Presentació projecte junts antaviana cat angles

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La nostra escola - Our school -


• L’edifici de l’escola Antaviana està ubicat en Barcelona ciutat, al barri de Roquetes, al districte municipal VIII (Nou Barris) de Barcelona.

• The school building Antaviana is located in the neighbourhood of Roquetes, in the municipal district VII (Nou Barris) in Barcelona.

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AquĂ­ pots trobar Barcelona, la nostra ciutat!

Here you can find Barcelona, our city!

Barcelona ĂŠs molt gran. Mireu!

Barcelona is a very big city. Look!

Aquí és el nostre barri

Here we have our neighbourhood

I aquĂ­, la nostra escola! And here it is our school!

Ara, presentarem tots els alumnes de l’escola Antaviana que participen en aquet projecte!

• Now, we will introduce all the classmathes of the Antaviana school who participe in this project!

TERCER A (Group: 3r A)

TERCER B (Group: 3r B)

TERCER A (Group: 3rd A)

Hola! Em dic Jose i m’agrada jugar a “fet i amagar”!

Hello! My name is Jose. I like playing hide-and-seek!

Hola! Em dic Rute i tinc una germana petita. L’estimo molt!

Hello! My name is Rute. I have a little sister. I love her a lot!

Com esteu? Em dic Tanú i tinc un germà que va a l’institut. També jugo a futbol.

How are you? My name is Tanú. I have a brother who is going to highschool. I play football too!

Hola! Em dic Irene i tinc moltes mascotes!

Hello! My name is Irene. I have a lot of pets

Hola! Sóc el Dani i tinc dos germans. M’agrada jugar a futbol.

Hello! I’m Dani. I have two brothers. I like playing football.

Hola! Em dic Irene. Jo faig nataci贸 i practico piano!

Hello! My name is Irene. I practice swimming and I play the piano!

Hola! Què tal? Em dic Thalaya i m’encanta el menjar xinès!

Hi! How are you? My name is Thalaya. I love Chinese food!

Hola! Em dic Taha i m’agrada molt el futbol i el bàsquet. Tinc un germà: Abdellaziz.

Hello! My name is Taha. I like playing football and basketball very much. I’ve got a brother called Abdellaziz

Hola! Sóc la Yamiley i m’agrada jugar al pati amb els meus companys!

Hello! I’m Yamiley and I like playing on the playground with my classmates!

Hola! Em dic Pau i faig de porter quan juguem a futbol. Tinc dues germanes que les estimo molt.

Hello! My name is Pau. I am a goalkeeper. I’ve got two sisters and I love them!

Hola! Sóc l’Ayman i m’agrada jugar a futbol!

Hello! I’m Ayman. I like playing football!

Hola! Em dic Mello i tinc dos germans. M’agrada jugar amb les meves cosines al carrer.

Hello! My name is Mello. I’ve got two brothers. I like playing in the street with my cousins.

Hola! Sóc el José Antonio i sóc un bon jugador de futbol!

Hello! I’m José Antonio and I am a good footballer!

Hola! Em dic Nastia i m’agrada estudiar a l’escola Antaviana!

Hello! My name is Nastia and I like studying at Antaviana school!

Hola! Em dic Luis i visc a Barcelona amb la meva famĂ­lia.

Hello! My name is Luis and I live in Barcelona with my family.

Hola! Em dic Melani i m’encanta jugar amb les meves amigues! També m’agrada estudiar anglès.

Hello! My name is Melani and I love playing with my friends! I like studying English too.

Hola! Em dic Ona i faig waterpolo i natació. M’agrada jugar a futbol al pati!

Hello! My name is Ona. I practice waterpolo and swimming. I like playing football on the playground too!

Hola! Em dic Salma i tinc dues germanes. M’encanta jugar a “tocar i parar”!

Hello! My name is Salma and I’ve got two sisters. I love “playing tag”!

Hola! Sóc la Mariam i m’agrada jugar a bàsquet a l’escola!

Hi! I am Mariam. I like playing basketball at the school!

Hola! Em dic Rocío i m’agrada patinar!

Hello! My name is Rocío. I like skating very much!

Hola! Em dic Iris i m’agrada el bàsquet. Faig natació i tinc una germana!

Hello! My name is Iris. I like basketball. I practice swimming and I’ve got one sister!

Hola! Em dic Samara i m’agrada jugar a “fet i amagar”.

Hello! My name is Samara. I like playing “hide-and-seek”.

Hola! Sóc l’Aabiyan i m’agrada el futbol. No tinc germans.

Hello! I’m Aabiyan. I like football. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.

TERCER B (Group: 3rd B)

Hola! Em dic Salma i m’agrada estudiar castellà !

Hello! My name is Salma. I like studying Spanish!

Què tal? Em dic Jose i m’agrada anar de vacances i buscar bolets!

How are you? My name is Jose. I like going on holidays and mushroom hunting!

Hola! Sóc la Sara i sóc una bona cuinera!

Hello! I’m Sara and I ´m a good cook!

Hola! Em dic Samuel i m’agrada jugar amb el meu equip de futbol.

How are you? My name is Samuel. I like playing in my football team!

Què tal? Em dic Òscar i m’agrada anar a Salou (una vila de Tarragona)

How are you? My name is Òscar. I like going to Salou (a small town in Tarragona)

Hola! Em dic Joshuar i m’agrada jugar als jocs de la Play Station!

Hi! My name is Joshuar. I like playing Play Station games!

Hola! Em dic Iria i m’encanta cantar!

Hello! My name is Iria. I love singing!

Hola! Sóc la Juana i m’agrada jugar amb les meves amigues!

Hello! I’m Juana. I like playing with my friends!

Hola! Em dic Nayma i m’agrada anar a l’hort de l’escola!

Hello! My name is Nayma. I like going to the school vegetable patch!

Hola! Em dic Antonia i visc a prop de l’escola!

Hi! My name is Antonia. I live near the school!

Hola! Sóc el Mohamed i m’encanta anar al Marroc amb els meus cosins!

Hello! I’m Moha. I love going to Morocco with my cousins !

Hola! Em dic Felipe i tinc tres germans: Eusebio, Mariano i Manuel, i una germana, Antonia!

Hello! My name is Felipe. I have three brothers and one sister their names are: Eusebio, Mariano, Manuel, and Antonia!

Hola! Em dic Jéssica i tinc una germana bessona que va a l’altra classe!

Hello! My name is Jéssica and I have a twin sister. She studies at the other class group!

Hola! Sóc el Jonatan i m’encanten les matemàtiques!

Hi! I’m Jonatan. I love matemathics!

Què tal? Em dic Angee i m’agrada jugar amb la Juana, la Jéssica, la Antonia i la Salma!

How are you? My name is Angee. I like playing with Juana, Jéssica, Antonia and Salma!

Hola! Sóc l’Agustín i m’agrada el bàsquet!

Hi! I’m Agustín. I like basketball!

Hola! Em dic Faheem i s贸c del Pakistan!

Hello! My name is Faheem. I am from Pakistan!

Què tal? Em dic Víctor i toco la guitarra!

How are you? My name is Víctor. I play the guitar!

Hola! Em dic Karim i m’agrada jugar al futbol!

Hello! My name is Karim. I like playing football!

Hola! Sóc el Juan i m’encanta la meva escola!

Hi! I’m Juan. I love my school!

Hola! Sóc la Daniela. M’agrada l’escola Antaviana!

Hello! I am Daniela. I like Antaviana school!

Anem a ensenyar-vos els espais mÊs importants de l’escola Antaviana

We are going to show you the most important spaces in Antaviana school

Aquesta és la sala multiusos. Aquí, tenim un escenari que fem servir per actuacions especials, per veure pel·lícules o per fer esport.

This is the “multipurpose room�. Here, we have a stage we use for special performances, for watching movies or practicing sport.

Aquest és el rebedor i és per on entrem a l’escola. Ara mateix està decorat amb motius de la tardor.

This is the school hall. Nowadays, it is decorated with autumn ornaments.

Aquesta és la biblioteca. Aquí venim a llegir contes, novel·les, revistes... Tots els llibres estan ordenats per gènere.

This is the library. We come here for reading tales, novels, magazines... Every book is organized by genre.

Ara estem a l’aula d’informàtica. Fem servir els ordinadors per estudiar matemàtiques, jugar, visitar pàgines electròniques, etc.

Now, we are in the computers lab. We use the computers for studying maths, playing, visiting webs, and so on.

Fora, tenim una pista on juguem amb la pilota, a bĂ squet i a futbol.

Outside, we have a ground where we play with the ball, basketball and football.

TambĂŠ tenim un hort on plantem flors, arbres, i verdures com tomĂ quets, pastanagues i enciams.

We have a vegetable patch too. Here, we plant flowers, trees and vegetables like tomatoes, carrots and lettuces.

D’altra banda, tenim un pati petit de sorra amb les parets decorades!

On the other hand, we have a small soil playground. Its walls are decorated!

Pels nens petits, hi ha un pati especial amb un castell i un tobogan.

For the little children, there is a special playground with a castle and a sledge.

Esperem que us hagi agradat la nostra escola. Fins aviat!

We hope you liked our school. See you soon!

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