4 minute read
Caleb and Sharon ask their parents if they could take them on a playdate
from Young Love
by Junior Salas
Caleb entered to his parent’s room, he saw his dad was flipping through the channels, he stumbled upon reruns of Jersey Shore.
He said, ‘‘Man, how I seriously hate quote on quote, ‘‘reality shows’’ It’s a lame excuse to get rich easy. That dumb ‘‘Reese’s haired.’’ Retard’s so stupid.’’ He began to mock him in a retarded voice, saying, ‘‘Hey, look me guys. I’m fist pumping.’’ The dad began to act like a spastic retard, Caleb and his brothers began to laugh.
He turned to them and said, ‘‘Isn’t that right.’’ His dad changed the channel, he stumbled upon one of the ‘‘X-Men’’ movies.
His dad said, ‘‘Funny. I remember that gays said that they felt like the mutants in the movies/comics.’’
He turned to Caleb and his brothers, and said, ‘‘Boys, it’s not that we as Christians don’t like gays. It’s that, it’s wrong for gays to get married. That’s not the plan of GOD for marriage. Besides, why would they want to get married? They’re already together. It’s not like GOD’s going approve their relationship/marriage.’’
One of the brothers of Caleb and Troy asked, ‘‘Dad a boy came to me and said, he liked me as a boy, he is attracted to me. What do I do?’’
His dad said, ‘‘Well boy. First, you should treat him as human. Don’t isolate him just because he’s a homosexual. Second, set boundaries. Tell him what you believe, and tell him that you’re going to stick to your beliefs no matter what. I have gay friends, I love them like I love my heterosexual friends. But, I don’t agree with their lifestyle.’’
He added, ‘‘The only difference between Christians and non-Christians, we humble ourselves and admit we’re sinners. Non-Christians don’t do that. They live however they want.’’
The brother of Troy and Caleb said, ‘‘Wow, dad. I never thought of it like that. Thanks.’’
The dad said, ‘‘You’re welcome, boy. The way people get married in Vegas is also wrong, and people shouldn’t hold up picket sign that say, gays are going to hell. We’re no one to condemn.’’ Caleb and his brothers left to do their homework. Their dad change the channel, he saw they were giving The Kardashians.
He said, ‘‘Stupid Kardashians. GO AWAY.’’ He turned the TV off.
He said, ‘‘The only reality show that I like that’s not ‘‘The Ultimate Fighter’’ is ‘‘Christley Knows Best’’ Even then, I still find that show boring sometimes.’’
Back to in Sharon’s home, her mom helped her with her homework.
Her mom said, ‘‘You should invite to Caleb over for dinner.’’
Sharon said, ‘‘I wanted to, but I’d think you would’ve said no.’’
Her mom asked, ‘‘Why would I say no?’’
‘‘I don’t know.’’ Sharon responded.
Her mom said, ‘‘Well, after I meet his parents you could invite him.’’
Sharon ask, ‘‘Hey mom, why don’t you invited you’re old friend to eat?’’
Her mom said, ‘‘I don’t know where they are. Even if I knew I don’t think they’d come.’’ Sharon asked, ‘‘Why?’’
Her mom said, ‘‘Girl, you’re full of questions.’’ Laughing about it.
She asked, ‘‘Do you regret whatever happen between you two?’’
Her mom said, ‘‘Sharon, I got to make something to eat.’’
Her mom went to the kitchen to make food.
Back in Caleb’s home, Caleb and his brothers were rough housing. Their mom came, opened the door and said,
‘‘Yo wannabe Vikings, time to eat.’’
All rushed to the kitchen, giving their war cry. Their dad heard and joined them. He stood up gave his war cry, and pound his chest. Caleb’s mom was just stared at them like if they were crazy. They stopped and look at the mom,
She said, ‘‘Sometimes I wonder why GOD put men in charge, it’s clearly that us women are more civilized and smarter than men.’’
She walked to the stove to get the food for Caleb, his brothers, and his dad. They stared at her as she was walking to the counter, then they all look at each other, they shrugged their shoulders, and they kept pounding the chest.
The mom came with their food, and said, ‘‘Ok, ya apes. Here’s your food.’’ They hold hands, prayed, and started eating. While Caleb was eating,
His dad ask, ‘‘How was school, boy?’’
Caleb said, ‘‘It was good.’’ Gideon, one of his brothers said, ‘‘Yeah, Sharon was there.’’
Caleb said, ‘‘Yeah, at least someone likes me, unlike you. You’re going to grow old without a wife, gagging in your own saliva.’’
His dad and his brothers started laughing.
While mom said, ‘‘Caleb!’’ Gideon just stayed quiet.
Troy asked, ‘‘Hey dad, why do you call us, boy?’’ Mocking his deep voice.
His dad said, ‘‘I don’t know. I have a feeling in the future, they are going to make a god of war for PS4. Kratos’ going to have a boy named, Atreaus. He is going to call him boy most of the time. That’s why I say boy.’’
Caleb, his brothers, and his wife started to laugh historically.
Troy mocked him saying, ‘‘What, it’s going to come out next month?’’
His dad said, ‘‘No, next year.’’
Troy said, ‘‘Ok, sure dad.’’
Caleb spoke to his dad, ‘‘Hey dad I invited Sharon to the park Saturday, can you take me?’’
His dad looked at Caleb’s mom, she said, ‘‘I have to take them to practice.’’ Pointing to Caleb’s brothers.
The dad said, ‘‘Ok boy, I’ll take you to the park.’’
Caleb said, ‘‘Yeah, I’ll tell Sharon tomorrow.’’