学校介绍 四川师范大学附属实验学校创建于 1953 年。学校座落于四川师 范大学校园内。校园里曲径通幽,绿树成荫。学校是四川名校,是大 学中的名小学,在成都市、四川省乃至全国教育界享有一定的声誉。 学校现有教职员工 300 余人,学生 2600 余人。在“大学中的小 学·小学中的大学”的办学愿景引导下,学校秉承“为每一个孩子的 幸福人生奠基”的办学理念,重视健全学生人格、习惯养成与素质教 育的全面发展。 从 2005 年开始,学校修建了感恩教育基地——“孝源”,进行中 国传统文化教育。通过“我帮父母做一件事” 、孝心事迹好文章等一 系列活动,每年学校评选出的十大孝子。学校还广泛地开展了“小手 拉大手”爱心活动,高年级学生帮助低年级学生, 让孩子们寄身于 校园内,行走在天地间,心怀感恩、担当使命、服务他人、回报社会, 学会用脚步丈量品格的高度,懂得用责任书写大爱的人生。 “二外”等精品校本课程更是一大亮点。校本课程由公民与礼仪、 学科与探究、健康与生活、艺术与人文、科技与创新五大模块的构建, 供学生自由选择,充分满足学生个性化发展的需要,充分满足社会发 展对人的多元需求。其中颇具学校特色的有《户外生存课程》 、 《健康 与幸福》 (美国引进的中小学生必修课程)以及日语、法语与西班牙 语短期必修课程。
Experimental School Attached to Sichuan Normal University was founded in 1953. The school is located in the Sichuan Normal University campus. The school is famous in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, with certain reputation in the education sector and the country.
The school has more than 300 people staff and more than 2,600 students. Its vision is to build an elementary school in the university, making it a university among primary schools. The school cares about happy life of every child. It focus on students' personality, habit formation and the comprehensive development of quality education.
Starting in 2005, the school built aThanksgiving education base - "filial Source", performing Chinese traditional culture. Through "I help parents to do one thing," good deeds article filial series of activities, the annual school selected the top
ten filial sons . The school also widely launched the " hand in hand" activities,the senior help the junior.They have their feet firmly on the ground and understand that individual excellence shines most brightly in the service of the collective team effort. "Foreign
curriculum are major highlight. Five creative curriculum modules are composed of citizens and etiquette, discipline and exploration, health and life, the arts and humanities and science and technology and innovation. We provide students with various choices in school curriculum, catering demands of personality development, social development and diversity development of students. Here are some highlight courses of us, namely "outdoor survival course", "health and happiness" (in the United States to introduce compulsory primary school curriculum) and Japanese, French and Spanish short-term compulsory courses.
This viedo was shoot in the campus, and the background music is school song, composed by the musice teachers.
狮山少年歌 红日出狮山,阳光灿烂。 When the red sun rises from the Mount-lion, the bright sunshine light the school. 绿树掩映在美丽的校园 Trees are arborous in this beautiful campus. 健康活泼勇敢刚强,重任在肩不怕困难。
We are strong, energetic and brave. Heavy tasks would never frighten us. 我们手挽手,一起向前走,我们是阳光的狮山少年,手挽手,向前走, 奔向美好的明天。 We are sunny children of the Mount-lion. Let us gather hand in hand, supporting and cooperating each other, running into a brilliant tomorrow together. 春风拂狮山,桃李争艳 Let the spring breeze blows over the Mount-Lion, peaches and plums fill up the courtyard. 书香洋溢在美丽的校园 Our beautiful school is immersed in great academic atmosphere. 诚实守信知礼行孝,认真读书志向高远。 We are honest, courteous and filial. Studying hard could help to achieve our aspiration. 我们手挽手,一起向前走,我们是阳光的狮山少年,手挽手,向前走, 奔向美好的明天! We are sunny children of the Mount-lion. Let us gather hand in hand, supporting and cooperating each other, running into a
brilliant tomorrow together.