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Kerry James has a story to tell
Overcoming obstacles, KJ shines
“Everything I’m doing, I do it because of my mom,” the singer-guitarist said in a recent interview. “She inspired me a lot more than anybody else.” Kerry Junior, the artist, has had to pursue his passion while dealing with obstacles. “He has an emotional disability,” said his mother, Wendy Maria Sanders-Johnson of Gary. Kerry, as it turns out, has suffered neurological problems. Born premature and underweight, he endured seizures, stroke and respiratory failure very early in life. Kerry also had problems verbally communicating. He was born as part of triplets, but one of the siblings -- a brother -- did not survive. His mother’s pregnancy and childbirth were difficult. But despite his health complications and insecurities, Kerry James Rogers Jr. has persevered with his musical journey. “I’m very inspired; he’s very dedicated,” Sanders-Johnson said. “His father and I wanted him to be a football player. Kerry wasn’t into sports. When he asked me can he have a guitar for Christmas, it was kind of shocking.” The performer wants to be a role model: “My goal is to inspire other people who have, like, the same disability.” Kerry graduated in 2012 from Lew Wallace Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Academy in Gary. He has been industrious in learning his craft. In regard to learning the guitar, his mother said a popular video tool was used: “He taught himself off of YouTube.” The region that is home to Kerry James Rogers Jr. has gotten to hear him strum guitar chords over the airwaves at Gary’s WLTH-AM (1370). “A very giving and loving young man” is how Rogers is described by station manager Natalie Ammons. “I think he’s great; I think he’s very dedicated to what he wants to do,” she said. “He steps up and promotes himself very well -- he’s not shy about that.”