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Affirmations Spotlight
How long have you been with Affirmations? 8 months.
What is Affirmations to you? Affirmations is a place where I feel like I can be my authentic self. In a world that is often not so friendly towards queer folks, it is refreshing to have a place where I can be me with no filter.
When you’re not working, what do you do for fun? I love to workout and roller skate.
If you could collaborate with any musician/ artist who would it be and why? It would be pretty cool to collaborate with J. Cole. I love his lyrics and the way paints a picture of his experience as a black man in America. I feel like it would be cool to have him help me create a song about my life.

What’s something you're proud of at Affirmations? I am proud about the impact that we have in the community and how we are always looking for ways to continue supporting the Southeastern Michigan community at large, not just the LGBTQ+ community.