Presentació calsse de 10 de tercer

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This is the Grade 3 Class 10 of The Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Normal University. There is a quite sweet name , 'Happy Class 10' , for Class 10, Grade 3, which is a warm family formed of 45 lovely babies and 2 head teachers.

四川师范大学附属实验学校3年级10 班。它有个好听的名字叫“幸福10 班”,这个温暖的大家庭由45名活泼 可爱的宝贝和2名班主任组成。 Introduction 班级介绍

我是小学生啦! we are primary school students!

2年级的我们, 长大了不少! We got older when we were in Grade 2.

3年级的我们, 更懂事了! We are more sensible now!



我 团结 们

We are united , companionate, diligent, eager to learn knowledge, confident and independent.

自信 自强


We are outgoing children!

我 们 是 阳 光 少 年

我们喜爱阅读 We like reading!

We like traveling.


We like creation and performance.

我们热爱: 创作、表演

We like making friends with others.


We are family members loving each other all the way!


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