nulla. Quisque hendrerit odio vitae ipsum faucibus laoreet. Aliquam neque elit, fermentum vel varius at, tristique at erat. Praesent turpis lorem, faucibus in blandit. Maecenas consequat eleifend erat. Donec id elit lectus. Nullam quis arcu purus. Suspendisse tincidunt libero a dolor sagittis vel pulvinar tellus venenatis.Aenean placerat tempus dictum. Nulla sed turpis ac justo mattis viverra ac id quam. Nullam eget fringilla eros. Nullam faucibus leo et lectus euismod porta a sed ante.Aenean venenatis sollicitudin sem quis pharetra. Morbi at est in dui tempus dictum sit amet ac leo. Duis ultricies, libero in scelerisque viverra, nunc sem dapibus sapien, id elementum turpis eros quis dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam risus neque, lobor. Phasellus faucibus mi ut nisi adipiscing non eleifend mi euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;Vestibulum in laoreet mi. Integer velit felis, interdum vel aliquam nec, tristique quis sem. Phasellus vestibulum vehicula sodales. Nunc laoreet magna tincidunt nisi volutpat vulputate. Cras tincidunt, sapien ac euismod congue, lacus quam eleifend nisl, eget vestibulum tellus orci sit amet diam. Nulla libero nisi, volutpat quis venenatis at, aliquet at urna. Sed ante elit, ultricies vel lobortis vitae purus. Curabitur vel enim ac nisl commodo lacinia sed. 143

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