LCP App Juliana Velasquez Gomez

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OCTOBER 2010 Passion Conecting World Juliana Velasquez Gomez Phone: (+57)3207620654 Gtalk: Msn: Skype: julis526

STUDIES NATIONAL MEETINGS Nats Manizales 2007 Delegate LDC Medellin 2007 Delegate LDC Pereira 2008 Delegate AIESEC Colombia 50 a単os 2008 Delegate LDC Cali 2008 Delegate LDC Manizales 2009 OCP NPM Bogota 2009 Delegate LDC EBs Bucaramanga 2010 Delegate Natco Barranquilla 2010 Delegate

Electrical Engineering VII Semester Sena Virtual: Microsoft Office Excel Sena Virtual: Virtual class of productivity and competitiveness. Sena Virtual: ACAD 2D Knowledge: Project Management: Gantt project, WBS, MIOP, SWOT, Planning, Governmental contracting model

1. It implies aligning to a new global


have you

decided to apply for

your LC Executive Board?

strategy, revolutionize and start a new generation, a new AIESEC. This leads to a personal evolution consistent organizational evolution. New generation = Changes around

2. AIESEC Manizales is passion, lead this LC means living with intensity every day. 3. The opportunity to live a new and more challenging experience where I can provide all my learning and experience of these three years in AIESEC, and generate more international and leadership experiences that allow to achieve a real impact.

AIESEC Strategy is "Product Leadership"? Why do you think

Product leadership: An Enterprise whose strategy is product leadership has to prove it, has to go beyond conventionality, beyond anything that is already established, it has to go beyond what is desirable. The idea is to offer the best. We must offer to our clients an exceptional quality and great functionality. We must innovate to out top current market products and to find even new applications to the products that we already have. Summarizing we must be oriented towards the excellence offering high technology quality and superior functionality. In the check list we can see how are fulfilled the characteristics of the product leadership strategy starting from the way we do it in AIESEC, for the past years we have accomplished our goals as an organization therefore is the right strategy.  It goes beyond any conventionality ¨Peace and fulfillment of humankind´s potential¨  It offers the best product (Leadership + Exchanges) in a global learning environment.  Exceptional Quality: Activating Leadership, enjoying participation, striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, living diversity, acting sustainably.  Complete product: @XP  Innovation: AIESEC 2015, Issue Based AIESEC Experience  Out top products in the market: Present in over 107 countries and territories and with over 50,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest student-run organization. Focused on providing a platform

What do you think should be the National Focus Areas for AIESEC in Colombia in 2011? EXCHANGE EXPANSION: AIESEC’s impact is not restrained only to the city where the LC is, the real opportunity to growth in AIESEC in Colombia lies in setting strategies around synergic LC project formulation, aligned with the national and regional tendencies. A clear and potential example is to formulate a cooperation project between the coffee axis’s LCs looking for a real positioning and a significant connection with the external environment and searching a connected organizational growth generating more @XPs.

ENABLING YOUNG PEOPLE PHISICAL AND VIRTUAL SPACES: must be the space that really generates the connection within the AIESEC global network and facilitates the matching process and communication with EPs, TNs, and LC all around the globe. It also must provide more opportunities to each AIESECer to live a multicultural and international environment and of capacitation as well where exists a personal impact. International events for all stages of @ XP Chat EXTERNAL COOPERATIONS: To facilitate, improve and growth is necessary that AIESEC in Colombia has relevance in the external sector, allowing us to obtain monetary, learning, national and international mobility benefits and mostly that allows a Growth of @XP. Growth and sustainability Air lines Cooperation. Create interaction spaces with governmental authorities. To have a voice in the social, cultural and economic decisions of our country.

INNOVATION PRODUCT : Part of the product leadership strategy consist in constantly developing innovating around our product that generate more attraction to our stakeholders. Growth and sustainability Issue based projects experiences CSR projects.

AIESEC Vision includes “Peace”. How is AIESEC generating this?

The first AIESEC philosophy that impacted my personal life was the quote: “Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential” so this raised a question within my mind: how does an organization that provides exchanges wants to achieve it?

3 years of AIESEC experience have taught me that a multicultural environment, creates a personal growth on each member and also an interactive chain of events where people exchange thoughts and break social, cultural, politic and economic paradigms, which at the end are the ones who are distorting the true meaning of peace. In order to change this mindset, AIESEC proposes an intense development process of each member guided by young and committed people with the idea of creating a real impact on society. So it depends on each “complete” AIESECer who sells the idea to environment (Family, friends and university) to change other people’s perception and also to strive for it. Today we are 40000 young members around the world living, dreaming and working in order to make the statement “Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential” a reality trough the organization that every day challenges the world vision and delivers it trough leadership and exchange experiences.

Engaged and develop every young person in the world

Our growing physical and virtual reach makes us the most credible and diverse global youth voice

Our collaborative We are environment recognized empowers across sectors every member as the firstto live a highchoice partner quality AIESEC for our ability to experience, develop creating a responsible and croosentrepreneutrial generational leadership positive impact on society.

The society and the external environment are the ones in charge to generate credibility as organization, not with our organizational culture, it is reflected in the results and the quality of them.

BHAG:Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal that encourages organisations to define a visionary ambition that is more strategic, emotionally compelling and stimulates progress.

To be the first choice requires to keep having the product leadership strategy, and to achieve acknowledge from our partners due to the @XP.

GROWTH + POSITIONING= AIESEC 2015. Growth: It must be delivered through an innovative and expansive change in the way of generating experiences, a growth in @XP and the necessary quality to be the first choice. Positioning: It starts with an improvement and evolution of the internal processes, with this we can be part of more global environments where we will be the voice of the youth, the first choice in leadership, generating the real impact.

Performing a smart approach to our network allows to connect the youth potential with all the world and to provide the best experience that generate a positive impact.

What are the 5 things you would change in AIESEC? (Don’t think just in Colombia, think about AIESEC as a global organization)

The way to connect our network must be the communicatio n channel that manages the connection of all the young people around the world and also the one achieving the constant growth of the network.

Middle Management relevance The AIESEC hierarchic is very solid in the executive board level in terms of proactivity and productivity, but is necessary to strength the MM to achieve more quality in the internal processes.

Alumni relevance The alumni network must be an organization of former members that support AIESEC and who are constantly working the positive impact, it must be constant in its processes and not directed by an AIESEC member.

Way to cooperate We must achieve that AIESEC be recognized by all the society, but it needs innovation and professionalis m to the connection with the external environment offering our product or acting as real change agents.

Participation with governmental entities We have to be the leading voice of the world youth, they have to see in us a way to connect their ideas with the governmental environment. BE SAVVY

Create a SWOT analysis of your LC



AIESEC Manizales Members: Knowledge, commitment, leadership, main characteristics. LC Initiatives: X Campaigns, projects around generate full @XP, Fun raising, Capitalizing in external places. External sector & Alumni connection: segmentation from the corporative sector. Dates execution and alumni database. International cooperation aproach: Strong cooperation with Brazil, International event presense

Not empowered Middle management : there is not the enough knowledge about strategical support from MM to LC processes and membership development. ICX projects in TT, MT: there is not any strong focus to capitalize this pool. X+L capitalize: There is not a complete and established strategy for returnees to live an leadership experience.

SWOT o City Projects: Manizales has planned goals to approach bilinguism and intenationalization, that are very alligned to AIESECs core. Coffes Triangle: To biuld synergy and growth with goals between @ Pereira and @ Armenia Alumni Network Capitalize: Alumni manage strategic contacsd for organization. Also, they are the ones to advice, audit, forward and create strategies to organizational growing.

T University manifestations: Manizales cocern its major population between 2 public universities. In case of, manfestations timeline suffers consequences in its structure. Wrong Positioning in stakeholders: External people who shock with our organizational culture or have any bad experience with our processes.

What are the organizational goals you would propose for your LC in 2011? What strategies would you implement to achieve them? By organizational goals please refer to: ICX realizations, OGX realizations, LRs (that accomplished the minimums), Members and Dual XPs (X+L / L+X). PRIORITY




 10 L+X  20 X + L

Structured and anf functional returnee plan. Rewards and recognition plan to excellent MMs and OCPs supporting the X. Strategic alliances with entities financing international experiences. Partnerships with universities to certificate exchanges as professional internships.


External Relevance

   


To be the main young voice in the decisions of the city. Relevance as members of the

Taking advantage of the virtual sessions and given by AI and the MC. Financial support to international events assistance. Taking advantage of the virtual tools of (CAT). Intense and complete capacitating cycles in the ICX and the OGX flow. Development Analysis of each member (long term, short term, trainee) per Q. Learning enviroments around campaigns. Integral partnerships with all city universities.

ComitĂŠ intergermial de Caldas. Active Participation in city projects.



140 OGX 75 ICX

Projects with the governmental sector. Alliance with the big associations of the city for events and positioning. Capalize Alumni Network in business and social networking Taking advantage of virtual tools. (PRM, CRM, Stadistics, DAAL). Product Innovation TT, MT sales force Constant reality analysis of the market. Constant OGX flow tracking. Constant ICX flow tracking. Macro projects with the corporate and non corporate sector. Learning environments around campaigns.

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