Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

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Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Table of Contents Day 1............................................................ 4 Day 16........................................................ 22 Day 2............................................................ 6 Day 17......................................................... 23 Day 3............................................................ 8 Day 18......................................................... 24 Day 4............................................................ 9 Day 19........................................................ 25 Day 5.......................................................... 10

Day 20........................................................ 26

Day 6...........................................................11 Day 21......................................................... 27 Day 7...........................................................12. Day 22........................................................ 28. Day 8.......................................................... 14 Day 23........................................................ 29 Day 9.......................................................... 15 Day 24........................................................ 30 Day 10........................................................ 16 Day 25.........................................................31 Day 11......................................................... 17 Day 26........................................................ 32 Day 12......................................................... 18

Day 27........................................................ 33

Day 13......................................................... 19 Day 28........................................................ 34 Day 14........................................................ 20

Don’t Forget................................................... 35

Day 15..........................................................21

About Kaia FIT............................................... 36



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Let’s face it: we’ve all done the double-back to check

out our rear ends in the mirror. Getting a nice toned derriere is like winning an award! However, there’s a lot of hard work that goes into strengthening and helping that butt fight gravity. And who can beat that feeling when not only do your jeans fit, but you find yourself back at that mirror a little more often. Confidence radiates off you when you accomplish something you’ve been working really hard at!

We won’t lie and say it’s easy, but nothing worth having ever is. That’s why we put together this glute-strengthening, butt-lifting, smooth-out-theedges fitness challenge just for you! It’ll be in an uplifting experience not only physically, but also help you mentally. Life’s too short to hide under sweatpants or to be anything less than the most confident you that you can be. It’s time to walk, squat, and lunge your way to a better you in just 28 days!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 1 “Every journey begins with a single step.” —Maya Angelou

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Basic squats

Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Bend the knees so that your hips lower down towards the ground. Stop when your hips are level to your knees. Stand up and repeat! »» 25

Reverse lunges

Step one foot backwards about three to four feet and bend both knees until they are at a 90-degree angle. Keep the back heel up. Step forward and repeat on the other side. »» 1

minute Plank hold

Come into a push-up position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Engage your core, quadriceps, and back muscles to stay strong. »» 25

On tabletop, bent leg raise out to the side

Come on to your hands and knees. Keeping your right leg bent, raise it directly out to the right side. Try to keep your hips level in tabletop. Return the leg back into starting position. Finish all on one side before doing the other side!

NOW TIP: What’s for breakfast? Much like setting an intention at the top of your yoga class, breakfast sets the tone for the productivity of your day. Having a Pop Tart will cue those nagging nap sensations in about as much time as it took to toast it. Fill your belly with morning fuel like oatmeal with a scoop of almond butter, quinoa, and berries, eggs and spinach, or even a quick fruit smoothie on your way out the door.



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 2 “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” —Fred Devito

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Sumo squats

Sumo squats are great for inner thighs! Step your feet about three feet apart and with your toes pointed out in a comfortable 45-degree angle. Bend your knees and sink your hips down low. Push through your heels to come up to a stand. »» 25

Reverse lunges

Step one foot backwards about three to four feet and bend both knees until they are at a 90-degree angle. Keep the back heel up. Step forward and repeat on the other side. »» 25

Curtsy lunges

Start by taking your right foot forward and turning the toes out slightly to the right. Swing your left leg back and across from your right leg in a curtsying motion. Bend both knees. »» 25

Bicycle crunches

Lay down with your knees in a tabletop position and your hands behind your head. Keeping your upper body up and off the ground, straighten your right leg while turning your upper body to the left. Alternate sides keeping legs moving as if you were riding a real bike.

FIT TIP: Sometimes it’s about treating exercise and physical activity as a game. How many squats can you get in every day this week? Can you perfect your push-up in a month? Exercise doesn’t have to seem like this huge “extra” thing to do. Make it fun!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 3 “No one ever drowned in sweat.” —Lou Holtz

Your Workout of the Day: »» 2

min. Walk or run on incline

2min. Walk or run on incline 8 or above at a brisk pace. »» 25

Lateral lunges

Lateral lunges start with your feet together. Step out to the right with the toes continuing to point forward. Bend your right knee in a side lunge while keeping your left leg straight. Push off your right foot to get back to start. Repeat all 25 on one side before going over to the left side. »» 25

Rear straight leg raises while in forearm plank

Come down to the floor and into a forearm plank. While keeping your core and quads strong, lift your right leg up and off the ground while pushing through your right glute. Alternate right, then left.

NOW TIP: Turn your morning egg scramble into green eggs! Add kale and spinach to your morning breakfast for an extra dose of vitamin C, D, A, and B, as well as other minerals. Keep your body happy by adding more greens whenever and wherever you can! »» 25

Standing roundhouse kicks

Stand with your left foot turned out and your right knee bent. Lean your weight onto your left leg and extend your right leg out to the side with a quick kick. Keep your shoelaces pointed forward. »» 25

Crunches with legs straight up in the air Lay down with your legs straight up in the air at a 90-degree angle. Hands are behind your head. Lift your upper body up towards your shins.

Repeat 2-3 more times



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 4 “Everything is hard before it is easy.” —Goethe

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Rear straight-leg raises while in downward facing dog

Place your hands on the floor, curl your toes, under and come into downward facing dog with your hips in the air, and your heels up. With a straight leg, extend each leg back and up. »» 25

Plank jumping jacks

Start in a plank position and keep your elbows slightly bent. With a soft landing, jump your feet out and in. »» 25

Kettlebell swings

Take your feet wide and place a kettlebell out in front of you. With your knees soft, and your abs engaged to protect your back, pick up the kettlebell. Swing it through your legs and thrust your hips forward so that the kettlebell swings forward using your glutes and momentum. Do NOT use your upper body to swing the weight. Let your abs be what stops the kettlebell out in front of you.


»» 25

Sumo jump squats

Start with your feet wide and the toes turned out. Bend the knees and jump. Make sure to land softly! »» 1min.

Seated boat pose for abs

Have a seat! Bring your feet up and off the ground with your legs together so that you are in a seated “V” position. Sit tall and hold! Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: When you go to sit down to dinner tonight before you take your first bite take a moment of reflection. With all the crazy that wanders into the day, and all the hard work you do at the gym, your healthy dinner is a thank you for a job well done!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 5 “Focus on progress, not perfection.” —Josh Bezoni

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Hip bridges

Lay down with your feet flat on the floor hip distance apart and with your knees bent. Keeping your upper body on the ground, push through your heels and lift your hips up off the ground. Lower down and keep going! »» 25

FIT TIP: Set an intention every morning for the day. How do you want the day to go? Do you have a big project at work? What mantra would help you get through that project? Projecting positivity from the start of the day encourages the behavior to fulfill that intention.

Single leg hip bridges

Similar to the exercise before this, it’s the same movement but with one leg down and the other up in the air. »» 25

Straight leg outer thigh raises lying on a mat

Lay on your side with both legs straight and your hips stacked. Now, raise your top leg up as high as you can and then lower it back down. »» 1min.

Wall sit

Wall sits can be grueling but they are totally worth it! Lean against a wall and slide down so that your thighs are parallel to the ground as if you were sitting in a chair. »» 30sec.

Wall sit with one leg up

You got it! Repeat the above wall sit, but now with one leg up! Repeat 2-3 more times



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 6 AFFIRMATION: “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” —Jim Rohn

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Forward lunges

Step forward with your right leg into a lunge with both knees bent. Make sure when you step forward you land with your heel. »» 25

FIT TIP: Be proud of your current physical fitness “wins.” If you have a hard time staying positive, keep a fitness journal and jot down your good efforts. Remind yourself that wellness is a journey and not a destination. Pat yourself on the back!

Front kicks

Balance on your left leg. Bring your right knee up towards your chest and kick the leg out so that it is straight in front of you. The kicks are fast but should not be ballistic. Do them with control. »» 25

Camel touch-backs

For camel touch-backs, kneel on the ground. Keep your hips forward, and gently reach your right arm back to tap your right heel, return to the start, and then repeat on the left. »» 25

Basic crunches turning right to left

With your hands behind your head, lift your upper body up off the ground and turn right, then lower down, left, and lower down. »» 25

Basic crunches with bottoms of your feet together and your knees out in butterfly position

Repeat 2-3 more times



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 7 “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” —Augusta F. Kantra

Your Workout of the Day: »» 15

Hamstring curls at the machine

Follow the instructions on the machine. »» 25

Single leg deadlift

Hold a set of free weights in front of your thighs and balance on your right foot. Hinge forward from the waist, sending your left leg out behind you. Then, by using your glute and hamstring strength, come back up to a stand. It’s incredibly important here to keep your abs pulled in to protect your spine. »» 25

Double leg deadlift

With the same idea as a single deadlift, keep both feet down and hinge forward, sending your hips back. Your arms should be relaxed, and straight down while holding the weights. Then using your glutes and hamstrings, thrust your hips back forward.

NOW TIP: Food is not the enemy. Treating foods as “bad” vs. “good” will only tempt you over to the “dark side.” Keeping a healthy balanced diet alone will limit sweet or savory cravings. But try to remember that sometimes choosing the French fries over a sweet potato, dessert after dinner, or that bag of chips while you work is nothing but a habit that needs breaking. Delving deep to retrain your habits and mind frame will be what changes your attitude about excess food!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 8 “You have to push past your perceived limit, push past that point you thought was as far as you can go.” —Drew Brees

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Diagonal lunges

»» 25

Squats with one foot up on a step

Similar to that of the forward lunges, you will lunge forward but this time off to a diagonal to the right or left causing you to pivot off the back foot.

With your profile facing the step, put your right foot onto the step and your left foot on the ground. Be sure to keep your weight centered between the two legs as you squat.

»» 25

Tap backs to the ground from a step

Start by standing on a tall step. Reach your right foot back so that only the toe touches down. Come back up and then tap your left foot. »» 25

Squats with heels off the back of a step

FIT TIP: Start a squat challenge baseline. In one minute, see what your AMRAP, (as many reps as possible) is in basic squats. Write that number down and come back to the one-minute squat challenge daily, the same day each week, or one month from today! »» 1min.

Plank with hands on the step

Hold plank with hands on the step and take alternating steps towards your hand with feet turned out.

»» 25

Mountain climbers with hands on step

With hands on the step in plank, alternate jump knees in towards your chest in a sort of running man. Repeat 2-3 more times

Position your squat on the step with the balls of your feet on the step and the heels off. Squatting this way helps with balance and core strength. |


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 9 “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” —Michael John Bobak

Your Workout of the Day: »» Side-step »» 25

across the room with a resistance ring around your ankles

Clam shells

While lying on your side with the ring around both thighs and your legs bent, open and close the knees while keeping your feet together. »» 25

On tabletop, bent leg donkey kick to the ceiling

»» 25

Alternating step-ups

»» 1-3

Sled pushes

Depending on if the gym’s sled is available or not, you can also use a weight plate. Set it on a soft surface like carpet. Place your hands on the plate and push it across the room and back with bent knees. Repeat 2-3 more times

FIT TIP: Remind yourself who you are and who you want to be. As we “grow up”, our responsibilities seem to take over, and we forget to dream. Write down a list of things you’d like to do someday, places you’d like to travel, or accomplishments you’d like to achieve. You’re never too “grown up” to make dreams happen!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 10 “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where the transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.” —Jillian Michaels

Your Workout of the Day: »»Walking

lunges with free weights at your sides

»» Walking side-squats with free weights

Step out to the right with toes forward and bend the knees into a squat. Stand up and take your left foot in towards your right. Keep squatting across the room by stepping out to the right and then go left to get back! »» 25

Lateral lunges into a front kick

Lunge to the right with your right knee bent and your left leg straight. Toes point forward. From here, kick your right leg forward as you push back upright. As you finish your kick, go right back into the lunge. Repeat on both sides!


»» 25

Sumo squat into a heel raise

Open up the legs into a sumo squat stance. Bent the knees, and as you come up, lift your heels. »» 25

Reverse crunches

Keep your upper body down on the mat as you bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground. Curl your tailbone up using your lower abdominals. Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: Sometimes it’s the small things that mean the most. Thank yourself for all that your feet, legs, and glutes do every day!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 11 “When it comes to working out: It would seem, the days we feel like it the least are the days we need it the most.” —Mark W. Boyer

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Step ups onto a high step

Find a step that would be a challenging height for you to step up on. Step up onto the step with both feet up. Then step both feet down. Alternate sides. »» 25

Squat into a knee tuck

Separate the feet and bend your knees into a squat. As you come up, bring your right knee up towards your chest. Squat again, then bring your left knee up and in. »» 25

Sumo squats with a kettlebell

With feet in a wide stance, hold the kettlebell in between your legs with relaxed arms as you squat.

KAT TIP: What was the most challenging part of your day? Did you make it through? Of course you did! You can get through anything you set your mind to! All it takes is practice and perseverance!

»» 25

Single leg bridges with the raised leg out to the side Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Take your right leg off the ground. Straighten it and move it out to the right. While holding the right leg up and out, lift your hips up and down in bridge. Keep your hips level. Repeat on the left.

»» 25

Abs circles by circling upper body right and left. Have a seat! Bring your feet up and off the ground with your legs together so that you are in a seated “V” position. Sit tall and hold!

»» 1min.

Superman hold

Lay flat on your front with your arms straight above your head. Keeping your legs together, lift your upper and lower body off the ground. Make sure you relax your neck, and squeeze your abs. Repeat 2-3 more times



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 12 AFFIRMATION: “Clear your mind of can’t.” —Samuel Johnson

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Hip bridges with feet turned out

»» 25

Roundhouse kicks from tabletop

Come on to your hands and knees. While keeping your arms straight, kick your right leg out to the right. Then kick out to the left.

Lay on your back, feet flat and knees bent. Separate the feet wide and turn your toes out. »» 25 Plank elevators Lift your hips up and off the ground focusing Come into plank position on your hands. on your inner thighs. From here, lower down to your forearms and »» 25 Alternating curtsy lunges then push back up to your hands. Keep your Start with one foot forward and slightly hips as still as you can by really pulling in turned out, swing the other leg behind and those abs! across the front foot in a curtsy. Now, step Repeat 2-3 more times the back leg out as it will then become the front leg as you go side to side. »» 25

Step overs on a step

With a step to your right, side step your right and left foot onto the step, and then step both feet down to the other side. Keep stepping up and down in a fast lateral movement.


FIT TIP: When the day goes long, sometimes even taking five to ten minutes to Google home fitness equipment, fitness vacations, or athletic clothes can inspire you to work harder in the following days!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 13 “Exercise is like an addiction. Once you’re in it, you feel like your body needs it.” —Elsa Pataky

Your Workout of the Day: »» 2-5 »» 25

min. on the Stairclimber

Donkey kicks on tabletop using a resistance band

While in tabletop, wrap a resistance band over the arch of your shoe, as you hold the handles of the resistance band down on the mat with your hands. Kick the foot out and slightly upwards. »» 25

Squats off a balance trainer

Whether it be a Bosu ball or a wobble board, stabilize yourself by keeping your knees soft and your abs in before you start squatting. Take it slow! »» 25

Sit down and stand up from a bench while holding a kettlebell

Hold a kettlebell by the “ears” or by the handle, in front of your chest. Stand in front of a bench and separate the feet. Slowly sit down onto the bench and stand up. »» 25

Forearm plank with knees tapping down.

Come into a forearm plank with your legs nice and straight. At one time, bend both knees and tap them to the ground. Then straighten back into that plank. Repeat 2-3 more times

FIT TIP: Would you tell your best friend she’s fat? That her pants don’t fit right, that her triceps need work, or that she doesn’t need another cookie? Probably not. So, if you wouldn’t say that to her, why would you say it to yourself? Stop the negative self-talk! Focus on the good!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 14 “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” —Shakespeare

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Outer thigh bent leg raise from tabletop From tabletop position, raise your right leg out to the side without losing the bend in the knee. Try not to lean the opposite direction. Keep a flat back by keeping your arms straight and your abs tight.

»» 25

Outer thigh bent leg circles from tabletop

»» 25

Sumo jumping jacks touching the floor

Separate the feet into a sumo stance. As you squat down, touch the floor with one hand. As you come up, jumping jack the legs together then back out to sumo where you touch the floor with the opposite hand. »» 25

Lateral step ups

Find a step that is a little higher than you’d maybe like and side step up and down off of it. Keeping the knees bent will help make the move run smoother.

From the same position as the exercise above, raise the right leg out to the side and then »» 1min. Sumo squat hold around and up before returning it back in. Essentially you’re making a circle with your Repeat 2-3 more times leg from the hip.

NOW TIP: Healthy food need not be boring! Adding spices to your meals can also boost immunity! Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon helps to balance blood sugar, and ginger is great for digestion!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 15 AFFIRMATION: “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” —Jim Rohn

Your Workout of the Day: Repeat the below as many rounds as you can in 10-minutes. But remember, form first! »» 25

Front lunge into a reverse lunge

»» 15

Leg press machine

Follow the instructions on the machine.

FIT TIP: Today is about taking note of the past two weeks of working your butt off! What has changed, physically and mentally? What more do you have to work on? Do you have any goals for the last two weeks of this challenge? What more can you do now to be able to say to yourself that you worked your hardest? Keep going! You’re almost there!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 16 “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Squats with a barbell

You may want to ask for help in assisting you as you place a barbell on your upper back and shoulders. Hands should be a little wider than shoulder-width apart and the bar should be nowhere near your neck. Keeping your chest up and your core strong, lower down into the squat. Try not to tilt your head too far back. Focus on your form by looking in the mirror. »» 15-25

Deadlifts with a barbell

Using the same barbell, or heavier, hold the bar down at your thighs with palms facing your legs. Hinge at the waist keeping your back flat and use your hips to push you back up to center. These are amazing for your hamstrings and glutes!


»» 25

Lunge with weight pass

Hold lunge position with one foot forward, and the other about 3-4 feet back. Grab a moderately heavy free weight and as you bend both knees in lunge, pass the weight under that front leg. Then stand up and repeat to the other side. »» 2-5

min. Run or fast walk

Repeat 2-3 more times

NOW TIP: Try volumizing your food by adding a side salad before dinner, bulking up a stir fry with as many veggies as possible, or make an egg-white bake with a whole big bag of spinach! Eating foods that fill you up and are low-calorie are a win-win!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 17 “Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.” —Venus Williams

Your Workout of the Day: »» 6

minutes- 30sec. Run or walk at incline 4

30sec. Rest • Repeat once more at 4. Then continue with inclines 5 and 6. Two rounds each. •


4 minutes- 45sec. Run or walk at incline 7

• 15sec. •

Rest Repeat three more times

»» 10

minutes- 1min. Run or walk at incline 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

• 1min.

Run or walk with increasing speed at 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10

KAT TIP: Setting boundaries is saying to the world, this is who I am, and this is what I want! You are doing a phenomenal job of defining your goals and standing your ground!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 18 Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” —Arnold Schwarzenegger

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Hip bridges with feet up on a medicine ball Lay down on a mat and with your feet up on a medicine ball with the arches of your feet pointed inward and your knees slightly turned out. Bridge off the ground by pushing into the ball.

»» 25

Hip bridges with the medicine ball in between your inner thighs

Take the ball out from under your feet and now place it in between your thighs. Bridge from here but don’t let that ball fall out! »» 25

Squats with the medicine ball in between your thighs

This move can be tough but be sure to use a lighter weight medicine ball to start.


»» 1min. Wall sit still with that medicine

ball in between your thighs

»» 25

Jump squats

Jump squats starting with toes forward, then landing with toes turned out. Jump back and forth between the two with a soft landing to protect your joints and to help fire up that core! Repeat 2-3 more times

NOW TIP: Eat…your weeds? Well, not quite. Dandelions are a popular food that are full of vitamin C, iron, and other antioxidants. Pick them up from your local natural store (not your backyard), and add them to sandwiches or salads. Think that’s crazy? Some farmers’ markets even sell dandelion wine!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 19 AFFIRMATION: “Don’t say ‘I can’t.’ Say ‘I presently struggle with.” —Tony Horton

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Single leg leg-press

Follow the instructions on the machine about foot placement. »» 25

Leg press with both feet

Follow the instructions on the machine. »» 25

Single leg squats

KAT TIP: How many days in a row have you worked out? Thank yourself for staying consistent, staying on top of your nutrition, and for doing your best. Reward yourself for a string of successful wellness days strung together! You’re on your way! »» 1min. Plank hold with alternating

Balance on one leg with the other leg up knees coming in and across towards and back behind you. While here, bend the opposite elbows. front leg into squat without lowering the other leg. Sometimes it’s helpful to look at a nonRepeat 2-3 more times moving object to help you find balance. »» 25

Pistol squats

Pistol squats can be tough. So, start by putting a bench behind you. Have a seat and extend your left leg out in front of you. Without setting that left leg down, try to stand up with only the right leg. Lower down the same. If that’s too tough at the moment, keep only the heel of the left leg down on the floor and continue to focus most of your energy on that right leg. |


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 20 “Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.” —Jackie Joyner Kersee

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Straight leg raises in tabletop

Place your hands on the floor, curl your toes, under and come into downward facing dog with your hips in the air, and your heels up. With a straight leg, extend each leg back and up. »» 25

Split stance, static lunges into a heel raise.

Separate the feet front to back into a front lunge. As you stand up, lift the heels. This is an incredibly tough move that focuses on balance, core, and leg strength.

»»25 Static curtsy lunges into a heel raise Similar to the above lunge, as you come up out of curtsy lunge, come up on the balls of your feet. Here, squeeze your inner thighs to help with balance.


»» 25

Walkouts into plank and back

Place your hands on the floor and walk them forward out to plank. Then after a brief hold, walk your hands back and stand up! »» 25

Hip dips in forearm plank

Come down onto your forearms with your legs long and strong. Dip your right hip towards the ground, then the left. Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: Life is as sweet as you make it! Taking those workouts to another level by going breathless takes stamina, will, and drive! Be proud of those days when you can call yourself a true powerhouse!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 21 “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” —Denis Waitley

Your Workout of the Day: »» 15

Reps at the quadriceps machine

Follow the instructions on the machine. »» 25

Deadlift with kettlebell

Always use proper caution when lifting a kettlebell. Set it out in front of you. With bent knees, pick up the weight by the handle. With relaxed arms, hinge at the waist and then drive your hips forward.

Wide stance squat with a kettlebell to touch the ground

»» 25

Side to side abs with a light kettlebell

Find a much lighter kettlebell than the one you used for your deadlift. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your legs together. Lean back and twist your upper body right and left while holding the kettlebell. Repeat 2-3 more times

»» 25

Separate your feet wide enough, that while you hold the kettlebell in between your legs, you can touch the ground with it. As with any squat, keep those shoulders back, abs in, and your toes active inside your shoes. »» 25

Sumo jump squats

Start with your feet wide and the toes turned out. Bend the knees and jump. Make sure to land softly! |

FIT TIP: Today’s focus is on our physical balance. Since most of us don’t head to the gym with the primary goal of working on balance, see if you can implement it into today’s workout, or even throughout your day. Stand on your right foot while you brush the top row of your teeth, and then switch! Try putting your makeup on with your heels lifted and together, and your toes turned out. Balance works your stability muscles, core, and posture.


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 22 “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” —Zig Ziglar

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Alternating forward shoelace lunges

Keep the stance shorter than your average lunge as you lunge forward and reach for your shoes while sinking your hips towards the floor in a crouching position. Shove off the front foot to come back up. »» 25

Lateral lunges with foot turned slightly out

Step out to the right with your foot slightly turned out. Bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight. Bend both knees slightly to come back to center. »» 25

Hamstring curls with a stability ball

Lay down with your feet on a stability ball. Lift your hips up off the ground and then curl your heels towards your rear end without lowering the hips down. Straighten your legs, then lower down.


»» 25

Plank to lunge

Come into a solid plank position. From here, pull your right knee in towards your chest and step your foot in between your hands. Bend both knees in a crouching lunge, then tilt your upper body up without straightening your legs. Hands come back to the floor and then step your right foot back. Repeat on your left. »» 25

Side forearm plank hip dips

Come onto your left forearm and stack, or stagger your feet in a side forearm plank. Slightly dip your left hip towards the ground and then back up. Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: Today thank your self for power. It takes a lot of drive to stick to a fitness challenge, and you’re only five days out from the end. Power is what gets you through each workout, and power is what gets you to and beyond, day 28!


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 23 “Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom.” —Jack Lalane

Your Workout of the Day: »» 10

Basic squats

»» 10

Curtsy lunges

»» 10

Reverse lunges

»» 10

Sumo squats

»» 10

Straight leg raises in downward facing dog

Repeat all 9, 8, 7, etc. times

KAT TIP: By now you can feel how good feeling great is. Taking care of your garden that is your wellness wheel will also inspire others to get into better health. Healthy people are attractive in the sense that you come across wiser, and stronger! Be proud of your new role model status! And pay it forward!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 24 “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” —Ben Franklin

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Forward lunges

»» 25

Diagonal lunges

»» 25

Lateral lunges

»» 25

Reverse lunges

»» 25

Box jumps

Find a solid step or box to jump on to. If box jumps are not for you, alternate step ups on a step or bench. Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: Notice your physical gains right now, wherever you’re at. Do you feel how sitting even feels different? Recognition is not bragging here. Be proud of yourself and celebrate your successes with your friends and family! Don’t miss a moment to shine!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 25 “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” —Francis of Assisi

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Roll down abs

In a seated position, keep a tall spine and extend your feet out in front of you with knees bent. Pull your lower abs in and slowly roll down your upper body to the mat. »» 25 Hip bridges alternating single legs

Lay down on a mat with feet flat and knees bent. Reach your left leg up to the ceiling. Bridge your hips up, lower down, then set your left foot down, right leg up, and bridge on the opposite side. »» 25 Rear straight leg raises face down

Lay face down on a mat with your chin on your hands. Raise your legs up in an alternating straight-leg raise.

»» 25

Straddle up and down off a bench

Stand with a medium to high bench, or step in between your legs. Alternate step ups on to the bench and then straddle down. »» 25

Squat into a side leg raise

With toes pointed forward, come into a deep squat. As you come up, push your right leg straight out from your hip to the right. Return the leg back to squat stance. Finish all to the right and then all to the left. Repeat 2-3 more times

NOW TIP: Getting your Z’s can be tough if your diet is high in fat, processed foods, too much caffeine, or loaded with hot spices. Clean up your diet and eat smaller meals at dinner to get your 7-9 hours a night.



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 26 “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” —Muhammad Ali

Your Workout of the Day: »» 50

Outer thigh bent leg raises on tabletop

»» 50

Sumo squats touching both hands down to the floor

»» 50

Basic squats

»» 50

Donkey kicks from tabletop

»» 50

Basic crunches

Repeat 2-3 more times

KAT TIP: Your own personal sense of how you see your value is priceless. You’ve committed daily to something bigger than yourself. And now, the world is a whole new place knowing your obstacles are defeatable!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 27 ”If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride-and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” —Paul Bryant

Your Workout of the Day: »» 25

Alternating one two-leg hip bridge with one basic crunch

»» 25

Prisoner get ups straight into a knee tuck or 25 Camel touch backs

»» 25

Flutter kicks standing

»» 25 Crunches squeezing a stability ball

Lay on your back with a stability ball between your ankles and with your legs straight up in the air. Clasp your hands behind your head and crunch up towards the ball. »» 25

Staying in the same position as previous exercise, hit the ball with your hands 25x for an added abs challenge.

Repeat 2-3 more times

FIT TIP: Focus on giving yourself some gratitude today. Make a list of everything in your life that you’re grateful for. Include the big things like your health and family, but also don’t leave out the tiny accomplishments you do every day. When you take the time to write these things down, you realize just how amazing and lucky you are! This is the good life!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Day 28 “The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race.” —Unknown

Your Workout of the Day: »» Repeat

your workout of the day for Day 1 and see how far you’ve come!

You made it to day 28! How do you feel? Can you see and feel the changes you’ve made? Now’s the time to rally and continue on this path to being better than ever! Look back at this program and notice what became important, what you learned, and how you will keep progressing. Write down any non-scale victories from this program and then start looking to the future. What is next for the stronger, more confident Kaia girl who also happens to now have a rockin’ lower half? Bravo girl! Keep on climbing!

KAT TIP: The greatest success is the success of trying and trying again. You kept at this through all the sharp turns. What a strong, amazing woman you are! High fives all around!



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

Don’t Forget »» Always make time for a warm-up, even if it’s only a few minutes on the treadmill.

Working out on “cold” muscles could set you up for injury and unnecessary soreness.

»» Anytime you go to pick up a weight, keep your knees bent, engage your core and

brace your body. Keeping this habit no matter how much weight you lift or carry will ensure that you don’t injure yourself.

»» Stretching is just as important as your workout. Take fifteen minutes a day to stretch all

of your main muscle groups. Pay special attention to your hip flexors, back, and chest. These are the most commonly tight areas.

»» Pack extra snacks in a side pocket of your gym bag. Maintaining your blood sugar is

key to a strong workout and a thriving metabolism! If you go to the gym on an empty stomach, you risk a lackluster workout and a dip in your metabolism.

»» Crunches are the one muscle group that you can do every day. Aim for 5 minutes a

day and by week’s end, you’ll have a 35-minute workout!

»» Non-scale victories are the best victories. Aim to only weigh yourself once a week, in

the morning, and after you’ve taken care of business. Weighing yourself more than that can add pressure and take away from the bigger goal of creating a healthier you.

»» Mixing it up by adding variety, amping up the intensity, or increasing the frequency or

duration of your workouts will help keep you from plateauing! Stay on the mountain!

»» Momentum is not a muscle. Keeping good form and not swinging your weights will

help get you the muscle you need in a safe manner. Not sure how your form is? Ask a Kaia fitness professional.

»» Working out is hard! Make sure you have a strong support system to help you

through those tough days. Joining a Core or Brik session will also help you stay upbeat and on track! |


Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge

About Kaia FIT Kaia FIT is an all-inclusive lifestyle system composed of year-round group fitness and nutrition programs designed for women, by women. Kaia FIT gyms provide a guided, holistic approach to health focused on results, camaraderie, and commitment. The gym’s training schedule is broken up into alternating 5 or 6-week tailored exercise and nutrition programs. They even offer supplementary programs designed for specialized longdistance and triathlon training and more. With over 55 gyms across the U.S. (and growing!), Kaia FIT offers the specialized attention, variety, and strategic design of hiring a personal trainer alongside the energy, support, and accountability of belonging to a neighborhood gym or boutique fitness studio. Interested in joining Kaia FIT? Visit our location page to find a location near you.



Shape, Lift & Boost: 28 Day Butt Challenge |


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