3 minute read
Innocent on Death row


“The Corruption Of The Justice System”
When you see people set free from prison for a crime they didn’t commit. What comes to your mind? Is the justice system fair or corrupt? Is it about who you know, who you are, is Justice based on your status in life? Can money override Justice? How bias is our Justice system? Is there any sympathy when you are poor, because there’s pity for the rich in the court room. This is a story about a young man named Rob Will. Before I give all the facts about Rob’s innocence, I just want to go over a few cases to prove to you how bias our Justice system really is across America. I’m going to take you back to 1963, when Byron Dela Beckwith walked free for over thirty one years for the murder of Medgar Evers. I won’t get into all the details, however I will recommend you watch the movie, “Ghost of Mississippi.” Ethan Couch killed four people and walked free because he was rich bottom line, Susan Smith kills her children and blame it on a black man and they arrest someone until she admits that she had committed the murder’s. Robert Will is a young man that is on death row for a crime he didn’t commit. When I read Rob’s story it broke my heart because the odds is against him. Just his life explains how bias our Justice system really has no mercy on the poor or a black man in Susan Smith case it’s clear. How do we fix this problem do we get out and vote? Why should money and who you know and who you are make a difference in any case that is tried in the American Judicial System. How can a Judge or DA sleep at night knowing a decision made in his or her Court was bias. Is it because a police officer was killed, did the true killer not get any time because he was the son of a police officer with a high rank. When I seen the name of the District Attorney who handled this case and sentence Mr. Will was enough for me to believe that this young man Robert Will is innocent. Chuck Rosenthal who resigned his position after bias and racial emails were being sent to some of his collogues and some criminal activity was also discovered. (I wonder does he know the dad of murderer in this case) or maybe even the Sheriff Tommy Thompson, yes he was involved also by sending raciest e-mails. Either one of these men credibility should be sufficient to give anybody a life sentence. No DNA proves that Rob Will was the murderer. The Co defendent admitted to the killings, so since his dad is an officer he walks free? Rob explained what happened and since he had a court appointed lawyer that seeks Justice it didn’t matter, my question is how can a bigot like the former District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal sentence anybody. Free Rob Will, Rob is blessed to have found passion in drawing, now a passionate self-taught artist he creates exceptional work, with limited supplies being on death row in Texas. In January 2012 a gallery in Hamburg Germany held Rob’s first ever exhibition to great success. To support Rob Will you can go to www.freerobwill.org Pamela Renee’