: Oracle
Exam Code : 1Z0-542
Version: Free Demo
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Q: 1 Which service is used to upload and index documents in bulk into Oracle Imaging and Process Management 11g? A. BPEL Agent B. DocumentService C. UfecycleService D. Input Agent Answer: D Q: 2 Which two statements are true about full-text searches in Oracle Universal Record Management? A. Text entered without quotation marks returns the word you enter as well its stems. B. Text entered in quotation marks returns the word you enter as well as its stems. C. Text entered in quotation marks returns only that specific phrase. D. Text entered without quotation marks returns only that specific phrase. Answer: B, C Q: 3 Which two statements are true about classification of a record in Oracle Universal Records Management? A. You can declassify a record that had the Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data supplement, markings assigned B. You cannot declassify a record that had the Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data supplemental markings assigned. C. Supplemental markings are extra attributes associated with a non-record content. D. Supplemental markings are extra attributes associated with a record content. Answer: B, D Q: 4 In Oracle Content Server, the administrator user can assign multiple roles to a user. If a user has more than one role, the permission becomes ______and ____. A. Additive B. Least restrictive C. Most restrictive D. Subtractive Answer: B, D Q: 5 Which two are link classes available in Oracle Universal Records Management? A. Record Folder Class B. Chained List Class C. Category Series Class D. Cross-Reference Class Answer: A, C Q: 6 Which two statements are true about Oracle Site Studio Manager? A. To add Manager to your site, simply add the Site Studio Manager element to a page template B. To add Manager to your site, simply add the Site Studio Manager fragment to a page template C. One can create as many manager configuration settings files as one would like.
D. One can create only a single manager configuration settings file. Answer: B, C Q: 7 Which admin utility is used to create and manage content types and custom metadata field in Oracle Content Server? A. Repository Manager B. Connection Manager C. Configuration Manager D. Enterprise Manager Answer: C