7 minute read
by Carol Krejci, RN GOD S WORD
by Carol Krejci, RN
increasing awareness of Israel and, most importantly, its one teaching session twice a month (the first and third enter into those types of discussions which easily could lead to controversy. We don’t/will not try to be theological or to have all the answers as there are other such groups for that. The first few weeks of the series covered the topic of “Why Israel?” Hollie Saunders agreed to lead the teaching sessions for that topic, having just graduated from the second of three teaching courses of “The Gospel on the central message of Christianity: The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some topics considered thus far include the history and geography of Israel, missionary travels in Israel, Jesus in Israel, the Feasts of Israel, God’s amazing plan for the tabernacle and temple, how to share your faith with your Jewish friends, and Israel in the market-
o you wish you knew D more about Israel and its relationship to the People want to know, and they need to know, Bible? Then, “Zooming in on Israel According to God’s more about the Holy Land. I discovered this since writing Word” is for you. Through this study you will gain an “Israel, My Personal Journey” and leading studies from it. direct connection with the Gospel, by means of God’s As of this writing, we have gained new topic Word, discussions, photos and instructive sharing sessions leaders, including two deeply knowledgeable Jewish taught by persons knowledgeable on relevant topics. Zoom believers. Our leaders have led us in some interesting is the platform which we use, so the sessions are recorded studies, such as “Why God created Music,” the “Feasts of and available not only on YouTube, but also on the HCF Israel,” “Archeology and the Bible,” and “Christ Revealed USA website, for which we are sincerely grateful. There is in the Old and New Testament.” Fascinating topics! Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM EST). There is no cost for the course, and you can join Initially, the important issues we (a team of four) send you an invitation to the Zoom meeting. Anyone who discussed were explaining why we are doing this and is on Facebook can join our Facebook group, “Zooming in making a disclaimer that we do not represent any church, on Israel According to God’s Word,” where the invitation denomination or political group, as we did not want to will also be posted.

and the Preacher,” a three-month Bible school that focuses
place of the world. at any time. Just contact me at my email address, and will

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So why exactly is the custom of gift giving important?
There is an important purpose in gift giving, one is appreciation, it is a way of showing we are grateful for them and value them and the role they play in our lives. What is important to know is that gifts in themselves do not express appreciation, people do. The gift must come from our hearts and must be given willingly without expectations of getting something in return. Jesus did not expect anything in return from us. He sacrificed His life that we would have the special gift of salvation and if we follow him, we will have eternal life with him in heaven. The gift of the cross was a simple one from me to Simon. As I give him a replacement for his lost cross, may he see that God sent his son to replace what we had lost in the Garden of Eden and that Jesus will find us. All God asks is that we come follow Him, His lost sheep. Psalm 56:3 states, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Deuteronomy 30:3 states, “God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he will have compassion on you; he will come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered”.
Simon, as I replace the cross you lost, may you be blessed with this story, that when we are lost, we too can be found. The choice is ours. Do we choose to be found or do we choose to be lost? May God bless you with this little message of what the gift of the cross means to me. No matter how much our flesh wants people to suffer for what they have done, at the end of the day our spirits really cannot stand to see people suffering because the love of God is in us. Let us learn to live and walk in the spirit, yielding to what DRIVES OUR HEART, rather than living in the flesh and yielding to what DRIVES OUR BRAIN. Let us be merciful and gracious not vengeful and vindictive. This is often not easy to do, but it is how we are called to live in Christ Jesus. Let us remember that the basis of our judgment and the mercy we will receive is the way we have shown mercy to others. Let us speak and act on the basis of the law of that gives people freedom i.e. Love.
You can email Dr. Ade at ambassadeinternational15@gmail.com

Eithne Keegan RN, MSN was born and raised in Ireland in a small village. She emigrated to the US Dec 31st1977. She started her nurse training in Dublin, Ireland, and continued her nursing career in Orange County California, where she raised her daughter, Nora. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized on her first mission trip to Kiev, Ukraine May 2002. Eithne is an RN, MSN, and an International missionary, teacher, speaker and short story writer. She works as an Administrative Nursing Supervisor in a hospital in California. She helped start a school of Nursing in Northern Kenya and has led numerous mission trips around the globe as well as assisted in writing the best practices of medical missions.She is now the National Coordinator of Healthcare Christian Fellowship USA.

You can email Eithne at hcfusa53@gmail.com.
would be in a coffin. He leaned over my dad’s body, hugging him and crying, saying “Good-bye Dad.” My dad responded, “Bye and bye we will meet on that beautiful shore.” These are words from a beautiful old hymn. My dad was again comforting us with the comfort he had been given by our Lord. My dad had such assurance of where he was
“ His peace was supernatural. “
going when he died that he had no fear or anxiety. Comfort and peace was all he shared during his final days and hours. Remembering those last days with my dad continues to bring peace instead of sorrow. His absolute confidence confirms what I already knew: we will meet again. In Romans 8, we learn that nothing will ever separate us from God’s love, not even death. To be absent from the body is to be present with our Lord (II Cor. 5:8). As believers, we are comforted by the many promises available to us. As long as we remain here on earth, we are called to comfort others with the comfort we have been given (II Cor. 1:4). There is no textbook for the course. I have written a companion book titled “Israel, my Personal Journey”,which is a 40-day devotional tour of Israel, but it is not a textbook. If you are interested, contact me at my email address. You will receive an autographed copy of the book for $15.00, which includes S&H. All proceeds will be donated to Healthcare Christian Fellowship USA.
I have reached out to others regarding leading a session in the future and hopefully this message is articulate enough to explain the premise. Here is an opportunity to educate and edify interested others. If you feel led by the Lord to share from your experiences or knowledge, please pray about leading a session.
Contact Carol at cakrejci2001@yahoo.com to order the book, or if you are interested in: 1. Teaching one of the subjects listed 2. Enrolling in the Zoom class
Melodee Battenschlag RN, BSN was raised in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as Savior as a child. She served in ministry as a Children’s Teacher, Women’s Ministry leader, Events Director, Life Group leader, Bible Study leader, Hospitality Committee leader, Medical Ministry, Missions leader, Prayer Group leader, and Hostess of events and missionaries. Melodee spent most of her career as an RN in the field of Case Management. She was self-employed as an independent Case Manager for over 35 years. She has been on numerous mission trips in countries around the world. Melodee has assisted HCF at conferences and global prayer retreats and assisted in the Saline Process training.