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Higher learning with hybrid learning
Higher learning with hybrid learning
By Nineve Grobler
Although you may think that hybrid learning has put a severe dent in your social calendar and robbed you of precious time with your mates, you could very well be missing out on all the opportunities it offers. With hybrid learning, you have the best of both worlds.
You can easily meet those hectic deadlines with the time you gain by not travelling to and from school. After all, your classroom is just a couple of steps away.
You also get the chance to see your teachers face-to-face, rewind if you didn’t catch something the first time, and connect with them. No need to worry if you lost concentration for a moment or were ill and missed one of those vital classes—you can catch up at your leisure. This will cut out a considerable part of the stress you experience because you can learn in your own unique way and at your own pace—do what works for you.
You don’t stop learning the moment you leave the classroom. When you do leave the classroom, you can decide what you want your learning environment to look like. Have you always felt that your study time would be better with a bit of background music or softer lighting? You can now customise your working space to suit you! You are in control.
You get to use all those real-world IT skills, learn how to do proper research, and self-learn and communicate—skills you will use for the rest of your life, no matter what career you choose. You can find a great deal of the information you need by surfing the web. Knowledge is at your fingertips. Say goodbye to lugging around many of those heavy, expensive textbooks.
Think about it: in your small way, you are fighting climate change—the less paper you use, the fewer trees need to be felled. This is also money that can buy data or invest in the latest technology—buy a new laptop or tablet.
By embracing hybrid learning and making clever use of all its opportunities, you open up a whole new world for yourself. You won’t be sorry!