January Edition 2021

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issue no.8

january 2021


just begin magazine

WE AR O H E. W “If you Just Begin you'll never have to question if you didn't start...”

Welcome to Just Begin Magazine! Our philosophy is to JUST BEGIN on whatever makes you happy. Just Begin Magazine celebrates all that’s good in the world. With our platform, we will share positive news and wonderful people. Our mission is to inspire change for the environment, community, sustainability, and creativity by covering everything in workplace wellness, what women create, travel, holistic living, happiness, industrial health & safety, and much more.

By our magazine being digital, we are reducing waste and helping those around us become more eco-conscious. We’re also committed to giving back by donating to a charity through our giving back program in every issue. We hope that our readers leave every issue with a sense of peace and clarity from our stories. We thank you today for taking the time to take a peek into our world.

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HAPPINESS What Is Your Story and How Will You Begin? - 01 7 Tips for a Successful New Year - 03 How To Reinvent Yourself - 06 Poetry Of The Month - 09 The Revamped Routine - 10

5 Self-Care Tips For The New Year - 24 How To Kick Off A Meditation Practice That Sticks - 27

A True Well-Rounded Leader - 52

6 Must Have Crystals For Your Home - 32


Monthly Horoscopes - 35

WORKPLACE WELLNESS Ways To Stay Happy In The Workplace - 38 How to Promote Accountability In The Workplace - 40


TRAVEL Nashville Travel Guide - 43

The Sister Yard - 13

Benestar Wellness - 19

HOLISTIC LIVING How To Start Your Health & Wellness Journey - 22

A Leader Leading The Way - 51

The Best Food & Nutrients For Mental Health - 29

Morning Journal Prompts - 12

More Mano - 16


SUSTAINABILITY How To Eat More Sustainably For You & The Planet - 47 11 Ways to Reduce Household Waste - 49

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Dr. James Bullock - 53


"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."

meet the team

Melissa Diaz Editor in Chief

Samantha Diaz Chief Designer & Photography

Anailis Diaz Senior Writer & Editor

Miriela Diaz Executive Director

Barbara Estrada Storyteller & Editor

Claire Muselman Contributor

Kaitlin Dowis Illustrator

Melissa Cancio Contributor


WELCOME TO ISSUE.NO8 I'm so glad you've decided to join us on this journey of reading our latest edition. It's the beginning of a new year and we are so excited to see what will happen next for us at Just Begin.

In the new year we are making lists, goals, and manifesting what we want for 2021. And in this edition we take you through different tools you can use to have the year you want.

We launched back in June of 2020. We didn't know what was going to happen or where it would lead us but what we did know is that we needed to JUST BEGIN.

On page 06 we discuss five simple steps on how to reinvent yourself. On page 12 we list some morning journal prompts for you to write out in your journal.

Just Begin is an outlet for us to express our feelings, ideas, and share stories. It's become an outlet for not only our team but the many contributors we have now for every edition.

And on page 13-19 we speak with some amazing women business owners on their stories in entreprenurship.

I believe Just Begin was created during the perfect time because we all needed a little positivity. Now we are on our 8th edition and it's January 2021! Time has flown by so fast and we continue to evolve as the seasons change. Our goal for every edition is to have a theme— and it felt fitting for our January edition's theme to be JUST BEGIN.

You will notice that this edition looks a lot different then our previous issues and that is because we are constantly learning on how to make Just Begin better for you. On that note, I hope this edition brings you the energy you need to kick off this new year!

love, melly

Dear Self in 2021, Don't get worked up over things that you cannot change, people that cannot change. It's not worth the anger build up or headache. Control only what you can. Everything else, LET GO.

Love, Me.

just begin magazine

photo by Dorian Ash | shotsbydorian.darkroom.tech

photo by Dorian Ash |


flower of the month

illustration by Kaitlin Dowis @liv.collective


CARNATION Did you know that the flower of January is the carnation. Carnations have enjoyed a varied and rich history filled with symbolism and legend. They are thought to be one of the oldest cultivated flowers in the world. While the original carnation sported petals in shades of pink and peach, today’s cultivated varieties run the gamut from pure white and shades of pink and red to green, yellow and purple with many striped or variegated versions, too. What a carnation means depends on the circumstances and the color symbolism of the bloom, but there are some common meanings that apply to all carnations.Such as: love, fascination, and distinction. The carnation’s scientific name, Dianthus, comes from a combination of two Latin words: “dios,” meaning gods, and “anthos,” meaning flower. Carnations are referred to as the flowers of the gods.

flower of the month illustration by Kaitlin Dowis

THE STORY OF US words by melly diaz

Like any business Just Begin Magazine has gone through many phases. The idea first began back in 2011 when Mari began her In Touch Awards and In Touch with Today’s Workers’ Compensation Magazine. The magazine eventually faded away but the In Touch brand remained and Mari asked Anailis and I to begin working on the relaunch of the magazine in 2018. Over the next two years we went through many different phases of what we want to convey, the branding, what is our goal for the magazine. We knew we wanted it to be intentional and not just like any other magazine.

In 2019 we spoke again about the magazine and we realized we need to stop waiting. We need to get the magazine off the ground and out to the world. We all asked ourselves what should we name it? I said “Just Begin” and it was as if we all realized at the same time that it was the perfect name. We didn’t want to wait anymore for our dreams, it was time for us to make them a reality.

While the magazine was evolving so we were as people. Mari had put her health first and went back to school to become an herbalist. Anailis pursued her dream and opened her event planning business. I graduated from college with a degree in English with a specialization in professional writing and needed an outlet to share my passion. So we all believe that everything happens for a reason and timing is everything. Back in 2018 we were not all ready to embark in a magazine like Just Begin because we weren’t practicing what we preach.

You will notice this edition looks different then on our past issues and that is because as we evolve as people so does our magazine. We are constantly improving and changing everyday to make Just Begin better for our readers.

You can say we just began and now we are in 2021 on our 8th edition. Sometimes you need to take the leap of faith and just begin.

Thank you!



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We glow when we manifest our dreams and make them reality. It’s a proud understatement and I want to be a part of that. There’s something about 2020 that really glowed and since most of everything was basically cancelled, it’s a year of reflection. I always joke with my friends that 2021 will be a “2020 2.0” because we’re really not done learning about ourselves, achieving the goals we set and truly just understanding what our bodies and minds need. I made my 2020 full of adventure, which can honestly be defined in so many ways; but I took the optimistic route in my journey. 2021 is my year of growth. My life will be filled with travel, food and the lifestyle in between. Travel doesn’t have to mean going to a whole different state or country. It can be as little as making the effort to start exercising, to walk from your room to your refrigerator, or park in the furthest spot at the store to walk it out. Food isn’t only about always eating it, but trying something new! They say, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but just reverse that in terms of food; so “don’t judge food by its looks.” And lifestyle, well, it’s mostly how you want to look at life because 2020 did offer so much to work with for 2021. Especially in our current pandemic-filled world. We’re in this together! The reason my mantra has become filled with travel, food and lifestyle content is because of my blog- Plane and Cheesy. I truly live through these values with everyone I meet because this world offers so much culture and life to each person that we surround yourself with. My story begins with how much I desire to connect with people, form relationships and truly thrive with those newfound friendships. Grab a paper and pen, write these down and ask someone to keep you accountable for your goals. Let’s get down to business: Start by giving a smile to someone else. We all smile in the same language. Just be true to yourself about it- genuine, authentic. Explore new local spots. Focus on your city, the people in it and find what makes you happy. While travel has been slow for most, there’s still opportunity for a road trip! Every month- learn to cook a new dish, read a new book, call someone in your family to catch up, paint a new picture, learn a new skill. There’s a hidden talent in everyone. Create a life your future self will thank you for. I love starting with the little things in life because they put all the puzzle pieces together in the long run. I know I’m only a quarter of a century old right now, but I absolutely love the life lessons I have been taught and continue to share with others how much you can love your life too, by just having a positive outlook in it. Start 2021 with positivity. It’ll be a world of difference when it’s how you think. Trust me.

XO, Mel

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1. ASSESS THE PAST YEAR. Before you can move forward, it is always helpful to review the past year and analyze what worked and what did not work for you.

2. LOOK AT EVERYTHING WITH A FRESH NEW PERSPECTIVE. The New Year is your chance to clean up your slate and look at the world in new ways. It is so easy to continue doing what you have been doing for years, because of its familiarity and safety. The downside is that you can gradually lose your focus, take things for granted or just assume you know how things are. A fresh perspective can get you out of your comfort zone, kick start your thinking, and help you find better solutions to your problems.

3. SET YOUR GOALS. Think of what you want to accomplish this year. Make a list of your objectives for yourself, and then list the specific activities that can help you achieve the objectives. Keep your objectives as detailed and measurable as possible.

4. CREATE YOUR CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES. It is important to break down your goals and activities into smaller and doable lists of tasks that you can do. To help you keep track of what you want to accomplish for yourself, prepare specific timelines for your goals and activities – and stick to it. Whether you are using a planner, iPad or any other scheduling systems, be sure to incorporate your activities into your planning system. Create specific targets for each month – e.g. make a list of what you want to be accomplished by January, February, and so on.

The time for new beginnings, is now. just begin magazine | 04

5. DO THE WORK! What good is all the planning if you are not going to implement any of it? Firm up your plans for the first quarter, and then start the work. It feels mighty good to cross off from your list the first thing that you need to do.

6. TRY TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR. As they say, the only thing constant is change. Hence it is important to learn to adapt to new ways of doing things. Be on a lookout for ways you can improve your business, even if that means venturing into unknown territories.

7. KEEP YOUR MOMENTUM GOING. The difficult part of setting goals at the start of the year is keeping the interest and momentum going. Like many New Year resolutions that go down the drain two weeks into the year, it is so easy to lose track of what you need to accomplish. To encourage yourself to keep working on the goals you’ve set up at the start of the year, celebrate after every task you have accomplished. Reward yourself, even if that only means taking a day off away from work (meaning no checking of emails or making phone calls). It may be helpful to put a visible reminder of why you are doing this. Having a visual reminder can prop you up on days when you feel you’ve lost interest or when you start questioning why are you doing all this hard work.

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been” – Rainer Maria Rilke just begin magazine | 05

HOW TO REINVENT YOURSELF: 5 SIMPLE STEPS TO YOUR BEST SELF If you’re reading this, you’re probaly looking to reinvent yourself. To be your best self. And you are not alone. As humans, we always want to improve upon our current self. Not only from personal motivation, but we are also being pushed externally. From everyone asking about your new year’s resolutions to your work or school wanting you to create a personal development plan.

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Improvement is part of being human, and one of the reasons we’re still alive as a species. The psychologist Alfred Adler called it ‘striving for superiority’, and stated we have an internal drive to improve. But even though that internal drive may be there, it isn’t always easy. Especially with all the other things we have to do nowadays, and all the distractions in our lives, personal development has taken a backseat in our lives. Fortunately for you, this is the article that will help you reinvent yourself. You can learn how to reinvent yourself and be your best self with the information in here. We have answered the most common questions and written down a 5-step plan so you can learn how to be your best self every single day.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE YOUR BEST SELF? Being your best self means that you want to improve who you already are. You may want to be kinder. Spend more time learning something. Be more helpful, spontaneous, relaxed, dedicated, anything. Your best self literally means the best version of who you already are. Being your best self is easier to keep up in the long term because it is more of you who already are. Changing something fundamental about yourself can be difficult, but being more of you is a bit easier.

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Assess your current situation To know where you’re going and how to get there, you have to understand where you are now. So describe yourself as you are right now. Who are you now? What do you want to improve or change about yourself, and why? Understanding where you are now and why you want to change will make it a lot easier to keep going. This will also help you see whether your idea of your new you is realistic or may need some altering. Changing yourself takes serious commitment, and the more transparent and honest you are here, the more likely you are to succeed.

Decide who you want to be Like we said before, you can’t start doing this without having a good idea of where you want to end up. Here are some tips if you’re not sure how your best or new self will be. Look at other people for inspiration It is often said that other people are our mirror. The way we react and interact with others tells us about ourselves as well. Think of people you admire, and people you don’t like. Write down exactly what you admire or don’t like about them. Then think; is this a trait I would like to possess? Think of who you were when you were a child. Like between the ages of 5-10. What were you like? If you look back now, is there anything you did back then but don’t do now? Would you like to get that back?

Reflect on your past behaviors It is time to understand why you haven’t succeeded before. We are willing to bet that this isn’t the first time you are trying to reinvent yourself, or try to be your best self, which means that the other times didn’t last. But why didn’t they? Did you shoot for the moon? Were you not willing to give something up? Were you not committed enough? Were there different circumstances? Try to write down why you haven’t succeeded before. What happened, and why didn’t it last?

Make a game plan


Now that we have a current and an ideal image, it’s time to get real. Reinventing or improving yourself isn’t a one-step program and takes more effort than snapping your fingers. Look at your current self and your ideal self and see what steps you’d need to take to go from one to the other. Self awareness will help you create that long term change. Essentially, you want to ask yourself at the end of every day/week/month what you were proud of, what things you would’ve done differently if you could, how you handled things etc. By reflecting on our behavior we can see where we can improve or what we’d like to change.

Set yourself up for success


Finally, we want to set our lives up for success. You have determined the steps you need to take to reinvent yourself, now it is time to adjust your life accordingly. Small changes can make a big difference in achieving your goals. Write grocery lists and don’t go to the store hungry. Find a workout you like. Read a book on how to be kinder to other humans. Sort out your closet to only have clothes that fit your desired image and you feel good in. Take that idea of who you want to be, and keep moving forward to that person. It’s not about making a big leap in a short amount of time, it is about making shorter leaps in a bigger amount of time. Find the balance between where you are now and where you want to be, and take steps forward and slowly fade from one ‘you’ into the next ‘you’. just begin magazine | 08



You walk past a street named after a flower your grandmother had planted in her garden. You think about how it’s a dumb name seeing as there aren’t any of those particular flowers on the street. Then you think maybe they used to be there. You look up to the horizon and see the blue outline of a mountain set against the changing light of a purple and orange sunset. You think how your grandma had them torn out to clear the view for her window. How maybe they haven’t bloomed yet. You think of where you’re going, mail in hand. It’s here but it will be somewhere. How they might be planted at some point or maybe they used to be there. You think of time. The mountains aren’t permanent, maybe less temporary.

Hydrangea by Eduardo Ortiz

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JUST BEGIN IN 2021 – THE REVAMPED ROUTINE written by Claire Muselman As we look into the light of the upcoming year, I have taken a deep reflection into my health and overall well-being. If 2020 taught us anything, selfcare and health are more than important concepts, they are imperative to live our best lives!I have broken 19 bones in eight years… due to what my family physician calls an ‘adrenaline lifestyle’. In 2020, it may have been the worst, six ribs in 12 places. I’ve also had five ankle surgeries, a hip surgery, broken my hand in three places running on a treadmill (yes, seriously…still have the bones pinned!), and a plethora of other random accidents from tennis, dance, and skydiving. Being 900% honest with myself, and with you, my body HURTS when I wake up in the morning and I have got to do a better job of taking care of me. When I look into my story, I run hard, I run fast, and I push my body to its limits on a regular basis. This past year pushed me to the limit of knowing exactly how hard I could go and then I collapsed. The rib fractures were intense, painful, and the emotional fatigue of staying positive while not being able to get out of bed due to organ swelling was enough for me to take a hard look at what I do. Cue everyone in my life who has ever said “you need to be nicer to your body, it will catch up with you.” YIKES. At 36, it has. With each surgery, I’ve gained weight that has never been lost, and I continued to participate in exercise that did not ignite my spirit. My mornings are a rough start. My body aches and is so stiff, it is a challenge to put on socks and shoes because my hips and back are frozen. It is a time for a change. I want to feel good and be excited to hop out of bed (literally hop) to seize the day. I want to be excited to MOVE, flow with ease, and radiate energy, not pain.

My plan for 2021 is to get myself feeling better than I ever imagined. I share this plan in hopes that something may resonate with you and help you feel better than you ever have before. To get this going for me, I toyed with my morning routine the month of December to see what fit, and reflected on what made me feel like my very best self. Interestingly enough, a lot of this is what we share on a regular basis to feel good in life; however, I am not confident a lot of us do it on a regular basis. Kicking off the morning routine will be water. Yes, it is always water. What has worked for me to actually consume it first thing in the morning has been to put a reasonably sized bottle next to my bed the night before. When my alarm goes off in the morning, it is go time. I sit up, drink 16 ounces of water, and get moving to put on workout clothes. Water intake is important because it helps to hydrate the body and flush toxins to improve skin, reduce inflammation, and support a healthy gut. Movement has been crucial for me to be able to move well throughout the day. I toyed with many different morning exercises to see what actually made my body happy. For me, I hop on the treadmill or take a walk first thing. I try to get to a mile or do a twenty minute walk to warm up my body and get it ready for the day. This also gets my mind somewhat moving. I tend to do a silent walk at this point because no coffee consumption has taken place yet and I’m moody because I am not a morning person yet my life has other ideas. In addition, sweating in the morning not only releases endorphins which make people happy, it helps to detox and increase blood flow for a healthy glow! Bonus!

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Meditation is next on my agenda post movement. I’m more awake now to appreciate the gift meditation brings through clarity, peace, and the exceptional beauty of quieting the mind. Meditation has such a profound impact on setting a positive tone for the day, I feel off when I do not set aside 10 minutes to enjoy pure bliss. Coffee is my reward for getting up and at it early! Plus more water. I am not sure if I truly need the coffee from a caffeine standpoint, it is more of the ritual behind the coffee. The smell, the taste, the sound… it is very therapeutic plus the warmth is like the flow of a blanket but on the inside especially during these colder months in the midwest. Yoga is the next piece of my morning, and truly was the foundation which I rebuilt my life. The movement helps my body awaken and feel better from a stretching standpoint. The mindfulness of focusing on the breath, setting an intention for the day, and understanding the energy one can create during this process fuels my soul with excitement to get moving with my day. Mindful breathing helps reduce stress and anxiety allowing for greater feelings of joy! Journaling after yoga has become something so powerful to release my thoughts and understand my emotions. Yoga has helped me unlock pieces I did not know needed to be addressed and I have found by journaling afterwards, I can then reflect on a deeper level to create actionable items to move forward in life. I simply write. Sometimes I write a page, other times I set a timer for ten minutes to let the pen to paper flow. I have no idea what will come out but I am thankful I create a space to let my mind flow. Gratitude can easily be reflected on at any point in the day; however, I love setting the stage for my day with it. After meditating, yoga, and journaling, this seems to naturally present itself as I am in a heart-opened space to understand the beauty within myself, my life, and all around. Some days I am thankful for big wins in my life, other days I am happy to have my bones intact, and air in my lungs.

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No matter how you reflect on life, there is a lot to be thankful and grateful for because what may be simple could be the game changer at some point in your life. It’s the little moments, the little things… they can ultimately lead to or become the big things. Practicing gratitude increases happiness as well as good feelings to improve our mindset and set the tone for the day. Read something for your mind. Some days, I choose to listen to TedTalks, other times, I choose to read a chapter in a book unrelated to work… or so I say. I believe everything in life flows through alignment so a lot of what I read I instantly relate to my career, then I share it with anyone who will listen when I sign on for the day. I also have coffee during this time period because what goes better with a good book than a nice cup of coffee? Fuel no only through food but through love. By this point in the morning, my daughter had joined me downstairs for breakfast. We share about what is coming in our day and what we are excited about for the upcoming evening or weekend. We also eat breakfast together which I have LOVED, especially during the pandemic time period. The hugs during this time are more important to me than the food we eat for the morning as the hugs are the love needed to fuel me through the day. From a food standpoint, we try to eat veggies at every meal and focus on colorful plates. Not only are they more aesthetically pleasing, they are better for you nutritionally. With that, my day is off to a positively productive start. I have looked into the elements of body, mind, and spirit. I am fueling up for the day and by starting this before 2021, my mind is already on track to not think but simply do. When you get into a routine, the body and mind can simply act, saving decision making power for those events needed throughout the day. Find a flow that works for you and do! Let yourself win without encouraging your mind to derail you by creating other opportunities. Create a plan and execute. Now it’s official! You have all become my accountability partners. I hope you are able to find pieces of your own routine to enhance your wellbeing. If not now… when? Just begin.

MORNING JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What are three things I want to feel today? 2. What are three things I can do that will support me in feeling those things? 3. What are five things I am grateful for 4. Who do I want to be for myself and others today? 5. What are three things I want to get done today?

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Just Begin Magazine highlights the creative spaces of extraordinary women through inspirational stories. Each issue will inspire and motivate creativity. just begin magazine | 13

Yamilet and Cristina Correa of The Sister Yard How did the idea for your business come about? Our business began around 2014. We knew we loved food and wanted to be part of the industry but didn't know how. We started out as a meal plan service. Did not enjoy it. We catered. Did not enjoy that, either. We then, offered nutritional consultations with short cooking classes at the end of the sessions and felt like we were up to something there. We wanted to take it more seriously than our previous projects, so we contacted a creative agency to develop an app that would help us manage our clients. The SisterYard was born when we realized we did not need an app. Instead, we needed a bridge that connected people to food in a hands on environment that was not intimidating. We realized that a space to cook in nature, using fresh ingredients and making them taste GREAT, did not exist and that this was -and still iskeeping people from cooking and eating real food. So, the cooking classes came about and that was our gig for the past two years. Once COVID happened this year, we had to cancel all events and the cold brew coffee that we had been making at home, saved us in the most unexpected way.

How did you raise funding for your venture? At the very beginning, we were lucky to be pushed by our mom to take the business seriously, so she gave us what was needed to get started. After that, we've both taken on VERY random full and part time jobs to make ends meet and keep The SisterYard alive.

What makes your business unique? We are more than two sisters who want to sell you things. We are best friends and now, we are business partners. It's not always been this way, being business partners has made us best friends and vice versa. Maybe what makes us unique has been our eagerness to keep going and to raise our voice when many thought we were insane and to be honest, they might be right. We feel we have a big message to share about food and the emotions it evokes on people, so we will continue being insane for as long as we need.

What are the daily changes you face as a female entrepreneur

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

As young, female entrepreneurs, some people fail to take us seriously. As if two women in their mid 20s don't have the tools or the knowledge to make things happen. We have been told to leave this project for a later time when we have more money or we've been told that other people have tested products similar to ours for years and failed so we should just quit now to save ourselves the trouble. It's fun to prove them wrong, though.

Our parents taught us since we were very little that we can be the owners of our work life. That we can get anything done, as long as we put in the work. There was no hesitation in having our own business, it was going to happen one way or another.

How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

How did you come up with the name for your company? We owe our favorite name to El Autobus, the creative company we worked with when we decided to make the "app" that never happened. We did about 3 days of 4 hour long brain storm sessions with their team and wrote all our ideas on a window. The name was hiding in the gibberish, it was everything we expected and more.

Tough one. There's not an easy answer to this one but our biggest one from day one has been honesty. We promised to not keep secrets from our community since the very beginning, (it's actually part of the core values of The SisterYard!) because if we really wanted people to fall in love with food the way we did, we had to tell it all. Now, in true marketing spirit, we choose to tell our story through creative pictures and graphics.

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We think that's what drags people to us, a refreshing view on real food. Anyone can have a great product or idea, but not everyone knows how to market it. We lay on the couch some nights and a -wild- idea hits us and the next day we are shooting it, editing it and putting it up on our website and social media. Eventually, we'll have a team for this but for now, we are learning tons by being part of every step of the process. This can sound very cliché, but if you can picture it in your head, you can bring it to life.

At around 6-7pm, we'll close our computers and exercise -run, weight training or yoga-. We make dinner and head to the couch to watch whatever new show we're hooked on. Although, some days we are too tired and go straight to bed after a shower.

What kind of culture exists in your organization, and how did you establish it?

It's affected our family environment positively and negatively. For one, our little brothers have learned through us that they have all the tools to do what they love and that if they don't have the tools, they can find them along the way or come to us for help. Other times, it's hard for family members to understand that our work is real and that it's a serious as any job we'd be hired for but since our working hours can be any hour, sometimes family time goes into work time or vice versa and that can get messy.

We are very demanding individuals that have learned to fill most of the positions our company has needed along the years. We do things because we love to do it, because we are fully invested in the project at hand, and because we want the person that receives the finished product to feel all the energy that went into it. Therefore we carefully choose whomever we decide to work with meticulously, making sure their values match ours.

Can you describe/outline your typical day? (Routines, Rituals, that you live by) No two days are the same but the more structured ones go like this: Yami: I wake up very early, always try to do so about two hours before I need to make it to work to have time to wake up without rushing out. First thing is to journal, then check emails and go on with my day. Sometimes I like to prepare myself a yogurt or smoothie if I have the time, pour a strong coffee and off to work. I come back home around 3-4 and eat lunch with Tina (she's the best, lunch is always hot and ready when I walk in famished through the door). We try to make lunch an enjoyable but quick task so we have as much time as possible to do whatever needs to be done for TSY at the moment before its time to workout. Tina: I wake up when Yami leaves to work, journal, hug Pepper (our dog) and head to the office to tackle the day's tasks - answer emails, make coffee and coconut water orders, update the website, edit our latest shoot, etc. Around noon, I prepare lunch and once Yami gets home we eat together, we catch up on each other's day and we work on projects that need the most attention from both.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear? Getting lost in the process and forgetting why it all started. We are very demanding and hard on ourselves, and it's easy to keep on demanding more of you without looking back and seeing how much growth there has been. We always say what's in our heads and have developed an almost mind reading "thing" where we know what the other one is thinking. So it has become natural to talk about the things we fear the most in both our personal and professional life. After they are said out loud, they don't seem so scary after all, or just maybe because we now know the other one has your back.

What do you see as some of your biggest accomplishments? Our cold brew coffee, not because of its own success, but because it represents a new stage of The SisterYard. One where we had no choice but to work harmoniously, learn from one another, and become a jack of all trades while under pressure.

read the full article on justbeginmag.com

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Monique Magnaye

More Mano follow along on instagram @more_mano just begin magazine | 16

How did the idea for your business come about? The journey of getting to where I am today is definitely composed of many moments of trial and error, crushing goals and of course disappointment, but I believe all of these things are so necessary! My background is in interior design and branding, and while I have worked in several different fields, my gut always told me to stay in the creative realm and find a way to mix in my love for building community and connecting others. After working for a few different small to medium sized companies and always pouring my all into building the brand, the bottom line was that it would never really fulfill me because it wasn’t my own company. Then in the Spring of 2019, everything changed for me after a trip to Cuba and I decided to just invest in myself and learn how to make this idea that had been brewing in the back of my mind a reality. Throughout all the jobs I’ve had in my career, I realized that it was all lead with using my hands, and that I was actually the happiest when I was creating with my hands. That’s really where the idea for Mano was born, and I knew I needed to create a space that celebrated purposeful hand use.

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur? Seeing how much energy and passion I would put into different creative jobs and projects. I always knew my ultimate goal was not to climb the corporate ladder to become a VP of a company that was not mine –– I of course respect those who achieve that but I always knew that was not part of my journey. My dream was always to build my own brand and share an extension of myself with the world.

How did you come up with the name for your company? Once I had decided that I would be opening up a nail art studio in Miami, I wanted the name to be something easy to remember but also embrace a big part of our “why”, which is creating a true moment of care for our hands for all the work that they do on a daily basis. Since there is of course also a heavy Latinx community in Miami, I thought “Mano”, the Spanish word for hand, was definitely catchy and would also lend to the idea that the brand is more than “just a nail salon”. just begin magazine | 17

As a Filipina, I also loved the idea that “Mano” actually has another meaning for me in my culture. Mano is also a Filipino word for “honoring- gesture”, used in Filipino culture. It is performed as a sign of respect for elders and as a way of requesting a blessing from the elder. Similar to hand-kissing, the person the greeting bows towards the hand of the elder and presses their forehead on the elder’s hand. Typically someone may “mano” to their older relatives upon entry into their home or upon seeing them.

What makes your business unique? Mano is a nail art salon and boutique hybrid inspired by things done by hand. We are mainly known for our non-toxic nail art services, specializing in a Japanese, vegan soft gel system that promotes and supports healthy natural nails. Our commitment to using high quality, non-toxic, 10-free products is based on our belief that hands deserve the best for all the work that they do. Whether you are a creative, an accountant, a farmer, whatever it may be, if you are fortunate to have working hands it’s safe to say that they are a part of us that we heavily depend on daily! The concept of our space is to have guests treat their hands to a nail art manicure without the harsh chemicals and then explore our retail section of handmade goods that is curated to inspire more creative, purposeful hand use. Our signature Mano nail art collection consists of designs made with a strong play on color theory (we carry over 200 nontoxic Japanese gel polishes) and mixing in unique items like crushed mother of pearl shells, delicate studs and organic shapes. I like to think our collection holds a design for every style. We also just launched our new Sustainable by Mano collection, which consists of 5 different nail art sets inspired by 5 brands with committed to Sustainable practices. We wanted to launch this collection in an effort to amplify the importance of supporting companies that care about our planet and showcase some incredible, ecoconscious brands through our craft of nail art. Our talented nail artists can also create any custom look based on your vision and preferences!

What are the daily changes you face as a female entrepreneur During the construction phase of building Mano, it was a bit challenging to work with contractors and have them take me seriously at times, but I learned in the end all that matters is that the job gets done and that they are not blatantly disrespectful.

How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful? We rely mostly on Instagram, which has definitely been the most effective in building our business and reaching as many people as possible. We are luckily enough to also be in a great area in Midtown where we market within the neighborhood as much as possible.

What kind of culture exists in your organization, and how did you establish it? I’m pretty much at Mano all day everyday, so when it came to creating the company culture, it was honestly important for me to build a work environment that was enjoyable for myself and of course the team I was building as well. Open communication is so important, especially as a new business owner, which I feel has really helped build a strong sense of trust within the team, and create a safe space for growth and creating.

Can you describe/outline your typical day? (Routines, Rituals, that you live by) I kick off the day with a glass of ice water, checking emails (I know it’s not good!), and then me or my fiance will burn some palo santo to raise the good vibes for the day while we get ready for work. If I have some time I’ll make a smoothies bowl and do a 10-minute meditation before heading out the door. I walk to Mano from my apartment everyday, which takes a little less than 15 minutes, and will listen to one of my playlists or a podcast. When I get to Mano, I light more palo santo to bring some good energy to the space, clean and set up for the day. The rest of the day honestly sometimes feels like a blur because it goes by so fast, and I also work the front desk so there’s always a million things happening at once but I genuinely love it. I always make time to also chat with my team throughout the day and connect with new and old clients during their appointment.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur? Building something that people resonate with, and being able to create things that get both our team and our community excited.

How do you define success? Waking up every day at 5am with no alarm clock, excited to start the day because you are so passionate, borderline obsessed with your work, and the team you’re building it with.

Do you have a mentor? Can you share the impact that person or people have had in your life? Not so much a “mentor” but a few years back when I was doing freelance design work, I also worked at a small boutique to have some extra income, and one of the owners, my boss, was really tough. He was hyper focused on the numbers, always pushing to do more even if you exceeded goal, and never took any excuses. Not to say those are necessarily bad things, I just never really agreed with his approach/delivery, however, one thing that I still think about are the moments when he would make an effort to inspire and motivate the team. Every time we had a client who wouldn’t end up purchasing something, or a client he felt we could have sold more with, he would say, “you didn’t try hard enough, you missed out on an opportunity, you have to push yourself to do something out of your comfort zone to better engage with the client and make a better sale”. He gave us all these tips and tricks during team meetings, and would say you should especially exercise these with clients that are standoffish, challenge yourselves to win over the ones that are not easy. It was definitely challenging but that always stuck with me for some reason, because when I did try it, and get myself out of my comfort zone, most times I would even surprise myself. The experience was definitely a character builder and helped me read people even more, which I believe is so important in any service-based industry.

to read the full article visit justbeginmag.com

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Christina Algeciras

Benestar Wellness @christinatherapy or @benestarwellness just begin magazine | 19

How did the idea for your business come about? My business was born out of my own personal experiences where I sought out tools and skills to help me manage stress and make healthy changes in my own life. In a previous corporate career I dealt with an extremely high level of stress and low amount of work-life balance. I found that self-care in the form of yoga, meditation, creativity, and later, personal therapy were elemental in my personal growth and well-being. I opened my business with the intention of helping others who felt trapped or stuck as well as helping people develop the tools to manage the difficulties that come with living. Ultimately my passion is helping people know themselves and help them create a life in which they can thrive, no matter what comes their way.

I have an extensive toolbox to pull from when working with my clients, as such I am able to tailor treatment and services to the client's specific needs. I also have extensive experience in working with a broad range of ages as well as people with a wide variety of needs. I have worked with children as young as 3 and adults as old as 98. Over the years I have also worked with a wide range of physical and mental abilities successfully - I can work with an anxious child and I can also work with a highperforming individual who is interested in cultivating personal growth and development. Ultimately, it is all about an authentic personal connection with people, you can't fake that.

What are the daily changes you face as a female entrepreneur

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Like many professional women, I think some of the challenges entail balancing personal and professional responsibilities. I also feel that women still can struggle to be taken seriously in the wider workforce, especially in wellness spaces. It can be viewed as a "hobby" profession sometimes.

I am a really hard working person, in my previous corporate career I worked really hard but the work was not fulfilling to me in a meaningful way. I put way too much blood, sweat, and tears in to my work for it just to be a paycheck. As such, after I left that career I knew that if I was going to work that hard I wanted to do it on my own terms. That was, and remains, my driving force.

How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

How did you come up with the name for your company? The name, Benestar Wellness, is a play on bienestar, or "well being" in Spanish. Benestar is actually "well being" in Catalan. I picked the name as a nod to my Spanish heritage and I also liked how I could make the name play with the idea of "be a star" or "good star". Ultimately it is just a fun way to say "wellness wellness".

What makes your business unique? My business takes a very holistic approach to well being with a heavy emphasis on mental wellness. I am shifting more of my work to the psychotherapy aspect of my business in which I integrate the yoga, mindfulness, creativity, or physical health components into my work with clients when appropriate.

I market in a variety of ways - social media, networking, newsletters but I think the most successful is word of mouth. People who know me or have worked with me tend to be my best referral sources at the moment.

How do you define success? I define success as having a sense of meaning and purpose and living to that. It does not mean that life is always easy, but that sense of meaning makes the challenges surmountable. It is like having a guiding North Star or a secret superpower.

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur? Self-discipline, tolerance for risk and uncertainty, and a desire to keep learning and growing.

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What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule? A timer and breaking tasks into chunks. I went back to school in my late 30s to become a therapist and I had to really focus on school, I was efficient and super effective when I just used a timer, set time for focused work, and broke tasks down. Like many people, I can get distracted by my phone. I set a timer for 45 minutes and work undistracted in that time. I will take a 15-minute break, check my phone, do something else, and then when the timer rings, I get back to focused work. I think breaks are really important for being able to work in a focused way.

What business-related book has inspired you the most? (or, What is your favorite book?) One of the best books I ever read is Sir Ken Robinson's book "The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything". Dr. Robinson opened my mind to different types of intelligences, creative work, and divergent thinking. Unfortunately he passed away in 2020, his death is a huge loss to our world but we are fortunate to have his books and many of his talks online. I recommend his work to everyone.

What is the part of your life experience you would alter if you had the chance to?

What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in?

This is a difficult question, the experiences that were difficult or negative are part of the road that led me to where I am. Honestly I can not think of much I would change, maybe being more patient or kinder with others in times of frustration.

Hands down I recommend investing in caring for your mental health. How you relate to yourself, the patterns of thinking, and ingrained behaviors all impact one's professional and personal lives. Learning how to care for your mental health, managing stress, and developing skills to tolerate uncertainty are vital for successful personal growth and effective leadership.

Do you have a mentor? Can you share the impact that person or people have had in your life?

Who has been your greatest inspiration? My greatest inspirations come from a wide range of friends, family, and leaders. I am inspired by people who engage in life in a whole-hearted way, who are kind and thoughtful, and who seek to be a good human being in this world. People that think a bit out of the box also inspire me, I appreciate people who have a vision and challenge norms.

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I have a friend who has travelled a similar path as me professionally, she is a few years ahead of me in the journey but she has been hugely inspiring and supportive for me. She is someone who has had the capacity, courage, and determination to create life on her own terms and I really look to her as an incredible role model and mentor.

What are the best resources that have helped you along the way?(book, podcast, speaker, etc) I am a big fan of the podcast OnBeing with Krista Tippett, she interviews such a wide variety of leaders in the worlds of religion/spirituality, science, leadership, and the arts. The conversations are profound and deeply personal, I am inspired by the conversations to work towards purpose and making a positive impact in the world, even if it feels like a drop in the bucket. It is a very inspiring and hopeful podcast that often tackles some difficult subjects.








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There comes a point in our lives when we realize that we are the only person who can create health, happiness, success and peace for ourselves. When we realize that, and decide to do something about it— we have started a wellness journey. Starting a wellness journey is a process in itself, and like most things, it takes a little planning in the beginning. Your priorities may change and grow as you move forward along your journey, but we all have to start somewhere. If you are reading this article, then you have probably been inspired to make some changes in your own life, but you just need a place to get started. Following the tips provided below will help you begin your journey with your best foot forward.



Before starting a wellness journey, you have to take a look at where you are at right now, what you need right now, and where you want to be. The best way to do this, is by writing it out in a notebook. Start with asking yourself these questions: What makes me feel happy and fulfilled? What do I need more of in my life? What is no longer serving me? / What do I need less of in my life? When and where can I commit to my wellness practice each day? (Be specific) What are a few of the positive or healthy habits I am willing to commit to in my wellness practice? (For example, walking, meditating, gardening, reading from philosophical or spiritual text, etc..) Why these practices? How will each specific practice help improve my overall wellness? How will practicing these habits change my life? (Referring to the positive and healthy habit(s) you chose above)

After you have brainstormed and answered the questions above, you should have a clearer picture of what you want out of your wellness journey. Now you just have to define your exact goals, by putting them in writing. Basically, just define the exact goal and then give it a date for accountability purposes. (It is ultimately about the process and not the date though. Remember, this is just the starting point.) Next, you must define the exact steps that will help you reach your goal. Lastly, ask yourself your overall intention for starting a wellness journey. Do you want to overcome anxiety, or improve your energy and focus levels, or find inner peace? You must set an intention for your goals because the reason for your wellness journey is even deeper than just your goals. At the end of the day, wellness is about the intention and the process.

MAKE SPACE FOR GROWTH When most people embark on their personal wellness journey, they quickly start realizing there are some things they need to let go of. This is because, when we actually begin examining our life, we start to uncover the things that are negatively affecting our wellness. For some people, this may mean getting rid of all their processed foods for their physical wellness, for others, it may mean a break from social media for their mental wellness.No one can tell you what you need to let go. It is something that you decide for yourself and your wellness. Nonetheless, you will have to make space for positive new changes. You don’t have to make extreme changes in the beginning, because you will naturally make changes as you go through your wellness journey. However, it’s helpful to start your journey by clearing out the things that you know are negatively affecting your mind, body or spirit. *Tip: If you don’t know where to start, start with some simple de-cluttering, by tossing or donating items that aren’t doing anything for you besides taking up unnecessary space.

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5 Self-Care Tips For The New Year

It’s important to focus on self-care instead of putting extra pressure on yourself with a lot of New Year’s resolutions. Here are some ideas to get you feeling recharged and great again. just begin magazine | 24

1. GET ENOUGH SLEEP With so many commitments and partying over the holiday season, our sleep can take a back seat. Try to make a regular bedtime and get up at the same time every day. Having a bedtime routine can help you fall asleep faster and helps your mind know it’s time to sleep.Try to make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep a night (if you can).

2. TRY YOGA Yoga is a great exercise, not only for the body but for the mind too. There are so many great Yoga classes on YouTube that you have no excuse.

3. CREATE SPACE It’s important to create space in our lives for self-care and in our physical environment. We gain so much more new stuff over Christmas, so it’s a great time to let go of anything you no longer need.Decluttering is a quick way to feeling calmer in our lives.There are loads of decluttering challenges out there if you’re unsure where to start. just begin magazine | 25

4. ENJOY MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE One of your main goals this year should be to do more of what you love, enjoy the journey and focus on how you want to feel. It’s easy to get hung up about our goals, thinking we will be happy once we have achieved them. The majority of the time we quickly move on to the next goal, thinking once again we will be happy when we reach them. Think about all the things you would do if you had achieved all your goals and had all the money you needed. Would you read more books, take up dance lessons or learn to play the piano? Make a list of all the things you would love to do and start planning to fit them into your life. Don’t wait until your life is perfect because you will never get there.

5. EAT MORE PLANTS A great way to feel better after a whole month of indulging is to eat more plants!! We're not saying you have to become vegan, just to try and make more veggie fueled meals. There is loads of plant-based websites, with quick and easy recipes. Not only will this help you get your five a day but learning new recipes is also super fun!

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In the Western cultural framework, we've somehow managed to turn our personal practices into a competitive sport. Whether it's yoga or meditation we find that so many people are intimidated to even dip their toe in because they think they aren't "good enough" or they aren't "ready." In the context of yoga, we often hear people say "I'm going to start going to a class when I'm more flexible...or when I lose 15 pounds." In the context of meditation, we hear "my mind won't stop thinking" or "I'm not good at meditation" or "I'm busy." What this tells us is that most of us have a perception that there are prerequisites for participation in what is a purely personal practice. In reality, this couldn't be further from the truth.

COME AS YOU ARE There is no set starting point, no prerequisite and no qualification required to start doing yoga or meditating. In fact, both yoga and meditation invite us to show up, just as we are. That means observing and accepting (hint: that means no judgment allowed!) that we only have 15 minutes a day to practice, or acknowledging that we have tight hamstrings or a busy mind, or a job, school, pets, a spouse and children. Your personal starting point must be determined through honest observation and total acceptance.

PERMISSION TO PRACTICE In a practical sense, what this means is that headstands and levitation are not required to have a yoga or meditation practice that positively impacts your life. You don't need to start with a 90-minute yoga practice or a 60-minute meditation practice for it to make a difference. In the case of meditation, you don't need a 10-day silent retreat to jumpstart your meditation practice. Start with 7 minutes a day. That's it. 7 minutes.

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the best food & nutrients for mental health Everyday life and our daily struggles often make us

Unfortunately, there is still not enough evidence for a

feel blue and moody. Sometimes there are days when

food or a certain nutrient that we can say: “It has been

we feel down without even being aware of an exact

proven to help with depression and anxiety". However,

reason why, everything just piles up and crashes

mentioned nutrients have shown the potential to help.

down on you. First, we just want to say that

Here is what has been found so far:

depression and anxiety are very serious matters. A lot


of us deal with them at some point of our lives. Every

Low levels of vitamin B12 (also known as cobalamin) and

day stressful situations don’t make it easier for us

folate are commonly linked with depression. When it

either. We have evidence that chronic stress and

comes to depression treatment, high vitamin B12 status

stress hormone cortisol can cause oxidative damage.

and folic acid status can lead to a better outcome. What is

And these are linked with depression (study).

shown in this study. Good sources of B12 include meat,

Following that, nutrients which have antioxidant

milk and other dairy products, fish and eggs. As you can

activity may help us with depression. These nutrients

see animal-derived foods are the main sources of this


nutrient. So, vegetarians are at a very high-risk of being

Ω-3-fatty acids

B12-deficient. There are few plant-derived food sources of


vitamin B12. Dried purple laver is the only known plant


source of this vitamin which contains doses that are

vitamin C

significant. When it comes to folate and folic acid good

vitamins of the B family (B12 and folic acid)

sources are leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits and eggs.

Vitamin D just begin magazine | 29

MAGNESIUM (MG) Magnesium is a mineral essential for our body. It is connected with our brain biochemistry. And different types of depression are linked to magnesium deficiency. Generally speaking, if we have a balanced diet, magnesium deficiency is pretty unlikely. The problem is that people often eat processed foods which is quite poor in magnesium. So, it would be good to avoid processed and refined food. But, sometimes magnesium deficiency can be caused by hormone imbalance or excess calcium intake. Even though our dietary intake is sufficient. Besides, helping with depression in general, Mg can help with anxiety, postpartum depression, hypersensitivity and headache (3).Good sources of magnesium include green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.

ZINC (ZN) Similar as magnesium, zinc also plays a role in regulating our neuronal functions. And therefore it can affect our mental health. People who suffered from depression had lower level of zinc in comparison to healthy participants. Because of that, depression is associated with lower zinc levels. So zinc supplements can be beneficial for depressed patients. Zinc is found in meat, shellfish, whole grain cereals, seeds, nuts and legumes.

VITAMIN C AND OTHER ANTIOXIDANTS Vitamin C is another nutrient linked with our mental health. In the beginning I mentioned oxidative stress and this is where vitamin C comes. As oxidative stress is one factor of depression, antioxidants can help us. Vitamin C is a well known antioxidant. And so, defends us against oxidative damage. Other antioxidants that have similar roles are, vitamin A and vitamin E. Best sources of vitamin C are fruits like lemon, kiwi, strawberries, oranges.Vitamin E is mostly present in vegetable oils like sunflower and soybean, seeds and nuts.Vitamin A is present in sweet potatoes, carrots, lettuce, tuna and spinach.

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OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS Polyunsaturated fatty acids are one more nutrient connected with depression. One possibility is that it’s result of anti-inflammatory properties. Sources of omega 3 fatty acids include: Fish Flax seeds Hemp seeds Chia seeds Vegetable oils (soybean, canola, flaxseed oil) VITAMIN D Link between vitamin D and depression is rather new. People with low and insufficient intakes of this vitamin were more likely to have depression episodes (shown here 7). The best source of vitamin D is of course the sun. So if you can, go get yourself some fresh air and the sunny vitamin. Unfortunately, most of the world’s population doesn’t get enough sun exposure during the whole year. And it is very important that we ensure our necessary doses via other sources. Today a lot of foods are fortified with vitamin D because of this reason. Foods that are mostly fortified are cereals and milk. Natural sources of vitamin D include fish and eggs. Vitamin D deficiency is quite common in many countries. That is why many decide to take supplements to meet the necessary doses. (Before taking any supplements it is very important to consult with your health care provider first). We still need more studies to determine the association between diet, nutrients and mental health. For now it is quite certain that a link exists. And we are starting to see the evidence. One thing is sure; we can’t go wrong with a balanced diet. Healthy food choices that include various fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and sunshine are a big yes. By including all food groups we get various nutrients. And therefore we are less likely to be deficient. Keep in mind that our mental and physical health are connected. Including healthy food in our daily life makes us feel better. Also a walk always helps a bit, and a good cup of tea:) Take care and stay safe

BE KIND TO YOUR MIND AND YOUR BODY. just begin magazine | 31

T S U M 6





Chakras are our energy centres that sit along the spine. They help to regulate our energy and keep us in good mental, physical and spiritual health. Over time some of our chakras may become blocked, resulting in less than optimal energy regulation. This can happen for a number of reasons, including our environments and exposure to certain life events. Thankfully, there are various tools that we can use to unblock our chakras and get ourselves back into balance! One of my favourite methods is using healing crystals. just begin magazine | 32

PLACING CRYSTALS FOR YOUR HOME This is related to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, though it is not traditional and a more modern take on it. Many people will place crystals intuitively, others focus on certain key areas. You can use a combination of both methods if you want.I will give you some general suggestions for crystal forms and placement below. Like moving furniture or adding something new to your home, you may have to move it around till it looks and feels right. You can always test things out, try it for a few days or a week and see how you feel.

More and more people are adding crystals to their living space. All crystals connect us with the Earth and nature. So, it is no surprise to me that people without any belief in anything metaphysical are drawn to them and get pleasure from being around them.I hear so often from people that just looking at crystals makes them feel relaxed, calm and at ease. Crystals and minerals are like Mother Nature’s art.

CREATING SACRED SPACE WITH CRYSTALS FOR YOUR HOME Those of you that believe in or are sensitive to the spiritual properties of crystals have even more reasons to have crystals in your home. It is not uncommon for people who have lots of crystals around to have visitors comment on how their home has such a nice energy.Certain crystals can be placed in your home to alter the energy by cleansing negativity, bringing in positive energy and protecting you from bad vibes.

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SELENITE Energetic Properties: Also known as Satin Spar. In the home, Selenite works hard to keep the area clear of blocked, harmful or negative energy. Selenite raises the vibration of your space and brings in more light. Location Suggestions: Good locations for Selenite are within the main entrance or near any doorways. Also the corners of rooms, on an altar or window sill. Office or computer desks, cellars and dark places. ROSE QUARTZ Energetic Properties: Rose Quartz brings a peaceful, calming and soothing atmosphere to a room. Traditionally associated with love, it can be used to attract and encourage loving relationships, romance and bring family harmony to the home. Location Suggestions: Place Rose Quartz in the Living Room, Bedroom or on the Dining Table. It is also good for a Home Office or Computer desk. BLACK TOURMALINE Energetic Properties: Black Tourmaline is a powerful protection stone for the home. It helps protect from negative influences and energy in the environment. This crystal is also very grounding. Location Suggestions: Place Black Tourmaline near the main entrance or any doorways. Add some to the corners of rooms or the window sills. AMETHYST Energetic Properties: Amethyst is a spiritual and high vibration crystal. It transmutes negative energies and offers psychic protection. This crystal supports your spiritual path and psychic development. Location Suggestions: Good locations to place Amethyst in your home are on your altar, library, yoga or meditation space. Avoid windows and direct sunlight to avoid fading. HALITE (HIMALAYAN SALT) Energetic Properties: ll natural pink salt is a crystal (Halite) that is known for producing ions when warmed. Himalayan Pink Salt also carries cleansing properties and helps protect your space from negativity. Location Suggestions: It can be placed near the main entrance or any doorways. Bedrooms or in the corners of rooms or the outer corners of your house. Home office, computer desk or near any devices with EMF’s. CITRINE Energetic Properties: Citrine is a well-known stone to help attract abundance, success and prosperity into your life. It also brings sunshine energy and helps with positive thinking. Location Suggestions: Place Citrine in your home office, workshop or on a computer desk. Keep it with or near where you store money. Place Citrine on the dining table or on a prosperity altar.

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horoscopes Who else is ready for a new fresh year? I am beyond ready! This year on top of the pandemic we survived many retrogrades, conjunctions, alignments y ya no se que otro rollo. Nonetheless, this first month of 2021 we will see opportunities for betterment and growth. Whether that's business, personal, love, and/or friendship you should feel some relief to welcome a new you as well. Scroll down to find your sign and see what January 2021 has to offer you.

ARIES March 21 - April 19

The first week of January 3-6 is important to lay low because we see a Mercury conjunct Pluto. Aries please stay away from chismosas, secret plans, or having envidia. These negative attributes might come back and hurt your reputation. No worries though on Jan 6-8 there's a Venus trine Mars now this is the time to socialize, have fun and put yourself out there. Who knows you could meet a special Principe Azul or if you are tied up this trine brings much needed balanced sexual flow to the bedroom. Half way on the 13th we have our first New Moon! It's here to help us dig more deep into personal development that can amplify our goals for the year. So really try to……

April 19-May 20

Taurus this month it's all about relationships and how you connect with others. Let's start with the Jan.6-8th Sun sextile Neptune, your intuition heightens so it helps you read others better. Therefore having more empathy in your relationships, this would be a great time for to express yourself openly. Can this year's first New Moon in Capricorn possibly manifest a new love life? Absolutely! There's a harmonious vibe landing in your sign but also manifesting new relationships for business! As fast as it comes……


Of course the first month of the new year is all over the place for you Gemini. The Venus trine Mars on Jan.6-8th is helping you with balanced sexual energy but also creating a balance with your friendships and work connections. Learning how to balance work and play is ideal for you. The Capricorn New Moon however, will be more of a time to cojelo suave and find balance with what your heart desires in life. Use this moon energy to manifest your purpose with love. Furthermore, you really need to feel…...


May 21-June 20


Fellow water sign this is the start of a year filled with mucho mucho amor, possibly a rebirth to romance. Venus trine Mars is the start for you to have more uplifting energy to seek love from the 7th-12th. Then from the 12th-16th Venus trines Uranus brings the positive changes you need to manifest a karmic love life. This trine will also brew some creative juices that may help bring more purpose into your life. And we aint done Cancer! The Capricorn New Moon on the 13th can amplify your dream life……..

June 21-July 22 just begin magazine | 35

LEO July 23-August 22

VIRGO August 23September 22

LIBRA September 23October 22

SCORPIO October 23November 21

SAGITTARIUS November 22December 21

Leo the year starts with a serious ponte las pilas energy. Uranus will continue to be on top of you but with good intentions. Think of it as stern strict energy similar to abuela rushing you to school in the AM. The first connection is Jupiter square Uranus on the 10th-26th you will have the urge to start something new or feel overwhelmed to get a new venture started. Frustration to just make it happen with no blockage is your downfall. Remember everything takes time and consistency. Here's the crazy part, half way through…...

as Virgo you never fail to be the goal getter of the stars. The night sky knows this too so claro que si the planets align to assist you. From the 12th-16th the Sun conjunct Pluto will create new goals that are built with determination. I really mean it when I say the sky aligned just for you because on the 13th we have a New Moon in Capricorn. Use this energy to burn some sage as a limpieza from the past, and make a detailed list of everything you will need to succeed. Then for the Full Moon cycle recheck your list and reassess if any needed. It's very very important you use all…...

Good news and opportunities are coming your way this month. Thanks to a sequence of star alignment so be ready! From 8th-11th Mercury conjunct Saturn which brings long term goals, detailed planning and critical thinking. Then starting on the 10th-12th Mercury conjunct Jupiter the lucky planet, so it brings good news and exciting ventures. Aaand then guess what?! The Capricorn New Moon lights up the night sky on the 13th so use this moon cycle to manifest your 2021 goals by……

This first month of 2021 will be a potent deep vibe to manifest but duh the cool kid of the zodiac would. On the 3rd-6th Mercury conjunct Pluto the mystery planet so you'll be expressing intense emotions. Be careful you don't use this energy to manipulate others. Connect more with what depth your heart desires. Then on the 12th-16th the Sun conjunct Pluto so there's desire to set up your goals. The day after (the 13th) there's a New Moon in Capricorn adding more excitement. Use the moon's energy to…..

Our fiery sibling is ready to take on the new year and the universe can see it! Here's how it's going to help. From the 10th-12th Mercury conjunct Jupiter will bring great news that will inspire you to push forward with these goals. Have you considered social media to help blossom your dream ventures? This is the time to do it! So start the IG, TikTok, and/or blog that's going to put you out there. Then on the 13th the Capricorn New Moon will bring clarity to what is really holding you back from starting. Yeah that's a hard pill to swallow but……

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Oye Capricorn this month is filled with lots of Venus love energy and it being your season you deserve it boo! Venus trine Mars on 7th-12th invokes lots of flirty energy, socializing more, and creating a soft balance for your sexual energy. The trine switches to Uranus on the 12th-15th this trine will add more positive changes to your love life. Sooo maybe you can meet someone during…..

December 22January 19

AQUARIUS January 20February 18

PISCES February 19March 20

The New Year might create different emotions about your future and what you want for yourself but you’ll slowly get back on track. On the 13th Mars squares Saturn which is the first cycle of defeat over where you are in life. Don't force anything just because everyone has 2021 goals, it's best to take it easy. Then Jupiter squares Uranus (10th-16th) comes in to overcome these negative thoughts. Jupiter is the planet of luck and opportunities, so sudden changes can come your way. However…..

Pieces, Pluto really loves you this month bringing in mucho dinero and maybe love?! Let me just spill all the tea for you. First on the 3rd-6th you have Mercury conjunct Pluto conjuring truly deep thinking which can reveal truth and possibly have a revelation. Next, from the 12th-16th Sun conjunct Pluto this is the energy for determination that will brew within. Continue to dig deep, there's something there or someone that isn't aligned with who you are. This is the right time to let go of them and release old habits. After these two Pluto meetings you…...

Want more? Read the full horoscopes on Sisther Pravia's website or schedule a one on one reading! labrujadel305.com @thetarotqueen just begin magazine | 37




WELLNESS WORKPLACE just begin magazine | 29

WAYS TO STAY HAPPY IN THE WORKPLACE Keeping yourself happy at work can be the key to not only sustain your productivity and the quality of the work you produce, but it can also help keep you motivated and improve your mental health and well-being. Maintaining a positive and happy attitude throughout the working day can also make the time feel like it is passing more quickly and helps you to better appreciate the company of your work colleagues.Let’s take a look at some ways in which you can help keep yourself happy in the workplace and why they work to improve your mood and boost a positive attitude in others too!

LEND A HELPING HAND Helping someone else that needs a hand every now and then can be a great move. We all know one or two of our work colleagues that struggle on occasion with a regular task or a short deadline. Helping them out can build a level of trust and appreciation between you that can really nurture and sustain a positive working relationship. Even if you cannot physically help them with a task or issue, you can be kind and bring them some food or a refreshing cup of tea to help revive their spirits. A little thing such as this can really help both you and your co-worker to feel happier. just begin magazine | 38

STOP THE OFFICE GOSSIP Every office has its fair share of gossip circulating. But just because you may hear it doesn’t mean that you have to spread it around. The thing about gossip is that you are never 100% sure if it is true or not. Rather than worry that you are spreading false rumors or saying something not nice about a person that may be totally unfounded, try to refrain from spreading what you hearwhispered at the water cooler or in the staff room. This will make you feel much better about yourself and will show others that you can be someone that can be trusted to keep secrets and can go to for advice.

PRACTICE MINDFULNESS AT WORK Mindfulness is all about living in the now and appreciating your surroundings and what is happening at this moment in time. When you have a coffee break, take five minutes to close your eyes and practice some deep breathing. Focus on clearing your mind of your todo list and listen out for bird song coming from outside, or simply focus on your cup of coffee. Appreciate every sip and enjoy the aroma as you breathe it in. Clearing your head and calming your mind like this even for five short minutes can help you bounce back to work feeling happy and ready to tackle your tasks with a positive mind.

GIVE COMPLIMENTS WHERE THEY ARE DUE t is a common fact that workers don’t get much recognition for their work while everything is going well. Bosses and management will often pick up on the negatives and make a effort to point them out in the hope that they will not be repeated, but how often do workers get praised for doing things well in the hope of it continuing? Not often. So why not help improve the mood of the workplace by giving your workmates a nice confidence boost when they deserve it! If you treat others well and give praise and complements when it is deserved, they are more likely to do the same for you in return. Complements don’t have to be grand gestures. It can be as simple as saying that you liked their idea or suggestion they made during a meeting. It can be easy to stay happy at work with a few simple positive tips and tricks. Even smiling at everyone you meet and saying hello can be very infectious and can put a smile on their face too!

CLEAR YOUR MIND OF CAN'T. just begin magazine | 39


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Employees want their coworkers and managers to be held accountable if they don’t meet job or project expectations. When there’s no accountability system in place, it doesn’t take much to derail a project or even an entire organization. It matters, and if you haven’t pushed for accountability in the workplace, you should. This article explains why and how.

“MISTAKES HAPPEN?” A passive comment that reflect perfectly the lack of accountability on your team. It's very important to understand that when there’s no accountability, no one learns from those ‘mistakes.’

PRACTICE GIVING FEEDBACK Giving feedback is one of the most important things you do as a manager. Tell people when they’re doing a good job and respectfully point them in the right direction when they aren’t. Otherwise, you’re ignoring them, which is demotivating.

LOSE THE FEAR OF CONFRONTATION No one likes to give negative feedback, but it’s an important part of bringing out the best in your employees.

MAKE YOUR EXPECTATIONS CLEAR Be clear about the behavior or actions that you expect from your team member or employee and ask them what they may need from you to make it happen. you must make your expectations clear, so the employee can’t say later that they didn’t understand or “didn’t know.” Avoid broad generalizations like “become a better team player.” Goals like “have all images ready for client approval by the middle of the month” are both measurable and specific. There will be no uncertainty regarding whether or not the employee performed as requested.

DON’T PUT OFF DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS Deal with the problem as quickly as possible. Until you do, nothing will change. You also don’t want to have this conversation when you’re too frustrated to proceed calmly or if the employee’s performance has degraded to the point that your own accountability is called into question.When you have the conversation, focus on the problem, not the person.

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FOLLOW UP AFTERWARD You should always follow up and review results with employees after speaking to them. Too many goals are discussed, documented, and put in a file, never to be mentioned again or at least until it’s annual review time.After the conversation, confirm in writing what was discussed and what resolutions were agreed-upon. Not necessarily for HR purposes (although you do want a written record if termination eventually results) but to provide both you and the other person with a record of the discussion and your expectations for future performance. You want to follow up to see if they have improved, but do so at intervals that don’t make them feel like they are being micromanaged. In the beginning, weekly one-on-one meetings work best to keep the person on track. If they are doing things right, praise them for their good work and encourage them to continue. If not, see if there are reasonable adjustments that can be made to help them achieve their goals. Once you see improvement, you can increase the interval between meetings and eventually stop holding them altogether.

ASSIGN RESPONSIBILITIES DURING TEAM MEETINGS One of the best ways to foster a culture of accountability is to ensure that you are assigning everyone’s action items during team meetings instead of one-on-one or via direct email. Using an open forum is ideal for holding every member accountable for their actions. Holding others accountable can be uncomfortable, but when we put it off, matters will only get worse. Issues involving a lack of accountability in the workplace rarely resolve themselves or go away on their own. Instead, they evolve into bigger problems and eventually you will have no choice but to deal with it. By holding your employees accountable, you are making it possible for them to excel at their job. They will learn to quickly admit their failures and mistakes and learn from the experience after they have corrected the situation. They will honor commitments even if they really don’t want to, and never try passing the buck or blaming someone else. They will also find a way to get the job done no matter what setbacks or obstacles they encounter. The result will be an overall culture of accountability in the workplace and the sense of enthusiasm, accomplishment, and team spirit that it inspires.

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NASHVILLE TRAVEL GUIDE Looking for cool & unique things to do in Nashville Tennessee? Here you have my Nashville Travel Guide with the best travel tips to enjoy the country music capital of the world. If you are thinking of making a short trip to Tennessee’s music city, in this article you have the must see places and things to do in Nashville. There are just so many things to see and do in Nashville! Nashville, or better known as Music City, is a fantastic destination not just for music lovers. Its all-inclusive culture and lovely weather is a magnet for visitors from all over the place, and there are so many exciting things to do here besides soaking in the steep music history. Besides did you know that Nashville is one of the best foodie destinations in the US? Whether you are here on a road trip or weekend jaunt, there is so much to explore in one of the coolest places to visit in the US. Let’s dive in to check out the 10 most amazing things you can do in Nashville Tennessee! just begin magazine | 43

GO TO THE HONKY TONK HIGHWAY Music is the heart and soul of this city, and nowhere is it more apparent than in Honky Tonk Highway, which consists of Upper and Lower Broadway. Take your pick from dozens of excellent establishments offering free live music combined with reasonably priced beers and delicious bar food. A personal favorite is Honky Tonk Central, where entertainment is spread across 3 floors, and it’s one of the best things to do on Broadway in Nashville!




Ever heard of the Parthenon? Yes, the one standing right on

While it is likely that you will spend most of

top of the Acropolis in Athens. Since we can't just jump on a

your time in Downtown Nashville, you should

plane to Greece during these tough times, luckily for you,

consider taking an hour or two to explore

there a replica right in the heart of the city. Commonly

outside of it. What better way than to cross the

referred to as the 'Athens of the South'. This is one of the best

street into a local neighborhood? Check SoBro,

things to do in Nashville! Expect to spend about an hour to

12th Ave South and Belmont Hillsboro, all

explore the art pieces on display.

situated just beside Downtown, and these spots is where you can take a peek into the local’s lifestyles. There are lots of interesting murals in this part of the city, perfect for street art lovers, and you can do well to visit an openair farmers’ market to support the locals too. Some of the coolest free things in Nashville! You can check out the 'Nashvillie Looks Good

TAKE A WALK OVER THE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE For a bird’s eye view of Nashville, take a stroll over the pedestrian bridge. Obviously there are plenty of photo ops on the bridge with the intricate structure of the bridge, plenty of natural light, and the city makes a stunning background!

On You' mural and then check out Draper James (which is the cutest shop in Nashville! and has a super cute wall to get some great photo opportunities.) just begin magazine | 44

EXPLORE L&L MARKETPLACE If you are looking for a fun & unique shopping experience, then you got to check out L&L Marketplace! There's so many cute botiques, restaurants, and coffee shops. My favorites places was Amelia's Flowers, if you love fresh cut flowers then you'll love this place! it's so cute and vintage and you can build your own bouquet or you can choose from their selection. Five Daughters Bakery, a family owned business with great baked goods! My favorite was the chocolate sprinkles donut but they also have many great selections and the donut shop is just too cute! Lastly, Honest Coffee Roasters, the coffee here is simply poetic and perfect. The mocha from here was absolutely delicious. they believe that coffee brings people from far and wide to experience something that, when done well, will cause anyone to pause and appreciate life a little more (which I agree with 100%!).

TAKE A WALK IN CENTENNIAL PARK After taking a break from the Nashville heat inside the Parthenon, you can take a walk around Centennial Park. It’s located across from the West end of Vanderbilt University.

EXPLORE THE GULCH This was one of my favorite neighborhood in Nashville. There are so many cute little boutiques here and great places to eat or grab a drink. Don’t forget to look for the murals in the area! They make the best photo ops and are scattered throughout the Gulch like the famous 'Nashville What Lifts You' wings mural!

BRUNCH AT BISCUIT LOVE When you approach Biscuit Love, you’ll likely find a long line wrapped around the side of the building. Is it worth the wait? Sure, the food is great and the atmosphere is cute, but you won’t find a Nashville local waiting in line for it.It’s definitely a solid brunch spot and if there isn’t a line, I highly recommend checking it out! My recommendation at Biscuit Love? Try the Southern Benny! I promise you won't regret it. just begin magazine | 45


Exploration is curiosity put into action. just begin magazine | 46


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HOW TO EAT MORE SUSTAINABLY FOR YOU & THE PLANET Making lifestyle changes that reduce our impact on the planet is empowering. While our personal choices won’t directly reverse environmental damage or stop climate change; making more conscientious decisions about the food we eat and products we buy can help us live a more compassionate lifestyle. This is how our choices can help us eat more sustainably.

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EAT PLANT-BASED Switching to a plant-based diet is the single biggest way we can reduce our impact on the planet. It lowers our carbon footprint, and it also happens to be more affordable and healthier for us. Start by a having a meat-free day each week or switching dairy milk for plant-milk. choose the plant-based option when eating at a restaurant, or give Veganuary a try. Investing in a couple of plant-based cookbooks will make the changes to your diet a lot easier and more enjoyable. Eating sustainably ultimately means reducing and eliminating animal products from our diet.

SHOP LOCAL If you’re able to, shop at your local market. You’re more likely to find local and season produce available to buy, packaging-free. If you don’t have access to a market, read the labels at your local supermarket and try to opt for locally grown produce. This will reduce the environmental impact that transporting your food has. Shopping at markets, where you can see colourful stalls packed with fresh produce, helps make you feel more connected to the food you eat, where it was grown and how it made its way to your plate.

REDUCE PACKAGING Packaging is a huge cause of waste and can be mostly avoided by the choices we make. Take your own produce bags when buying fruit and veggies, and for carrying your shopping home in. Look for packagingfree produce and shop from bulk bins and stores if you’re able to. Choose glass over plastic, and reuse any jars you collect as much as you can. Bake cookies and snacks at home instead of purchasing them premade. Opting to cook your meals and bake your snacks from scratch instead of buying pre-packaged foods will greatly reduce your packaging waste

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11 WAYS TO REDUCE HOUSEHOLD WASTE BY SAMANTHA DIAZ Becoming more conscious of what you consume and send to the landfill isn’t all that difficult. It takes knowing how to reduce waste at home and in many different areas of your life, which is why I’ve cultivated a list of 11 ways to reduce household waste. By focusing on reducing your waste, you can live more sustainably and take pride in the efforts you are making. It doesn’t matter how big or small your efforts are, as long as you’re doing your best. One thing I want you to be conscious of while you read through this list is that you don’t have to do everything on this list have an impact and make a difference. In fact, it is hard for me to do all of these things all of the time. The most important thing is that you’re consistent with doing your best! Consistency is the long-term key to successful changes.

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1. Cut old sheets and towels into cleaning rags 2. Donate old sheets and towels to animal or homeless shelters 3. Turn old pillowcases into reusable produce bags 4. Compost newspaper 5. Reuse glass bottles for DIY gifts 6. Regift things you aren’t going to use 7. Stop using aerosol air fresheners and toxic candles, instead use an essential oil diffuser 8. Go digital with magazine subscriptions 9. Recycle old electronics responsibly 10. Have a cable or phone charger wire coming apart? Find a friend who can fix it. 11. Use cork or a natural product as coasters so that you can compost it in the end

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Meet Kristy Sands, the Vice President of Communications at Gallagher Bassett. The wife and mother of two has been with GB for over 20 years. Sands started as an adjuster and has had the opportunity to hold a variety of positions within GB. The Pennsylvania native moved to Florida at the age of six. “ I spent all my life in South Florida. I've moved all over. I've lived in Miami & Miami Beach. Later, I went to school back in Pittsburgh, met my husband, and dragged him to Florida. This is when I got into the insurance industry.” Sands recalls graduating and looking for a job. “We were entering the recession of the early nineties and I was convinced that I was going to be the next, like Barbara Walters. I was graduating and I still didn’t have a job. So my father said, ‘Look, I've been an insurance all my life. I think it's the best business to be in. Just go to the interview.’ So I did.” During her conversation with her father, she remembers him talking about her mentor, Vilma Palma-Blackmon. “One of the things that my father said to me is, ‘Look at Vilma.’ He was talking about my mentor, who has been featured as a business insurance woman to watch and a leader among women. He said, ‘Look how far she has come.” um you know, it's a good place for women to be and I said, “Sure dad, sure dad, I'll go to the interview.’ And, well here we are many many years later and I am still here in the industry.” Sands began as a liability adjuster before moving back to South Florida and joining GB. Over her 20 years of experience, she has been a trusted advisor in matters of risk, claims, and data analysis.

She is an expert on matters involving public sector and religious insurance claims. She has served the company as a Branch Manager and Senior Claims Specialist in the claims operation. So how did she end up in the Marketing and Communications Department of GB? “I was speaking one year and our chief marketing officer was also speaking. He saw me speak and he said, ‘You know, it was a really great session. We really need to get you out more often.’ And I said ‘I would love to do that. I would like it to be my full time job.’” A couple of years later, Sands says an opportunity arose and she threw her hat in the ring and that is how she ended up in marketing. Sands says she loves her job. “The most fulfilling part of what I do is connecting with the people. I spend a great deal of time talking to our people and determining the best way to get the message out about the great things they are doing at GB and connecting folks to others that can help move initiatives forward. A big part of my position is promoting recognition and appreciation of the expertise of our people.” She continues to work towards her future. “I am encouraged by the increased appreciation for communication, recognition, and understanding, particularly around the diversity of thought in the insurance industry. As a member of Gallagher Bassett's E, I & D group, and chair of Dive In Miami, I want to attract and retain new talent to the insurance industry. The opportunities in this field are limitless, regardless of your passions and skills. I look forward to a day when anyone feels accepted in working in insurance and valued for who they are and what they are capable of.” just begin magazine | 51

A TRUE WELLROUNDED LEADER By Anailis Diaz Meet Michele Kirkland. A daughter, leader, hard worker, and a dedicated professional. The Unit Manager at North America Risk Services out of Altamonte Springs, FL has been within the Workers’ Compensation industry from the early start of her career. Kirkland was born and raised in Winter Haven, Florida. “I was raised by two hard working parents and grandparents. I am very close with my family and friends. I learned from them. I really saw their struggles and when you get ahead in life to where we are now, it's like you want to pay back. I am career driven and have set goals for myself to pay it forward to my parents and Grandmother. I like to always dream bigger.” Starting a career within the Workers’ Compensation Industry is rare for some. Kirkland recalls how she was able to establish herself within the industry. “This is actually funny. I only needed to attend a couple of classes my Senior year in high school. I elected CBE - Corporative Business Education. This class required that you have an office job for the remaining part of your day. I had applied at Commercial Carrier Corporation back in 1987. I was called to the principal’s office, of all things, over the intercom. He wanted to tell me that I had gotten the job and congratulate me. I started in the Liability area and advanced into Workers' Compensation. May 2021 will be 34 years that I have been in the industry.” Kirkland is currently overseeing multiple adjusters at NARS who are assigned to numerous jurisdictions to include, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, NS, SC, KY, KS, IL, IN, NH, NY, CA, PA, OK, TN, TX, NJ, NV, MI, MS, MN and several other states. Her and her team work together with many clients with businesses ranging from Trucking, Insolvency, Captives, PEO's and Construction.

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Kirkland has worked hard to establish herself within the industry but harder to be a great leader and mentor. In her role, Kirkland believes that care should and will always come first. “It is remembering that every day we encounter people who have suffered injuries, these can be minor to catastrophic in nature. It's keeping all aspects of the claim moving forward, helping expedite what is needed.” While being a leader, Kirkland says her job is fulfilling in many ways. “I love helping people recover from their injuries, working with so many amazing professionals within the company, client's and their organizations all, any and every one from medical to legal is an amazing part of what I do. I also like helping my team grow their knowledge. When you hear someone say something you shared in passing to help on a claim or something they are doing, it simply makes me smile.” Many say Michele’s leadership style is unique and wonderful. When asked about her leadership, she says, “I try to bring a little something different to the table when it comes to my leadership style, especially now with COVID and everyone working from home. I share the highs and the lows with the team. I am not afraid to jump in and help make certain we meet or beat deadlines. I tell them I want them to shine. I am always glad to help with questions, but at the end of the day, it's really not about me, it's about each of them. The work day can be hard enough, so it's remembering to lead, help, and share a laugh or a positive word or affirmation.” The Unit Manager was nominated and selected as the 2020 Women Leading the Way in Workers’ Compensation Award. This Award recognizes women in leadership roles, such as Michele, central to the advancement of others. During her free time, Michele says, “I like to paint my paint abstract. But I love flowers and gardening. Oh, and wine tastings too!”





DOCTOR TO just begin magazine | 58


@ocsfdocs | ocsfdocs.com } 954.473.6344


Tell us something interesting about yourself most people don’t know.” Let our readers get to know you on a personal level. I have been skydiving. Let's say once is enough and my favorite part was when the parachute deployed and my second favorite was when my feet touched ground :) The view after the parachute deployed was pretty awesome though, to feel like you are just floating above the earth and taking it all in for a bit was an awesome feeling.

What is your “why?” What inspires you everyday to do more/better? I relish the challenge of figuring out what is the particular diagnosis of a patient and figuring out how the pathoanatomy fits with what they are telling me is bothering them and working with them to formulate a treatment plan to best help them improve. I am not a one-size fits all kind of guy when it comes to treatment. There won't be a "hi and bye and do this approach" with me.

Take us back to when you first began in medicine what was it like for you? I am assuming you mean when I first started in practice. I was a new surgeon to a region in Western Massachusetts and the community had previously unfilled needs from a sports medicine and shoulder orthopaedic surgery standpoint. I was very excited because from early on I was able to have a significant impact and improve the lives of members of the community while using the skills I had trained and studied for years to develop.

How do you find balance with your work life and your home life? I do my best. No bones about it (I had to) , I am able to do what I do professionally because my wife has a complete handle on making sure our kids and home and me , haha, are organized and I can focus on my tasks at work with that confidence.

Like many physicians and surgeons in particular work-life balance can be a challenge and we can't predict or plan for every unseen work emergency in terms of scheduling. I am also the child of a physician and know firsthand the ins-and-outs of that. Interestingly these days I often speak with my mother who is a pediatrician of over 50 yrs experience about some of these challenges. My wife and kids understand the nature of my work and are extremely understanding and supportive when work interrupts home life even if in the moment it may be disappointing. I try to plan in advance to not have obligations for birthdays and big events as much as I can. It is an ongoing balancing act, I am learning to be more protective of family time especially as I see our children growing and wanting to make sure I am a constant presence in their life.

What is the most challenging part about your job? Honestly, non-clinical barriers to care whether it be patient financial challenges especially in the times of a pandemic or administrative delays in care.

What is your philosophy in treating a WC patient? As with all my patients, do what I feel is best for the individual according to their injury and the demands placed on their body while being aware of the particular non-clinical factors that can affect patient care.

What’s your biggest professional accomplishment to date? I take pleasure in small daily victories.My most recent example is from a workers' comp patient (shoulder injury)yesterday who had complete pain relief and excellent function and is ready to go back to work full duty. She walked back to the clinical area after check-out to tell me just how grateful she was for me helping her because she was so debilitated prior to seeing me and embarking on this treatment journey. That is worth more than any award or accolade. I also take pride in being a referral source for my colleagues for challenging cases within my subspecialty focus in particular.

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TO KNOW SERVICE just begin magazine | 58

MEET RON ANDREWS By Anailis Diaz Ron Andrews has been in Workers’ Compensation for more than 20 years. Andrews, originally from Griffin, Georgia has been in Miami, FL for over 25 years. Griffin, Georgia is a small town just south of Atlanta with only 60,000 people. Many do not know but Ron was on a travel nursing assignment before falling in love with Miami, FL. Ron recalls being a small town boy coming to a big city. “I like to say I was born in a cabbage patch. I didn't stay in one. It is very different from where I grew up.” Before coming to Miami to do clinical nursing, Ron spent 6 months in Long Island, New York. “I spent 6 months freezing. I said to my coordinator, ‘I want to go as far south as I can possibly get.’ He's like, ‘Well, I don't know if I can do that, but I can get you to Fort Lauderdale.’ Long story short, I ended up in Miami, FL.” He recalls being hesitant to come to Miami during the contracted time. “Miami wasn’t great in the 90s, I recall hearing about a lot of crime. I made a deal and they accepted the offer and I moved. Every three months, when my contract was over, they would offer me another a bonus to stay for 90 days. I lived here two years.” A year into his travel assignment, Ron met his partner. The couple has been together for over 23 years. After accepting the travel nursing job several times, Andrews was hired full time as a charge nurse at the local Miami Hospital. Many wonder, how did he get into the Workers’ Compensation side of things? “So, I tore my rotator cuff and I actually had to have surgery so I was placed on light duty. They put me to work light duty where I worked within the Workers’ Compensation office. So I did that for a few months under light duty, and I thought to myself, ‘I’ve been killing myself in the ER. What? I am crazy.’ I was working Monday through Friday, 9 to 5. No weekends and no holidays.

Eventually the manager, whom many know, Elena Rojas, asked me to work full time for her at the Workers’ Compensation Urgent Care at Cedars Hospital. So I took the job.” A few years later, Ron was hired by CorVel and went into the field case management industry. After his time there, he went to work at Seltzer & Associates for 15 years before opening his own company. Two years ago, Ron went on his own and opened up his company called, Alpha Med Management. “I have now been on my own for two years, and it I've done well. I can't complain.” Ron takes the work he does seriously and always strives to provide the best service for his patients and his client. “Everything I do in a case comes down to, ‘is this what I would do for myself or for my family?.” Ron will continue to expand his business and provide the case management services. Andrews was chosen as the 2020 Beverly Boesch Award Winner. The winner of this award is for a Nurse Case Manager who goes above and beyond while consistently maintaining the highest standard of excellence in their roles.

For more information on Ron Andrews & Alpha Med Management, Contact Ron Andrews at Ron@AlphaMedNow.com

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DARE TO BEGIN just begin magazine | 57

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