1 minute read
The Metaverse Has No "Negative Exterior": Social Space Mapping Based On Calabichu's Mathematical Model
Meta-universe is based on extended reality technology to provide people with immersive virtual experience and satisfy people's desire for a better world. However, with the continuous development of metaverse-related technologies and business ecology, leading to increasingly significant problems of various kinds in different application scenarios. In the process of research, we found that every time the relevant future concept is pushed out, it involves the imagination and boasting of the flattening of the new world. The meta-universe is as cruel as the real world, with four core forms of hegemony: negative externalities of everything arithmetic, negative externalities of everything tokens, negative externalities of everyting logistics, and negative externalities of eveything spectacle
Project exhibited at Design Shenzhen2022
Academic project
Team Work(2)
Team co-worker:Weihan Zheng
Rolein team: Conceptual Design 70% Modeling70% Rendering 100% Drawing 45%
Time: June 2022-October 2022
Instructor: Yan Yu
E-mail: yimyvu@szu.edu.cn
Maintheoryphilosophicalprinciple Metaverse
Amouthbeing attachedtoanother mouth,ortoanipple, ordrinkingfroma mountainstream
X,aretransformedthroughhumanindustryand inductedintohumansociety,atX1.TheYaxis representstwoeffectsoftheprocessesmoving alongtheXaxis;oneisentropicandtheotheris accelerating.
Thedualisticdialectic betweentheinterior andexteriorofthe uterusisthekey totheSlotterdeck spheretrilogy.
Theadvantagesoftheplatform'snestedplatform hierarchyprofoundlyinfluencethestructureof labourandvalue-addedintheinformationsociety.
Mathematicscan defineandconquer theextraspaceand makefourdimensional geometryintoa sensibleworld.
Topography Of Metaverse
The development of the thing itself is the development of the opposites in the thing, in the struggle and unity of the opposites, to achieve the dialectical movement from low to high, its basic direction, the general trend is forward, up, is a spiral or wave type of zigzag process.
Chapter 1, based on the story of infosys in India, reveals the technical exploitation of the meta-universe. The metauniverse is built on the basis of code work without digital farmers. It gets the coders to willingly work as part of the underlying operating mechanism by portraying to the potential populationof codersthedream of abetterlifethroughcodework.
Chapter 2 is based on the bridge jumping incident at Mapo Bridge in South Korea. It reveals the economic exploitation in the metaverse. The metaverse exploits the users of the metaverse financially by portraying a highly rewarding, fair and free marketplace for trading, leaving them unaware of the economiccrisistrap.
Chapter 3 reveals the logistical exploitation of the metaverse based on the incidents of uber's squeezing of drivers. The metaverse offers a variety of new forms of logistics. It exploits the labour of logistics workers by promoting the new logistics methods in the form of fair opportunities andconvenience.
Chapter 4 is based on the events of Room N in Korea and reveals the entertainment exploitation of the metaverse. The meta-universe entertains everything. Through deceptive channels of fame, he tricks ignorant metaverse users into the entertainment chain, exploiting them sexually and for labour, and designing the mutual exploitation ofthebottomusers.