Junior State of America
October 2015
DEBATE OF THE MONTH: OCTOBER Resolved, that Donald Trump is a Serious Presidential Candidate
Background Information: Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015. Trump, a real estate magnate, businessman and reality tv personality, had previously flirted with presidential runs, most notably in the 2012 race, where his brief consideration of running for president in the Spring of 2011 led to a brief period where he led the Republican nomination polls by a 7-point margin, according to Public Policy Polling. However, his current campaign marks his first official presidential bid, and also the most success he’s found in a political venture. According to most polling aggregates, Trump has led the field of candidates since mid-July and continues to do so by large margins as of late September. However, Trump has courted controversy throughout his campaign stemming mainly from a harsh anti-immigration rhetoric and policy proposals including mass deportation and wall-building and a vitriolic attitude towards his fellow candidates, the news media, and any figure who voices opposition towards him. Although many attribute his rise in the polls to these controversies and the perception of Trump as an outsider candidate, they have led to the common criticism of Trump not being a “serious candidate” for president. This critique has come both from his opponents in the presidential race, notably Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush, and news organizations such as The Huffington Post, which has moved its Trump coverage from its politics section to entertainment. Proponents of Trump-as-a-serious candidate point to his sustained success in the current republican field, as well as the similarity of many of his policy ideas to other conservative candidates, while opponents hold that Trump’s lack of political experience, bombastic attitude, and attention-seeking behavior show that his campaign is nothing but a publicity stunt. Trump’s official campaign website can be found here, his position papers can be found here and a transcript of his speech announcing his campaign can be found here. 1
Junior State of America
October 2015
Arguments in Favor of Trump as Serious
Arguments Against Trump as Serious
Trump is the clear poll leader in the
current Republican race, leading by
necessarily mean that he's a serious
12 percentage points according to
candidate that could actually win the
the most recent Huffington Post
averages, and around 8 points
In prior elections, candidates
according to Real Clear Politics’
such as Newt Gingrich or
aggregate. His clear and sustained
Herman Cain have taken
lead indicates that his views are
dramatic early leads but haven't
reflective of republican voters who
been able to actually win the
also find his honesty refreshing and
nomination or state primaries.
very antiestablishment. ii.
Trump's poll successes don't
Trump has no experience in politics,
Contrary to common criticism, Trump
and has actually shown a shocking lack
actually does have policy positions.
of policy knowledge when questioned
On Trump’s official website, policy papers on Immigration
during his campaign. i.
For example, he seemed
Reform, Tax Reform and
unaware or unconcerned of the
Second Amendment Rights are
difference between Hamas and
Hezbollah and between the
iii. Trump is not any more radical or
Quds Force and the Kurdish
conservative than many other
people in a September radio
Republican presidential candidates.
interview with Hugh Hewitt.
Both his tax and immigration
iii. Beyond his lack of experience, Trump
plans are not particularly
has often been unwilling to show the
extreme in the republican field,
loyalty to the Republican party typically
with Politico characterizing his
sought after in a presidential candidate
tax reform plan as “less radical”
for that party.
than plans by Rand Paul and
Trump identified as “more of a
Marco Rubio, and USA Today
Democrat” as recently as 2004,
identifying similarities between
and only signed a “loyalty oath”
his immigration plan and ideas
against running as a third party
favored by Jeb Bush, Scott
candidate a month after the rest
Walker, and Rick Santorum.
of the GOP field did.