Overview About just festival How just festival fits into the Edinburgh Festival What makes just festival unique
3 4 4
just Conversations and Civic Cafes Performance, Films, Talks and Workshops Ticket Sales and Audience Satisfaction Volunteers Programme
5 9 10 11
Annual Accounts Statement of Financial Activities Balance Sheet
13 14
Thank You !
Our Sponsors
Japanese Tea Ceremony!
Overview !!
About just festival just festival is a curated programme of around 300 events, across 25 venues taking place each year in August. We aim to celebrate diversity of cultures, faiths, gender-identities, sexualities, philosophies and ideas, challenge inequality and injustice and create a space for communities to engage with each other in productive dialogue. In our thirteenth year, just festival featured top-quality speakers, conversations, performances, film, food, exhibitions, family activities, workshops, art and much more. Past contributors include Arun Gandhi, Margaret Atwood, Mustafa Cerić – the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Harriet Lamb – Executive Director of Fairtrade Foundation, and Simon Callow. just festival is based at St John’s Church, a prime location at the west end of Princes Street, Edinburgh’s principal street. It has an established reputation a fringe venue that delivers high quality events from all genres. Due to its professional and dedicated staff just festival has a community atmosphere and great relations with speakers both in Edinburgh and across the world. !
Sacred Earth – Ragamala 3!
just festival aims just Festival recognizes the need for individuals from minority ethnic, refugee and faith communities to participate and be fairly represented in mainstream civic structures and activities. There is also a need and desire for communities of different cultures and faiths in Edinburgh to work more formally in collaboration, with stronger inter-community contact, friendships and working relationships giving forum for prevention and resolution of racist and religiously motivated crime and social discord. Children, youth (15 - 18) and young adults (18 – 25) across central Scotland (including those from ethnic minority, asylum seeker and
Death Cafe
faith communities) need increased skills in engaging with global, local, and personal issues relating to equality.
just festival objectives 1) Improved bilateral engagement with public services and faith and civic communities in accordance with the prevention agenda 2) Creation of forums for prevention and resolution of racist and religiously motivated crime and social discord 3) Sustainable engagement of youth with global, local and personal issues relating to equality 4) Increased equality of opportunity and good relationships of sharing bestpractice on implementation and delivery of equality services 5) Increased knowledge, awareness and understanding between faith !
4! When I Grow Up
communities and the general public
Achievements just Conversations and Civic Cafes 21 just Conversations and Civic Cafes made up the backbone of just Festival 2013. We brought together a panel of three to five experts, community leaders, business leaders, academics, professionals, activist, and Members of Parliament to engage with the general public in dialogue, offering an unflinching look at important topical issues and methods of positive change. just Conversations developed an inclusive, safe platform for the exchange of experiences, knowledge opinions and beliefs. Founded on discussion, the audiences were actively encouraged to be part of just Conversations. For blog posts on many of the conversations visit justfestivalnews.blogspot.co.uk
Audience reviews “With authorities on the procedure of the Scottish legal system and its attendant law enforcement agencies alongside Alford's wider perspective upon the issue from around the UK, the discussion was highly informative and engaging” - Does Slavery Exist in Scotland Today? Audience member “[just Conversations are] an excellent chance to engage with hot topics, with a whole host of professionals who are authorities on the subject put at your !
disposal for 90 minutes. There is also ample opportunity to ask questions” - Laura Hutton, Broadway Baby Reviewer
A World Without Religion Partner - Humanist Society Scotland
Audience Evaluation of just Conversations 2013
Of the 347 individuals who attended the 15 Conversation Events evaluated, 39%
Audience Rating 26%
Very Good Good
Young World-Changers Partners - Mary’s Meals, Fast Forward , Eczema Outreach Scotland, TRUE Colours, Stonelaw High Fair Traders
Satisfactory or lower
85% of the audience evaluated indicated they would recommend just Festival
Audience Residency Edinburgh
Other Scotland Other UK and Overseaa
Muslim-Christian Encounters 6! Partner - The Alwaleed Centre
6% 28%
16 and under 17%
17 - 24 25 - 34
14% 27%
35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 and over
YES/NO to Immigrants Partners - Mig rants’ Rights Scotland, Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations Scotland
56% of the audience evaluated indicated they identified with a faith community.
Written audience feedback commonly revealed that just Conversations: are eye-opening - I had not thought about art in this way before promote understanding - It helped me to be more focused and clearer on the range and interconnectedness of issues cover vital issues - Felt it is essential to raise awareness of this subject showcase local organisations – Great to see people on stage who don't normally do that! provide insights - Really interesting to hear the reasons behind the DA [domestic abuse] and what future issues might be !
are innovative - I'd never before heard the topic discussed
Does Slavery Exist in Scotland? Partners - Hope for Justice, ELREC
Performances, Films, Talks and Workshops
just Festival 2013 brought together a phenomenal programme of performances, films, talks and workshops showcasing talent and knowledge on a local, national and global scale. From exploring the sounds of Soweto with Soweto Melodic Voices and Africa Entsha to the living art of the Japanese Tea Ceremony to reliving the torture of General Pinochet’s regime in Chile, we provided not only entertainment but also thought-provoking experiences. These events celebrated the richness of global culture, confronted unacceptable behaviour and challenged the audiences to reflect on their views, beliefs and actions.
Africa Entsha
Audience reviews “The dancers performed their flawless footwork to simple drumbeats that managed to fill the space, the setting of the performance in a Church added echoes and a majestic feel to the entire show. [...] With perfect balance and timing, this performance was profound and unique.” - Sacred Earth, Helena Wadia, Three Weeks Reviewer “Amazing and uplifting performance. They sang and danced with such energy and pleasure that the whole audience left with a smile on their faces.” - Africa Entsha, Catherine Hareabout, Audience Member “It’s perhaps the most generous thing an artwork can do for you, making you realise that there’s something you need to find out. Plays like this are essential to our political and ethical consciousness. This one is also a beautiful work of art.”
- Tejas Verdes, James Macnamara, Broadway Baby Reviewer 8! Creepie Stool
Audience Evaluation of Performances, Films, Talks, and Workshops Of the 1135 individuals who attended the 37 Events evaluated, 27% returned evaluation forms
Audience(Ra,ng( 24%
Very Good Good Satisfactory 74%
Poor or Lower
Audience(Age( 16 and under
Tejas Verdes
17 - 24
25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 and over !
28% 16%
Duo Hyperborea
Ticket Sales and Audience Satisfaction
2013 was a record year for just Festival. As the chart below shows ticket sales increased by 40% in the last year.
2012(and(2013(Ticket(Sales( !£80,000.00!! !£70,000.00!! !£60,000.00!! !£50,000.00!! !£40,000.00!! !£30,000.00!! !£20,000.00!!
!£10,000.00!! !£+!!!! 2012!
93% of those evaluated commented that they would recommend just Festival 70% of those evaluated rate just Festival as ‘very good’ with a further 27% indicating ‘good’
“curating a series of events and performances which both celebrate and highlight the importance of the world’s cultural and ethical diversity, the Just Festival could perhaps be described as the festival season’s compassionate heart.” !
- Edinburgh Spotlight 10!
Volunteers Programme 35 people from across the world volunteered to help run just Festival 2014. Daily tasks included selling tickets at the Box Office, welcoming audiences at the Front of House and quick changes with the Stage Managers.
We partnered with the
International Voluntary Service to recruit, accommodate and support international volunteers. We worked, ate and socialised together to create a diverse, happy community.
Volunteer Feedback “I would have considered myself to be quite shy when I started as a festival volunteer, I have definitely develop social skills and communications skills through mixing with all of the other festival volunteers.” “I have learned lots since becoming a festival volunteer, I was initially a stage assistance with limitations on what I could do, however with support I have learned to work the sound system, lightings and run shows by myself.” “Not only am I volunteering but I am learning about other cultures through the social events and through speaking with other volunteers.” “I am always being asked for my opinion on how the shows are running and what can be improved.” “There’s always lots of food available and various events that we are able to attend !
without any expense.
Volunteering here costs me absolutely nothing, food is
provided and I get to see the spectacular shows free of charge, it’s great!”
Investing in Volunteers Award
To ensure that volunteers gain as much as possible from their time with just Festival we renewed our Investing in Volunteers status.
Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality
standard for good practice in volunteer management. The Investing in Volunteers Standard comprises nine indicators which are designed to cover all the aspects of volunteer management. 1) There is an expressed commitment to the involvement of volunteers, and recognition throughout the organisation that volunteering is a two-way process which benefits volunteers and the organisation. 2) The organisation commits appropriate resources to working with all volunteers, such as money, management, staff time and materials. 3) The organisation is open to involving volunteers who reflect the diversity of the local community and actively seeks to do this in accordance with its stated aims. 4) The organisation develops appropriate roles for volunteers in line with its aims and objectives, which are of value to the volunteers. 5) The organisation is committed to ensuring that, as far as possible, volunteers are protected from physical, financial and emotional harm arising from volunteering. 6) The organisation is committed to using fair, efficient and consistent recruitment procedures for all potential volunteers. 7) Clear procedures are put into action for introducing new volunteers to their role, the organisation, its work, policies, practices and relevant personnel. 8) The organisation takes account of the varying support and supervision needs of volunteers. 9) The whole organisation is aware of the need to give volunteers recognition. !
just Festival passed with flying colours and retain the status for the next three years.
Annual Accounts Statement of Financial Activities Incorporating the Income and Expenditure Account for the year to 30th September 2013 2013 ÂŁ Total Incoming Resources Incoming Resources from generated funds Voluntary Income - Gifts & Donations
Incoming resources from charitable activities Events
166,934 300 167,234
151,581 300 151,881
(Deficit)/Surplus for the year
Surplus brought forward Surplus carried forward
12,708 7,435
Total Incoming resource Resources Expended Charitable activities Governance Costs
2012 ÂŁ Total
Flamenco Flash Mob
Balance Sheet As at 30th September 2013 2013 ÂŁ
2012 ÂŁ
5,970 53,289
19,108 21,372
Current Liabilities
Net current assets
Net Assets
Reserves Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds
1,489 11,219
Total Funds
Current Assets Debtors Bank
Thank You to our Sponsors !!
The! Scottish! Episcopal! Church!
The!Church! of!Scotland! 15
info@justjust.co.uk !!! !
All information subject to change Photo credit page 3 Ed Bock A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No: 399201 Scottish Registered Charity SC042638