Tips On Free Advertising To Maximize Your Exposure And Growing Your Online Business
Are you looking for methods to increase your online business exposure to bigger and wider group of people? You might want to consider on advertising your business as this method can just do the trick and it’s a good way to build traffic to your website. You don’t necessary need to pay to advertise but you can leverage on free advertising which is available online. Here are some good tips on free advertising to help you to grow your business visibility.
Tips On Free Advertising #1 – Article Marketing Instead of forking out lot of money to advertise, you could utilize on free article marketing as a method to advertise your online business. Instead of money, you would need to squeeze some of your brain juice to come out with good article. This method has being proven good free advertising as there are people look for solution to their problem. If you article serves as good value to their problem, they would appreciate and even share your article. So what you need to do is to publish an article on your blog and start submitting it to the all the online article directories.
Tips On Free Advertising #2 – Classifieds The second helpful tip on free advertising is to use the classified. In the online world, there are many free classified website. You can start to post and advertise on the classified sites to start drawing the traffic back to your website. Of course, you need to ensure that you are posting to the correct categories to capture the right people. Besides that, you also need to ensure that your title is compelling to attract people to read. Always remember that there are a lot of classified and you need to make sure your advertisement rise above the others.
Tips On Free Advertising #3 – Online Forum There are many online forums out there and you need to look for the forums that are related to business niche. Once you found it, start actively participating in the discussion forum. This is a good method to spread your business. You could start to post some information to educate your prospect or even comment on the existing post. If people are finding it useful, they will tend to find more and by putting your website as signature, this can help to draw traffic to your website. The more important thing, with your participation, you will start to build relationship with the people in forum and forming a trust. They will more likely to buy from you once you have gained their trust.
Tips On Free Advertising #4 – Sending To Your Email Lists This is something very useful if you have email lists where you can start sending the newsletter or update of your business to your email lists. This is a good method to direct traffic to your website and allowing people to know that you have a new update by leveraging on the email lists you have. If people are in your email lists, they are considered a prospect lists and chances of converting them as your customer are higher. For those of you that don’t have email lists, you should take some effort and start to build yourself one as it’s very important thing to do in order to build your online business
Tips On Free Advertising #5 – Social Media Marketing The last tips on free advertising are using social media marketing. You should find the same niche in social media and start broadcast on your business opportunity. For example, on Facebook, you can find the related niche pages and start broadcast your business opportunity on the page. Make sure your product is really helpful to people and do not do it too often. If you do this too often, people will treat you as a spammer and will not read your next post. Post it wisely The above is the 5 tips on free advertising that has help me. I hope that you will find the above useful and start adopting it into your business. Feel free to leave us a comment on the below. We would love to hear it from you.
What’s your thought about the above tips? Is it helpful? If you need more tips to help your online marketing business, make sure you check us out @ Big Idea Mastermind