Over the last several years, a hot button news topic has been the Second Amendment, which states: “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” With different interpretations provided by the Supreme Court, constitutional attorneys and even English professors, no one has actually cracked the true meaning of our forefathers’ reasoning. Over the last couple of centuries, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the right to bear arms extends to militias, not to individuals. This why gun lobbies fights for their rights to keep and bear arms in Congress, not in the court system. However, from an English point of view, the comma, after Free State indicates the people have the right to keep and bear arms and their rights shall not be infringed. Since militias are rapidly becoming outdated, many people are trying to have this amendment stricken from the constitution, saying it is obsolete. However, this begs the question, “Traditional wars are no longer fought face-to-face, but with nuclear bombs and terrorist attacks, so should the amendment extend arms to include not simply guns but bearing other types of weapons?” This interesting proposition would give people more of an advantage when defending themselves in public places against sudden, violent and deadly terrorist attacks. The most obvious reason why nuclear weapons are safe guarded is due to the extreme damage they inflict on people, both short and long-term, and on the environment. Due to exacerbating legal opinions and interpretations, the bottom line is that the Second Amendment protects “to keep and bear” arms. Ultimately, nothing is expressed about regulating their safety, caliber or design or even the mental sanity and requirements about gun ownership. The same is true about the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech. This amendment prohibits the government from “abridging the freedom of speech,” yet the government has many rules that restrict these freedoms, include insider trading, malicious falsehoods, slander, fraud, etc. So essentially, the same regulations that apply to the First Amendment, apply to the Second Amendment. We are not permitted to have certain types of ammunition, own certain types of automatic or semi-automatic weapons, etc. Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it make these declarations, but the government has imposed these restrictions based on their own personal opinions and beliefs. Jumping Targets’ believes in supporting all the Amendments outlined in our Constitution. The government’s restrictions are a slippery slope. While some people may ignore the restrictions imposed on Freedom of Speech, soon more restrictions will befall the Right to Bear Arms. As an innovative leader in gun safety, Jumping Targets promotes some of the safest metal shooting targets on the market. These moving targets also help enhance shooters’ skills and accuracies, ultimately helping make America a safer place. Americans deserve the right to bear arms and defend themselves. Whether it is concealed carrying and practicing with pistol targets or hunting for food with rifles, guns have helped create modern society and are ultimately responsible for victorious Revolutionary and Civil Wars and World Wars I and II. Without guns, our world would be taken over by socialist and communist regimes that do not prioritize democracy, freedom and human life, but value an elitist class that takes from the working class and promotes a totalitarian system.
When shooting handguns, there are many different shooting stances to take into consideration. Jumping Targets specializes in developing, creating and selling top-rated steel targets. They provide information about the two significant upright shooting stances. THE ISOSCELES
This stance is a common beginning-shooting stance. It provides comprehensive overage in nearly all directions, as it allows the upper body to easily rotate.
Shooters should face steel gun targets with their feet approximately shoulder width apart. Knees should have a slight bend in them. The handgun should be fully extended, while keeping the target in between the gun’s sights, arms both straight, and locked. Shoulders are squared, while the arms form a solid isosceles triangle.
This two-handed stance is the first shooting stance in most firearm training and safety classes. In particular, this stance is simple and easy to remember under duress. THE WEAVER Military, police and self defense advocates frequently use the Weaver position. It allows for an increase in accuracy while offering the convenience of a smaller, narrower profile. The stance is also commonly viewed on TV because it is more professional.
With feet remaining shoulder width apart, place the dominant leg slightly back into a boxer-like stance. Angle the support arm’s shoulder toward the gun targets. Bend knees slightly, while keeping body weight leaning slightly forward. Grasping the gun with both hands, use opposing pressure. Bend both elbows, with the support elbow pointing downward.
An interesting fact is that Jack Weaver developed this gun stance in the late 1950s. He was the first person to use a twohanded grip that included opposite tension with both hands. His push/pull grip stance helped to improve shooter’s speed, accuracy and stability. This stance was rapidly adopted for self-defense shooting, as it was quickly recognized for its numerous benefits. There is one additional stance, which is taught at self-defense academies. It is sometimes referred to as the “Tactical” stance because special forces and tactical units use this modified stance, as it helps to keep body armor facing forward, rather than exposing vulnerable body parts to criminals.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Place the strong leg slightly behind the weak leg. Keeping shoulders squared, aim at the target. Grasping the handgun, use opposing pressure with both hands. Lock the shooting arm forward, keep the support arm bent, elbow close to the body and point down.