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WHO IS ERASMIA GRIM? by Eithne Keegan, MSN, RN

Excerpts taken from Francis Grim’s book “On the Wings of the Wind”

rasmia is a wonderful godly woman who exemplifies how a Christian should walk the walk. She is the wife of our founder Francis Grim known to many as Uncle. She is one of seven children born into the Greek family of John George Frangakis and Margaret Frangakis. John a pioneer of the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, and a well-read man who provided a fountain of knowledge to his seven children. He stressed that life was to be more than a mere march of time across the calendar and urged his children to strive for excellence in their achievement of their ideals and a great encourager to them. Is it any wonder that Erasmia encourages all who work or have worked alongside her through the years? Her mother Margaret was a warmhearted woman and a woman of prayer. Erasmia states “her prayers have sustained me through the passing seasons of my life and strengthened my walk with God”. John and Margaret provided a loving home for their seven children. The family had a unique bond of love, prayer, support, generosity, and service to the Lord. At the age of seventeen God called Erasmia into fulltime service. She attended a meeting where Francis Grim the founder of HCFI (Hospital Christian Fellowship, now known internationally as Healthcare Christian Fellowship International) was preaching on Isaiah 6. A song that was being sung was “hear the Lord of harvest softly calling” She then listened to the words of Francis as he spoke on Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying” Whom shall I send and who will go for us” (NIV), this confirmed her calling to serve the Lord. She received further assurance that the words of Isaiah 6:8 were directed to her when she returned home later that evening and read Luke 10:2 which states … “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field” (NIV). Erasmia was not content to remain in the warmth and security of her parental home. She knew that God was calling her to serve him as a laborer in the fields. When Erasmia told her mother of this sacred calling, she heard her mothers tender voice saying ”I gave you to God at birth and prayed that He would call you into His service in His own time”.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:21 (NIV)


race and peace to all of you reading this magazine. As I reflect on the past four months, I am thankful that I am here in your midst writing this editors corner again. HCFI and HCFUSA are bound together as a team and we have a strong bond, through prayer. I was one of the recipients of this healing power of prayer from our prayer warriors. On June 24th, I had a major heart event and ended up going through a triple bypass surgery. This was an unexpected glitch in my life. My first thought when I was going through this event was that God was calling me home to be with him! I have to say I had total peace with this thought. I prayed and said, “Thank you my Lord and savior for giving me the life I have here on earth”. The reason I was so peaceful was because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that He would welcome me into His midst in heaven. Why - it was because I had given my life to him and had the assurance that God had sent his only son to die on the cross for those who believe in Him and will not perish and would have eternal life with Him. However, He was not ready for me yet. I made it through my triple bypass and an episode with Covid-19 and am now back on my feet again. The next step after this setback was to help with our new North Carolina chapter of HCFUSA, in alignment with Rev. Dr. Rodney Hall, and the staff of Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries, and our new chapter coordinator Sandra Krantz of Clinton, North Carolina. We helped present the first conference for the HCFUSA NC chapter. The topic was “Creative Strategies using the Healing Hands of Hope through Prayer, Music, Art and Light”.

We started with The McGregor Brothers (Manuel and Gershon), in worship and prayer. We followed that with Pastor Deborah Gray, Rev. Dr. Lydia Figueroa, and Don Dancer on prayer.

Dr. Larry Watts on ‘Light from the Darkness’ from a medical standpoint then Chaplain Jeff Grant on ‘Let His light Shine’ from a chaplain’s point of view. The McGregor’s spoke on ‘How Music Helps with Healing’. Dr. Lydia spoke on “Created for More” and Dr. Ade Adebanjo on the ‘House that Prayer Built’. We rounded off with Sandra Krantz speaking on how she envisioned the new chapter and invited others to be part of the NC Chapter of HCFUSA. Dr. Diane Jenkins closed in prayer and the McGregor’s regaled us in worship to end this wonderful conference. We were all blessed by God. Our emcees Segun, Jhundell, Ade and I kept the flow going throughout the program. We could not have done it without Eric, Michelle and Susan and team who ensured the connection and IT worked well. It was a blessing to serve the Lord and thank him for healing me to continue the ministry of HCFUSA. May His light shine through all of you as you read this magazine dedicated to Him. All the Glory goes to him.


• WHO IS ERASMIA GRIM? by Eithne Keegan,

MSN, RN . . . . . . . . . . 1 • WORKING ALONGSIDE AUNT ERASMIA by

Angelina Sandy, MA Ed, RN, LM. . . . . . . . . . 3 • THE FIRST LADY: ERASMIA by Aubrey

Beauchamp . . . . . . . . 4 • REMEMBERING RALPH by Sandra Krantz . . . . 5 • KRISTINA’S ‘EVELASTING HOPE’ by Kristina

Andersen, RN . . . . . . . 6 • FAITH, NOT STONES by Dr. Dung Trinh . . . . . . 7

• HUMAN TRAFFICKING by Margie Whittaker,

MSN, RN. . . . . . . . . 8 • THE HOUSE THAT PRAYER BUILT by Dr. Ade

Adebanjo . . . . . . . . . 9 • FOUR STEPS TO GOD . . . . . . 11

• WHAT IS HCF ? . . . . . . . . . . 15 • UPCOMING EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . 16

In His name, Blessings

Eithne Keegan, MSN, RN

Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

- Proverbs 15:30, NIV -

source: istockphoto.com/photo

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